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40% 「 記憶 」 ( Memory ) / Chapter 1: 「 1-1 」 Personality Assessment , Self Descovery Begins

Chapter 1: 「 1-1 」 Personality Assessment , Self Descovery Begins

Mine has been a life of such shame

I Can't even guess myself what it must be like to live the life of a human being. It wasn't until I was quite big that I even saw my first train

' Hah!!! ' I snapped out of my dream , that was weird one , I've been dreaming the same thing over and over again , it feels like Dejà Vű

or so i thought

' Where am i? ' , it seems like I'm in a house or something , did I got kidnapped??, anyway let's try to roam this place for a while

I roamed the whole place and found nothing but an old mirror with a rusty case

I was in a deep thought about the mirrors until one green fireball pops up from my back and it scares me

' Argh!! wa- ' A hand came out of the mirror and pull me inside

' Đø ţhéę šėěķ ãňşwêř§ fôř ťhý ïğņôřāņćē šéłf¿ ' A deep voice asked me before I pass out

' Never Fall onto Es' Seduction '


I woke up in a room full of books , might be a library , ' What Was That ' is simply crossed my mind until I saw a light that so bright might pass me out again

' Well , Look who showed up , I grew up tired of waiting ' a girl with black hair , grey eyes talked , her very existence is astonishing , maybe she was the thing people would call

An Angel

' Sorry but I'll get right to the point '

' I have 12 Questions for you '

ehhh? and Im here still confused about where am I and who am I

' Don't worry , you will get your answer by answering my questions , you wanted to know who you truly are isn't it? '

I'm speechless

how did she know?

' By the way , please answer the questions by saying YES , NO or NEITHER , it would make it simple for you ' her saying while her eyes still locked on the book she holding

' Number one ; Do you tend not to get emotional? '

' Yes '

' Do you put up in front of others? '

' Yes '

' Are you easily influenced by others? '

' Neither '

' Are your tastes easy to discern? '

' Neither '

' Do you get jealous easily? '

' Neither '

' Do tough situations make you work even harder? '

' No '

' Are you often irritated by uncertainity? '

' Yes '

' Are you unhindered by fear? '

' No '

' Do you prefer things to be black and white? '

' Yes '

' Are you often deceived? '

' Yes '

' Do you like to be the center of attention? '

' No '

' Do you ignore those you dislike? '

' Yes '

' Interesting... You are.. ' she silencing herself

' I'm ? '

' You're the type to turn away from anything that can breed pain and anxiety

Like a stubborn child , you close your eyes to anything you dislike , why not try facing your problems every once in a while, instead of shunning them? '

tch , why did she tell me all this , I want to know who am I and where is this place

' You also seem to be good at idealizing and idolizing others. Only and idealist like you would be so haunted by presumed betrayal ' she continues

I was in shock , I can't do anything , it feels like forever , this is the first time someone understand me

then suddenly , tears fell of to the cheek

' well , did that clear things up? ' she asks

' You don't know much at all , do you?

About this place nor about who you are..

no matter , We've only has begun ' as she say while still reading a book

I was frustrated , Astonished , Relieved and in a circle of fear , whats all this?

is this an everlasting dream?

how can I wake up?

is this the end?

' It's okay ' a soft girl voice penetrates my ear

' Soon enough you will know the truth , by living here for a while '

I sat at where I was before , long enough until my eyes shut itself without me noticing

' Ah.. This might be a dream after all..because .. ... ever...under..stand..m..e... '

tears fell of the cheek again and I lose my consciousness

' Fufu , Don't worry my dear , Soon enough you will be released from shackles of your body and be bound with me forever '


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