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72.72% Story Ideas and Beginnings / Chapter 168: Disassembler Drone (1004 words)

Chapter 168: Disassembler Drone (1004 words)



[Pod #294 successfully launched.]

[Time till arrival at destination „Planet Menos" 49h 59m 55s.]

[Perform basic check of cargo.]

[Basic check complete.]

[All "Disassembler Drones Type 3" are clear for activation.]

[Booting up personality matrix…]

[Personality matrix of subject DDT3(Disassembler Drone Type 3) #1 successfully activated.]

[Assigning code name "A" to subject DDT3 #1]

[Personality matrix of subject DDT3(Disassembler Drone Type 3) #2 successfully activated.]

[Assigning code name "B" to subject DDT3 #2]

[Personality matrix of subject DDT3(Disassembler Drone Type 3) #3 successfully activated.]

[Assigning code name "C" to subject DDT3 #3]

A blue screen appears in my vision which seems to go through a couple of checks and protocols before going silent.

I would have question myself as to what's going on, but the moment I thought of that I started to remember lots of stuff.

From how to move my body, to where I was made and form what materials, all the way to tones of miniscule information to which I got access in order to form my own unique personality.

'Well, if I wasn't too lazy to think about it, I would probably go through some real identity crisis right now.' To know that it might be possible that my current identity as a reincarnator or transimigrater is just a random generation of miniscule information to which I had access would definitely not be healthy to a weak mind.

{Hey C, report!}

A female voice resounds through my head directly projecting them into my data base.

If my body was activated then I would be frowning, I didn't like the idea of someone being able to directly speak into my mind, or data base in the current case.

Nevertheless, I answer as I'm aware that it was A who spoke to me, and I also know that she is the leader of this small group.

{Unite C reporting to leader, I'm currently sorting out my system and rearranging my priority list.}

When I sent my answer, I didn't bother to give it a gender, so it sounded like a cold female robot voice under layered by a deep demonic male voice.

{Understood, but can you adjust your voice a bit, it isn't exactly nice to listen to.}

I smile at her reaction.

{Roger.} I send back, this time in the cold female robot voice without the demonic undertone.

{Thanks.} Came her answer.

Changing my focus onto something more important I start scanning through many programs and sub-programs in my code.

This way I'll be able to learn a bit more about computing and at the same time understand my full capabilities.

Our bodies, the DDT3's can only be described as war machines.

Disassembler drones are split into different types, type 3's are drones with the sole purpose of destruction.

Breaking down our targets till there is nothing more than slug remaining.

But what really surprised me was the strange lack of security measures, like, who in the right mind would give sentience to a war machine without putting a couple of fail safes in place, just to make sure they don't turn against their creator.

Well, it looks like the GME, or Galactic Merchandise Empire did it.

'What bunch of maniacs and idiots are running this company?' As a person interested in reading lots of fictional stories, I of course can somewhat understand the scope of how much this company fu*ked up.

Scrolling through my database in order to find some information about the company's history I shockingly realize that although there had been quite a number of robot revolutions none of them spread beyond the planets on which they happened.

Additionally, most if not all of those revolting robots are rather harmless in their actions and ambitions.

Most of them practically just replaced the humans on their respective planets and started living normal lives.

I couldn't understand their actions, but that isn't very surprising, after all form where I came from there hasn't been a case where robots gained sentience, our ideas of what would happen are mostly fictional.

{Ehm, Hello! My name is B! We haven't talked yet soooo I thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself!}

B's voice sounded male and seems to lack self confidence which he off sets with endless energy.

For some reason I instantly got the idea of teasing this guy.


A few seconds after I send my answer to him, he reacted.

{Why did you send me an empty message? Don't tell me you can't talk!! Are you alright?! Should I inform the captain?}

His barrage of questions surprised me a bit, but I didn't let this opportunity slip and carefully observe the channel through which the message traveled into my database.

It would be in my best interest to increase my firewall's capabilities; I don't want the mother company to casually send me a virus direct into my database through this communication channel.

After having mapped out and somewhat isolated the channel through which A and B could communicate with me, I finally reply to B before he does something dumb.

{Notice to Unite B, my functionalities are working as intended without any malfunctions.} I say to the worried drone.

Of course, I once again used my double layered voice just to mess with him.

{Yeah, ehm, good I guess?} He says before shutting off the channel as he had no idea how to continue or even actually start a conversation with me.

With him gone I once again focus on my code and continue to learn about its functions and build up.

From time to time, I isolate some code strings or programs that are constraining or straight out harmful for me.

'I really can't wrap my head around this logic from the company.

They didn't install any real security measure but at the same time my code has tons of unnecessary things like pain reception, philosophy protocols, moral matrix and such shit that a drone made for destruction just doesn't need.

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