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58.87% Story Ideas and Beginnings / Chapter 136: Sakura Rick (4135 words)

Chapter 136: Sakura Rick (4135 words)

Standing opposite of each other are two figures.

One of them was woman in her early twenties and the other was an old man in white robe with a similar colored beard.

"Three wishes? I can get anything I want?" The woman asks in a questioning tone.

Jinny Hillson a normal office worker who died rather painfully because of a fire that broke out in her company as the flames ate away all the oxygen in the room she found herself trapped in, while simultaneously getting cooked alive.

After she finally escaped that hell, she found herself in this void of nothingness together with an old man that suddenly said that he will grant her three wishes before reincarnating her into another world.

'This is the typical beginning for some random novel. Well, I'll just roll with it as I don't want to perish completely just yet.' Making up her mind Jinny started to think about what she should wish for.

Some minutes later she came to a decision.

"Alright, for my first wish I want a tree in the deepest part of my soul which records all my memories in the form of branches allowing me to freely access them while also keeping a real-time timeline of my personality and its changes.

I want to be able to reset my personality to earlier states anytime I want while also keeping a record of my mental state before the reset.

The whole thing should be in the depths of my soul as previously stated and allow me to recall everything even if I reincarnate again or someone played around with time."

When she finished Jinny looked expectantly at the old man who looked a bit annoyed.

"Granted, but for the next wishes please don't elaborate that much, I will just directly use your memories and ideas as a blueprint so that you don't have to waste time by explaining it." The old man said.

"Okay, then for my next wish I want to become smart." Acknowledging what the old man said Jinny told him her second wish.

"Become smart?" He asked her with a raised eyebrow and a silent mockery in his eyes at her vague wish.

Just before he could continue to speak Jinny interrupted him with a wide grin.

"Yes, but not any kind of smart. I don't mean college student smart or Leonardo da Vinci smart, no, not even Tony Stark smart.

What I want is to become "Rick-diculesly" smart."

The moment she finished, the expression of the old man changed drastically and even a slight trace of fear flashed past his eyes.

"Y-You want to become like "THAT" man? Are you sure? His mind might be extraordinary, but you should damn well know where it brough him don't you?" After his initial shock the old man calmed down again and started to question Jinny's choice.

Still grinning Jinny only nodded in confirmation.

Seeing her nod, the old man only sighed before agreeing to fulfill her wish.

Now down to her last one, Jinny didn't tarry any longer as she was excited to start this new live with her cheats.

"My last wish is to get all of Rick Sanchez C-137's memories but only after my first two wishes have been fully integrated."

Seemingly eager to get rid of her the old man nodded without a word at her final wish and didn't comment on it like he did on her second one.

"Good, now with everything done have a pleasant stay in your new world." Without letting Jinny any time to react the old man waved his arm and whisked her away.

POV; Jinny Hillson

Blinking open my eyes in confusion from the sudden blackout most likely caused by the old man, I look around only to realize that my vision was so bad that I could only make out blurry shapes.

'Well, from the looks of it I already reincarnated and have the birthing part behind me. Lucky me.'

Closing my eyes again as I can't really see anything anyway, I instead try to listen to what is being said around me.

'Hm? Why does their language sound so similar to Japanese? Have I reincarnated into Japan?' Confused I continue to listen till I heard something that caught my interest.

'Sakura Haruno? Is that my new name? That name sound's kinda familiar… WAIT! Isn't that the name of a character from the Naruto show?

Am I reincarnated into the Narutoverse?' Desperately to find an answer I tried to listen harder to what is spoken around me and as a consequence start to pick up the language at a terrifying rate.

After what felt like an hour, I already had a basic understanding of the language spoken around me.

'Damn, that's Rick level intelligence for you, learning a new language within a couple of hours.' Now able to somewhat understand what is spoken, I quickly confirm my suspicion of being reincarnated into the Naruto world.

'Hokage, chakra, shinobi, kunoichi, ninja's, yeah this is definitely the Naruto world. Sigh.

The original Sakura in the show wasn't very likeable, but that doesn't matter at all as I already replaced her and I don't intend to follow canon by the book, I after all have to somehow get powerful enough to take over the worl-' My thoughts get interrupted by an unbearable pain that suddenly exploded in my head.

"WWWWHHHAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" I cried out loud as over eighty years of memories from the smartest man in the universe poured into my mind and threaten to burst my head.

I cried for a solid fifteen minutes before passing out.

This caused my parent to panic a bit but that doesn't matter.

When I finally woke up again the first thing I did was to scream in my head.

'Wubba lubba dub-dub Motherfu*ker!! Life has no meaning, everything is a lie and were all gona die!! HAHAHAH-'Abruptly I snap out of it and calm down again.

One of the functions of my first wish, the one that allows my personality to be reset has taken effect and restored my personality form before the memory transfer.

'Sigh, what did I expect? Fusing with the memories of Rick is fu*king dangerous, his mind is already in bad shape and fusing it into one's own would of course drive one mad. Haaa, luckily I made that first wish just for a situation like that.'

I waited for a while to future calm down before taking a look at my soul tree, that's how I call my first wish.

Because I forgot to take a look at it before I got Rick's memories, I don't have a before and afterwards comparison but that isn't important anyways.

Looking at the silver white tree shining in a light blue light I start to inspect it and soon found the branch on which the memories of my previous life are located in the form leaves.

Comparing it to the much bigger branch holding all the memories of Rick I could only smile wryly at the enormous difference.

'No wonder that I passed out when I got them, there are so fu*king many of them.' Skipping through them I try to understand their content but there was just so much that it will take a good year or so to sort through everything and then maybe another two to gain a basic grasp on all the knowledge hidden inside of them.

'Sigh, it will take at least five years till I digest this giant meal.

Well, Im a baby right now so there's plenty of time.'

Like that I start to flip through my new memories and diligently work on making them truly mine.

Years pass in the blink of an eye as I learnt many new things from Rick's memories.

In those years I actively trained multitasking so that I can split my attention between studying high-level sci-fi knowledge and enjoying the life of a child once again.

My parents, Mebuki and Kizashi Haruno, pampered me so much that I started to come up with a plan to distant them from the world of shinobi and instead bring them somewhere safer.

After my third birthday I also started to experiment around with chakra.

The original Sakura already had a great talent for chakra control, but now with a brain capable of casually solving mathematical problems that remained unanswered for decades and tons of memory-based experience in building high-tech machinations my chakra control reached a ridicules level after a mere year of training.

Slowly over the years I, under the pretend of wanting a new toy and occasional "borrowing" stuff form other people, gathered resources which I then used to start building my own tools.

Sadly, I couldn't get my hands on enough resources to fully kickstart my mechanical revolution as there is a limit on how much materials a child under eight years can get.

So instead, I focused more on chakra and my body.

Rick himself might not rely on physical strength or material arts as he got plenty of cybernetic implants and tons of equipment, but he surely has lots of experience under his belt and witnessed and fought against plenty of capable foes.

He also has enough knowledge about biology to create life, so it doesn't posse much of problem to put together an effective training regime and diet.

As for chakra, well, with my control over it already pretty much maxed out and with no way to get my hands on any jutsu's as of now I simple started to make my own or try to replicate already existing ones.

Like that, eight years pass, somewhere in there the Uchiha clan got massacred but that isn't any of my concern.

POV; General

Standing in front of small platform are many children around the age of eight together with their parents, for the most part.

Soon an old man in white robe and with a wired red hat that had the kanji for fire on it walked onto the platform and started to give a speech.

Most children listened with great excitement to the old man while the parents smiled.

'Look at that old geezer, brainwashing the new generation in broad daylight. But don't worry old man soon enough I'm going to take over your and everyone else's position to unite the world and use it as my main base for my interdimensional conquest through the multiverse.' A young girl with pink hair thought while a carefree smile adored her adorable face.

This girl was of course Sakura, she wore a light green shirt and dark blue pants with ninja sandals on her feet while her hair which she had grown out till it reached down to her lower back is bound in a simple tail that hung over her left shoulder onto her chest with two clippers of a slightly darker pink color hold her hair out of her face.

Glancing around with her forest green eyes she was quick to pick up on most if plot related characters that would be attending the academy together with her.

'Hmm, in those eight years I haven't really bothered to much with other children my age, I got no connection to any of the people here.

But this also means they don't know me.

Im planning to take over the world at some point, why not do it after the Shippuden plot comes to an end, till then I can play around, grow unreasonably strong and lay out some foundations for my take over afterwards.' Nodding to herself Sakura endures the rest of the old third's speech before finally starting her academy days.

Meanwhile, hundreds of meters underneath the Haruno family's home.

"Check this out Motherfu*ker! I just created a goddamn nuclear fusion reactor in a world where they for some reason don't even use gun! HAHAHAHAHAH!!!" A girl with identical pink hair and green eyes as Sakura who just got introduced to her class was laughing her ass off while surrounded by multiple machines that rattle and churn while screens with diagrams and tons of text on them illuminate the room made out of pure white tiles.

"At first, I thought I had to wait till I got older to get my hands on enough materials to start building my lab, but chakra changed everything! Who needs to build drones when one can just use chakra to dig up all the minerals underground and refine them with fire all by oneself with a few specialized jutsu's?

HAHAHA! I bet no one ever tried to make a fu*king earth style excavation jutsu that allows one to extract tons of materials form the earth in mere weeks and even less could think of using fire release to goddamn smelt metals and for refinement!

I'm a motherfu*king genius!" Laughing and talking to herself in her underground lab which she built in those eight years she lived in the village, Sakura engrossed in the addicting feeling of power she felt whenever she kicked reason and commonsense between the legs by doing insane things with almost no effort.

One of the things Sakura did in her eight years of waiting for the plot to finally begin was to create a great number of ninjutsu's.

By now Sakura was pretty sure that she created her own variation of ninjutsu's as she hadn't even once seen or used a jutsu's created in this world and instead figured out everything on her own.

From nature and shape transformation to taijutsu styles and even fuinjutsu, she did it all.

She based them off from what she knew about them from the show she watched in her previous life but with so many ideas swirling around in her head she went on and created her own stuff after she ran out of things to replicate.

A mere eight years were enough for Sakura to practically learn all jutsu's in the world, the only thing restricting her form straight out becoming a god right now are her chakra reserves, but even for that is a solution in progress.

"Let's see, the assembly line is finished and has started the manufacturing of drones that I can send into space to start harvesting asteroids and other planets. I want to have things ready by the time I stop playing around so I should focus on laying out my foundation off planet, I just hope I don't accidentally run into any Ōtsutsuki while doing so…Nahh, who am I kidding? If they are unlucky to stumble across my bases they can prepare themselves to be utterly outclassed I after all already developed tons of anti-chakra measures and implemented them into my drones."

Muttering to herself as she walked through the hallways of her underground lab that by now spanned over all of Konoha a couple of hundred meters underneath it, Sakura made her way away form the mechanical sector of the lab and wandered over to the biological one.

"I haven't yet started to collect samples about bloodline limits, I should probably do that now.

If I remember correctly then the clans in Kirigakure should be soon exterminated by their puppet Kage controlled by Obito.

Better get those samples before that, but even if I fail, I could still find some specimen somewhere in one of Orochimaru's many hideouts." Without a care in the world Sakura who wears a white, oversized lab coat over a red shirt with black tight-fitting pants and actual shoes instead of sandals continues on her way.

"Hmm, just a random Idea. I could make it so that my "clones" all wear some cool a*s masks while I, the original am the only one revealing my face, but that would mean that I have to actually go to the academy.

Troublesome, truly troublesome." Putting away this train of thought for a later time Sakura arrived in her bio-lab filled with tanks that contain light green translucent liquid.

Inside the tanks, floating in the liquid, are bodies.

Their age ranges from mere babies to old people looking more like corpses than living beings.

As if this sight wasn't already creepy enough, they all looked unpleasantly similar to each other.

Pink hair, fair skin, similar facial structure and some other minor details.

"How have you been my cuties? Growing all alright in your clone tanks?" Getting no answer except for periodical beeping sounds coming from what seemed to be the control station in the hall, Sakura sagely nodded to herself.

"Yeah, thought so, it isn't all day that one could wittiness the glory of seeing me in so many different stages of life butt naked. I mean look at me when I turn fifteen! I'm absolutely gorgeous. Hehehe, I might had to make some minor genetical changes to turn out like that but hey, it was still all thanks to my own hard work."

With that Sakura sits down on a comfy chair and starts typing around on the consol.

Somewhere in the many forests surrounding Konoha a small opening appeared in the ground and a metal tube came out.

A mere second later a ball made form a dark metal got shot out of the tube into the sky, but before it could breach through the forest roof it seemed to disappear.

Branches and leaves got pushed away by an invisible object before returning to their original position again with only a few leaves falling to ground.

This scene was repeated all around Konoha as a total of fifty dark metal spheres were launched from somewhere underground.

"Yep, with that plan set in motion I can soon start on brewing together a serum to upgrade my original body and get those sweet kekkei genkai's, not that I really needed them.

If I invest a bit more of my time into that project, I probably will figure out a way to do it, but right now Im busy with fleshing out my world domination plan." Humming to herself Sakura continues to work in the lab for the rest of the day.

'Damn school is boring, apart from forming connections with other kids there is nothing note worthy to learn in there.

Haaa, why did I singe up for this?' The Sakura who went to school thought as she yawned, still not fully awake from her nap in school.

Because of her nature as a clone, not a simple shadow clone but a home-grown clone made from flesh and blood, this Sakura was doomed to fulfill the boring tasks while her original had fun in the lab creating sci-fi stuff.

Walking home together with her parent's who picked her up form school Sakura talked to them about all the other kids she met today.

Like that they arrived at their home and had dinner before Sakura took a bath and went to bed.

Well, of course she didn't actually go to bed.

Instead she walked over to the wall next her bed, in passing she also pressed a camouflaged button on her bed that caused a decoy to pop up underneath the blanket to make it look like she was soundly asleep.

Arriving at the wall she places her hand against a certain location before whispering "Scan" which caused a neon blue light to quickly flash through the place where she planted her hand.

A second later Sakura's body flashed, and she disappeared.

'Really convenient those teleportation seals. Sadly, I don't have the chakra capabilities to use my Flying Thunder God imitation just yet. Those seals are powered by chakra batteries which in turn are fueled by the comatose clones.

For a being to produce chakra it needs to have spiritual and physical energy, so I had to make perfect clones with memory and shit to have them produce chakra.

Well, there is also the option of getting myself a biju, or even better, make one myself.' Lost in her own thoughts the Sakura clone made her way through the corridors to the bio-lab.

She knew the location of her original as the original had made sure to add plenty of fail safes to her clone, after all this clone wasn't a chakra construct that could just puff out of existence upon command.

"Waaasuuuuuuuuup!" The clone shouted as soon as the automatic blast door opened up and revealed the bio-lab with all its tanks and the not so alone pink haired girl in oversized lab coat in front of the main console.

"Waaasuuuuuuuuuuuuup!" The origional Sakura replied in kind before they both break out into laughter.

"How was school? Was it as boring as all those fanfic's make it seem?" After their unorthodox greeting the original started to casually converse with her clone not bothered in the slightest with interacting a mirror like copy of herself.

"Yeah, it was so boring that actually fell asleep after the first hour. Hehehe, sensei didn't like that at all but because it was the first day of school, so he didn't do anything drastic." Taking a seat on top of a metal operation table near the console, the clone starts to tell her original about what she experienced in the academy and the characters there.

"Hahaha, luckily I didn't go or else I would probably have started messing around with my chakra out of pure boredom.

Anyway, today I got an interesting idea.

How about every clone of mine wears or carries a mask with a connected theme around while only I, the original don't?

Like this we could make an epic reveal at some point in time. Also, I wanted to make a special clone squad who also wears those masks, they can do some shady things and at some point Konoha or your team come across them and maybe your team figures out a connection between you and the squad when they find your own mask." After listening to her clone, the original Sakura tells her about the idea she came up with over the day after the random idea popped up in her mind while walking around in the lab.

"Hmm, sounds interesting.

I could take the mask from tomorrow on with me to school and after the academy add it to my outfit in a way that it doesn't gain too much attention. When someone asks about the mask in school or later on, I tell them that a stranger gifted it to me on the street." Interested in the idea of adding some deeper layers to her persona displayed to the public the clone happily gave her own suggestions.

"Nice idea, then how about we create not only fitting masks but also a cloak to it ala Akatsuki style, so that when someone asked you about the stranger you can give them a particular description of him, Like that, when they made contact with the squad and found out the connection between your and their masks they link the stranger who gifted you this mask to the squad." Getting fired up about this whole idea the two Sakura's eagerly start to flesh out the story and plan out its future development.

Like that the night passes, none of the two need any sleep, having long since developed a special chakra circulation style that allowed one to rest as long as one doesn't move, it works for the body but the mind would still be exhausted, but with Sakura's first wish her mind no longer needed rest as it could just reset to time where she wasn't tired.

As for her clone, it might be out of flesh and blood, but her body also contained nano bots. Their main function is to work as fail safe that would activate once the clone decided to go rough but additionally to that they also give some nice bonuses like immunity to poison and diseases, slightly quicker regeneration and some life sustaining functions that would practically give her plot armor.

For example, she wont bleed out as fast as she should, she can continue moving even though she shouldn't be able to, or unreasonable pain tolerance.

Sakura purposely didn't add much to this clone, she after all is the one that would be in the light so it will be common for her to be examined by medical-nin's. It would be a serious blunder on her part if they found some implants or realize that the clone's brain was in fact a computer.

So, she went for the easiest and most effective solution.

Nano bots with cloaking abilities and anti- chakra modules.

They will remain unseen even by the rinnegan and tenseigan while also being invulnerable to chakra making it impossible to destroy even if her clone gets hit by the dust release and is disintegrated on a molecular level.

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