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100% 「 記憶 」 ( Memory ) / Chapter 4: 「 1-4 」Monarch of Stone , Antagonistic Survelliant

Chapter 4: 「 1-4 」Monarch of Stone , Antagonistic Survelliant

Since there's no calendar in this mansion , I don't actually know how many day I've been held here , why I didn't get hungry at all , and some various trivial questions that I asked myself

As big the mansion is , I'd say the same about my curiosity about that one room , maybe I should take a look inside , before she finds me and shoot me with questions

but wait , after all those questions , why I didn't get irritated by her ? I mean her questions has been nothing but pain in my heart , but Why?

My thoughts are all fired up , soon realizing Im already in front of the room , I twist the door knob , as a voice of smooth angel-like voice can be heard

' Thy shall not enter the Sacred Place '

' Who Is That?! Stop hiding! ' I called the owner of the voice to came out which has bear no fruit

' My humble self've been watching thee answers of life , Kim of the Human '

' Who...who are you , who is Kim? ' Im asking the voice

' You do not confirm? You LIVE IN SIN! '

the voice turned creepy and normal each time it talks

' Es has seduced you , How pitiful '


' Until we meet again ; NEVER FORGET ;

Choose based On Logic

Choose based On Logic '

the voice repeat itself twice before saying something really important

" Maintain your guard with Es , That's a final warning "


a breeze of air pushed me off a little far from the door before smashing it , closing the space between the hall and what inside of it

but ... my question is

Who is Es? and who is Kim? is that my name? I can't tell!

a strange fireball popped out of the wall , this time it not scary as it was the first time we met

' You want me to follow you? ' I ask the green fireball , it shakes vertically meaning "Yes"

I follow the green fireball into a room , seriously how many room does this mansion have?

and I see a girl was sitting there looking with an empty eyes

' That Facade... is getting full of herself '

Facade? who? perhaps it was the voice back then I assume?

' Oh? when did you wander in? I didn't see you '

she asked me

with it I can confirm that "this" Facade is something important , even her thoughts aren't about books or questions

" I'm sure you must have run into her in a way "

' The Self Proclaimed Monarch , The Facade The Wretch '

I.. I can't figure anything out , it seems important so I'll listen to her story

' That Facade... Lives to plague me '



' Over and Over and Over and Over she whisper at me ! '

' Tell me ; What need is there for social stricture here? what's your take on it hmm? '

Such question , even that bothers both of us didn't it?

' For me , It depends on the time and the place ' I calmly answer her question despite shivering all down to my spine

' hmph , such an ambiguous answer... but it beats that Facade's any day '

' You see... this Facade is my adversary , she would control me , Like Judge and Jury. '

she stop on that , I know because I sense a weak whispering came from her back

' Damn You , Hush! You damnable Facade! I..! '

she start to hold her head , covering her eyes with her palm

" I'm Not mistaken!! I'm not a failure!! I...I..! '

Reluctantly , I hugged her from the front

' Eh? '

' Damn You! FACADE! ' I Won't Forgive you if anything happens to her! You hear me?! Now Go! '

damn it me , why? it will bring more trouble than resolving one , but..

why this one feels like worth protecting ?

finally the whispering is gone

' Forgive me , I can't focus on a conversation right now '

' If you don't mind , come back again later? ' she politely ask

I nod and walk away to the door

I know it's not a good time for a light chat , I should let her rest her mind

Facade Huh...

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