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52.38% Story Ideas and Beginnings / Chapter 121: Wild Witch (Harry potter) (1488 words)

Chapter 121: Wild Witch (Harry potter) (1488 words)

Sitting on the edge of her bed is an eleven-year-old girl with long wild raven black hair that stands up in every direction, almost glowing yellow eyes full of energy look around the small room in which two other girls also slept soundly.

Her name is Annabelle McAllister, she is an orphan whose parents died when she was but a year old and with no other relatives remaining, she was brought into an orphanage where she lived for the past ten years till to this very day.

Annabelle was not a normal child, she in fact was a reincarnated soul which died in an accident in her previous live before reawakening as a barely one year old child which just entered an orphanage.

Another abnormality about her is that since her soul reincarnated into this body, she has never felt exhausted, like at all.

No matter how long she stayed awake or how many tiering tasks she did around the orphanage, she just didn't feel tired afterwards.

Standing up from her bed Anna uses a hairband to pull her wild hair into a high ponytail with only two bangs of spiky hair framing her face, before she makes her way out of her room and down the stairs into the kitchen where two women are already busy preparing breakfast for all the children in the orphanage.

"Good morning, everyone~." Anna cheerfully greets the two women.

"Good morning, Anna dear, here to help with preparing breakfast again?" One of the two woman asks with a smile on her face.

She has long wavy brown hair and freckles on her nose while light brown eyes twinkle full of energy similar to Anna, her name is Bethany Brown.

"Yeah, gotta do something after all." Anna replies.

"You're a dear Anna, if it isn't too much can you start setting the tables? were almost finished with the food anyway." The other woman in the kitchen asks with the same friendly smile on her face as Bethany.

Her head is covered in straw-blond hair, and she has blue eyes with a small mole under her left eye, Susi Feller is her name.

"Sure~." Trotting over to the drawers where the silverware is stored, she takes some of the things she needed and starts setting the three big tables in the main hall of the orphanage while humming a happy tune.

The morning proceeds like the many times before, Anna proved herself to be one of the most matured children in the orphanage as she kept the more unruly children in line with nothing but a sharp glare.

Anna got a strong reputation under the children of the orphanage and the other children at school.

Some kids in school once tried to bully her, but they regretted their actions immediately as Anna beat up every single one of them before going to the principal of the school and reporting the incident.

This scarred even the most unruly child in the orphanage, none of them dared to behave badly around Anna or else they would get an earful after wards.

Breakfast ended and Anna helped clearing the table and washing the dishes before going into her room and collecting some of her books and bringing them down into the living room.

Opening one of the books at a previously marked page Anna begins to read seriously.

She is studying everything she could get her hands on as she wants to use her new chance at life to the fullest and also abuse her inexhaustibility to the maximum.

Like this the morning passes peacefully till a loud knocking was heard from the front door.

Snapping her book shut Anna jumps up from her seat in the living room and walks to the door before opening it.

Before her, outside the door stands an old woman with a stern expression and a pointy witch hat of emerald, green color.

She also wears a robe of the same green color as her hat and a pair of glasses on her nose.

A flash of recognition appears in Anna's eyes before it disappears just as fast.

"Good morning miss, what brings you here on this beautiful morning?" She says with a friendly smile as she looks the old woman in the eyes.

The old woman wrinkles her nose before a small smile appears on her lips.

"Are you by chance Annabelle McAllister?" The old woman in green robes and witch hat asks Anna.

"That is indeed the case, and who might you be miss?" Anna replies with a light frown on her forehead.

"Ah, where are my manners, I am Minerva McGonagall a professor from Hogwarts." McGonagall replies after being a bit startled, she was just so surprised at the excellent manners of the little girl in front of her that she forgot her own.

It was then that an older woman came down the stair of the orphanage, she was the matron of the orphanage.

Anna excused herself and went back to her place in the living room after the matron brough McGonagall into her office.

'That was definitively Professor McGonagall from Harry potter. Am I in the harry potter universe? All those years I thought I was only thrown back in time, but this… this changed a lot of things.' Anna thinks as she opens up her book again, but she couldn't concentrate at all till the voice of the old matron ripped her out of her thoughts.

"Anna dear! Can you come into my office? we got something to discuss." Once again Anna snaps her book shut and makes her way up to the matron's office on the second story.

In the cozy office of the matron sat Professor McGonagall opposite of the old matron of the orphanage.

Anna enters the office and sits down on a free space on the couch inside the office.

"Anna dear, this here is Professor McGonagall she is a teacher at a special school called Hogwarts and she is here with the intention of having you joining it this year." The matron seems to be very happy at this, but Anna couldn't hold it against her, as she herself was very excited even if for a different reason.

'So, it was me after all, I already expected it when she knew my name, but this confirms it, I can learn magic!' A smile creeps onto her face.

"I'd be honored to attend, Professor, but could you explain what kind of school this Hogwarts is?" She may already know, but it was still better to hear it from the real deal.

"If you permit miss Wrington I would like to have a small chat with miss McAllister alone and talk a bit about the school she is going to attend." McGonagall says to the matron whose name was Lesley Wrington.

"No problem, if you need anything I'm downstairs." With a happy expression on her face the matron left the office closing the door behind her.

After the door closes silence envelopes the office before McGonagall breaks it with a question.

"Do you believe in magic miss McAllister?" She asks.

Anna didn't reply immediately and takes a moment to look like she is thinking about the question.

"No, I don't. Till now there hasn't been anything that would prove the existence of such so it is hard for me to believe in something I have never seen." Anna has a serious expression on her face.

McGonagall frowns at this respond.

"Haven't sometimes unnatural things happened around you when you felt strong emotions?" Her question was probing as if she didn't expect Anna's reply.

'Hm, she must talk about accidental magic which happens to most children with magic talent when they feel strong emotions, but I haven't felt such strong emotions since the day I realized that I reincarnated… WAIT!! Is my inexhaustibility accident magic?' My thought sidetracks a bit, but I'm already pretty good at multitasking.

If one can go on for multiple days and nights without needing to rest one starts to try the strangest things.

"No, not that I remember." Anna decides to keep her inexhaustibility a secret for now.

"Strange, normally children your age would already have experience accidental magic at least once." McGonagall mutter under her breath before straightening her back.

"Anyway, miss McAllister, the school which you are going to attend is Hogwarts, a school for young witches and wizards." She then starts to reveal the existence of magic to Anna, she also proved it by turning the café table between the two into a pig before reverting it back.

Anna didn't need to fake her surprise and excitement at all as she was genuinely feeling that way.

At the end McGonagall gave Anna a letter which entailed a list of all the required school utensils.

Reading through the letter, Anna was once again surprised at the many strange things needed for her first year at Hogwarts.

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