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70.12% Story Ideas and Beginnings / Chapter 162: High-level civilisation reincarnation (673 words)

Chapter 162: High-level civilisation reincarnation (673 words)

Laying underneath a lonely tree in the middle of a green field of grass is young woman, her blond hair freely flows all the way down to her lower back while a few stray sunrays shine on her delicate face.


Suddenly her closed eyes start to flutter, and she starts to move her hands to cover her face shifting her white shirt a bit.

Sadly, even with her blocking out some of the sun it was still too bright for her and she finally awoke.

Electric blue eyes open and sleepily stare at the brown branches and green leaves above her.

'Pretty.' She thinks before sitting up and stretching her arms while a big yawn escapes her lips.

After a bit of stretching, the woman leans against the tree while her legs which are covered in blue pants lay in the soft grass.

Looking over the seemingly endless sea of bright green grass that glistered in the morning sun form the morning dew she couldn't help but smile softly while appreciating the beautiful sight.

It was then that a chrome-colored cube with a neon blue circle at the front appeared out of thin air.

[Good awakening Master. I have been eagerly awaiting this moment for quite a while.] A genderless but smooth voice said in an enthusiastic tone.

The blond woman curiously looks at the flying cube and took a moment to put things together and understand that it was the cube that had spoken just now.

"Eh, well, hello, I guess. Who and what are you little cube? I am quit confused right now as I don't seem to remember much right now. Sorry about that." Her light voice with a trace of apology didn't contain any form of concern about her current situation as it should have been the case for most if not all people if they found themselves in her shoes.

[No need to apologize Master, your questions are well within my calculations. If I may, I would like to start with a slightly long-winded explanation. It might take a while, but it should give you small overview about what is going on.] The reaction of the woman who the shiny cube refers to as master didn't seem to have diminished its enthusiasm at all, actually it seemed even more excited now.

"Go ahead~, I'm in no hurry to go anywhere so it won't be a problem." With a carefree smile the woman crosses her arms behind her head and leans onto the tree's trunk while looking at the cube reflecting the morning sun.

[Very well then Master, let's begin all the way from the start.] The cube says as a blue lines of light start to appear in the air and slowly drew a picture.

[Once upon a time in a far, far away galaxy, there was a powerful empire ruled by a single race of highly advanced beings.

These beings called themselves "Vanex".

With technology far beyond that of any other race in their universe and an unstoppable momentum that grew only stronger the future they advanced themselves, the Vanex broke into the reaches of space and grew to an enormous size within a mere few million years.

No enemies managed to stop them as the thousands of civilizations that also reached the stage of galactic exploration and stood in their way were only able to temporarily slow down the enormous tide which was the Vanex race.

Entire galaxies were devoured and assimilated into the gigantic creature which was the Vanex empire.

Like that they grew and continued to develop at a rapid pace till eventually the entire universe was its domain.

It was then that they for the first time in the entire history of their race were confronted with a bottleneck that they couldn't overcome within a mere couple of thousand years.

They were stuck inside their home universe, but at their stage of development it was an easy feat to prove the existence of other, bigger and smaller universes outside of their own.

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