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11.25% Story Ideas and Beginnings / Chapter 26: Insectoid (1732 Words)

Chapter 26: Insectoid (1732 Words)

´Uhg the hell is that? ´Sam thinks as he moves around in the sticky, slimy and disgusting fluid in which he was encased.

After a while he finally confirmed that he was in an egg, but not the bird kind of egg but more like the insect kind, because the hull of the egg was elastic and just as disgusting as the rest of it.

Also, he found out that he can still continue to stay inside without problems, so he took his time examining his body which most likely isn't human anymore.

Using his luckily still present arms to feel his body and moving his other limbs, he gained a rough shape of his new body.

He has two arms, two legs and two antennas on his forehead, there was also something on his back, most likely wings of some sort but he was unable to confirm it yet.

His whole body except his face and joints are protected by an exoskeleton and his mouth is full of sharp teeth's.

His two hands have each five long fingers that end in sharp claws, this also counts for his feet as he was able to move his toes with the same ease and dexterity as his fingers.

After finishing examining himself he thought about breaking out of the egg, but decides against it because he ha read many novels in which the protagonist hatches to soon and emerges weaker than normal, so he just waits for a sign to hatch and tries to remember what ever has happened before he awoke in this slimy egg.

´I woke up this morning completely normal, then I made my way to work which was boring, after work I went home, nothing happened and I arrived safely at my home there I made dinner and went to sleep and woke up here. ´Sam recounted in his mind when suddenly he begins to feel a headache coming.

The headache is painful but with it comes a wave of information's and memories.

Before Sam's inner eye scenes began to appear like a bad movie. Int these scenes he saw a bloody war between a insectoids and elvish beings, the elves ride on giant birds and grasshoppers while the insectoids used rats and bats as mounts but most fly using the wings on their backs.

The scenes change and show a giant tree with a city on its branches and leaves. It zooms closer till he was able to see many residents and finally a seed.

The sight of this seed instantly ignites a burning desire in Sam's heart, he wanted the seed he wanted to touch this holy object and protect it with his life.

He only gets back to his senses when the scenes change once again and reveals a beautiful woman with greyish skin, raven black hair, sharp ears and two antennas on her forehead. She was chained up in a dark room only illuminated by a glowing flower in the middle of the room.

Sam feels confused upon seeing this scene because a feeling of familiarity made its way into his heart. In that moment the woman opens her eyes and reveals two deep ocean blue glowing orbs inside them immediately entrancing Sam's mind with their beauty.

Then everything went dark and he begins to feel as if he is drowning. Realizing that was the sign to hatch from his egg he immediately used his clawed limbs to break open the elastic shell.

With a "pop" and a "flush" the shell broke and the fluids in the egg flow out.

Standing up with a little difficulty, Sam looked around, he is inside a cave and the floor and walls are full of eggs. But there was an entrance on the wall to his left and from the looks of it was also the only one.

While walking slowly to the entrance with his unfamiliar legs, Sam continued to look around but every time he looked into a very dark shadow two illusionary ocean blue orb like eyes look back. This made Sam very uneasy and also slightly terrified but there was also this feeling of familiarity whenever he saw those eyes.

Arriving at the other side of the entrance he was immediately spotted by two insectoids that look the same as the ones in the scenes that he saw.

"Its your turn to bring the fresh ling to the shaman." Says one of the two insectoids with a harassed voice to the other one.

"Yeah, yeah I know." Answers the other one with a younger smother voice while walking over to Sam.

"Hey fresh ling! Follow me to the shaman he will teach and explain everything to you what need to know." The insectoid with the younger voice says to Sam which only nods.

Not wasting any time the insectoid leads Sam trough a number of corridors till they stopped in a great hall.

Inside the hall Sam could see an insectoid that looked very old, he uses a knotty stick as a cane and stands on a pedestal on the other end of the hall and is talking in a gruffy old voice.

"Go over there and get yourself something to eat and then sit to the other fresh lings near the pedestal and learn from Shaman Markreth." The Insectoid that has lead Sam to the hall says while first pointing at the wall to the right where a table counter with another insectoid behind it stand and then at the group of insectoids that sit on the ground before the pedestal with the Shaman.

Nodding once again Sam made his way over to the counter while his guide walked back from where he came.

Once on the counter Sam just opened his mouth to ask for food but the guy behind the counter already slammed a bowl full of brown liquid on the table and starred at Sam.

Hesitating a little at the odd color of the soup Sam slowly took the bowl and brough it close to his mouth. Only a short distance away from his mouth Sam finally noticed the delicious smell that came from the bowl, it smelt like meat sauce. With the help of the smell Sam finally downed the bowl of soup.

´It's very delicious! ´Sam tough as he gave back the empty bowl only for the guy behind the counter to fill it up again and giving it back.

Sam took the bowl and drank the soup with great diligent this time.

This repeated itself five times before the guy behind the counter pointed at the crowed of fresh lings near the pedestal.

Thanking the guy for the food Sam went over to the crowed and sat down.

"And so, the Albion's managed to defeat use in the great war eighty years ago. But as if not enough they continued to raid our nest every ten years to fulfill there desire for blood, without our queen to support our reproduction we slowly decreased to a pitiful amount and had to flee into the deep dead zone in the north to escape extinction. Here where everything is out to kill and devour each other we managed to create a new nest, but if we wish to stay alive we have to grow more powerful and I mean everyone of you." The old shaman says as his eyes sweep across each and every fresh ling including Sam.

"To achieve that you all will start training once your teaching season is over and join the soldiers to grow as fast and powerful as possible. I know that some of you like thinking and don't have the mindset of a hunter or warrior but you wont have to worry about such things because thanks to our glorious Semar bloodline which is connected to every single one of our species you will gain knowledge and experience the stronger you become. So the only thing you have to do is getting stronger and every deceased member of our species while help you grow even more. Once we are back to our peak we will get revenge on these detestable Albion's and rescue our queen and the holy seed of the forest." The Shaman finished and all the fresh lings cheer and began to chant.

"For the Queen!! For the Holy Seed!! For Semar!!" Sam caught himself cheering with all the others.

After a while the fresh lings calmed down and some of them began to leave while others stayed, Sam is one of the later, he wasn't there when the lesson began so he stayed to listen to the rest.

The shaman soon began to speak again and explained some minor things like, where we can find food, weapons, armor and the authority ranks which are mostly there to manage the nest. Highest is the queen then the royals after which are the nobles and following are the soldiers with the fresh lings at the bottom. You have to follow the orders of the people higher in rank without questioning.

Once he heard everything the old shaman had to say Sam stand up and made his way to the training grounds.

Some corridors later Sam walked into a giant cave filled with people in armor and equipped with weapons that look like they were made out of bones. After a moment of looking around he found a counter with person behind it, Sam walked over and stands before the counter.

"I'm a fresh ling and need training and standard equipment." Sam said to the guy behind the counter without any greetings, pleasant or unneeded words.

The guy looked at Sam and nodded, then he turned around and took a cup with red paint and a brush and turns back to Sam.

Putting the tip of the brush into the red paint the guy used the brush to paint a symbol on the forehead of Same between his antennas.

Once finished he showed Sam the symbol on the cup with red paint and then pointed with one of his antenna to the left and said" Training ground 11".

Sam gave the guy a nod after memorizing the symbol and turned into the direction where he pointed his antenna.

After ten minutes walking he found the training ground 11 and saw seven people on it, everyone of them has the same symbol on there forehead.

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