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50.21% Story Ideas and Beginnings / Chapter 116: Greek Goddess (1313 words)

Chapter 116: Greek Goddess (1313 words)

Standing atop a mountain cliff is a beautiful woman whose long wavy light brown hair dances in the winds.

Her name is Rhea, a titaness and goddess of fertility, she also is the wife of the titan Cronus god of Harvest and current Ruler of all the titans.

With the help of a scythe crafted by his mother Gaia he defeated his father Uranus and claimed the throne.

But now a prophesy reached Cronus ears, one that foretold his fall at the hands of his very own children.

Desperate to keep the throne for himself he made a terrible decision, he would eat all his children mere moments after their birth in order to prevent them from ever becoming a threat to his regime.

Rhea his wife was terrified by this cruel act and pleaded to Cronus to spare them, but he wouldn't listen, the thrown more important than the pleadings of his wife.

And so the day came when Rhea gave birth to her first child, a girl with raven black hair, the girl didn't open its eyes, keeping them closed the entire time till she was presented to her father clothed in nothing but a white cloth.

The giant hand of Cronus grabs the small bundle and lifts it above his head.

Her mother could only watch with tears streaming down her face as her husband let go of the bundle and swallowed it whole.

A mad grin spread over the god of harvests face as he thought that with this, one of the children which was supposed to overthrow him was eliminated for good.

Falling down her fathers throat the little baby girl snaps open her eyes which look like highly futuristic machines.

Glowing in different shades of purple, bares, circles and waves form a complicated pattern which is constantly altering itself.

At the same moment the baby girl opened its eyes Cronus froze for a mere second, his eyes identical to those of his first daughter.

He stared into the far sky or maybe into something beyond as the patterns shift and spin in his eyes.

Blinking in surprise Cronus regains his bearings, his eyes have returned to normal, a bit confused he left the mountain cliff on which his wife was crying on her knees.

Inside Cronus stomach which is filled to one third with sickly green stomach acid lays a small bundle of cloth.

A small circle free of acid has formed around the girl, every time a wave tried to approach the baby it froze, then shivers before retreating back.

The strange purple eyes of the child curiously wander over the inside of her father's stomach, examining every part of it carefully.

Time passes and the girl has grown a bit, she now sits in her acid free circle with the cloth draped around her form like a tunica.

Her eyes no longer seem to look at the walls of her prison but something slightly beyond.

If Cronus knew that the child who he thought dead was in fact thoroughly studying his body from the inside he would probably regret his rash actions.

More time passes and Rhea finally gave birth to her second child, another girl but this time with flaming red hair.

The things repeated themselves and the baby girl got swallowed by her cruel father without a word.

Falling down the throat of her father the red-haired child cried tears of fear and pain.

A sea of sickly green stomach acid laid beneath her eager to swallow her whole like her father did.

Closing her eyes expecting pain the baby girl crashes into the green sea.

Keeping her eyes tightly shut the baby awaits the pain, but even after waiting for a while none came.

"You can open your eyes now sister. No harm will befall you yet." A strange ethereal voice resounds through the red-haired baby's head, and she hesitantly opens her tightly shut eyes.

Standing above her is a little girl clothed in a white tunica and black hair.

Two strange and otherworldly eyes curiously observe the baby from above.

"Hello little sister." The black-haired girl says as she waves at her guest.

To young to speak the baby waves back earning herself a wide grin form her older sister.

Leaning down the older girl lifts her sister off the fleshy ground and holds her carefully in her arms.

"You can call me Mystia or Stia if you want to shorten it a bit." Gazing down at the child in her arms, Mystia's eyes seem to burst with activity as the many independent parts inside it spin and turn around erratically.

"If you are anything like me you should already know your name too, sadly you don't seem to be able to tell me right now." Finally she lifts her strange gaze from the cloth bundle in which her sister lays and instead looks at one of the fleshy wall of her father's stomach.

"Till you are old enough to speak on your own let me tell you all the many things I learned in the time I waited here for you." With that Mystia started to speak about many things including what their father had done and why, the knowledge of his oldest daughter would have terrified Cronus to the core as she seems to know things even the most powerful seer or oracle couldn't guess.

Time moves on and soon another baby joined the two sisters.

Pulling a short trail of rip wheat colored hair behind her another baby girl falls down into the sea of stomach acid in Cronus's stomach.

A pair of purple glowing eyes watch with slight amusement how the exact same scene repeated itself in front of her as the first time she got a visitor.

Feeling something tugging on her tunic which was now barely covering her private parts, Mystia looks down and sees a worried face framed by fiery red hair.

This fire headed girl was Hestia, Mystia's little sister.

"StiSti, can you safe her?" There's a slight trace of anxiousness in Hestia's voice when she asks her older sister by calling her by a cute nickname.

Patting Hestia's head with one of her hands Mystia keeps her amused expression as her eyes once again gaze at the falling figure.

"Don't worry little HesHes, I won't let any harm come to my family just yet." With that she raises her free hand aiming it at the baby which is crying tears of fear.

Her purple eyes start spinning wildly, additionally they start to glow intensely, coloring the inside of the stomach in a light purple color.

Clasping her open hand into a fist Mystia closes her eyes, returning everything back to normal.

"There, I protected her." She says with clear amusement in her voice.

Hestia looks surprised at her sister before back at the location of the falling baby, it was still falling.

Panic overcomes Hestia as she tries to run over to the place the baby was supposed to fall into the sea of acid.

Before she could even move close to the edge of the acid free circle which had grown in size together with her older sister, a hand grabbed her by the tunica causing her to fall on her butt.

Looking back with eyes that are ready to break out in tears Hestia glares at her older sister who stopped her form saving her own little sister.

Starring back at her is a completely serious Mystia, all traces of amusement disappeared leaving only a stone like face with glowing alien like eyes that spin and turn in strange patterns.

"Haven't I already told you, no harm will befall you yet, nor my family." Her voice still sounded ethereal, but a otherworldly undertone that sounds like a combination between a screeching, growling and hissing made Hestia freeze up in fear.

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