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14.28% Story Ideas and Beginnings / Chapter 33: God Game (1884 Words)

Chapter 33: God Game (1884 Words)

A humanoid figure is sitting on a throne lie seat out of ever twisting galaxies.

The figure is clothed in dark blue robe that covers him from head to toe.

In the shadow that lingers where his face should be are two glowing purple eyes that radiate a strange mist.

In front of this seated figure is a round wooden table that loos very ordinary.

The space in which he, the seat and the table are located is of a strange mix of colors.

There are three distinct color vortexes that are pitch black at their center.

The first one is a combination of blues and greens. The colors mix at some places and are completely separated at others. But this doesn't stop them from slowly spinning around the black center.

The second one has a color scheme focused on reds and yellows giving it a fiery aura and flame like designs that slowly move as they spin around the black center.

The third and last one is mostly a mash of browns and purple with some green mixed here and there. As a whole it gives a very earthly impression.

The figure suddenly starts to move its arm and reveals a hand covered in brown bark like skin from its blue robe. With the raised hand now hovering above the tabletop it started to speak in a weirdly excited voice that rings through your very being.

"How about we play a little game?"

The figure says into the ancient silence of this space.

Almost immediately after he finished speaking a voice that continuously changes its volume rings out of the black center of the fiery vortex.

"GREat ideA FyoDOr!"

The fiery vortex says.

"What should we play? If it is cards again! I'm going to throw the most shit like brown that I can fiend at your face! Fyodor!

The purplish, brown and green vortex speaks up.

"Calm down Marple. You only hate card games because you never win."

The greenish blue vortex says calmly.

"FU*******K YOU!!! PELP!"

The purplish, brown and green vortex that goes by the name of Marple screams at the greenish blue Pelp.

"Shesh Marple calm the brown that is your sh*t. Why can't you be more like Sempa over there."

Fyodore states calmly while pointing at the fiery red yellow vortex.

"Anyway, does anyone of you guys remember how I'm an evil god like entity that saps of the main universe energy to grow more powerful?"

Fyodor asks while waving his bark covered arm over the empty table.

"Yeah. I also remember how you absolutely failed and got sealed in this weird space." Pelp says.

"Good. And do you also know how I do it?" Fyodor asks the three with an expectant tone.

"….." Pelp

"...…" Marple

"...…" Sempa

The three vortexes remain silent.

"Really? Have never told you about that?" Fyodor says with a disbelieving tone.

"NO, You WHere TO Busy WITH fiDIng SomEthINg To DO. So You NEVEr TOLD Us aboUTH That." Sempa says.

"Huh…What some hundred thousand (and counting) years' worth of imprisonment can do to your mind. Truly surprising." Fyodor says shocked.

"Ah Sorry I got distracted. Back to the point. Before my imprisonment I was the master of the Destruction law, using my authority at that time, I imprinted a seal in the law itself which allows me to absorb everything that gets destroyed by the law.

After my defeat by the other gods my authority got removed and I lost my power. But no one was able to notice the seal that I left behind. Through this every time the destruction law gets used, I gain more energy even after my imprisonment." Fyodor explains.

"All good and well, but why did you suddenly bring that up?" Marple asks.

"Weeel….a short time ago I received an enormous mass of energy through this seal. And I mean A FU*KING LOT of energy. The amount lets me suspect that at least a good eight-tenths of the universe got destroyed by the law of destruction." Fyodor states.

"….." Pelp

"...…" Sempa

"Well sh*t!" Marple

"With the gained energy I kind of reached a high enough level to literally ,,Play God,,!" Fyodor says.

"So, it isn't a card game." Marple says relieved.

Ignoring Marples remark Fyodor concentrates on the wooden table which started to change after he waved his hand over it.

"My idea for this game is to create a world and choose a being form within as our characters. We all know that none of us is very good with rules so there wont be any complicated ones. At most we will vote for or against a choice made by one of us if they would destroy the game."

"You know that a good game needs rules, right?" Pelp asks with doubt in his voice.

"I never said that it is a good game. Also I just became a true good a moment ago and want to do something new." Fyodor remarks with now obvious excitement.

"ComE oN GuYs ITs GOiNg oT Be fUn!" Sempa says trying to pursue the other two vortexes.

"Sure, lets try it out, as long as there are no cards." Marple accepts without much resistance as it did sound like long as it has no cards.

"Fine, but only because there is nothing else to do." Pelp also accepts even when a bit grumpy.

"Good, then lets begin!" Fyodor says and snaps his fingers.

The already uneven table suddenly blooms with live as it rapidly changes into a very realistic looking map of a continent surrounded by water.

The brown wood of the table turns into earth and stone with many different ores hidden beneath them.

Large areas of the continent get flooded with green gras and forests, while others turn to sand and form a desert.

Grey mountains rise up and create natural borders by chaining against each other.

A bluish doom covers the whole map and white fluffy clouds appear within while a lightbulb like sun and a dusty grey moon on outside of the doom.

Manny little beings start to appear within the map and move rapidly as if someone pressed on the fast-forward button.

The beings range from insects to fishes and humans, through many different demi-humans and hybrids, up to mythological beasts like griffins, dragons and phoenixes, all the way to eldritch tentacle gods hidden in the sea or living mountains sleeping in the mountain range.

Tribes form in the blink of an eye and turn into villages and then into towns in mere minutes.

Kingdoms start to rise, bringing with them their own history and legends. Shortly after, religion rears its head and stretches out its tendrils.

Then everything stops like it got frozen in time.

"That should be good enough for the first round, what do you guys say?" Fyodor says while admiring the little world he created with his newfound powers.

"I'm sure there is more than one loophole in this world, but we can hammer them out while we play." Marple remarks as she skeptical observes the tabletop world.

"So how do we play this <Game>?" Pelp asks uncertain.

"Easy, just tell what you want to or what should happen around or with your character and then roll this dice." Fyodor explains as he places a weird dice with more sides than it should next to the map on the table.

On the dice are many different numbers, with the highest being six and the lowest zero. But they come in different colors, green, blue, red and black.

Additionally to the numbers there are also some symbols that twitch and twist form time to time.

"At the first throw you will role a black number, this numbers decides if what you wanted to happen WILL happen or not.

On the second throw you will roll for the colored numbers to decide how big your success will be. If the roll is under a four you will have to roll again for a random event that could negatively or positively influence your situation after you successfully execute your plan.

The color of the number will indicate the kind of success or the kind of random event.

Green will produce an overwhelming success or and advantageous situation after a moderate success,

Blue will produce a moderate success or a game changing effect that influences both sides.

Red will produce a small success or a disadvantageous situation after the minor success." Fyodor continues to explain the rough rules.

"This brings up many questions for many different scenarios where this doesn't work." Pelp says very unconvinced.

"I know, but you must remember that our characters are actually alive, we will control them yourself most of the time. Only in important moments that have a certain influence on our story will we even use the dice." Fyodor explains his idea of the game.

"Just StaRT PlaYing AlrEaDY!" Sempa demands with clear anticipation.

"Yeah Semp is right, let us just begin and entertain our self." Marple says in support of Sempas demand.

"Okay, no more rambling about rules. Pick a being and remember to roleplay." Fyodor says with an excited voice.

On the world continent Emios in an alleyway of the city Eremor of the kingdom of Boorl a young boy in ragged clothes lies motionless in a heap of trash.

Suddenly he snaps open his brown eyes that he inherited from his deceased mother and looks around in confusion.

POV Boy sleeping on the trash in the alley.

{Where am I?} I ask myself as my eyes sweep over the unfamiliar surroundings.

Then I suddenly remember.

{I was on the way to the bakery to buy some bread, but I got ambushed by some thugs who then proceeded to beat me up and rob me clean.} After recounting the previous happenings, I feel how rage starts to rise form my stomach like a burning fire.

It was fleeting but it startled me nonetheless as I'm a rather calm person who doesn't often loses control over his emotions.

{So, what should I do now? I wont last through this week with the remaining money that I hide at home. And with how I look now I also won't get a job soon.} As I ponder about a solution for my predicament, I once again feel the burning rage.

{Maybe if I can fiend the guys that robbed me in the first place and kill them.} My thoughts stop there as I'm shocked as to how my thoughts got there in the first place.

{Since when did I become so violent? Maybe the thugs hit my head harder than I though.} I ignore the violent train of thought and stand up form the trash in the alleyway.

I then proceed to exam my wounds and find only some bruises on my body.

Relived that I didn't get badly injured or even killed from this encounter I start to limp out of the alleyway onto the street.

Many weird stares are directed at me and my ragged appearance as I slowly make my way home.

On the way home I often remember this rage which appeared earlier, it felt weird. Like it comes form deep within myself but still so foreign as if it wasn't his own.

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