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68.39% Story Ideas and Beginnings / Chapter 158: Infinite World tree (1175 words)

Chapter 158: Infinite World tree (1175 words)

‚Sigh, so this is how I go, sitting in a dark alleyway, bleeding out of a gut wound deep enough for my entrails to take in the disgusting polluted air of this shi**y city while only accompanied by two a**holes who I don't even know, yes, truly an end fitting for a nobody like me.' I think while taking shaky breaths.

Glancing around the alley my eyes got stuck on the single brown eye staring at me.

"What'cha looking at you little sh*t?" I mutter between two painful breaths.

The guy who these eyes, sorry, this eye, belongs to of course doesn't react, he after all was dead with a kitchen knife sticking out of his other eye.

Not too far behind him collapsed onto some trash bags is another guy, he too was dead but this one died from a blood loss which was originating from the long, clean cut along this throat.

Glaring at the slowly cooling corpse a mocking sneer made its way onto my still from pain contorted face.

"Thought I was a helpless victim, didn't you? Well, suppressing and locking away over a decade worth of violent tendencies and genocidal thoughts can be pretty devastating when suddenly driven into a corner." My sneer dropped and an angry frown took its place.

"If not for you two bl**dy wankers I would be at home right now, taking a warm shower before going into my sweet, warm bed, but no! You sh*t heads had to try and rob me while showing clear intentions to r*** me too?! What did you expect? This is reality not some shitty crime movie or show where the victim just collapses and lets you do everything you want to them." I continue to rant for a solid minute before a violent coughing fit shock my body and I collapsed onto the floor curing up into a ball as my hand that is covering my mouth starts dripping with blood.

The pain slowly made place to a comforting numbness as my body started to shut down.

'Well, if I get reincarnated like in those novels then I want a body with which I don't have to do anything, yes, just being there and relax.' Nodding to myself half in a daze and the other half experiencing a flashback of my entire life I fail to notice the emotionless electronic voice talking inside my head.

[BEEP! Searching for a body with no need for sustenance or the need of movement.]

[DING! Search successful.]

'If I am already at it why not also add a skill or ability that negates every kind of exhaustion? No, better, why not have an infinite amount of everything? Yes, that sound nice.' While my mind wanders future into the steadily approaching darkness that is spreading through my body another notification of the same unnatural voice resounds in my head.

[BEEP! Search for a skill to allow infinite amounts of energy and matter.]

[DING! Search for skill successful.]

'Hmm, what else would be cool to have? AH HA! Yes, a skill that will allow me to make my own minions that do my bidding. Hehehe, that would be very nice.' My eyes have unknowingly shut themselves and my breath steadily weakened.

Like the previous two times the voice spoke up again.

[BEEP! Searching for a skill allowing the creation of minions.]

[DING! Search successful.]

'Wait, if I have minions wouldn't I need to order them around and manage all of them? Shit, that would be annoying as hell, I am a terrible at managing things on a broader scale.

Maybe another skill that would make that easier? Yeah, like one that connects all of them directly to my mind like a hive mind, this way I wouldn't have to worry too much as they can just take instruction form my mind without me having to think too much.' Darkness overcame now even the last part of my mind and swallowed whole.

[BEEP! Search for a skill allowing the formation of a hive mind.]

[DING! Search for skill successful.]

[BEEP! Two of the acquired skills are highly compatible, attempting fusion.]

[DING! Fusion of the skill {Minion Creation} and {Hive Mind} successful.]

The electronic voice continued talking even when my mind shut down completely and did whatever it was that it did.

Floating in absolute darkness and silence is pretty comfortable, well, till it isn't anymore.

I frown as I suddenly felt something hard all around me.

Groaning in annoyance as I was slowly scrapping together my consciousness to figure out what the hell was surrounding me this uncomfortable.

Opening my eyes, I blink a couple of times only to realize that nothing had changed.

Frowning even deeper I start concentrating on all my other sense hopping to get an answer as to why I could apparently no longer see.

As I focus on my senses and come to the concerning conclusion that none of them see to work something inside of me snapped.

Instantaneously all my senses returned but with slight alterations.

No longer where they restricted to a special area of my body, all of them seem to work on everything within my range of perception.

This meant I'm currently seeing, tasing, hearing, feeling, and smelling… rocks… dirt…worms? Maybe, I'm not sure, but yeah, its feels pretty strange.

With the input of my new amalgamation of senses it is easy to for me to come to the conclusion that I am currently underground, as well as some other, concerning issues.

'Soooo, I got no limbs. No head in fact too. What do I have?' Confused I look again and more careful.

'Hmm, smooth brown surface, vaguely tear drop shaped… WHAT BY THE GLORIEOUS CROWN OF THE QUEEN AM I?!!!' I go haywire for a short while before calming down again.

Not getting any closer to what I could possibly be, I change my focus to something else.

'I reincarnated so much is clear, but I don't know as what I was reincarnated as nor if I have a cheat.

AH! Right the cheat! Totally forgot about that, the first thing one should do if finding oneself in a situation a now.' Collecting myself I straighten my mental spine and utter a mental word with as much dignity as I could muster.

'Status.' I tried to sound as confident as possible, why? Don't know, I just did.


Name: Hana Klest

Age: 24

Race: World Tree(Seed)

Personal Skills:

{Source} This skill makes you the source of an unlimited amount of any and all matter and energy in all of existence.

{Hive Mother} This skill allows you to create any kind of minions to add to your hive mind, allowing mental communication with no range limit between members of the hive. As the mother and leader of the hive you can order or completely control any of the hives members. Additionally, any living creature can be added to the hive, no matter the race.

Racial Skills:

Roots of the world tree


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