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42.42% Story Ideas and Beginnings / Chapter 98: Undead rage (2847 words)

Chapter 98: Undead rage (2847 words)

Inside a hospital room lies a girl around eighteen years old, her black hair reaches down to her upper back and deep brown eyes stare at the white roof of her room.

Elena Roosevelt has been bedridden since she was five because of a rare and incurable disease which weakens all her muscles to the point that she was only barely alive.

Her facial features are sharp because of her haggard look which allows one to see most of her bones.

The doctors initially estimated that she wont live over the age of eight, to everyone's surprise Elena continued on and successfully kept going, proving all the different doctor's estimation wrong times and times again.

Elena wasn't able to communicate lightly because each time it takes a giant amount of energy and time to tip only some short sentences into the writing pad which rests next to her bed.

Because of that no one really knew what she thought about or what kind of personality she has, no one knew about her deep desire to kill and gut all those people that came into her room over the years, no one knew that she has a deep rage burning in her chest, a rage so hot that it kept her alive even if only so that she can continue to butcher all those people in her imagination.

Elena has expressed her desire to learn about the world and its history early on, her parents answered her request with a steady stream of different teachers, doctors and people from different jobs that teach her about the world and the many things inside it.

But now, after thirteen years of being bedridden the burning rage in Elena´s chest finally calmed down and is close to being extinguished, Elena knows that without this burning rage she won't be able to hold on any longer, so she starts to mentally prepare herself for the imminent end awaiting her.

´It wasn't an especially good life, but in the end, it is my own, my only real regret is to never being able to do all those things I fantasized about. ´With this last thought Elena closes her eyes and embraces the coldness which crawls up her limbs now that the heat of her rage is getting weaker and weaker till it only is a tiny spark deep in her chest.

Darkness and silence fills Elena´s senses as she falls deeper and deeper into this bottomless abyss.

She doesn't know how deep she fell into this abyss, but in all this darkness a sudden ripple appears, and the following disturbance shakes awake her cloudy mind.

´I'm already dead so just let me rest… ´Groaning annoyed Elena focuses on the source of the disturbance which has awoken her so rudely.

The sight of thousands of bright purple light points connected together by a thin string of the same color presents itself to Elena´s still a bit sleepy mind.

All these many light points seem to form one giant organism which calls out into this dark silent abyss, inviting all those unknown beings inside to join it.

Elena´s mind instantly went abuzz at the thought of being able to return to the world of the living and a spark so tiny and weak, deeply hidden in her core burst up in flames, turning into a raging inferno in an instant.

The rage she thought extinguished once again burns brightly in her core lighting up the surrounding darkness and filling her ethereal body with a boundless amount of energy.

Channeling this all too familiar energy, Elena is able to move in the direction of the cluster of purple lights.

´I want to return, I want to life out my deepest desires, I want to life, I want to life, I want to life…. ´Elena loses herself in her own pleading as she comes closer and closer to the purple light cluster.

At one moment she was in front of all those bright purple lights and in the next she was in the middle of them all.

Knowledge in a her unknown language invades her mind and starts to paint a strange purple glowing rune filled with alien knowledge and wisdom in her very soul.

The moment the rune was finished Elena once again falls into darkness, but this time she awoke almost immediately.

Snapping open her forest green eyes she gazes past the blond strands of hair at the clear blue sky stretching off into the horizon.

´Is this the sky? I never thought that it was this beautiful. ´Blinking in surprise at the rather unfamiliar sight Elena took a moment to get out of her daze.

When she finally got it, she shot up into a sitting position and excitingly starts to exam her body.

´I'm no longer in my old room! I can also easily move around; did I change body? Hell this body is jacked! ´She excitedly looks at her arms which have clearly visible muscles and jumps up on her feet.

To her own surprise she didn't have any problems moving around and keeping her balance even though she didn't walk for over thirteen years.

´This is neat, makes things a lot easier, would have been a bit embarrassing if I had to first learn how to walk again. ´Giggling to herself in happiness Elena soon starts to perform many different stances and executes some more advanced maneuvers.

´Damn, what kind of body did I take over to be able to perform all those kinds of flips and dodging rolls so fluidly even though I haven't ever done something like that before? ´A bit confused but plenty happy Elena finally takes in the sight of her surroundings.

With an almost reflexive movement she brushes some lose strands of blond hair behind her ear.

Elena currently stands on a big street surrounded by many tall buildings, those buildings are broken and destroyed, large heaps of rubble lie on the streets, some building have giant holes in them.

´Well shit this looks like it comes straight out of an apocalypse movie, now I'm curious to know what kind of apocalypse it is. ´A grin spreads over Elena´s lips as she looks at all the destruction and chaos around her.

It was then that a blue window pops up right in front of her.


Name; Elena Roosevelt

Title; The Chosen One of Corruption

Race; Zombie of Corruption

Evolution progress; 0%

Special Abilities:

[Undead Body] As an undead you don't have any other needs than to eat the flesh of the living in order to keep your body from rotting and evolve. You can only be killed if your head gets separated or destroyed. (Careful, your wounds don't heal normally.)

[Blessing of Corruption] As a blessed of Corruption your race will always gain the bonus of corruption. {Current bonus; Your body doesn't rot, and wounds heal slowly. Living creature's who get your blood or saliva in their system will get corrupted and turn into a lesser variant of your current race, slaves to your will.}

[Burning Rage] A inferno rages in your soul, if drawn forth it will increase all your physical parameters by a great amount at the cost of your reasoning. (The negative effect depends on your ability to control the inferno of rage coursing through your body.)

Surprised but driven by curiosity Elena reads through everything on the floating, half transparent window.

´Holly shit, ain´t that a surprise. Looks like the cluster of purple lights I've seen in that abyss was actually a personification of corruption. Hehe, lucky me I guess, I managed to become part of its game. ´Now grinning form ear to ear Elena gives a silent prayer of thanks to the being which allowed her to have a second chance.

"Anyway, if my race is anything to go by then I should be in zombie apocalypse right now. "Absentminded Elena scratches the back of her head, her hand touches something damp and wet.

Bringing her hand back in front of her face Elena inspects the half-dried blood on her fingers.

´The wound seems to be deep enough to insta kill any normal human, now that I think about it, except for the wound on the back of my head I'm completely fine. This means that the killer of the original owner of the body wasn't a zombie, zombies eat their victims' flesh, but my body is complete, so the most likely solution is that it was a human. ´Thinking about it for a bit longer Elena comes to the conclusion that whoever killed her couldn't have gotten too far, the blood on the back of her head was still rather fresh.

A predatory expression appears on Elena´s face when she decides to hunt down whoever murdered the previous owner of her body.

´First I need some equipment or I won't be able to achieve much, I may be able to use my rage to power myself up, but if they got guns it wont be of much use. ´With a plan in mind Elena starts to search for tracks around the area, once again surprised at her own abilities she manages to find some footprints near the place where she awoke in her new body.

´I got the feeling that the original owner of this body wasn't so simple, maybe I got access to her memories unconsciously, in that in that case she must have been some sort of hunter or even a soldier. ´Musing over the origins of her body Elena continues to follow the trail leading away from the area she awoke in.

On the way she broke into some of the stores and got herself some new clothes a backpack and weapons.

Elena looks at her reflection in a still intact mirror of a shop, she has bound her blond hair into a short ponytail and wears lose black pants that have lots of pockets, a dark green shirt underneath a dark blue jacket with fur around the hood covers her upper body, Elena also got herself some nice black gloves and boots with iron caps.

Additionally, she got herself a grey scarf, ski mask and orange ski google, those things are mostly just to look cool.

´It is nice to be able to wear any kind of clothe without having to worry about getting hot or cold, allows me to wear whatever I want whenever I want. ´Smiling Elena leaves the shop and continues on.

Over the course of her pursuit, she continues to check into different houses and shops in order to stock up on more equipment.

At one point she finally came across a zombie, it looked rotten and lots of its bones were free to see.

Elena remained calm and studies the zombie with great interest.

´Well it isn't so bad, I can work with that. ´Slowly she starts to approach the zombie with a woodcutting axe in hand.

Once she crosses the ten meter mark the zombie lifts its head and looks in her direction, with a gurgling sound it starts to limp in her direction.

Because of the degree to which it is rotten its movements are slow and rigged.

´If the body is in bad shape it decreases their overall abilities, does this mean that a zombie that has eaten enough can move the same way a normal human can? ´While Elena was thinking the zombie approached and is only a meter away from her.

´Zombies are still attracted to me, I got to be careful not to aggro to many at once. ´With one swift movement Elena raises the axe and swings it down onto the zombie's head.

The amount of force she put into her swing was enough to split the zombies head all the way down to its neck.

´Damn I'm strong, normal zombies should already have some good strength, but thanks to the blessing of corruption I'm a superior version so I'm even stronger. ´A sick grin spreads over Elena´s face as her green eyes stare at the split open head of the zombie.

She then roughly pulls out the axe and watches as the little amount of liquid flow out of the mostly dry brain of the zombie.

´This sight alone is already getting me excited I wonder how it feels like to split open a still living human's head. It must look beautiful right? ´Elena absent mindedly stares at the zombie's corpse.

´Do I have to eat him in order to increase my evolution progress? Well, I will have to try it in order find out. ´With that she crouches next to the corpse and pulls out some of the dried-up brain which she then stuffs into her mouth.

A blue window pops up with a short notification.

{Evolution progress; 0% -> 1%}

´Seems to work. It tasts a bit dry but it is still better than the brew which I had to drink before. ´Unbothered by what she had just done Elena once again scoops up some zombie brain and eats it.

{Evolution progress; 1% -> 2%}

She does it one last time completely emptying the zombie's brain.

{Evolution progress; 2% -> 3%}

With the brain finished she moves on and starts to eat rotten flesh from other parts of the zombie.

After eating the complete corpse except for the bones Elena stands up again with a light frown on her face.

´After eating the brain I no longer got any notifications; does only the brain count or is this one just to rotten? ´She thinks about it for a bit longer and comes up with a theory.

´Maybe only the brain increases the evolution progress and eating the flesh only helps to keep my body from rotting, but I possess the blessing of corruption which makes it so that I don't rot at all so eating the whole corpse is a waste of time. ´Satisfied with her theory Elena continues to follow the trail left by the group of humans that killed the previous owner of her body.

Her journey leads her through half of the city and took her the rest of the day, the sun was setting, and Elena watches a group of four barricade themselves in a house.

´I couldn't get my hands on any firearms but luckily, I found this bow and some arrows in an exotic sports shop. It is better than most of the things in my arsenal and I got plenty of ammunition. ´Elena watches through some windows how the four people place lots of furniture in front of all the entrances before sitting down in the living room.

There are three guys and one girl, the guys look a bit roughed up while the girl had a numb expression on her face.

One of the guys who has short, spiky blond hair and a red bandana around his head starts to take out some can food from his backpack and opens it.

While he is preparing the food another guy with droopy brown hair starts molesting the girl's breasts with a perverted grin on his face.

The last of the guys, a man with black hair and a scar on his left cheek starts to speak to the others, sadly Elena is too far away to understand what he is saying.

´They don't seem to have any guns either, a baseball bat, a fire fighter axe and a iron pipe is all they got… right they cant just carry all kinds of things around with them or they will get tired to fast, HAHAhAHA Lucky me, I don't have this problem as an undead, my stamina is unlimited.

Anyway, without any fire arms they don't possess much of a problem to me if I'm careful enough to protect my head, for exactly that I got out of my way to acquire this! ´With a wide grin Elena removes a motorcycle helmet form her backpack and put it on.

´Now they will have some problems if they want to damage my head. ´Her grin only grows wider underneath the black tinted visor of the helmet.

Putting down her backpack in a secure spot some distance away from the house in which the group has barricaded itself with her bow and arrow readily next to it in case someone manages to escape from the house, Elena makes her way to the front door with the woodcutting axe in one hand and butcher cleaver in the other.

The latter hasn't much use against a zombie, but against a human it was usable and gives the added fear effect, who wouldn't be a bit scared when facing an enemy with a butcher cleaver?

Standing in front of the house door in which the group is currently resting Elena takes a deep breath, reaching out to the still burning rage in her chest, drawing it out and guiding it into her arms, legs and all the other parts of her body.

In an instant she feels how something burning hot courses through her body underneath her skin, giving her immense strength

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