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66.66% Story Ideas and Beginnings / Chapter 154: Intuition Paladin (2430 words)

Chapter 154: Intuition Paladin (2430 words)

On a normal summer evening as the sun casts an orange glow over the world as it descends beyond the horizon, a basket appears out of nowhere on the doorsteps of a church which doubled as an orphanage.

Sleeping inside the basket is a small baby girl with black hair tightly wrapped up in warm blankets.

A piece of paper was placed on top of the sleeping child and on it stood in beautiful cursive letters.

"Jin LeFey born on the 1st of July of the year 1456."

It took a couple of minutes before one of the nuns living in the orphanage found the basket and hurriedly brought it inside where the little baby girl which goes by the name of Jin got relocated into a crib.

Jin remained asleep the entire time and only woke up once midnight hit the world.

Icy blue eyes open and curiously stare at the unfamiliar ceiling.

'I really reincarnated, looks like that mysterious being wasn't kidding when it offered me this choice.' Jin thought.

Not too long-ago Jin was but a normal human living her life in peace and boredom on earth but ultimately died because of a car accident.

After she died, she found herself in company of a shining silhouette as they floated near the place where the accident happened.

At that time Jin got a clear view of how her body looked after getting hit by the car, she also witnessed how the panicking driver immediately took flight and drove off without calling an ambulance or the police.

Shortly after it started raining, it was then that the shining silhouette finally spoke.

Its voice was anything but human, a vortex of information and sound, that would describe its voice the most accurate.

The being made an offer to Jin's floating soul, it would reincarnate her into another world with all her memories intact and even add some gifts to make her next life more interesting and in exchange she would start an apocalypse in said world.

Still greatly shaken by the sudden events Jin accepted not thinking much about it till a warm feeling flooded her soul and she fell asleep.

'Starting an apocalypse, huh, sure why not, it surely would be fun.' Lying inside her wooden crib Jin smiled as she thought about her task given to her by the mysterious being.

The smile didn't remain long as Jin soon noticed the abnormal state of her own mind.

Just as she questioned her own sanity a mechanical voice resounded through her head.

[You awakened the Ultimate skill {Player One}]

[You awakened the Ultimate skill {Divine Intuition}]

[You awakened the Unique skill {Blank Affinity (Current affinity's; none)}]

Jin carefully listened to what it said, but what she heard only intensified her confusion.

'Is that a system? Why did I suddenly gain three skills?' The questions start to build up and the thought of them remaining unanswered irked Jin greatly.

She wanted to cry out in frustration when a string of thoughts interrupted her.

'What I just heard wasn't a system, it was the voice of the world which announces important events. The two ultimate skills are gifts from the mysterious being while the unique skill is a result of my soul being form another world and so untainted by any form of magic or energy of this world.' Blinking in surprise at what she just thought, Jin froze for a good minute.

'The hell was that? And how did I do that?' The moment she thought of these questions she once again felt a string of thoughts appear in her mind.

This time she noticed how those thoughts weren't intrusive, hell, she even understood that they were actually her own thoughts, it just eluded her how she has access to these information's, but not for long.

'I activated the ultimate skill {Divine Intuition}. The skill allows me to understand things and resolve questions by using all my knowledge acquired through my senses, including the ones I consciously aren't even aware of.

It also has access to all my memories and by using things I learned it can instantly come to a conclusion different than my consciousness which needs to things step by step.' Letting a silent sigh escape her lips, Jin calmed down.

'Okay, this is nice, I got a way to answer my question so lets first abuse this till Im satisfied.' For the rest of the night Jin asked herself as many questions as she could come up with and her ultimate skill gave her an answer or at least a theory as this skill isn't omniscient.

The reason as to why it was so powerful was because of the enormous amount of information Jin possessed.

In her previous life Jin wasn't anything special, she wasn't especially smart or acrobatically talented, but through her life she had come across many things which weren't useful to her before like for example the formula to calculate possibility.

It is a long and hard thing to do, but her ultimate skill {Divine Intuition} can come to a conclusion instantly.

This means, Jin can now calculate certain possibilities instantly thanks to her skill.

The same goes for other things like martial arts, cooking, dancing.

She knew how to do them, she watched videos or read about them, knowledge which she didn't bother to really remember, but it is still there, in her subconscious, a place to which her ultimate skill got access to.

Another neat feature about the skill is the self-analysis.

Everything concerning her body or mind lays open in front of this skill.

No matter what, be it her musculature or even her gene code.

This includes her other skills.

Jin used her divine intuition to understand her other two skills.

The first one, {Player One} was also an ultimate skill and brough with it many nice bonuses.

In its essence it gives the owner the perspective of a player.

This means, the body which Jin is currently inhabiting is nothing more than a character. She can control it and do with it anything she wants.

She is able to feel emotions, pain and other feelings, but just enough to immerse herself in her character.

Once certain feelings overstep a pre-established limit it will no longer increase.

Meaning, no matter how painful something is, Jin will only feel enough to understand and react to it, she wont experience any traumatizing levels of pain or fear, just enough to stay immersed.

This was also the reason she didn't freak out completely once she awoke and the prospect of starting an apocalypse looked rather entertaining than scary.

Another feature that it brings is the immunity to mind influencing abilities.

Her character isn't immune and can be affected by charm magic or mind manipulation abilities, but that's where it ends.

The "player" won't be affected, this would allow Jin to resist any attempt to brainwash her without alarming anyone as technically it worked, on the character that is, but not on the "player" behind the character.

Next up is the unique skill {Blank Affinity}.

Jin's body is practically a white sheet of paper. If she comes into contact with an element like for example fire, a red spot will appear on her previous blank paper.

This spot represents her fire affinity, normally people's affinities are separated into different levels like low affinity or high affinity, but this is because people born in this world naturally got many different affinities, their starting "paper" isn't white, it is a mix out of many different colors, so it is rarer to have a pure color or high affinity with an element.

Well, Jin got a white standard paper meaning any affinity she acquires will be at a high level because of the lack of mixing.

Around six in the morning sleep finally claimed Jin's infants mind and she drifted off into sleep once again.

The next time she awoke she was hold by one of the nuns which fed her some goat milk.

Jin greedily drank her first meal in this new world and observed the people around her.

There are five nuns and a total of eleven kids of different ages.

With the help of their clothing's and the building style of the house and some other things Jin concluded with additional confirmation form her Intuition that the world in which she now lived is a medieval style world.

She couldn't confirm if magic or the like exist but with her own skills as a hint it was clear that there are other supernatural forces in this world.

'Hmm, what should I do with this second life, well, except starting an apocalypse in order to fulfill my part of the deal with the mysterious being.' The question wasn't answered by her intuition as it was something Jin had to figure out on her own.

Time started to flicker by and days blur into weeks and weeks into months.

'That's it! I'm going to become a paladin or a holy knight of whatever religion this church is part of. I'm going to become the most powerful fighter and stand by the side of the leader as their most trusted assistant. I won't ask questions and follow their orders; I will make my hands dirty if needed and be a scruple less monster serving only the leader and the god, they believe in. While doing that I will slowly build up a secret organization under the pretense that this organizations purpose is to increase my efficiency in serving my boss while in reality I use it to prepare the apocalypse.'

Sitting on the lap of one of the nuns, the now one year old Jin punches her palm with her fist while nodding with determination.

'That's what I'm going to do.' A grin spreads over her face which remained unseen by the nuns and the other kids.

With a goal in mind time seemed to move differently for Jin, years fly by in which she informed herself about the god which the nuns of the orphanage serve.

His name is Luminas the god of light. The church of light is a pretty big religion which is deeply rooted in the kingdom of Lothaem and has even spread to the neighboring kingdoms.

It is a human supremist religion which discriminates against non-humans but not outright hates them.

They are presented as lesser beings, not as pure as humans, but as long as the demi-humans as they are called don't aspire higher positions in church they are accepted into the religion as the teachings of the church say that all beings which are able to recognize the greatness of Luminas shall be allowed to offer their prayers to him.

Jin didn't try to hide her intellect as she openly displayed her mental capabilities by learning how to read and write within a couple of weeks before starting to devour all the knowledge within her reach.

The orphanage/church is located in the outskirts of the kingdom inside a small town surrounded by lots of farmland and the wilderness.

This kind of environment wasn't useful for Jin's plans to she needs to find a way out of there, the sooner the better.

She intends to do this by revealing her unique skill {Blank Affinity}.

How could the church possibly leave someone with the potential to acquire all existing affinities in some backwater village.

But to reveal this Jin first needed to come into contact with an element.

Obviously the first magic she encountered is holy magic.

A disaster happened in the village, a goblin general appeared in the nearby forest, and he started to gather subjects.

In the time this goblin general wandered around many villagers and farmers got attacked by groups of goblins and badly hurt by them.

The ones with the worst wounds were brought to the church where the head nun used her holy magic to heal them enough that they don't die.

The head nun wasn't powerful, she could barely cast her healing spell two times a day, so she instead lowered its potency and only healed her patience enough that they are no longer on the brink of death.

This way she managed to save a lot more people than when she had healed them completely.

It was then that Jin witnessed magic the first time, and of course she immediately copied the head nun and tried to cast a healing spell.

Standing on the wooden floorboards of her room Jin reaches out with her left hand and closes her eyes.

'Okay lets try this.' Jin doesn't have the slightest clue how magic worked, the only thing she knows is the chant which the head nun recited and the white golden glow of the active spell, but she fully rusted her ultimate skill {Divine Intuition}.

The skill got access to sense which her consciousness doesn't, so the possibility of one of theses sense being one that can pick up the movement of magic is very high.

After taking a deep breath, Jin opens her eyes and starts to recite the chant while leaving the intern working of the spell to her skill.

"Oh thee lord which regimes over the light, pleas spare thee attention to this lowly believer and grant a small miracle, Heal!"

Jin spoke in a calm and steady voice and while chanting she could feel something moving inside her body, but she wasn't able to grasp it clearly.

The moment she finished the chant, a white golden glow appeared in her palm, Jin already wanted to cheer at her success when the light flashed before disappearing.

Whatever has been moving inside her body suddenly went amok and trashed around causing Jin's legs to give out form the pain.

Luckily the energy inside her body soon calmed down again and the result was her laying on the ground covered in sweat and with a terrible headache.

The five-year-old Jin with her short black hair which she braided backwards in three rows into a small bun on the right side while leaving the left side free to fall over her eye smiled.

'I only imitated prayer like incantation but it still backfired, but I got some good things out of this.' Her tired smile morphs into a wide grin.

'Even if the spell failed, it still moved my mana and converted it into the holy attribute which in turn activated my unique skill {Blank Affinity}.' Closing her eyes while still grinning, Jin uses her Intuition to get a better understanding of what just happened.

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