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22.94% Story Ideas and Beginnings / Chapter 53: Vampire (1003 Words)

Chapter 53: Vampire (1003 Words)

Waking up in an unfamiliar surrounding is never something nice, even more so when this new surrounding looks like a dark forest and a man in dark tattered clothes is crouching next to you.

I remain silent and glance at the man next to me, he has dark brown hair and pale skin. His eyes are blood red and similar to a reptile.

'Well shit, just woke up and a vampire already eyes me like he wants to eat me alive.' I lament before starting to move.

I slowly push myself into a sitting position with the help of the tree behind me and continue to observe the man who I suspect being a blood sucking vampire.

The man didn't move a bit, he just patiently waits for me to find a comfortable position to rest my back on.

With my back resting on the tree I start to inspect the forest around me a bit more not in any kind of haste to speak to the vampire.

Green bushes with different berries and flowers on them grow between the many trees that reach up high into the sky.

There are lots of vines and other plants hanging from the thick branches of the trees giving off a feeling as if it was jungle combined with a horror movie.

The leaves of the trees are so high in number that everything underneath is shrouded into a never-ending night completely blocking the sun out.

'This is sure a good place for a vampire, the sun never reaches the ground even at it highest point allowing them to move even in the day.' I think as I look at the forest and its creepy aura.

With a deep sigh I then turn my eyes back to the man who silently waited next to me.

"Fine, I will begin then." I say and clear my throat.

The vampire gives a small nod indicating his willingness to listen.

"Who are you and where are we?" I ask the first two question with a serious expression.

He didn't answer immediately, instead he seems to carefully consider his words before he started speaking.

"I am Matthew Fayston, a first-generation vampire. We are currently lost somewhere in the ancient forest of the fourth continent 'Barn'." He says slowly.

I listen attentively and come up with my next question.

"Why are we here and what is the situation?" This is the second most important thing I want to ask.

The vampire, Matthew, once again pauses to gather his thoughts.

"I came here to hide from a pursuit, but ultimately got lost and wasn't able to find my way out for the last two years. As for you, I don't know how you got here but I found you dying beneath this very tree two days ago. I took the liberty to turn you into a vampire as I didn't possess any other mean to save your life." He explains without showing any emotion on his pale face.

'So, I'm a vampire now additionally to being lost in a forest that doesn't seem to be normal.' I sum up the gained information.

After a short pause I came up with some more questions.

"Is our life in any kind of immediate danger or are you able to safely elaborate what it means to be a vampire and its pros and cons?" I ask.

Matthew thinks for a moment before walking over to a tree whose trunk is as thick as torse and swings his arm at the tree.

I wasn't able to see how he moved his arm but the following scene of the tree falling over with a clean cut through its trunk gave me an idea of what happened.

He then proceeds to cut the trunk again walks back next to me with a piece of wood in his hand.

Matthew then places the piece of wood on the ground and sits on it before starting his explanation.

"There are two kinds of vampires, the first-generation and the second-generation. The first-generation vampires are beings able to wield terrifying powers and abilities.

These abilities are a fusion of blood and darkness magic unique to the first-Gen vampires, allowing them to turn into mist, take on the form of different animals or devour and contain the spirit bodies of prey that died while drinking their blood.

These are only a few of the innumerable possible applications of the blood and darkness magic available to first-Gen vampires.

The second-Gen on the other hand are unable to access this powerful magic and are fundamentally different form the first-Gen vampires.

A first-Gen vampire is able to turn a chosen being into three different creatures.

A ghoul which is a brainless creature that only hunts and kills. They are made by drinking all the blood of a victim and infusing their corps with a poison that is produces in the teeth's.

Then there is the second-Gen vampire which is made by following the same steps of making a ghoul except that before the awake they get feed some blood of their creator. This transformation gives the victim a boost to all physical stats, but it also turns their body into an undead giving them lots of weaknesses.

Lastly is the first-Gen heir which is done by feeding a living person the blood of a first-Gen vampire and declaring him the heir of the bloodline. Every first-Gen vampire can only have one living heir and it is not possible to retract this declaration.

I made you the heir of my bloodline in hopes that together we are able to escape this cursed forest." Matthew explains in one go.

I take a while to digest all this new information and sort out my thoughts to prepare my next question.

'Im a first-Gen heir so it would be the best to inform myself about my strengths and weaknesses so that I can prepare.' With a new priority at hand I ask Matthew about it.

He calmly prepares an answer

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