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21.21% Story Ideas and Beginnings / Chapter 49: Ghost ship (994 Words)

Chapter 49: Ghost ship (994 Words)

´Hmm... that is really a wired way to die. ´ I think while staring at the night sky above me.

At the moment I'm lying at the deck of a ship, bleeding to death from the giant wound in my stomach.

Surrounding my bleeding body is a circle with my mysterious signs inside and twenty people clothed in black robes with a strange sing on the back.

´Who would have known that classmate is part of a cult who sacrifices living humans. So much to the vacation at sea that he promised me, heh heh. ´ I say in my mind as the world around me grows dark and cold.

The chanting of the robed figures continues and strangely didn't grow any weaker even when everything was dark as the emptiest place in the universe and colder than any ice age.

Their voices flow around my cold body and cage my drifting consciousness, or is it my soul that they imprison in this cage?

Suddenly, bright white lines start to appear in the darkness, slowly outlining the form of a ship.

I was quietly observing these lines when it hit me.

´Isn't this the ship on which I died. ´ I mutter.

It is hard to not recognize the ship as it was very strange in its design. Large and mostly made of wood on the outside except for the hull which is made of metal. It has four underdecks with one additional on the front making it a level higher and three in the back. In the middle are three masts with black sails. The whole thing was colored in a beautiful black and gold design which gave it an epic feeling.

The ship is equipped with everything that a modern person desire. Clean, functionating bathrooms, kitchen with stove and freezer, even a separate room filled with hardware.

Not to forget the whole thing is almost self-sustaining with its own fruit and vegetable garden, solar panels and water filters.

It has two three black sails and an engine that allow the ship to reach a speed of 35 knots. Something that I didn't know about this ship is that it has weapons.

´Holy mother of god!? The have guns! ´ I scream in my mind as I look at the outlines of around ten giant cannons. Not the medieval kind, no I mean modern, double barrel cannons that are normally seen on warships. They are evenly spread on each flank on the first deck under the sundeck, from the looks of it they are retractable.

At the heck and bow of the ship I can make out the outlines of additional canons that look like air defense turrets.

This realization startles me a bit as it opens up many questions, but I ignore them for the moment as something new appeared in my vision.

Hidden in the outlines of the ship many red nod points suddenly lit up and shoot out illusory chains at me.

I instinctively try to dodge them because I could feel a dark and sinister power rolling off them. My attempt fails as I was hold in place by an invisible force.

In but a moment the chains reach me and as soon as they did, they pierce through something invisible.

A wave of pain assaults my mind and I look at the place where the chain has pierced, slowly an illusory arm starts to appear.

Crimson red blood flows slowly out place where the chain has pierced.

´That is my arm. ´ I think in pure horror, but before I could do anything else many other chains pierce through my body causing me to scream in pain.

My scream drowns out the voices of the cult members and resounds through the whole ship.

The pain seems endless as more and more chains pierce through my body, by now I was completely visible and drenched in crimson blood that refuses to drop and instead stretches itself into red strings that hang from my body.

'ITS ALL HER FAULT!!!' I scream as the face of my classmate flashes before my eyes. Her mat green eyes turned into poison and the blond hair which was nearly white gave of a cold and unfeeling aura.

Slowly but surely my memories and mind started to get corrupted with a raging anger and burning desire for revenge.

I start to struggle more and more against the red chains that bind my body, tugging and pulling in hopes of breaking free.

The strings made out of my crimson blood start to sway in an eerie way and slowly creep closer to different parts of the outlines of the ship.

'I WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH THIS!!' My rage fueled by the pain of being impaled by chains that then start to pull and threat to rip me apart.

With each moment of my pain, the crimson strings creep closer to their destinations.

With one last cry, the strings connect and instantly turn the white lines blood red.

"I WILL BE FREE!!!" I scream and tear at the chains, with a bone chilling "PING!" the chains broke, and my vision returned to how she was when I was alive.

Infront of me I could see the shaking figure of the twenty cult members, each and everyone of them was looking at me in pure horror.

As I look at their faces a sudden spike of anger clouds my mind and I appear next one of them. Without thinking I reach out with my hand and grip his head; his face immediately starts to grow pale and frost spread over his hair.

Within a mere second his skin has become deathly pale with slight frost covering it, his eyes have lost all their live and blankly stare into the distance.

I swipe my arm and throw his cold body to the side shifting my gaze at the remaining members and a cold evil grin slowly spreads itself over my pale lips.

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