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82.25% Story Ideas and Beginnings / Chapter 190: Bnha Big sister (5793 words)

Chapter 190: Bnha Big sister (5793 words)

Somewhere in japan on the streets of Shizouka district a late teenage girl around the age of 18 is walking around slowly looking at the many people on the streets.

She has short messy blond hair bound into a high ponytail and blue eyes, her stature is rather lanky, but contrasting to her look she got a surprisingly amount of strength in her limbs.

Wearing a grey shirt and dark blue jacket with fur around the hood and brown pants with black sport shoes on her feet she makes her way through the district.

This girl is named Ayako Hara, she is currently on the way to buy some groceries to fill up her fridge because she went out for the entire last week to do some business.

Ayako´s live was good, in her childhood nothing bad happened and she enjoyed it greatly till she awoke her quirk which she innocently named "Borrow" as it allowed her to gain the abilities of a other persons quirk for a short amount of time with extended contact.

While "Borrowing" a person quirk he won't be able to use it himself, but this effect only lasts for ten seconds at most.

After awakening her quirk Ayako changed slightly, becoming more and more interested in quirks and how they work including her own.

For the next couple of years, she focuses mainly on increasing her knowledge causing her to be praised a genius as she picked up things at an outstanding rate.

In these years she also trained and tested around with her own quirk.

At the age of twelve Ayako´s quirk underwent a qualitive change thanks to her tedious training and research of it and its applications.

In her attempt to understand her new quirk she got shocked again and again as she slowly understood the true nature of her quirk.

Instead of simply borrowing another person's quirk and blocking them from using it themselves, it rips out part of the quirks gene-code and adds it into Ayako´s in the form of a branch allowing her to use the quirks abilities.

The process of it is very crude and hasty so this branch code attached to Ayako will rapidly die off because it lacks the key part which allows it to sustain itself making her unable to use the quirks abilities indefinitely.

Getting part of their gene-code ripped out makes it impossible for the targeted person to use their quirk as it is damaged beyond working, but because they still retrain the key part their gene-code will recover at the same pace as the branch in Ayako dies, making it look as if she returns the quirk to the owner.

After the change in her quirk Ayako gained full control over her quirk, it no longer just did what it did, instead she now can affect and manipulate the entire process from removing the code all the way to reinstalling it into her own.

This change opened up many new possibilities for her and she divided deep into the topic.

To the worry of her parents Ayako´s research slowly starts to turn into a kind of obsession and the experiments become more morally questionable.

In the end they let her be as she still hasn't done anything bad in pursuit of her research, but they kept an eye on her just in case.

When Ayako reached the age of fifteen, she had made many theories and even some equipment needed to test these theories, now the only thing left is the test subjects.

The thing she wants to test is a procedure which would allow Ayako to turn quirks into serums.

It is only possible thanks to her own quirk, she has honed her control of it to the point where she is very confident that she can extract the entire gene-code of a quirk including the key part which allows the code to recover from partial damage, this alone would make the victim a quirkless person as there is nothing left from which they could recover their quirk.

Sadly, Ayako found out that she can at most house five different branches/quirks at the same time before the burden would be to great on her own code and possibly cripple her.

She can at most have three quirks without any side effects when using one more she will start to feel a serve drain on her stamina, when using five then she got two minutes till various symptoms like nausea or stomach ache start to appear.

This theoretically means she can have three different quirks for as long as she wants and two more for short amounts of time.

Something like that is already great, but Ayako wasn't satisfied, so she started to come up with a way to extract those "Branches" from her own gene-code in order to freely switch between many more abilities.

For this she tried to change the location of the branches on her gene-code in order to combine it so that it would be possible to remove the branch with the help of external tools or equipment.

After many tries, she managed to find a combination that would allow her to extract the branch from her right forearm with the help of a syringe.

The extracted gene-code looks like a rosy liquid, once extracted the branch will immediately deteriorate and die.

In respond Ayako started mixing a concoction which can be used to put the gene-code into a stasis till it enters a body.

The end result is a vial filled with a bright slightly glowing crimson liquid in which thin silver strings from unique patterns.

Till now Ayako has never taken a full gene-code only small parts in order to not get into too much trouble, but now was the time to test her theoretical procedure for real.

Over a week she slowly builds up a hideout inside an abandoned basement without arousing too much suspicious.

Then one fateful night after a long time researching possible victims, she dons a disguise equipped with some sedatives stolen from a medical clinic by using a borrowed quirk of someone she knew in order to knock her prey out cold.

The target is a teen around her own age, but he normally doesn't leave his house, a complete shut-in, parents are mostly out working and he got the strange habit of leaving the house in the middle of the night for some minutes before returning.

His quirk is actually really good, it allows him to generate and store electricity, the quirk alone would be enough to become a high tier hero, but this guy isn't interested in becoming one.

Kidnapping the teen went smoothly as he clearly didn't expect to get a piece of cloth drenched in sedatives shoved up his mouth and nose.

Once knocked out Ayako brought him into her hideout with the help of bicycle and a trailer.

In her hideout she ties him up on a chair and places a sack over his head, she then takes out a syringe which is lightly bigger than her hand who's tube is half filled with the bright crimson liquid which will make sure that the gene-code doesn't die once extracted.

Ready to go Ayako grabs the teen arm and starts to surgical extract the quirks gene-code in its entirety.

This takes a whole long hour to complete in which Ayako stood with closed eyes next to the tied-up teen, not moving in the slightest.

When finally done she let herself fall onto another chair wiping away the layer of sweat which has formed on her forehead.

The endeavor has been successful, and Ayako acquired the complete lighting quirk of the teen.

Sitting on a chair Ayako forces herself to again focus on the gene-code which is now in her own body in the form of a branch.

She spends the next thirty minutes observing the branch in order to make sure that everything is alright, and no side-effects appear.

None appeared and the branch doesn't show any signs of dying or deteriorating.

Satisfied, Ayako reaches out to a small table next to her chair and grabs the syringe on it, she then aims the sharp tip at specific spot on her right forearm and slowly starts to insert it breaking through her skin and pushing aside the muscles in the way.

The needle continues to sink into Ayako´s arm till it reaches its goal, once arrived she presses a button the syringe activating a small mechanism to automatically fill the syringe container.

Ayako silent watches how the syringes container fills itself with something, in the crimson liquid thin strings of silvern color start to appear as the wave together in a unique pattern.

It only took five seconds to fill the syringe to the brim, Ayako then carefully pulls out the needle and places it on the table before taking care of the puncture wound.

A wide grin adores Ayako´s face as she inspects the container of the syringe which is filled with crimson liquid and thin silver threads.

She has confirmed that the gene-code branch was completely removed from her body, which means that her theoretical procedure was almost a complete success.

It was only almost a complete success because she still got to so some test like for example if she can inject it in order to gain the quirk or if she can inject it into other people without side-effects.

She doesn't conduct those tests right away because she still got to clean up, the knocked out teen tied to the chair will have to be at home before he wakes up or it will mean trouble for her in the future.

The night ended peacefully for Ayako as she carefully cleaned up all her traces and returned back home without anyone noticing her midnight stroll.

Over the next three years Ayako performed the remaining tests and fixed the flaws in the procedure, this alone didn't occupy her for a whole three years, in this time she also made up her mind about what she has done and is planning to do.

She plans to collect more quirks with the help of her procedure and start to research quirk fusion, in order to do this she will have to steal the quirks from a lot of different people, this act alone will mark her as a villain, additionally, acquiring different quirks will of course awaken the urge to use them in some way so she will probably be fighting someone, most likely heroes.

Resigned to her true nature and overwhelming obsession with quirks, Ayako diligently starts to prepare for the start of her villain career.

When moving around as a villain she will need a costume in order to hide her identity and some weapons or gadget to simplify her quirk collection method.

Ayako surprisingly enjoyed herself greatly planning and designing her villain costume, the end result was following.

The head consists out of a metal diving helmet that has five holes covered in glass, a big one in the middle front, two on the right, one on the left and the last one on the top left.

This sort of helmet would normally heavily reduce Ayako´s field of view, but different form its outer appearance the helmets inside works similar to a VR helmet, Ayako is able to see through high quality cameras placed in the glass covered holes of the helmet, these cameras have special lenes that allow them to capture a great area, allowing Ayako to see just as good as with her own eyes if not better.

Additionally, the camaras have access to different modes like zoom, night or thermal vison.

The chest and entire back of the torso is protected by a metal armor on which the helmet is attached, and two shoulder protectors are also connected to it.

Surprisingly the suite itself is very light and allows free movement without any restrictions.

On the right side of the back, connected to the torso armor is a big tank almost the same size as the entire upper half of the body, a pipe wheel is attached on top of it, on the left side of the back is a metal cage covered in dark brown leather connected.

A dark brown leather vest with four straps on the chest covers the middle section of the torso and shorts of the same color cover the hips.

The thighs and knees have brown leather pads with the same straps as the vest, the boots have metal caps and cover the lower legs completely, additionally, the legs have a simple exoskeleton to support the suite.

Both arms are equipped with leather gloves that cover the entire forearm, these gloves are made with the function of being able to attach some gadgets to them.

The left one is primarily for weaponry like guns and retractable blades, harpoons or needles, while the right one is specially made to gather quirks.

Ayako needs skin contact to steal quirks, so she specially searched for a fabric which allows her to use her quirk even if it is between her and her prey.

The right gloves inner side is made from this fabric making it possible for Ayako to still steal quirks even through the gloves, other than that there is also a machination on the forearm which has three syringes, two on the inside that can be extended and retracted in order to extract gene-code´s from Ayako or inject her with one, the other one is on the outside and filled with a heavy sedative and possesses a retractable needle.

A black tube with two smaller tubes inside leads out of the right arms machination connecting it to the tank on the back of the suit.

The tank is in fact a device special made to manage vials of gene-code´s, when Ayako extracts a quirk from herself with the help of the syringes on her forearm it directly goes through one of the two smaller tubes into a prepared vial inside the tank.

Similarly, she can inject herself with different quirks inside the tank, through the second syringe which is also connected to one of the two small tubes.

This apparatus allows Ayako to easily steal multiply quirks without having to worry about exceeding her limit and also swiftly switch between different quirks stored inside the tank.

Lastly, underneath all of that is a white, lose jumpsuit from a very resistant material that is hard to cut and waterproof.

There are other, smaller, gadgets on the suite like the voice box or the colored lights in the helmet´s openings.

They are there mostly there for connivence sake or entertainment, the voice box allows Ayako to communicate through her helmet or play creepy sound effects to spook people while the lights inside the helmet just look cool.

Sadly, Ayako won't be able to use the suit till she got a strengthening quirk because the suit was too heavy to be fully utilize it with her current strength.

This problem led Ayako to the present, after finishing her suite and making some preparations, she left her parents only leaving a note explaining her plan to become a villain and that she choose this path herself so they weren't to blame themself for it.

She moved into her prepared hideout where she changed her appearance to the current one, short messy blond hair where the originally were black, blue eyes and the removal of any birthmarks, and took on a forged identity as Ayako Ikeda.

With her new identity Ayako moved away to the Shizouka district where she had prepared her future base.

The relocation went by without a hitch and Ayako safely arrives at her new base which is a house direct next to the beach.

Money wasn't a problem for Ayako as with her intelligence and research in the last years she patented some household equipment which continues to bring in enough money for her to support her research.

In preparation for her villain career she set everything up so that she had access to the money while blocking any attempts of tracking her down.

This house and a good part of the beach are official property of Ayako Ikeda, she has chosen it because of its proximity to the ocean.

The suite Ayako made did not only look like a diving suit, but it also functionated like one, making the ocean an ideal escape route.

After finishing moving in her new home Ayako prepared for the hunt of a sufficiently powerful strengthening quirk.

She first scouts out the possible candidates, this includes villain if she came across one fitting her criteria.

The scouting took five days, four to find some candidates, one to do some deeper research on them.

To her surprise she actually came across All Might fighting some kind of slime monster villain, there also were two boys, but she didn't spare them more than a glance before focusing back on All Might.

In the end she left, she understood clearly that she won't be able to get her hand on All Might´s quirk with her current strength and foundation, so it is better to continue to search for other candidates.

The sixth day she dedicated to preparing a scenario where she had the absolute advantage while on the seventh, she executed the plan.

Her prey was a burly man who works as a construction worker, his quirk didn't seem that strong, it didn't even allow him to become a hero, well Ayako managed to make skin contact with the man when she was investigation him, this allowed her to take a sneak peek at his gene-code, to her surprise the strengthening quirk he had was a growth type one.

This means that with training one can increase the performance of the quirk greatly, sadly for the burly man he never really trained and just used the initiate strength buff to have an easy life as a construction worker.

Ayako has lured the man into an alleyway in the evening, she hides underneath some trash bags and jumped on him with a syringe full of a sedative.

The dose was enough to immediately knock him out, without any resistance Ayako silently stole the man's quirk, she has drastically improved her work speed as it was unlikely that she will have an entire hour time to steal a quirk in a combat situation.

It only took a minute till she felt how the muscles in her body strengthen by a great amount.

She now has three quirks if one counts her original one, after finishing the experiments and test, Ayako once again added the lightning quirk of her first prey into her own gene-code.

She now has super-strength and lightning powers, satisfied with her hunt she cleans up the scene, leaving the downed man on the ground and walking off into the night.

The next day she went out to buy groceries and look around a bit more.

While walking around the district Ayako bought some snacks and treated the day as a day off.

When she finished buying groceries and some other things, she made her way back to her home.

Because today was such beautiful and Ayako decided to walk along the beach in order to enjoy the sea breeze.

After a while she comes to a section of the beach where mountains of trash obscure the beautiful view of the sunset.

The sight lowers her mood a bit, but she almost immediately got distracted by some loud sounds coming from somewhere down on the trash covered beach.

Curious about the source of the noises, Ayako makes her way over and notices two figures on the trash covered beach.

Her blue eyes widen a bit as she recognizes one of them, a boy with blackish green hair, he was the same boy she saw when she watched All Might beat up the slime monster.

She then exams the other person on the beach, he was a scrawny man with yellow hair and clothes double his size.

His over all look was weak, but for some reason Ayako couldn't get rid off the feeling that she has seen him before.

While Ayako was standing there trying to figure out why the scrawny man felt some familiar, he and the green boy also noticed her.

The boy immediately tensed up as if he was caught doing something he shouldn't have done; the scrawny man just sizes her up before nodding friendly in her direction.

Ayako silently observes before taking the nodding gesture as a sign to leave.

With a friendly smile and a light wave, she continues on her way home.

On the way home she continues to muse over the feeling of familiarity which she felt when looking at the scrawny man.

She didn't come up with anything even when she reached her destination, so she gave up on it and instead focuses on her future plans.

Now that she has a strengthening quirk, she will have to do some training as it isn't quite enough right now, she wants to use it to its full potential.

Over the next couple of weeks, Ayako followed a strict training plan in order to increase the output of her strength-quirk.

While training, Ayako notices that depending on how you train different factors will be strengthened, for example when she lifts weights then her arms become more powerful, if she runs then her legs grow stronger enhancing her speed.

After realizing this, Ayako changed her workout plan a bit so that she mainly increases her agility and speed.

She also started wearing her suite in order to get accustomed to it and guarantee that she will be able to move freely while wearing it.

Of course Ayako didn't only train her body, she also experimented with the lightning quirk, she already has great mastery over it because she worked with it for around three years, but now she is incorporating it into her fighting and movement style.

After a month, she finally decides to go out into the city and do some things and collect quirks.

Donning her suite she attaches the gadgets on her forearms, the machination with three syringes on the right and a gun with a retractable blade on the left.

Her lanky stature and tight suit give her a kinda creepy aura, combined with the red light shining out of her helm openings, she looks like she crawled straight out of a horror movie.

Satisfied with her look, Ayako sneaks out of the house and makes her way down to the beach where she walks into the water till she gets swallowed completely by the ocean.

Moving close to the seabed she swims along the coast with the help of some turbines attached on the tank.

In the middle of the night, a wet figure with a tank on its back and an old-style diving helmet on its head whose holes glow in a strange yellow walk onto the beach of Chiba.

Tuning its head, the lanky figure inspects the empty beach before running off the beach into the city with abnormal speed.

Once inside the city the figure jumps on top of a street sign from where she catapults herself near a house and grabs a window ledge, in a acrobatic maneuver she swings herself up and pushes off with her legs, performing a front flip before landing on the roof of the neighboring house.

Grinning underneath the helmet Ayako crouches on the edge of the roof and creepily observes the silent night.

She always wanted to do something like that and now with the strength-quirk she got the ability to do it.

While thinking to herself she notices how the curtains of a window opposite of her gets pulled aside to reveal the face of a little boy who looks really scared.

He directly stares at Ayako´s from darkness obscured figure, only the eerie yellow shining holes of her helmet are clear to see in the night.

Ayako tilts her head a bit before slowly waving at the boy, her action scares him quite a bit, but before he could do anything she stood up from her crouching position and jump onto another roof disappearing into the night.

Her movements are fluid and fast, using walls, roofs, street signs and other things as foot hold, Ayako moves through the city while doing some acrobatic movements.

After moving around for a while Ayako notices a commotion not far from her current position and decides to check it out.

A short moment before she arrived the commotion died down and the night became silent again.

Curious as to what caused it, Ayako swings herself over a roof and hangs at its edge with one arm.

Underneath her on the other side of the street a man in grey trench coat and with a hat of the same color walks out of an alleyway.

On his coat Ayako notices dark reddish stains, it wasn't hard to piece together what has happened, without any future hesitation she lets herself fall to the ground landing on the ground with an audible sound.

Then man spins around and looks at Ayako with a deranged look in his eyes, his face was ordinary if a bit on the skinny side and a rough stubble beard surrounds his chin.

"Are you a hero?" The man asks warily before he shacks his head and a wide grin spreads over his face.

"It doesn't matter I already killed him. YOU HEAR THAT!! I ALREADY KILLED THAT BASTARD!!" He screams before spreading his arms wide and laughing to the sky.

Ayako didn't react to his speech and calmly walks towards him with slow steps, her approach brings the man out of his laughing fit and he stares at the Ayako´s almost two meter tall figure now standing only a meter away from him.

A thought seems to fly past the eyes of the man before he took a slow step back and cold sweat appears on his face.

"You ain´t a hero, right?" He asks with a suddenly dry voice.

One of the main reason as to why he was able to bring up the courage to kill a person was because he knew that even if he was caught he will only be imprisoned for a life time at worst, but that only applied in the case he was caught by the heroes or police because they have to follow the laws.

The lanky figure covered in what looks similar to an old-style diving suite didn't look very hero like.

Other than heroes and the police, there was also two more thing a villain has to be careful of.

One being vigilantes, those guys don't follow the same rules as heroes and police, each of them got their own motivation and moral code, and the others are fellow villains, there are some that like teaming up but there are also those scruple less monsters who don't posses any mercy in their hearts, this makes it not uncommon for infighting between villains.

The man sizes up the figure, which is looming over him, observing him in cold silence.

His back is completely drenched from cold sweat by now and his mind gets slowly clouded by fear and panic.

Another minute passes in this tense, silent situation, finally the man wasn't able to suppress his fear anymore and with a loud cry swings his hand at the figure in front of him.

The moment the man acted the yellow glowing holes in Ayako´s helmet switch color to an ominous red.

Crimson red light shines on the from fear and panic covered face of the man making his heart skip a beat.

Before he could understand what was going on Ayako raises her left arm and releases a long blade, blocking the hand which the man swung at her.

The nails of the hand have elongated and turned into sharp claws, the blade and the claws connect, and some sparks fly from the impact.

Ayako wasn't done and in one fluid motion punches the man into the face with her right hand that she balled into a fist.

With a loud sound the man gets thrown all the way into the wall of a house, his face lightly deformed from the punch and his noise flat like a that of pig.

Surprisingly the man was still consciousness after he hit the wall and is now desperately trying to get back up.

While trying to get up her hears slow steps coming closer, fear overtakes his mind and he finally manages to stand up even while still feeling dizzy from the beating he took.

Just as he wanted to run another loud sound rings out from the direction of the footsteps.


The sound of a gun firing rings through the man's head before a shar pain explodes from his left leg.

Once again collapsing to the ground he manages to catch glimpse of a smoking barrel extending from the lanky figures left arm, right above to the blade.

Ayako silently look at the man laying on the street with a bleeding leg before glancing at the smoking gun barrel attached to her left arm.

She expected to hesitate when confronted with actually harming a person, but she didn't, and even now when looking at the bleeding man on the ground she doesn't feel bad or the urge to help him, no, she only wants to steal his quirk before he bleeds out and dies, as it would be to late afterwards.

Releasing a quite sigh, Ayako moves over to the now unconscious man, the fear, pain and blood lose made him faint.

Crouching down next to him Ayako reaches out with her right hand and touches the man's arm.

For a long, silent minute, she just crouched there and concentrates on stealing the quirk.

The quirk allows its user to grow their nails and turn them into claws, those claws are inferior to metal, but they are also a lot more convenient and if damaged they can regrow within a couple of days.

Once she finished stealing his quirk, she searches his pockets, sadly there's nothing of interest except for a bit of money.

Ayako then stands back up and walks into the alleyway from which the man in trench coat came out from and searches for his victim in order to loot the corps too.

Around ten minutes after the start of her encounter Ayako was back on the roofs jumping around in search of prey.

While wandering she test the new quirk, but sadly she wasn't able to use it as it would damage her gloves.

Not able to use the quirk Ayako decides to just put it into her reserve activating the extraction mechanism on her right arm.

She feels how the needle pierces through her skin and drains the gene-code from her body, the extracted code then went trough the tube into the tank on her back getting stored there inside a prepared vial.

Retracting the needle back, Ayako lets out a sigh before performing a flip over a chasm between two buildings.

Digging her heels into the roof beneath her feet she comes to an abrupt stop near the roofs edge.

Before her on the street below two groups oppose each other, four on one side and four on the other.

Ayako raises an eyebrow underneath her helmet from surprise, she didn't expect that she would encounter so many people on her first outing.

The group of three is made up by heroes and the other from villains, it looks like she arrived just before they start to fight.

One of the heroes who is wearing a white costume with a cape and swirls on some places makes the first move by creating a spinning whirlwind and throwing it into the group of villains.

Immediately after their colleague mad his move another hero activates his quirk, two lizard legs and tail grow out of his torso and back.

He charges at one of the villains which stood the farthest away from the others.

Not wanting to be out done by the heroes the villains also activate their quirks.

One of them spits out a bluish mist that gives off a cold feeling while another fires wooden spikes from his arm at the hero who created the whirlwind.

Ayako watches the fight between the two groups and analyzes their abilities and how she could defeat them.

After fifteen minutes off watching them fight she decides to join in because if it continues much longer the heroes will definitely call for reinforcement, so she has to knock them out before that can happen.

With a grin full of excitement Ayako jumps off the building directly on one of the heroes.

Her sudden appearance stops the fight for a moment in which she grabs the hero on which she landed by the throat and lifts him off ground before using her lightning quirk to shock him into unconsciousness.

This action made it clear to the others that she wasn't on the same team as the heroes, this fact causes the remaining two heroes to look at each other before one retreat in order to call for back up.

Not interested in letting this happen the holes in Ayako´s helmet turn red and she raises her left arm aiming at the retreating hero.

Immediately a gunshot resounds through the street followed by a pained scream.

The retreating hero screams from pain as he holds his bloody hand in which he held a now destroyed phone.

Using the appearance of another ally to their advantage the four villains charge at the two remaining heroes from which one was wounded.

All the while Ayako holds the neck of the hero she landed on, slowly stealing his quirk.

At clear disadvantage the heroes desperately fought for their lives occasionally glancing at the tall lanky figure in diving suite, hoping dearly that she won't join into the fight any future.

Ayako stood at the side not very interested in joining for the moment, she had aimed at the person with most interesting quirk of the whole group, stealing a quirk still requires time so she made a mental priority list of who's quirk she should aims first in order to maximize the success chance.

The quirk of the hero she is currently holding allows him to treat any surface like water practical allowing him to swim through the ground.

Right now Ayako desperately lacks a reliable escape path, with a quirk like this she will be much harder to catch or stopped.

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