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7.87% A second chance in Remnant. (RWBY Fan-Fic) DROPPED! / Chapter 10: Chapter 10. To be Even Stronger

Chapter 10: Chapter 10. To be Even Stronger

After 6 months since I've visited Ruby and Yang, Raven still doesn't provide me with a new weapon but that's fine my glyphs are more then enough for some of the stronger grimm if my fists aren't enough. As I have been practicing my glyphs summoning is surprisingly the easiest for me I been mostly summoning that fire breathing beowolf which I have taken to naming it "Scourge" as most other grimm I can summon pale in comparison. Currently the Branwen tribe is making camp at the northern part of Anima so even with aura shielding me from the worst of the cold I still feel the need to at least wear my heavy black coat with a hood. My current plans have been center around getting my second semblance but to no avail as I have tried various things to do so such as meditation, fighting a large group of grimm, and extra sparring practice with Raven, all for not.

I am beginning to understand how Jaune felt when he was trying to unlock his semblance, well all I can do for now is to challenge myself and try to become as strong as possible. In my previous life I hated the cold plus being snowed in only made it worst as I like to have the option to go where I wanted to even in my advance years as I liked to eat out at interesting places such as a ramen bar or at a vegan burger shack. With nothing like that for several miles on foot I took to making snow sculptures of anything I can imagine, the looks on the tribes face's when I made snow grimm all around the camp at night then they woke up seeing them was priceless.

As timed passed Raven wanted to talk to me about something I wasn't sure what she wanted so I made my way to our shared tent. Raven was drinking some tea as usual in this cold frozen forest were we made camp, noticing me she gestured for me to sit across her and she spoke.

Raven: Silva I have noticed that you have been spending a lot of your time training since we've got here.

Silva: Well what do you expect there isn't a lot else for me to do around here plus I have been helping out with area patrols a bit and dealing with any grimm that get close to the camp.

I mainly helped out with patrols so that Raven doesn't get on my case about not helping out the tribe during my spare time. I can't help wonder what Raven wants from me as I waited for her to continue then she started to speak again.

Raven: Seeing how much energy you have and how strong you've become I decide to take you on a raid I have been planning for a while even though your still young I believe your ready.

Crap, I knew this would happen eventually but still isn't it too soon with me still being a kid and all. Seeing me silent and lost in thought Raven continued.

Raven: We will be raiding a train convoy filled with dust from the SDC ( Schnee Dust Company) it's only form of protection are some robot guards from Atlas plus there are apparently some experimental samples included in its cargo which we can ransom from them later or sell on the black market.

Hearing that I won't be fighting against people I was relieved plus I was a little excited at the prospect of fighting against robots. Seeing me my excitement Raven smiled then told me the rest of her plan.

Raven: I wouldn't be too excited now because you will be entering and stopping the train alone.

Silva: What?

I was stunned by what Raven just declared, tilting my head I asked.

Silva: Why am I doing this by myself?

Raven just smiled and replied.

Raven: I have noticed that you look down on most if not all of your fellow tribe members and they noticed as well so they won't obey you if I place them under your command nor will you obey them. Not including the fact you are still a kid, you are one of the strongest here in the camp so this also a test to see just how strong you are.

Hearing Raven's reasons I can't really argue because I do have a low opinion on bandits in general because I can beat up all of them except her that is. After I nod my head at her reasoning she told me the how and when of the raid. When she finished filling me in I asked for a couple of things to help me in my raid and she agreed with everything then she handed me a new sword. Unlike my chisa katana from before this was a katana with the length of 30 inches that was doubled edged plus it had no guard on it with a white handle and scabbard.

( Some time later)

I was standing on top of a cliff at the afternoon in my new gear for the raid which was comprise of a winter camouflage cloak, black pants, combat boots, white t-shirt, and a black sleek featureless mask that covers my whole face. My new katana hanging on my side as I was checking the time on my new scroll which is the only thing it can do aside from calling Mommy Dearest making it a blah scroll, figures, somethings are just universal I guess. It was almost time for the train to show up and there it is right on schedule as it drew closer I ready myself to jump on. 3... 2... 1... Jump now. As I fell drew my katana then aimed it down at the train and I managed to latch on. After getting my bearings I went to the nearest hatch to head into the convoy, when I reached it it was locked so I slashed at it with my katana opening it and then I entered.

When I landed on the floor the alarm went off and then I saw the robots that were guarding the cargo. They were humanoid in a dark gray color with a sword for a right arm and a gun for the other plus their red highlighted visor like eye then spoke in a mechanical voice.

Atlesian Knights: Intruder detected.

There were a total of 10 of them I then slashed at the nearest on my right splitting it in half at the middle of and then went for the one right behind me cutting off its head then batting it at the one behind it knocking it down. The Atlesian Knights soon started to fire on me with their left arms I evaded by rolling on the floor then slashed at the fallen robot then tossed it at the nearest one tipping it over and pounced on the next nearest one bisecting it side to side. Grabbing the sword arm I threw it at the Knight getting up ending it and I threw the other arm at the one in front of me staggering it. Charging forward I cut off its sword arm then stabbed it with its own arm and used its off line body as a shield then rushed in front of me to to knock over the other robot. I then stabbed at the downed knight shutting it off and I dodged side to side then taking down my eighth enemy. The last 2 charged at me with their sword arms then I bisected them to the side finishing off the last of them.

I took a closer look at the Atlesian Knight to find out that they were AK-090 models, the next 2 compartments of the train were the same as the first one I entered. I need to be quick to reach the front to sever the locomotive from the rest of the train to stop the cargo and call Raven to use her portals to transport the goods to the camp. The third car was different it was a open air car that had a large metal crate that took up most of the space but I was able to get around it, I can't help wonder whats in it. After a couple more cars and some more AK-090s destroyed I finally reached the front most car, I entered a iaido stance then severed the locomotive from the rest of the train it slowly sped away from convoy. Then I heard loud banging coming from the back I went to investigate the noise it was coming from the large metal crate, what the heck is in it.

A giant armoured fist punched out of the crate then what reside within it tore the hole making it reveal itself. It was a Arma Gigas a subtype of Geist grimm it's appearance was of a dark gray samurai with a featureless mask on like my own, it had a katana and spear on it's back to match it's size, it ripped what remained of the crate apart then stood a towering 13 feet not counting the horns on it's helmet. The train convoy was almost done losing it's momentum before the Arma Gigas planted it's feet to the floor then grabbed the cliff making the train forcibly stop after a minute or 2. The giant turned to me then drew it's sword and I said with a fierce smile beneath my mask.

Silva: Well this is going to be fun.

I used my glyph to propel me toward it then a fast and sudden sweep of it's katana forcing me to evade back. It then got it's spear which had smaller blades on the sides of it curved forward and thrusted at me with it followed by a sweeping slash. The sweeping movement of it's spear nearly got me I dodged by setting up a glyph in the air for me to stand on then used my glyphs to move me in the air trying to bait it into using the spear again and it thursted at me I then got on the spear running towards it but the giant used the katana in it's left hand to chop at me. Using my glyph to block it I got closer till I reached it's head using my katana to slash at it's mask hoping to weaken it a little but then it slammed itself into the cliff dragging me along with it. This made me jump off it then aimed for it's legs but to my surprise this guy knows how to kick which sent me flying, I made a glyph in midair to stop me then started to summon Scourge to give me a hand. The newly summoned battle scarred Beowolf appeared unlike Schnee summons which were white with blue highlights mine are gray with red highlights.

Scourge started shooting out fireballs at the Arma Gigas but the giant swatted at them with it's spear not taking any damage. I stared to make my move on the giant while my summon provided long range support I aimed for the legs again this time ready for any sudden kicks, as I got closer the samurai while still swatting away the fireballs stabbed it's katana at me. I evaded to the side trying to get behind the samurai to cut down it's legs but it instead managed to send a flying slash at Scourge like Zoro from One Piece with it's spear destroying the Beowolf I won't be able to summon him for a while with him taken down then it used the spear to sweep around it. Clearly I need to have some help fighting this giant so I summoned 2 Manticores to provide me with some fireballs they started right away one in the air the other on the ground while I keep on trying to cut this guy down to size. The Manticores didn't last long but I managed to put a deep cut into it's right leg while it did take some hits from my summons before dispatching them. As I know that I don't have any more summons that are useful right now I focused on disarming the Arma Gigas since that cut on it's leg is already slowing it down which isn't easy even with my glyphs giving me better mobility then the giant.

As the fight drew on the Arma Gigas was getting better at fighting me, my superior agility isn't giving me much of a advantage anymore but I refuse to give up because this fight is more challenging then anything else I put myself though and I like it. This dancing on the edge of death the threat that my life is on the line I never felt this ever and it wasn't fear because this brief moment of life is more exciting then anything else. Come on my enemy show me your desire to end me for if you fail I will end you instead as my desire to fight harder increased some thing clicked. At that moment my katana couldn't take any more and broke from parrying the giants spear leaving only my fists. That didn't bother me because I finally unlocked my main semblance, clenching my right fist a light humming noise can be heard this was it generating and manipulating vibrations if I can do half of what Edward "Whitebeard" Newgates could with his Tremor Tremor Fruit in One Piece or in fan theory then I can be ridiculously strong. I looked to the Arma Gigas and said with finality.

Silva: Lets end this once and for all.

I focused all of my remaining aura on my semblance it didn't make cracks in the air appear but I was confident so I charged at the samurai. The giant thrusted it's spear at me when it came in contact with my fist it broke apart the same happen with it's katana when it slashed at me and when it tried to stomp on me when I finally hit it the Arma Gigas fell to pieces. As I dug out my blah scroll to finally call Raven to pick me up and the goods I said.

Silva: Hey Mom the train is stopped so come on over and oh I think the experimental materials are grimm so hurry.

Raven: On the way.

In a few minutes a red portal appeared with it Raven appeared and asked.

Raven: You said the experimental materials were grimm?

I pointed at the fallen samurai Arma Gigas then told her what happen excluding my second semblance because from what I've learned so far before hand is that having more then one semblance is really rare like 1 in a million rare. After everything was packed up we head back to the main camp and I thought to myself.

Silva's thoughts: I have a lot of work ahead of me with my semblance but I will become strong not only for myself but for the people I'll meet in the future as well.

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