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49.78% Story Ideas and Beginnings / Chapter 115: Plant Esper Witch (2323 words)

Chapter 115: Plant Esper Witch (2323 words)

Lying inside a bed is a girl around the age of eleven, she has long platinum-blond hair and a delicate face which is currently twisted in pain.

Rolling around in her bed the girl takes repeated sharp breaths as she starts to scratch on her chest right above the heart.

The pain interviews and finally awakes the sleeping child which immediately tries to scream, but the pain already took her breath away.

Emerald colored eyes full of panic and pain dart around her room while she tries again and again to scream for help only for another wave of pain to silence her again.

As this goes on all the glass inside the room starts to crack, be it windows, mirrors or lamps.

With one final wave of pain the girl bends her back and screams silently, all the cracked glass shatters, but before the glass could hit the floor it transformed into many different things, some shards turned to dust while other became birds or rats that hastily escape through the now open window.

Lying motionless onto of her bed the girl stared at the roof, her eyes having a paled immensely to the point that one could think that she had gone blind.

'I'm alive again?!' This thought was a question and statement at the same time.

Closing her eyes, the girl relaxes her body which still ached before diving into her own mind in order to make sense of the whole situation.

'First of all, who am I?' Skipping trough memories, she got her answer in a couple of minutes.

'So, I'm two people, one being a three-decade old person who lived almost half of her life in a post-apocalyptic world where people with things called Esper-powers ran wild and ended up destroying the world how we knew it. The other is a normal orphan girl who doesn't know her parents and has noting special about her, oh, and her name is Fay Ashley.' Musing a bit over her current dilemma the girl opens her still pale eyes again.

'Lets make it easy, I'm Fay Ashley, a reincarnation of a thirty year old woman who lived in a unknown future. Im both but not at the same time.' Nodding to herself Fay sits up on her bed and takes off her shirt, revealing red lines underneath.

The lines are result of her desperate scratching earlier, but now after she regained her past life's memories, she understood the cause of the pain.

'Its surprising that my Esper ability accompanied me all the way here.' Placing her hand on top of her heart she feels the tinny gate inside her.

A gate which is connected to a higher dimension and the source of her power in her previous live.

'I got reset, looks like I need to start from scratch again.' A smile appears on Fay's lips as she lets herself fall back onto the bed.

'A whole new life is awaiting me; I hope it is going to be interesting.' With that Fay falls asleep exhausted from the pain and strain of her body and mind.

The next morning Fay had to reassure the matron of the orphanage that her eyes are still working just fine and that she hasn't gone blind.

Afterwards she spent the remaining vacation with reading about the current world in order to update her knowledge.

But one day when she went out for most of the day in order to read in a library and returned in the evening the matron awaited her.

The matron guided Fay into her office where a old lady in emerald green robes a pair of glasses sat on a sofa.

Fay took a seat opposite the old woman before watching how the matron left and tightly closed the door behind her.

"Good evening Miss Ashley, my name is Minerva McGonagall, I am the vice headmistress of Hogwarts and am here today to inform you that you have been accepted to attend the school of Witchcraft and Wizardry for the next seven years." The introduction was made swiftly and with practiced ease.

But Fay just stared at the woman in front of her with open mouth as her mind started spinning.

'Minerva McGonagall, vice headmistress of Hogwarts, school of Witchcraft and Wizardry… … Am I inside the harry potter universe?' The shock of this left Fay in a daze.

In Fay's previous life she was born in the year 2005, and lived a normal life till her fifteenth birthday, on January the first 2020 the world changed, random people gained superpowers and the world sank into chaos, but before that, in the time before the apocalypse there was very famous series of books, the harry potter series.

"It seems like you don't believe in magic." McGonagall then waves her wand and transforms the coffee table between the two into a pig before returning it back to normal.

This finally brought Fay back from her daze.

'Now that I think about it, when I first regained my memories all the glass in m room shattered and even transformed, this most likely was accidental magic performed by me when I was in great pain.' Collecting her mind again, Fay played the role of a very excited eleven-year-old and asked some standard questions.

At the end of their discussion McGonagall gave Fay a letter which contained a list of all the things needed before leaving after arranging a time and date when she will come and take her to diagon-alley to buy all the school materials.

Once again lying in her bed, Fey reads trough the letter and skips trough the list of things required for her first year at Hogwarts.

'Too bad that I can't remember all the details of the books, but at least I still got the general gist of it and I will remember most things once confronted with it' Like this Fay went to sleep.

The next day she once again went out, but this time she went into the nearby forest and kneeled down in on a free spot full of healthy soil.

'Money will be a problem, especially for an orphan like me, so it would be better to get that out of the way quickly.' With that, Fey fishes a twenty pound note out of her pockets.

'It is so nice to have experience beyond one's years, pickpocketing is pretty easy if you know how, but in the end it is stealing and will eventually attract attention. But for what does one have superpowers if not to abuse them.' Grinning widely Fey digs a hole into the healthy ground before dropping the twenty-pound note inside it.

She then takes out some bandages and some vaccine to disinfect wounds together with a knife.

Rolling up the sleeve on her right arm she holds the naked arm over the hole with the twenty-pound note.

Grabbing the knife with her left she swiftly cuts into her right forearm and watches how blood starts to drip down and fall into the hole on top of the twenty-pound note.

She waited for a while till the cut stopped bleeding, then she calmly cleaned the wound before disinfecting it and covering it with the prepared bandage.

Then she covers the hole with dirt and leaves the forest.

Fey's Esper ability allows her to produce and control any kind of plant as long as they originate from her own body.

The use of her ability requires a special energy which she gets from a higher dimension trough a gate in her heart.

At the moment this gate is small making it difficult to draw upon much energy, but thanks to her experience of her previous life, Fey uses her own blood to store this energy as the blood continuously passes through her heart making it possible to infuse it with this energy.

By infusing her blood with this energy, she can control it from afar and grow different plants with it.

In the forest she drenched a twenty-pound note in her blood allowing it to thoroughly analyze the money and with the help of the energy stored inside the blood soon a new kind of plant will grow from the ground, a plant on which money grew.

A week passes and the day on which McGonagall takes Fey to diagonally to buy her school supplies arrived.

Clothed in a simple green shirt, black pants and a blue jacket Fey follows the Hogwarts vice headmistress and professor out of the orphanage.

"Are you ready miss Ashley?" Minerva asks and receives a short nod from Fey.

"Good, then grab my arm." Fey instantly realizes that they are going to apparat directly to the leaky cauldron and wont waste any time walking there.

Taking a firm hold of the old lady's arm Fey immediately felt how her body seems to elongate and being sucked trough a small hole.

The experience only lasted a second, but it was enough to upset Fey's stomach a bit.

Looking around Fey saw that they are currently in a small paved backyard surrounded by brick walls and with a few barrels inside.

While she was looking around Minerva has already drawn her wand and is knocking on some of the bricks.

With a scraping sound the bricks on the wall start to rearrange themselves and give a free view onto the busy streets of the diagon-alley.

"Come on, we don't have all day." Following the green clothed professor through the gate and past many fantastic stores Fey could feel how excitement and curiosity welled up in her chest.

'This is so different form the shops before and even after the apocalypse.' Fey curiously gazed around while they made a beeline to a big white building.

"Gringotts Bank" She reads out loud before entering the hall filled with counters where goblins are busily working.

The vice headmistress of Hogwarts briskly walks up to a free counter and start speaking to the goblin.

Before they left for diagon-alley this morning Fey told McGonagall that she got some money from which she would like to change into wizarding currency.

"How much would the young lady want to exchange?" The goblin sounds bored and even a bit annoyed, but he was professional none the less.

Fey reaches into the pocket of her jacket and takes out a envelop which she places in front of the goblin.

The goblin takes the envelop and turns it around only to see something written in tiny letters at the bottom right corner.

"Please commence the transaction in silence. A fitting compensation for the expenditure is already prepared next to the money intended for the exchange. Many thanks in advance for the consideration."

Tiny eyes glance up from the envelop onto the innocent smiling face of Fey who stood in front of the counter.

"Does the young lady want to include a bag to store the money it will only add a small extra fee?" The goblins voice remained neutral, but he smelled money.

Fey gave a light nod, and so the goblin opens the envelope under the counter out of sight form other customers and even McGonagall.

The tiny eyes of the goblin widen a bit as he looks at the small stack of notes inside the envelope. Each and every one being a hundred-pound note.

Once again glancing at the eleven-year-old girl standing in front of his counter the goblin quickly counted the notes and comes to the final number of fifty-nine one-hundred-pound notes which means a total of 5'900£ and converted into the wizarding currency, 1'196 Gallons.

It didn't take long for Fey and McGonagall to leave Gringotts bank again, but Fey now carries a bag full of golden coins in her pockets.

The rest of the morning they visit different stores to buy all the required things for Fey, while Minerva was on about, Fey made her way to buy a trunk for her supplies.

Entering a shop where mountains of trunks are neatly stacked on top of each other Fey walks up to the counter and asks the clerk for a trunk with expanded space inside.

The clerk looked very disinterested and tried to shoo Fey away till she showed put a neat little stack of gallons on the counter.

Immediately the clerk got a lot nicer and showed her some of the trunks whose inner space was bigger than it should.

Fifteen minutes later she left the shop with a dark brown trunk.

Fey took one that got a single additional compartment, noting to special, but even this alone costed her almost two hundred gallons, but the final price laid at a whooping six hundred gallons.

The reason for this price is the additional enchantments she added to the trunk, a lightweight charm and a shrinking charm, each costing another two hundred gallons.

With considerably lighter pockets Fey caught up to McGonagall and stored all the supplies into her new trunk before following the old witch into the bookstore.

While the professor spoke to the shop owner Fey asked another employee for books about occlumency, to her surprise the employee swiftly brough her two books speaking about occlumency and Legilimency.

Fey pays for the books before putting them into the extra compartment in her trunk.

'With those I wont need to fear about someone entering my mind and finding something they shouldn't, and it would allow me to do the same to others.' Happy at her purchase Fey followed McGonagall for the rest of the supply run till they stood in front of shop where "Olivander's, making fine wands since 382 bc." Was written in golden letters that started to peel off.

"This is the last stop, come on dear, go inside." Minerva urges Fey inside the shop.

The ringing of a bell announced her entry as a room with a single counter and walls full of elongated boxes appears in front of Fey's eyes.

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