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68.83% Story Ideas and Beginnings / Chapter 159: Hyuga with student (2698 words)

Chapter 159: Hyuga with student (2698 words)

Year 62, after Konohagakure's founding.

The third great shinobi war is raging on, and bloody battlefields filled with corpses paint the borders of the nations.

While the war went on a child was born in the coffins of the Hyuga clan in Konoha.

The little girl was born to a branch member couple and didn't cause much of a commotion.

No one knew that this little girl was anything but normal.

With a soul that was chosen to save the world and three wishes to give it the ability to do so the girl by the name of Saki Hyuga starts her journey.

'Nice, Byakugan right from the start. Hmm? A branch member, this means I should get the caged bird seal when I become three years old.

Well, that doesn't matter much with my wishes I will be mostly if not completely immune to its effects before I even get it.' Unbothered by the consequences of her birth status Saki immediately starts her preparations for the future.

In the world of Naruto children are only able to awaken their chakra at the age of three so Saki still had to wait for a while till she could start playing around with it, but other than playing with chakra Saki had access to something else.

One of her three wishes was to be able to create an unlimited number of parallel minds that are all connected together.

The creation of a parallel mind takes time, but time is something she currently has in abundance as a freshly born baby.

Later when she got a couple of parallel minds rolling, the time needed to create one, or the amount created in one go will decrease or increase, forming a nice, sweet snowball effect.

Her second wish was to have a body where each and every cell is capable to absorb, refine, store and use natural energy complete autonomously.

With this her body will become stronger and stronger as it passively absorbs natural energy from her surroundings and upgrades her cells which then can absorb more natural energy, refine it faster, use more and store larger amounts creating another snowball effect.

As for her third and last wish, it is the ability to gain access to any and all kekkei genkai/genetic ability/bloodline as long as she absorbs some of their DNA.

That's her set up.

Two abilities with snowball effect of which one strengthens the body while the second one strengthens the mind and the third one allowing her to gain access to all abilities out there as long as she gets some of their DNA.

Like that 3 years pass in which Saki spent most of her time creating parallel minds.

The first one took her 18 months, but with two minds working together she managed to make two more when she hit the age of three.

That was when the village fell into chaos.

A giant nine-tailed fox attacked Konoha and caused a great amount of damage.

Giant pieces of debris flew through the air and smashed into houses, stores and restaurants all over the village.

Saki's parents immediate evacuated their 3-year-old daughter before going out to assist in fight against the Kyubi no yoko.

When Saki saw her parents leave to assist the village she could only sigh with a ting of sadness on her little face.

'Their going to die. I knew that most if not all characters in this universe had some kind of tragic backstory, but to see how this rule takes action against oneself is really frustrating.'

The knowledge of her parent's death saddens Saki, but not nearly as much as it should have.

This is mostly because for most of the time she had been reincarnated into this new life, Saki spent her time and attention to build up her parallel minds.

She hardly spent any time thinking about her family and never tried to strengthen their bond.

So when confronted with the possibility of their death she felt sad but not devastated.

With her mood a bit down because of the knowledge that her parents in this life most likely wont return Saki turns her attention to her own body where currently two energies slowly start to mix and produce a new, third kind of energy.

'Hmm, so this is chakra.' With her main mind and one parallel she starts to poke and prob the slowly forming energy in her stomach area.

Two of her total of three parallel minds were busy creating more minds, only leaving one and her main mind to figure out about chakra and how to control it.

For the rest of this unfortunate night Saki attempted to circulate her chakra through her pathways in order to start learning and training her chakra control.

Having two minds of the same level working in perfect tandem with each other greatly increased Saki's speed of improvement.

After the dust settled a bit and the mass funeral for all the fallen shinobis and civilians including Saki's parents passed, Saki started to show her talent.

She trained hard and didn't try to hide it from the main branch of the Hyuga clan.

Just like that, four years pass, and Saki turned seven years old.

In those four years she became known as a genius in the Hyuga clan.

Two years older than the soon to be genius Neji Hyuga Saki had no one to compete with for the spot and learned fast.

Before even entering the academy Saki mastered the gentle fist style of her clan and the use of her Byakugan.

But that isn't the most ridicules thing that she did in these few years.

Saki currently has 15 parallel minds of which five are working on creating more.

Other than her mind, her body has also greatly improved.

Seven years of constant refinement has made Saki's body abnormally strong for her age and that isn't even all.

Her vitality rivals that of the Uzumaki and Senju clan giving her tons of stamina and a high recovery rate.

Other than that, there is of course also the wood release.

Yep, wood release, the legendary kekkei genkai of the first Hokage and God of Shinobi Hashirama Senju.

Saki was shocked when she discovered that she gained access to this overpowered ability and started to try and understand how she gained it.

It took her a while, but she figured it out in the end.

The reason for her awakening wood release is because the amount of natural energy in her cells has crossed a certain threshold.

Different than normal senjutsu users and sages, Saki's body has used natural energy for the past seven years to upgrade itself making her body have a ridicules high affinity with natural energy.

Once her body's transformation reached a certain level, she gained something akin to a blessing of nature as it now saw Saki as something like a child of it and this blessing took the form of the wood release.

Her body's improvement also had other nice effects.

Apart from the obvious strength, speed and endurance boost it also increased Saki's thinking and analyzing ability.

After all, EVERY, cell in her body was upgraded by natural energy including braincells.

And then there is the Byakugan.

A branch members eyes are obviously weaker than that of the main branch member, but thanks to her second wish those inferior eyes have become purer and purer as they continue to absorb natural energy to improve themselves.

Now equipped with the Hyuga clans' gentle fist, high-level chakra control thanks to multiple minds working together, her natural energy infused Byakugan and wood release, Saki enters the ninja academy.

Standing in front of the academy Saki like all the other kids standing there had an excited expression on her face while listening to third Hokage's opening speech.

Hiruzen Sarutobi the reelected third Hokage of Konohagakure talked in great lengths about something called "the will of fire".

How important it was to treat everyone in the village as family and such stuff.

After a whole hour of him brainwashing the younger generation Saki finally had her first day in the academy… or maybe not.

Sitting in small forest inside Konoha is Saki who has two blue, rapidly spinning spheres in her hands.

'Damn am I lucky. I unlocked wood release right before I had to attend that shitty brainwash center.

Without it I would actually have to go myself till I can observe someone performing the shadow clone jutsu.' Sighing in relief Saki refocuses on the two spheres in her hands as she practices her chakra control.

The Saki who went to the academy and excitedly listened to the Hokage's speech was in fact a wooden clone the real Saki created to go to the academy in her stead.

With her long black hair that bound together on her lower back with a few bangs framing her face and a single one hanging down right in front of it, Saki quietly trains to improve her strength.

Her eyes have taken on a pale silver like color resembling more the Byakugan that Kaguya possessed than that of the Hyuga clan.

'Hmm, the Byakugan is mostly regarded as the weaker dojutsu compared to the Sharingan and its evolutions, but in the early stages before the Sharingan evolves into the Mangekyō Sharingan, the Byakugan is actually better than the Sharingan.

The reason why hardly anyone admits this is because with the Sharingan comes a photographic memory and heightened perception once activated. That combined with its ability to see chakra is what allows someone like Kakashi to copy the jutsu's of others he sees.

But, the Byakugan's ability to see chakra is on a completely different level. The only problem is that they don't come with a photographic memory or enhanced perception.

If they did, the entire Hyuga clan would be able to copy any jutsu in their range of sight which is really big thanks to their Byakugan.

Meaning, I, someone with multiple minds active inside one body, can easily do the same as the Sharingan but at a way bigger range.'

While thinking to herself one of her parallel minds takes control of her body and moves her hands to perform the wood clone technique.

Two more Saki's start to grow out of the original Saki's back.

As soon as the two clones have fully formed one of them starts running back to the village while the other one walks a short distance away before also sitting down.

The clone that sat down then starts to perform different handseals, sometimes something happens while at other times nothing happened.

This clone is experimenting and training Saki's wood release.

While those two train in the forest the second clone arrived in the village where he slowed down and started to walk along the streets while looking around.

Unknown to the people around Saki's clone she had her Byakugan activated and was attentively scanning her surroundings while paying extra attention to the roof around her.

After her Byakugan had strengthened she could partly activate it without having the veins near her eyes bulging making it hard for other people to notice her using it.

The mission of this clone was to walk around the village and observe different shinobis using jutsu's so that once she fused back with the real Saki, she could learn them.

Like that she spent her day training, experimenting, scouting and hanging out in the academy.

She repeated this over the next few months and steadily improved her mastery over her chakra and wood release while from time to time learning a new jutsu that her scouting clone observed being used in the village.

Then one day while her clone was walking around the village, she notices a young girl running through the back alleys.

The reason as to why she caught Saki's attention was because of her dark red hair.

'Interesting, is she an Uzumaki? The possibility is high but also not certain as there are other people with red hair that aren't related to the Uzumaki clan.' Intrigued by this Saki followed the girl by flickering over the roofs.

After having observed the village for a couple of months Saki of course witnessed the body flicker technique more than once and started to practice it till she got familiar with it.

It is after all a rather basic jutsu that most if not all ninja's mastered.

With her Byakugan activated while following the girl who seems to be around four years old, three years younger than Saki herself, she soon realized that the girl most likely wasn't from the Uzumaki clan, in fact she looked more like one of Kumogakure's kunoichi by the name of Karui.

Instead of the light skin color normal in the land of fire, the girl has a dark brown skin with a ting of grey.

Her read hair is cut short but underneath it her hair was black and bound into two tails that fall onto her chest.

Other than that, she also has piercing yellow eyes and fairly fit body for a girl of her age, but after looking a bit closer Saki noticed the bandages around the girl's hands.

'Blood? Did she hurt herself by accident?... No, it looks more like she punched something till the skin on her knuckles tore open.

Well, isn't that interesting, a four year old girl training till her hands bleed.'

With great interest Saki watches the girl making her way back to an orphanage inside of Konoha.

A small smile has appeared on Saki's face as her silvery eyes continue to watch the girl even after she entered the orphanage, walls aren't a problem for someone with a Byakugan.

'She looks so rough, like a rock punched out of a mountain.

I'm curious to find out more about her, what is it that drives her to such lengths that she hurt herself. Hehehe, so interesting, I should make an additional clone to keep an eye on her, just for curiosities sake.' With that Saki's clone flickered away to continue her scouting.

Till now she wisely kept away from the training grounds where official shinobis train, she may be confident in her Byakugan but being seen lingering around that area without being an official ninja will still cause some trouble for her.

The next day came swift, and Saki made an additional clone to observe the rough looking red head together with the other two.

Saki was quick to fall back into her familiar pace with the only difference being her curiosity at the results of her new clone's observation.

Smoothly arriving near the orphanage, she found the girl without a problem as she already memorized her chakra signature so after a quick scan with her Byakugan the girl's location was revealed.

'Ehee~? out so early already, aren't you a hard working one?' Muttering to herself Saki observes the four-year-old girl running in the direction of one of Konoha's many parks.

Once there the girl looked around for a while till she found a place where she supposedly was alone.

Then she starts to unwrap the bandages on her hands, revealing rough, scared hands.

Without a word she turns to the nearest tree and starts punching it with her bare fist.

A good twenty meters away in one of the trees Saki's clones silently watches the girl.

The girl continues till blood started to paint the bark of the tree and sun has risen before stopping and putting the bandages back on.

After that she left quickly and returned to the orphanage for a quick lunch before returning to the forest and continuing to punch the tree.

Sitting on a thick branch while leaning against the trunk Saki's clone was deep in thought.

Slowly the day passes and the girl went back to sleep in the orphanage.

None of the people present in the orphanage noticed how someone quietly opened the front door with the help of a wooden key.

Completely silent Saki enters the building and snuck into the office of the orphanage where she starts to go through the papers about the orphans in the orphanage.


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