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62.33% Story Ideas and Beginnings / Chapter 144: Plant Ninja (1167 words)

Chapter 144: Plant Ninja (1167 words)

I honestly didn't know what to do when after my sudden death a glowing being and self-proclaimed god ordered me to spin the giant fortune wheel that that just stood there in the infinite white void.

In the end I just did as I was told as there wasn't much else I could do.

The wheel spun for a while before it stopped.

My price?

"Green thumb."

I heard the laughter of the self-proclaimed god and a short moment later everything went black.

The next time I awoke I stared up at the pretty face of a woman in her late twenties who has long dark green hair falling down her shoulders and deep brown eyes that lovingly stare into my own.

A quite voice at the back of my mind told me that this was my mother, first I of course was confused but when she brought out one of her breasts and started to feed me, I relented and just accepted that I reincarnated and had a new family now.

It wasn't all too hard for me to accept this new life and family as in my old life my family drifted apart early on and none of use made an effort to reunite so everyone just made their own things.

But, in this life I could already tell this won't happen.

"Who is the cutest little girl in the world? You are!" My new mother twirled and spun around while holding me to the point that if I wasn't a reincarnator I would probably start to paint the walls with the content of my stomach.

My first few days as a baby were nice and relaxing, no responsibilities, no expectation one has to fulfil and if I need anything I just need to cry.

In those days I also meet my father, a tall man with brown hair and golden eyes, I also got to know my new name, Ayaka Kimura daughter of Mai and Juro Kimura which both work in a small supermarket that belonged them, so yes we are pretty good off.

With a great mood I laid in my crib when I heard something I wish I didn't.

"Are you sure? Hasn't the second great shinobi war just ended? How can you be so sure that a third one is already on the horizon? Konoha hasn't even fully recovered from the last one." My mother lovely voice rang into my room and my blood instantly ran cold.

'Great shinobi war?! Third one coming?!! Konoha?!!!' Sweat starts to pour out from every pore of my body as I almost died in a panic attack.

'Am I in fu*king Narutoverse?!!' The thought caused me to pass out immediately and I didn't hear the rest of the discussion.

When I awoke again, I first fell into depression, how could I life a good life if people like Danzo, Obito, Madara and Zetsu running around.

For an entire week I saw hundreds of different scenarios where I died by the hands of this worlds super villains only to finally reach the stage of hopeless acceptance.

'If Im going to die anyway, why not try to go as far as I can?' This right here I going to become my motto for this life.

With a goal in mind, I started to do what every protagonist who reincarnated into the narutoverse should do.

Training my chakra control and increase my capacity.

From what I know everyone has chakra as it is needed to life, but one can increase the amount by feeding the spark one already has with an equal amount of physical and spiritual energy.

It took me a couple of months of almost constant meditation to grasp those two energies as I completely lack any comparison, but once I had them, I didn't let them go again.

Like that I slowly and steadily increased my chakra.

As for chakra control, I started to circulate the bit of chakra I had through my chakra pathway's and unlocked my tenketsu's or chakra points.

Three years have passes since then and I'm now a three-year-old girl with the same dark green hair as my mother and golden eyes like my father.

As soon as I could walk, I started to run around and in general behaved like a very energetic kid.

My parents were overjoyed seeing me be so active, so everything was good, for now.

Now able to escape the sight of my parents I made it a habit to go to one of Konoha's many parks and train my chakra control by trying to stick leaves onto my body and keep them there with my chakra.

It was hard, but when I tried it something unexpected happened.

Once my chakra made contact with the leaf in an attempt to keep it stuck to my body, I felt a strange closeness to the it.

This reminded me of what happened before I got reincarnated into this world.

'Didn't I get some kind of cheat?' Scratching my cheek as I try to remember what it was that I won from the giant fortune wheel.

I sat there under the tree in the park for a solid five minutes.

'Ah! Wasn't it something like "Green thumb" or so?' Thinking about it a sudden thought appeared in my mind.

'This cheat won't allow me to gain access to wood release, right?' The thought causes me to get very excited.

Who wouldn't?

The wood release is something only Hashirama and maybe Asura the son of the Sage of Six Paths possessed.

Everyone else implanted themselves with some of their cells or chakra to gain it, so the prospect of possibly having it naturally is very attractive.

As for the danger this would bring me, naaah, Im going to die anyway so why bother and think about it?

Sadly, I had to put this train of thought on halt for now as I don't even know any jutsu's yet so how could I begin to try and learn or even create my own wood release.

Anyway, I still got around four or five years till I can attend the academy and become a shinobi of the village, plenty of time to build up a solid foundation.

With that time started fly by and I continued to train diligently.

POV Change; General

Time Skip; 5 years later

Somewhere underneath a tree in one of the parks inside Konoha lies an eight-year-old girl with long, wild dark green hair that freely falls all over the place and golden eyes which she has currently closed as if asleep.

She wears a green jacket with fur around the hood and a brown Scarfe that covers the lower halve of her face around the neck.

Light, black ninja sandals cover her feet and light brown shorts that reach down to her knees cover her legs.

Ayaka Kimura enjoys the silence of the nature around her while trying to let her mind melt together with it.

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