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93.07% Story Ideas and Beginnings / Chapter 215: Symbiont in Rwby (2'582 Words)

Chapter 215: Symbiont in Rwby (2'582 Words)

„WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEhhhHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!"A dark grey blob with silver lines screams as it rapidly descends from the stratospheres while riding on a piece of rock.


'Well, being a symbiont is pretty cool and the world of Remnant from the RWBY franchise is also plenty interesting.' A mouth full of sharp teeth appears on the grey goo and stretches into a terrifying grin.

'Also, aura is based on the soul, so I theoretically should be able to gain access to it too.' Getting a bit sidetracked in its thoughts, the goo got flustered when the ground was suddenly right in front of it.

Within the split second it had left before impact, the goo retracts into the piece of rock and its slimy body seems to solidify into a metal like material.

"READY FOR IMPACT!!" It shouts right before a loud explosion shakes the field the little meteor crashed into.

Waiting for a few minutes for the thrown-up dust to settle the currently solid grey goo once again returns to its slimy state.

"Whew, that was exhilarating. I doubt there are any rollercoaster rides that can quite keep up with a straight descend from the sky all the way into the ground." The goo mutters as it crawls out of the rock into the crater.

'Anyway, I need to find a host to bond with, I'm a symbiont after all.' Rearing part of its gooey body into the air once outside of the crater it morphs into a face with big silver teardrop shaped eyes and a maw with many sharp teeth accompanied by a long red tongue.

'So~, where to go?' Looking around for a moment, the goo notices a few tiled roofs in the distance that are barely visible over the forest between the houses and the goo.

'Mmhh~, a city? A village? No matter hahahaha here I come.' With those thoughts the face returns to the same silver and dark grey mass out of which it had formed and starts to rapidly crawl in the direction of the roofs.

Once half-way through the forest the goo comes across a brown rabbit chewing on some greenery near a bush.

Instantly the goo presses itself flat to the ground and becomes completely still.

'Oh look at that, isn't the world nice to me it even gives me a way to travel faster.' Stretching its terrifying maw that once again appeared into a grin, the goo starts to stretch itself into a long tentacle as it silently slithers towards the eating rabbit.

Once close enough the next thing happened extremely fast as the goo charges forth and ensnares the unsuspecting rabbit.

It jumps in frights and kicks out with its legs but could do nothing to stop the grey goo from steadily sinking into its body through its fur.

Mere second after the goo attacked, it disappeared into the rabbit completely and the brown animal becomes unnaturally still.

Its large brown eyes become silver for a moment before returning to normal.

'This was easier than expected, but it is just a rabbit after all, so no big surprise there.' Scratching itself behind one of its large ears the rabbit sniffs the air and cleans its front paws.

'With this body I should arrive at the settlements a lot quicker than before.' Turning towards the direction where it had seen the roofs, the goo now possessing the rabbit starts skipping through the underbrush.

At first the movements seem awkward, and it stumbled a couple of times but after a few tries it sprinted with great speed through the forest.

Half an hour later the rabbit exits the forest and lays eyes upon the city in front of it.

'Looks pretty nice at first glance, if you ignore the dirty figures lurking in the alleys that is.' Hopping over the walkway and dodging the occasional pedestrians that squeal or shout in surprise the rabbit moves unhindered through the city.

'So~, where could I get myself a nice host to take over? I could go with some street kid, but I don't want to share…' Looking up the rabbit sees a hospital in the distance.

'Maybe if I grab a comatose host? But if I go with that then why aim for someone already in a coma? I could just do that myself…' Sniffing the air absent minded, the rabbit takes up a smell that caused it to shiver from hunger.

Turning to look down an alleyway, not too far away, where the smell came from, the goo possessed rabbit hesitates for a moment.

'Should I go check it out? Hmm, well, the hospital is in plain sight and probably wont run away so it shouldn't be a problem if I go check whatever smells like this out first, right?' Coming to a decision, the rabbit makes its way down the alleyway and disappears into the shadows.

Following the smell for a couple of minutes while turning left and right in the labyrinth which are the back alleys, it finally arrived at the source of the smell which had become stronger the closer it got.

'Well look at that…' A sharp toothed grin splits the rabbits face.

Before it is a dirty backyard full of people lying on dirty blankets and covered in bandages.

But what makes this scene even more intriguing is the fact that all the people present have some kind of animal features.

'I knew that the racism against Faunus is strong in this world, but this is a bit more than I expected.' Looking at the old and young with varying degree of wounds or damage causes the rabbit to remain silent for a while.

'No matter how I look at this, this is a great place to choose my host from. Of course, I will go with one who is about to die, I will save them and let them have a pleasant dream while I control the body.' Like that a silver and grey mass of slime starts to seep out of the rabbit before flowing into the cracks in the pavement and slithering towards the gathering of wounded people.

Arriving at the closest person the goo softly presses a tentacle against the young man's back.

He misses his left leg which is covered in bandages, he also seems to be on plenty of medications so he didn't notice when the goo entered his body through his back.

'Hm, a thug with nothing much to show for his life…' Browsing through his mind and examining his genetic code which held traces of a goat the goo soon leaves his body again and moves onto the next.

Like that the goo spends the rest of the day possessing one patient after the other until early the next morning it left the body of a young woman with fox ears and tail.

'Most of them are street dwellers with two of them having been part of a small criminal group and couple being lowly thugs.' Slowly the goo slithers to the small form of a girl with dark green hair and long lizard tail with a few scales on her body.

The girl is Kiara, an orphan and heavily malnourished which is the reason why she is so small even though she is 16 years old.

Her weak body combined with her cold that she caught she will not survive longer than five days without the right help.

'You will do, abandoned by nameless parents and left to die by your so-called friends there is nothing left for you to cling on in this life.' Arriving in front of the girl, the goo reaches out with a grey tentacle.

'Just go and enjoy a nice dream, I will take care of your body while you're gone.' Entering the girls body, the goo starts cutting and rearranging the girls brain until she entered a comatose like state while getting a constant but safe dosage of pheromones that will cause her to dream about all kinds of happy things.

After having made sure that the girl will not wake up by accident the goo moves on to cure the cold and enhance her fragile body with its silver and grey mass.

Opening her blue eyes which turn completely silver for a moment before returning back to normal, the girl stands up and walks away.

Her first few steps were staggering but that quickly changed and by the time she turned the first corner of the labyrinth which are the back alleys, her feet already hit the ground firmly.

"Ah~, its nice to have a human…humanoid body once again. Being a sentient goo is also fun but there's just something about having bones," Stretching her arms until a satisfying popping sound was heard," That's just different."

'Now that I think about it, by what name shall I go from now on? I can't take my old name, it died in my old world and I don't want to take Kiara's as I'm not taking over her identity.' Thinking for a moment she simply shrugs her shoulder.

'Lets just go by Noel, from now on. Yeah, Noel Quill, that should do.' Nodding to herself Noel continues navigating through the back alleys.

While making her way out of the alleys she experiments with her new body and quickly masters its every movement.

'I fu*king love this tail.' Glancing at the slowly swaying tail covered in smooth greenish grey scales that give it an almost slimy feeling when touched, not unlike the scales of a snake, Noel grins.

'It's extremely flexible and I can combine it with my goo to extend it and turn it into a tentacle.' Walking past a pedestrian while making sure to directly stare at the man's eyes, Noel's tail moved lightning fast and pulls out a wallet from the man's pocket without him noticing.

After giving her a disgusted sneer, the man continues walking, unaware of what just happened, just like the twenty others that passed Noel.

'My tail when covered in goo can move extremely fast to the point that it is almost impossible for normal people to notice. Its an easy feat to grab their wallets, empty them of cash and attach it to my tail with the help of my goo and flick away the wallets.' Grinning from ear to ear Noel marshes down the street towards one of the less fancy looking clothing stores, with nobody noticing how her tail seems to have grown in thickness since leaving the alley.

Once through the entrance the man behind the cash register gives her a dirty look and is about to stand up, probably to tell her to leave the shop.

"Five minutes and I will be gone also I'll be paying in hard cash." Her calm tone and fan of green banknotes cause the cashier to pause in his attempt to get off his chair.

With a disgusted tone he flops back onto his chair, greed having outweighed his disgust of having a Faunus in his shop.

"Three minutes and I will charge you extra, Faunus." Wordlessly nodding Noel marshes through the rows of clothing and picks out what she wants.

In two minutes, she lets her small pile of articles fall onto the table.

Going through the pile consisting out of a black jacket, grey shirt, dark grey knee long pants, black boots, socks, underwear and a backpack the cashier puts everything together and she pays the amount the things cost and an additional amount to shut the mouth of the cashier.

'I probably would be pretty mad at being so blatantly ripped off if it was my own money that I spent.' Noel thinks as she leaves the shop with a grin on her face and her items in the backpack she bought.

Like that she marshes straight out of the city into the forest in which she found the rabbit.

Hiding the backpack in one of the trees farther away from the city she runs off into the forest.

Noel didn't bother changing clothes right now, she made sure that the things she bought were a few sizes bigger than her, as she intends to go hunting to fill her stomach and cure the malnourishment plaguing her body, which will probably cause her to grow quite a bit, so it doesn't make sense to buy clothes fitting her current size.

While running, a thin layer of grey goo starts covering Noel's whole body, before she increased her speed dramatically and shot through the underbrush.

Branches harmlessly slide off the grey protective layer on her body and Noel slowly starts turning her hands and feet into claws which she immediately put to use by grabbing hold of a tree trunk with her feet and jump up onto the tree's branches.

From there she jumps, runs and swings through the foliage of the forest in an act of acrobatics.

'Hahahah this is awesome! Screaming in her head Noel enjoys the rushing feeling of running at high speed for a while before slowing down and starting her hunt.

Having possessed quite a variation of different Faunus, Noel has the genetical code for a few different animals which she now uses to modify her body to gain better eyesight, sense of smell and hearing.

With the nose of a dog, ears of a rabbit and eyes of a cat she is quick to come across some trails which she follows until reaching her prey which is a boar reaching up to an adult's thighs.

Not willing to wait any longer as she felt quite hungry, Noel coats her tail in grey and silver goo solidifying the end into a deadly spike which she uses to impale the boar.

It is a swift kill. Noel lets herself drop next to the dead boar and takes an eager sniff of the fresh blood draining from the bloody hole in the boar's side.

"Thanks for the meal." She mutters as her face starts to twist into a terrifying visage mostly made up of a teeth filled maw.

Ruthlessly chomping down onto the dead boar, Noel tears off skin and flesh, devouring her prey without a care in the world.

While eating Noel fires her metabolism into overdrive to rapidly digest all the meat she devours and allocates the gained nutrients to her body causing her body to grow at a visible speed.

It took her not even an hour to devour the boar which probably weighted about the same as she herself, but the results of devouring such a big prey are clearly visible.

Noel turned from the little girl with stick like limbs and haggard look into a young teen.

She's still more on the thin side but that is of no concern right now as she doesn't intend to stop her hunt just now.

The only thing left of the boar is a bloody patch on the forest ground, Noel didn't space a single bone.

Finished here, she once again jumps up into the trees to continue her hunt.

For the rest of the night Noel hunts all kinds of animals in the forest before devouring them completely.

Once she finished healing her body, she started converting her prey into goo which is excellent for storage.

Better safe than sorry, after all she can't just go hunting inside a city.

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