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42.85% Story Ideas and Beginnings / Chapter 99: Two creater gods (Friendly relation) (3413 words)

Chapter 99: Two creater gods (Friendly relation) (3413 words)

I was nothing but a normal human woman who went by the name Rose Hillson and lived her life half in the world of entertainment and the other half in the merciless world of profit.

Then one day it suddenly ended with a bright light and a roaring thunderclap, my death was so sudden that I couldn't comprehend it and entered a dazed state.

This state didn't last long as I soon found myself in a new place, a dark and endless darkness whose only content are two pure white balls of light.

I'm one of those two lights, one of the two only beings that exist and have ever existed.

´This is not right. ´Confusion appears in my mind as I once again go over what I just thought.

´There was a lot before us and there are also a lot of things other than we two. ´I strain my confused mind in order to understand what is going on.

In an attempt to get a better overview, I start to observe the seemingly endless darkness around us.

To my surprise in but a an instant I knew about everything inside this darkness, be it what it is or how big it is, all that appears in my mind instantly.

I remain still and go over the new information I gained form this surprisingly successful endeavor and come up with a satisfying theory which could somewhat explain my current situation.

´I and the other ball of light seem to be something similar to creation gods and we are inside a black empty box which is as big as it is needed to be. Something is telling us that there is nothing else out there and that we will have to create everything ourselves. This kind of instinctive knowledge works on new beings like the other light ball which seems to not possess any memories or personality of itself, but it doesn't work on me because I got memories of a whole other life in which I was a bottom feeder inside a big society who most of the time dreamt about what could possibly be above everything. ´While I was thinking my previous spherical form has undergone drastic changes.

No longer am I a featureless ball of light, instead I took on the form of a woman covered in multiple layers of robes with a hood that obscures the upper part of my face leaving only the lower part free together with some lone strands of hair, additionally a pair of long, feather like ears look out from underneath the hood.

I would say that I look beautiful but my whole body was still pure white without any other color and it also kind of lacks details, there are now patterns or complicated designs, in short, I look like an uncolored sketch.

Not bothered by my looks I instead straighten my mind in order to come up with some goals for the time being.

´Right now I'm still rather calm and can think somewhat clear, but I can feel how this whole situation starts to exhaust me, it wont take too long till I might break down and I got not the slightest clue what this will entail so the thing I want to do the most right now is to make a home for myself in which I can rest and solidify my mind. ´

With a goal I start to finally draw at the unimaginable power of creation which fills my very being, with a wave of an arm it shoots out from inside of me in a mesmerizing show of colors and shapes flying into the darkness of what I'm going to call the black-box.

The primal energy of creation swirls around in the darkness soon turning into thin lines which from a sketch like landscape inside a bubble.

I gather my focus which I previously spread out through the entirety of the black-box around the sketch like construct and start to fill the sketch with my energy.

If I was planning to build a planet or a solar system, I wouldn't be so generous with this energy as I know a lot of myths in which the creations grow strong enough to overthrow the creator.

There are also cases in which the creator exhausted himself to the point where he went into a deep slumber, only to wake up and find his creation destroyed, stolen, corrupted or whatever comes to mind.

Thanks to my previous life as a human I'm rather familiar with the feeling of baseless paranoia and egoistic nature which ran deep inside the human race, so instead of creating everything else first and then creating my own stuff I do it the other way around.

´First thing is myself and the rest comes after, I want a place where I can feel safe and recover from exhaustion or wounds. I don't want to take chances that some damn creature gets ambitions enough to try and kill me or take my place. ´Grumbling to myself while building my perfect home, I only notice the changes of the other light ball in passing and didn't bother to waste any future thoughts on it.

POV; Other light ball

I don't know anything but that I and my fellow shining sphere are the first and only beings in existence.

Everything is new and while I'm brooding to myself, I notice how the only other being in this infinite darkness starts to change, it no longer shares the same form with me, it now has thin flowing sheets draped around a body which possesses a midsection to which two long appendages are attached and a another more spherical one at the top.

Unfamiliar feelings and knowledge appears in my mind while I look at the changing form of my only companion.

Those information's explain to me what her new form represents, a humanoid woman, and some other things connected to it.

When I finally finished digesting this new knowledge the robed woman has turned away from me and a complicated construct made from thin strands of the same energy which fills my and her bodies floats in the infinite darkness as if waiting to be filled by something.

The robed woman retracts her focus which she spread out at some point and fully concentrates on her creation.

A new feeling of excitement makes itself known to me and urges me to also start doing something.

I decide to follow what the robed woman did and use my focus to alter my spherical form.

The result is similar to that of the robed woman, but instead of a woman I decided to take on the form of a man, the only reason I even know about what a man even is because of the information's I gained when witnessing the robed woman´s transformation.

Curiously inspecting my new limbs which are covered in pure white robes I lift my half-covered face and look in the direction of the robed woman, I could feel a miniscule amount of her focus watching me, it was nothing more than to allow her to know where I am.

The though of her watching me even if only out of the corner of her eyes strangely excites me and I couldn't hold myself back anymore form starting to create my own things.

I excitedly wave around my two arms and draw out some of the primal creation energy form within me and skillfully weave it into a basket of rules and laws, following this I fill the basket with matter and energy which take the same form as me and the robed woman did when we first awakened, spheres.

Thanks to the basket of rules the spherical balls of matter calmly float around one big burning one.

Pride blooms in my stomach as I look at what I managed to accomplish with noting but my instinct.

My head involuntarily turns to the robed woman wanting to show her what I did, but before I manage to send out my intention to her I freeze up at the sight of something that I would have called abstract if I already had a sense of normality.

Twisting branches and roots out of thousands of symmetrical and asymmetrical forms embrace a landscape while shining in the same all-encompassing colors as the primal creation energy.

The landscape is made up of many different shaped pieces connected at their edges by simply ramming them into each other.

Each piece has its own environment and set of rules, the scale of those different pieces can't be judged by the eyes as some small looking ones actually are bigger than those double their size or the other way around.

I feel how the feeling of pride starts to shrink to make place for another new feeling admiration.

All the unknown forms and shapes, the colors and ideas used in the creation of this one structure are just simply amazing.

Not able to withstand my curiosity I leave my basket and arrive next to the robed woman who has stopped infusing her energy into the construct and is now observing her creation while tilting her head from time to time.

When I arrived next to her, I immediately notice something different about her, the amount of primal creation energy I feel inside of her has decreased a lot, so much that it couldn't even compare to the amount which I possess in one of my fingers.

This decrease in energy has also a visible effect, her previous pure white form which was radiating in the infinite darkness has changed to a pale grey which turns darker near the edges of her robes to the point that they seem to melt into the darkness surrounding us.

I feel how her focus brushes over me before extending a bit further till it also envelopes my own creation.

Unknowingly to me I tense up when she studies my own creation as if expecting something which I myself don't know what it is.

POV; Robed Woman

I let my creativity free reign when designing my home causing me to make a lot of abstract things just because I can and wanted to.

The result is kinda questionable but as long as it fulfills its role as a safe home for me and those, I deem family I'm more than happy with what I created.

While I'm drifting off with my thoughts, I get dragged back by the someone approaching.

Because there is only one other being except me here anyway I didn't put enough of my focus on him to actually see him I just know where he is.

With my work finished I let my focus spread out and instantly get surprised that a robed man stands right next to me.

´Did he imitate my humanoid form or were we always supposed to take on such form? Huh? What's that? ´My attention switches from the robed man to a small glowing basket in which some spheres fly around.

´Isn't that a solar system, damn he even got the whole natural laws down. I cant say for sure that I would be able to do that so quick as he did, I'm pretty sure I would forget some important things while in the making. ´

After marveling at the complexity of this one solar system I turn back to the robed man which watches me with an oddly expectant feeling coming off him.

´He looks like a child which wants to be praised for its efforts, except that what he managed to do is absolutely praiseworthy. ´

I collect my feelings of admiration, wonder and a good amount of praise before sending it to him.

His reaction was immediate as he grows immensely excited before starting to praise my own construct, he also starts asking questions so instead of just telling him I invite him in and we enter the from branch and roots embraced landscapes.

Landing on one of the many platforms we both look around and admire the sight.

As soon as I entered my new home, I feel a warmth warping around me and slowly seeping through my very being, the edges of my robes which have turned black turn lighter indicating that I started to recover from my energy exhaustion.

´Looks like it is working properly. ´My shoulders involuntarily relax a bit and my movements become a bit more fluid and freer.

The robed man is flying around the landscape taking in the different views with great curiosity and I support him a bit by explaining some of the things inside my home.

At some point I sat down on a bench made form beautiful, twisted steel that is padded with soft cushions.

Time flew by and I feel a heavy tiredness creeping over my body. ´I finally hit my mental limit. My body is completely made from energy so it wont tire, but my mind is still that of human and not yet used to a tireless body. ´

With one hand covering my mouth I let out a long yawn just out of habit and send the robed man my intentions to go to sleep asking him to leave.

This confuses the man a bit, but he did as I asked anyway and leaves my home shortly, without anyone bothering me anymore I rise form the bench and move to the core of this realm for which I still got no real name.

´I'm not good at naming things, maybe I can just take something from my previous life, there sure as hell isn't anyone here to complain about it. ´I go through a couple of ideas while flying.

It didn't take long to arrive on my destination, my eyes wander over the house and garden before me.

´This brings back many memories. ´The house of itself isn't that luxurious, it just has a lot of warm colors and furniture that has a special meaning to me, like for example a old candle stick which normally would only be seen in old castles or museums is standing in the living room, this candle stick belonged to my grandmother and a lot of precious memories are attached to it.

I shake my head. ´I must be really tired I already start to dive into old memories. ´

Without future ado I walk through the house and enter the bedroom where I let myself fall onto my bed, my last act is to collect all my spread out focus into myself, this act is similar to that of closing one's eyes in order to sleep.

The tiredness floods my whole body and my consciousness drifts off into sleep.

POV; Robed Man

´She praised my work! ´this through brings forth many new feeling and the shrinking pride in my stomach once again burns fiercely.

Her praising me also brock the strange tension which I felt surrounding me, full of new emotions I immediately return the praise.

The robed woman then invites me to enter her creation and explore it, I of course agreed, and we entered the strange place.

From the inside it was even more impressive and abstract, there are many different small objects and things strewn through the whole place.

I went around and the robed lady explained some of the things to me while she sat on something she calls a bench.

The whole time I was inside this place there was a feeling so weak and deeply hidden that I couldn't really grasp it but its seemed to urge me to leave this place, telling me that isn't where I belong to.

Over my stay in the robed woman´s creation this feeling slowly grew stronger, and I start to feel a bit uncomfortable.

When the robed woman told me that she is going to sleep and requested me to leave I got a bit confused as to why she wanted to sleep, but thanks to this feeling which urges me to leave I didn't protest and left the wonderous landscape embraced by those strange roots.

Floating outside of the robed woman´s creation I notice how the feeling which urged me to leave has completely disappeared.

I shake my head and turn my focus back to my own creation, the more I look at it the more it seems to lack in comparison to what robed woman made, but before any kind of negative feelings appeared inside my mind the memories of the robed woman´s praise resurfaced and brightens the way I look at it.

´She called it complex and well thought through. ´I poke at the basket made of rules before my attention shifts to the mostly baren spheres of matter inside it.

´Maybe I should fill those first before making more of them. ´With this I start to work on creating many things I´ve seen inside the robed woman´s creation and invent some of my own.

Mountains, desserts, swamps, grasslands, rocky plains, oceans, lakes, forests, jungles, bush lands and many other things slowly took form on one of the matter spheres.

Each new thing I create is carefully woven into the already existing basket of rules allowing them to interact with each other and change without my direct interference.

I worked for a long time creating many different thinks on different spheres which I named planets.

One of my personal favorites is the new rule I implemented into the basket, it will allow beings similar to me and the robed woman to exist, but instead of giving them purely energy bodies they will have a shell out of matter in order to weave them into the rules.

The only thing I need to do now in order to kickstart the evolution of intelligent life is a bit of my primal creation energy.

Just before I inject a bit of my energy into the mechanism, I get a feeling of intense tension as if I'm standing at the edge of doing something which is irreversible.

Hesitation blooms in my mind as I think hard about what this could mean, in the end I couldn't find anything and decide to just do it in order to satisfy my curiosity.

With that I start the evolution of live.

POV; Narrator

The moment the robed man started the almost unstoppable machine which is life a great change was about to occur.

Life doesn't like following rules, it lies in its very nature to break those rules by continuously evolving and implementing everything into itself.

The robed man watches how the first changes inside his basket woven from rules appear and slowly spread through it.

Surprise creeps its way into his mind as he witnesses how life fueled by a tiny spark of his energy covers the entirety of the basket in no time.

His surprise only grew more when the essence of life starts to sicker into the rules which make up the basket itself.

Looking at the now alive basket of rules the robed man starts to grow concerned about this development.

In an attempt to fix the flaw in the rules he weaves a new cage of rules around the already existing one, hoping to contain the essence of live within the basket.

The attempt failed as the new rules also get infected by life turning into living beings like the basket bevor.

Overwhelmed by the direction in which his project went, the robed man decides to leave it isolated in the infinite darkness and instead start anew.

For a long time he manages to distract himself by creating different planets and solar systems, he also fills them with many creations, but every time he finishes one he couldn't help but to look back at his first creation.

His curiosity urges him to take a closer look at what has become of it, but he knew that if his focus comes into close contact with the essence of life, he too might get infected by it.

After creating hundreds of thousands of planets and other things which now litter around in a dazzling display of bright stars and colorful galaxies, he finally couldn't resist his curiosity any longer and moves back to his first creation.

Looking at this solar system, the robed man couldn't help but be mesmerized as he notices so many new things which he didn't create.

Overcome with curiosity he injects his focus into the small solar system in order to observe the smaller details.

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