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57.14% Story Ideas and Beginnings / Chapter 132: Vampire Game (1811 words)

Chapter 132: Vampire Game (1811 words)


Name: Annabelle McAllister

Age: 19

Level: 1 (0/300 Exp)

Class: None

Race: Vampire (As a variation of the undead you will suffer greatly from the light, holy and fire attribute.)

Exp: 1'200

Skill Points: 6


Vampirism: The user has been turned into a vampire and acquired all the strengths of this race as well as its weaknesses. (Class and level will be reset upon transformation.)

Reincarnated: The user retains all the memories of his previous life. (No one but the user has access to said memories.)

Puppet Master: This perk grants the user access to a great variety of unique skills and abilities. (This perk was acquired through a random draw.)


Super-Strength(lv1): Gives the user strength greater than their normal bodies are capable of.

Super-Speed(lv1): Gives the user speed greater than their normal bodies are capable of.

Regeneration(lv1): Allows the user to recover from all wounds (not including wounds inflicted by special means) with enough time.

Dark-Vision(lv1): Allows the user to see in the dark.

Improved Senses(lv1): Gives the user senses greater than their normal bodies are capable of.

Blood Absorption(lv1): Allows the user to absorb blood to increase his strength.

Hypnosis(lv1): Gives the user the ability to affect the mind of a target through eye contact.

Puppet Maker(lv1): Allows the user to craft inanimate objects into puppets.

Puppeteer(lv1): Allows the user to create strings from his fingers. When coming into contact with a puppet created by the [Puppet Maker] skill, the user is able to control said puppet freely from up to 30 meters.

Starring at the blue window floating in front of Anna's eyes, she calmly reads through everything before releasing a tired sigh and falling back onto the cold forest ground.

Her crimson red eyes stare past the branches and leaves of the trees into the dark night sky.

The brightly shining silver moon illuminates Anna's pale but delicate face and gets devoured by her raven black hair that reaches down to the middle of her back.

She currently only wears a simple white night gown with no shoes or even underwear.

Reaching up with one of her delicate hands, she massages the bridge of her nose.

'How did I get myself into this fiasco? I only wanted to have a good night's rests before continuing with my daily life. So why must I awake in the middle of a forest as a frea*ing vampire?!' Annoyed at her situation Anna releases another sigh before jumping to her feet.

'At least I got something good and haven't become a goblin or some sh*t like that.' With that she refocuses on the blue window.

'It says I got six skill points, but what exactly do they do, and I can't find any stats so what benefits do levels give?' As she once again looks at her status some questions start to pop up in her mind.

Immediately after she thought of them, two new windows pop up next to her status.

[Skill Points: These points can be used to upgrade skills in the user's possession up to Lv 10.]

[Level ups increase the users capabilities evenly and give new Skill points. The higher the Level the higher the amount of SP.]

Reading through the new panels Anna understood the system she currently has a bit better.

'I got six points, should I invest them right now or save them for later?' She ponders for a moment before deciding to save them and her Exp for now.

Moving on, Anna starts to try out the skills she already has in order to assess her current capabilities.

'First off, [Supper-Strength].' Walking up to one of the many trees around her Anna grabs a branch as a bit thicker than her arm with one hand and tries to break it off.

With a cracking sound the branch was ripped off from the tree, leaving Anna to stare at the branch in her hand.

'Holy shit! That is awesome!' Grinning wide Anna grabs the branch with her other hand and snaps it in two.

This action did take some effort but the fact alone that she succeeded was proof of how much stronger she has become.

Excited at her success Anna moved on to her next skill.

'[Supper-Speed] it is.' Walking around for a bit till she finds a somewhat free path to test her speed, Anna readies herself before dashing with all her strength.

Her naked feet left small imprints in the dirt as she zooms past trees and bushes.

Digging her heels into the ground Anna's whole body abruptly stops, as if all the kinetic energy she built up while running dissipated in an instant.

'This feels a bit wired to deaccelerate from 100 to 0 instantly but this allows me to do so much cool stuff.' Grinning from ear-to-ear Anna couldn't wait to try out the next skill.

'[Regeneration] hu?' Looking at the skill Anna becomes a bit hesitant as it would require her to get hurt to test out this skill.

'Should I really try it out? Hmm, I could just make something small like pricking my finger with a wooden splinter or something.' Regaining her enthusiasm Anna breaks off another branch and pricks the tip of her index finger with a splinter.

She hisses a bit when she felt the pain, but mere seconds later the hiss turned into a laughter.

"HAhahaha! Nice! I really became immortal didn't I." She calms down soon enough and moves on.

'Well, I won't need to test [Dark-Vision] as it has been active since the beginning, or I wouldn't have been able to see at all in this darkness and [Improved Sense] made it possible for me to react while moving with [Super-Speed]. Then there is [Blood Absorption], it can't be tested without a victim, the same goes for [Hypnosis], this leaves me with [Puppet Maker] and [Puppeteer] both are skills associated with this special perk that I got from a random draw. I don't know when I did something like that but I won't complain over free perks and skills.'

Looking down on the rest of the branch from which she got the splinter, Anna grabs it and activates her [Puppet Maker] skill.

Immediately, pictures and ideas appear in her mind which explain how she could turn this piece of wood into a movable puppet.

'Hmm, so this skill doesn't automatically turn things into puppets, but it gives me the knowledge of how to turn things into puppets, yeah, it would have been a bit overpowered if I could just turn anything I touch into puppets.' Sighing Anna turns to her last skill.

Reaching out her left-hand Anna activates the skill [Puppeteer].

Immediately five almost invisible threads shoot out, one from each finger and silently float in front of her moving along an invisible wind.

In order to test their functions, Anna tries to move them around and to her surprise she only had to think about the way she wanted them to move and the strings followed.

Wrapping them around a leave from a tree Anna pulls back her hand and rips the leave off the tree.

She then moves on to a bigger target, a small branch.

She once again pulls once the strings have wrapped tightly around their target, but this time the tread ripped and immediately disappeared into nothingness.

'The threads aren't very tough, but they can interact with small things to an extent making them not entirely unusable in combat.' Satisfied with the results of her testing, Anna starts to walk deeper into the forest.

She got not the slightest clue where she was, but as a vampire, she most likely won't be very safe once the sun goes up, so it was the better call to go deep into the forest instead of leaving it.

She wanders for a while till her ears pick up a noise.

'It sounds like footsteps.' Turning her head in the direction of the sound, Anna starts to approach slowly in order to maximize her stealth.

The white gown she's wearing wasn't helping much, but thanks to the darkness it wasn't that bad.

It took Anna around fifteen minutes to make contact with the source of the sound she heard.

Two small, green skinned humanoids walk through the forest with nothing but a loincloth around their waist.

One of the two holds a long stick, probably an improvised spear, while the other one carries a club almost the same size as him.

They have sharp pointed ears and crocked noses, sharp but dirty teeth are revealed whenever the open their mouth to release a strange shrieking sound.

'Those little buggers look like the standard goblins in every video game out there. Most would think they are weak and wont be a threat, but if there are two, why wouldn't there be more?' Hiding behind a tree Anna's mind is racing.

'Should I try to attack? I never killed anything bigger than a insect in my life.' Anna contemplates for a moment while continuing to observe the two goblins wandering through the forest.

The more she thinks about it the more she realizes that she in fact wasn't bothered in the slightest with the idea of mercilessly killing these two creatures, hell! She even started to feel excited.

'Fu*k it!' With that Anna storms out form her hiding spot from behind a tree and jumps over the bushes between her and the tow goblins.

Before any of the two could react, Anna's fingernails already elongated a few centimeters and turned into claws with which she ruthlessly slit open the throat of the unfortunate goblin on which she landed after her jump.

Immediately after cutting the first goblins throat she switches her attention to the second goblin who just turned around.

Reaching out with her arms, she grabs him by the throat and covers its mouth.

Two crimson glowing eyes stare into the two muddy brown eyes of the goblin which slightly resemble the eyes of a goat or frog with their rectangle shape.

'Time to test out [Hypnosis].' Anna didn't realize that the entire time a bloodthirsty grin stretched over her face making her look like a terrifying demon.

Anna's crimson glowing eyes take on a hypnotic shimmer that reflected in the goblin's eyes.

"You will cease to resist and stay silent without making a sound." Anna repeats herself a second time and feels how all resistance of the goblin laying underneath her stopped and he just stares into her crimson eyes with a dazed expression.

'I already expected him to be immune to it because of how stupid goblins normally are, but it looks like that wasn't the case.' Releasing the hypnotized goblin, Anna stands up and looks at the already dead goblin next to her.

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