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81.81% Story Ideas and Beginnings / Chapter 189: Insect girl Entomancer (1818 words)

Chapter 189: Insect girl Entomancer (1818 words)

[Welcome to „Core Dive Dungeon ", please create your character and choose a class in order to start your dungeon dive experience.]

[Ding! You have chosen {Insectoid} as your race.

{Insectoid}; A term used to describe humanoids with insect traits or insects with humanoid traits. They are famously known for their endurance provided by their exoskeleton and high vitality that allows them to, if given enough time, regenerate entire limbs and organs, they also have access to a unique racial ability. (+3 VIT, +2 END every level up) {Metamorphosis}]

[Ding! You have chosen {Entomancer} as your class.

{Entomancer}; A mage-druid hybrid class that allows the user to perform magic through insects housed in their own bodies or infuse and affect said insects with magic. (+3 INT, +2 WIS every level up)]

[Please distribute your 30 Stat points, be aware that none of your stats can be 0. Each level up will give you 15 Stat points to distribute.]

[Ding! All 30 points have been used.]

[Choose a Name to complete the character]

[Ding! Character successfully created.]


Name: Jinny Darkmoss

Level: 0 (Exp: 0/200)

Race: Insectoid

Class: Entomancer

Health: 60/60 HP (+ 12 HP/min)

Mana: 60/60 MP (+ 6 MP/min)

Stamina: 120/120 SP (+ 24 SP/min)

STR: 3

AGI: 5

END: 6 (1End= + 10 Health, + 20 Stamina)

VIT: 6 (1Vit= + 2 HP reg. + 4 SP reg.)

INT: 6 (1Int= + 10 Mana)

WIS: 4 (1Wis= + 2 MP reg.)

Stat Points: 0

Racial Abilities:

{Metamorphosis}: Gives you an additional 5 stat points every five levels and allows you to slightly alter your body every ten levels.

In front of a giant gate that easily reached over twenty meters high and fifteen meter wide a flash of light appeared before quickly fading away and revealing a clearly feminine humanoid figure clothed in a hooded coat that was left open at the front.

The coat was light green at the top and has a buckle around the high collar, it became darker against the bottom, around the hip area where the belt was located, brown was added and gave the whole thing a nature and earthly color.

Black lines drew hexagonal shapes seemingly at random all over the cate adding a military like feeling to it.

Looking around with her almost glowing golden eyes surrounded by a completely black scalar she sized up the giant stretch of green grass covered hills and occasional forests before turning her from pale green hair covered head to inspect the giant gate directly behind her.

Her hair was bound into a short but mess ponytail with few strands that fell onto her face, but she didn't seem to mind them at all.

The two fan-like antennas coming out of her forehead and reach a length of about 25cm gently sway form the light breeze coming from the grass covered hills.

Finished with the giant gate made form solid metal and hundreds of bolts she turns back around and calls up her status with a silent mental command.

The light blue screen appears instantly in her field of vision while remaining unseen to anyone but her.

Crossing one pair of her four arms underneath her medium sized chest covered in a dark green shirt and followed by dark brown pants, she carefully studied the content of the screen while tapping her lower lip with the chitin covered index finger of one of her two remaining arms.

Each of her hands including forearm and fingers are covered in blackish green-brown exoskeleton, she also has some of it one each side of her cheeks that just barley touch the edges of her mouth, hiding the fact that she could open up her mouth all the way to her ears which are long and pointy like those of an elf.

Satisfied with her inspection the clearly insect like woman by the name of Jinny Darkmoss takes her first step into the grass filled hills with her black military like boots mercilessly crushing the vibrant green grass on the ground.

'The status is functional and there haven't been any bugs that screwed with my stats, the graphics also don't disappoint at the first glance.' Uncrossing her lower two arms Jinny opens up the zip bag she had around her hip and reaches inside while placing her upper two arms inside two pockets in her coat.

As soon as her hand disappeared into the open zip bag another screen appears in Jinny's view.

'Looks like there aren't any problems with the inventory.' Glancing over the few things she already had in her storage space she pulled her hand back and closed the bag.

'With that out of the way it is time to test if the class is working as intended. The mage-based passives of {Entomancer} are already working. I can clearly feel the presence of mana and know how to manipulate it.' Taking a deep breath before exhaling Jinny follows the first step of fully awakening her class.

Reopening the zip back around her waist she reaches inside and takes out a vial the length of a finger and similar width.

Inside the vial was a single bug not bigger than a pinky's nail.

Jinny carefully removes the cork trapping the bug in the glassy container and shakes the bug onto her open free hand.

She gentle balls said hand into a fist, careful not to crush the now once again trapped bug.

The next step requires her to connect her mana with the bug.

Closing both her eyes she concentrates on the mana she feels inside herself and slowly channels it into the hand holding the bug.

Like a flame coming into contact with gas the bug immediately and effortlessly digs through Jinny's armored hand following the mana and devouring it till it reached her heart and entered it.

It all happened so fast that Jinny didn't even had time to scream in pain or discomfort at having a bug travel through her flesh and veins only to ultimately pierce into her heart.

The moment the bug entered her heart she reacted instinctively and flooded the little thing with as much mana as she could.

For a painful second all the mana coming at the bug got devoured but ultimately it was to much and Jinny's mana overwhelmed the bug and returned the favor by invading it and extinguishing its own mana, replacing it.

A solid connection snaps into place and Jinny now felt as if she had a second body inside of her chest.

Releasing a slightly strained sigh, Jinny opens her eyes which she had pressed closely together since she started channeling her mana.

'Maybe I should have changed this part, it is really uncomfortable. Well, this class was made for weirdos, so it should be fine.' Suppressing the memories of the strange sensation of having a bug travel through your body, she instead flexes her new ability by feeding more mana into the little bug and commanding it to start laying eggs.

Entomancer are hives to a swarm of insects, this little bug that now rested inside of her heart is a queen of a highly adaptive race of parasitic insects.

By taking it over with her mana Jinny now had a certain amount of control over it and can order it to lay eggs and grow a swarm.

In order to house these insects Jinny needs to be resilient and have a high regeneration as they literally eat her form the inside.

Keeping a close eye at her MP and HP Jinny once again starts walking after her short stop and makes her way to an area where there is lots of very tall grass.

Inside the tall grass should be hiding a few monsters which are just bigger animals for now.

With a constant stream of mana, it didn't take long for the eggs inside her to hatch and grow, they also ate some of her flesh but they barely made her HP drop by five points.

Once they were fully grown Jinny guided them through her body near her back where they dug through her flesh and skin till they reached freedom.

For now, her regeneration was not enough to shrug of damage to any of her organs so she couldn't just let them dig into her stomach or the like to expel them through one of her orifices.

Instead, she made them go out of her back which was close to her heart and with a bit of guidance they avoided any of the important and big blood vessels.

The first generation of bugs she could produce had nothing to speak for themselves expect the ability to fly and swarm an opponent.

Crawling out form underneath her shirt the barley a centimeter big bugs covered in the same blackish green-brown exoskeleton as Jinny's forearms immediately took flight.

Jinny could control the bugs thanks to the fact that all of them are saturated with her mana and are practically just an extension of herself.

A lone bug didn't have the processing power to sustain telepathy or sharing their senses as they are way too weak.

As a swarm on the other hand, it was more doable, and while the lone bugs couldn't do much, Jinny could still perceive emotions and intentions form them.

Like that she was able to find the creature hiding in the tall grass easily as one of her bugs landed on it and bit it which made it hungry.

Noticing this Jinny guided more of her bugs to the location of the one that had started eating and through the various different perspectives, thoughts, opinions and locations, she could piece together what and where the target was.

'A fox, roughly the size of a big dog.' Crouching in her current location near the edge where the field of tall grass began Jinny remained still and increase the output of insects.

This caused her to lose quite a bit of HP and MP but what made Entomancer so dangerous is that like most mages they are ranged fighters, only that Entomancers don't even need a line of sight to attack which made them very dangerous.

'For the first few stages I'm pretty much unbeatable as long as I remain carful and don't charge headfirst into an enemy that is. I just have to sit in the back and jug out as many insects as possible, send them out to find prey and then swarm it till it dies.' Nodding to herself Jinny continues to channel her mana into the eggs , larva's and the queen to increase the pace of bugs being produced and ready to be sent out.

While doing that she also practices her mana sense, the more familiar she was with it the bigger the benefit.

For now she focuses on increasing the details she could sense as range wasn't a problem for now and probably also later on thanks to her swarm.

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