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50% Destiny of Moon / Chapter 4: CHAPTER FOUR: New beginnings...

Chapter 4: CHAPTER FOUR: New beginnings...

Walking through the near-empty camp was peaceful and she hums softly making her way to the library on the directions of a guard. Next left and it should be…

"Here..." she says turning the corner coming to a stop, eyes widen and the beautiful wooden cottage-like structure before her… "waw…" The architecture reminded her of the cottages in the village she grew up in. Vines crawling along with the frame of the infrastructure, twining themselves around it making the building look almost magical. The pastel-coloured flowers lining the raised bed around the foundation, attracting butterflies to its abundance.

"It's beautiful is it not…" She turns, meeting the warm smile of Retainer Qui and she couldn't help but mirror his smile.

"It is. Reminds me of the cottages from my village. The flowers are similar to some mother planted." Moon says returning her gaze to the building.

"Young Master Wei, planted these himself."

"Really?!" She exclaims looking at the Retainer in shock. She couldn't picture him actually toiling away in the soil or even planting the flowers but at the same time, she couldn't help but smile at the mental image in her head of him doing exactly that.

"The flowers were his mother's favourite. This is his private library."

"... why… why are you telling me this…?" At her question, the older man chuckles softly, his eyes meeting hers as though searching for something, after seemingly being content with what he finds he smiles, heading towards the door.

"I wonder? You look like a good kid. He could use a good person by his side. Plus, I've never seen the Young Master smile as he did today…"

"Why are you two just stood out here? Are you saying unnecessary things again Qui?" At the suddenness of his voice, she flinches momentarily looking between him and Retainer Qui, his firm gaze studying his Retainer and she couldn't help but chuckle at the display before her.

"Is there something funny Young Master Moon?"

"Nope." She replies cheerfully, her grin widening. Rolling his eyes, he steps past them into the library, moving to the desk near the back.

"I'm guessing that's for me, yes?" He says once he's sat, motioning to the wooden box and two scrolls Retainer Qui held in his hands. Nodding his response, he steps forward placing them on the desk before stepping back.

"Thank you. Was everything settled then?"

"Uh…" Qui looks nervously from Moon to Wei and Moon smiles in understanding moving to step out of earshot.

"It's alright. You can speak." Stopping in her tracks she stares in confusion at Wei Zitao as Retainer Qui speaks up.

"It appears Master Fang's eldest son indeed went to Hu Bian city sir and he returned this morning." Her eyes widen at the mention of her cousin's name and she stares at him in bewilderment.


"Would you say your cousin Fang Yuk Hei is the studious type Moon?"

"Huh…?" she stares at him, her brows creasing as she takes in his question, "I haven't really spent time with my cousins but…" She hesitates, looking from Qui to Zitao.


"I suppose I wouldn't. He was barely ever home since I moved here and when he was Uncle would scold him for going to b…" Her cheeks flush at the thought and Zitao stares at her knowingly causing her to flush even more.

"Brothels." Nodding, she avoids his intense gaze, fixing her gaze on her shoes. 'Please don't stare at me.'

"I see. Well, then. Thank you Qui, you're dismissed," he nods at Retainer who bows in understanding before leaving, smiling kindly at Moon, "you…" Zitao says turning to stare at her, "by the way you speak, you're educated are you not?"

"I'd like to think so Master Wei." She replies confused by his question.

"Then can I count on you to sort out the self at the back please," he says nodding towards the back of the library, "I was looking for something and made quite a mess."

"Of course. Do I sort by author or publication date?"

"Author please, thank you." Humming her response, she makes her way in the direction he'd indicated nearly falling over as she stumps her toe on a pile of scattered books on the floor.

"Ouch…! Hey! Did you have a war back there with these books!" She shouts, looking at the pile dumbfounded.

"Please don't yell Moon, this is a library." He replied nonchalantly and she rolls her eyes getting to work, first, stacking all the books on the floor into neat piles to make it easier to move about. Once that was complete, she sits against the opposite shelf and begins sorting the books as requested, the minutes ticking by quietly the only noise to be heard was the shuffling of pages as she sorted the books and the occasional grinding of ink from the corner where he sat. The incense that was lit filling the entire room with a calming natural scent and she smiles as it washes over her.

After what seemed like an eternity, she finally places the final book on the bottom shelf, sinking to the floor in exhaustion. Sighing, she leans back and stares up at the ceiling.

"Books always smell so calming… why is sorting them so tiring though?" she moans to herself, eyes roaming along the books on the shelf before her. "Hmm… sweets…" Picking up the book she scans over the first page at the list of desserts, eyes stopping on the sugar biscuits and she flips through the pages before finding the specific page, softly drawn sketches of star-shaped biscuits floating along the page.

"... pretty…" stifling her yawn she continues to stare at the page.

"...on… Moon…" moaning she shakes the hand off her shoulder, but the shaking continues and her eyes open slightly. The soft glow next to her lighting up the face above her, "... hmm… Zitao…" His eyes smile down at her and she smiles back up briefly before she finally becomes aware of where she is and she sits up abruptly, their foreheads colliding against each other. Shrieking in pain, she falls back into the cushioned makeshift bed he'd prepared for her, groaning as her hands massage the pain away.

"...pfft…" Breaking the silence Zitao burst into a fit of laughter, tears streaming down his cheeks as he holds his sides… deja vu…

"Is giving me a concussion funny Zitao?" She asks, frowning at him in annoyance, her lips pouting slightly. This however only makes him laugh harder and she punches his arm.

"Sorry… but your face was just too cute…" he double-takes, clearing his throat, before getting up and returning to the table, "It's almost time for the gates to close, your friends should be back by now so you're free to leave." He says his voice monotone, his eyes not meeting hers. 'He… he's avoiding me…' Getting up she moves to the table standing in front of Zitao not moving.

"What?" He sighs, finally looking up at her.

"Zitao…" She says his name as though searching and he sighs again.


"Why aren't you punishing me… I called you by your name three times…" His eyes widen as though he'd only just realized. Closing his eyes, he inhales before meeting Moon's earnest gaze.

"What exactly do you wish to ask me, Moon?"

"Why… why are you so kind to me? Even at the Lings mansion you…" Her voice trails off as he gets up rounding the table to stand before her. There's a fondness in his eyes as he stares at her, the corners of his lips curling into a warm smile and her breath catches in her throat. His ice-blue eyes were anything but cold as he looked at her and she wondered how this man saw her. He'd never question her gender like everyone else and had always addressed her as Young Master or Moon but, did he know…?

"...hmmm… I wonder…" his hands reaching up, his thumb caressing her cheek, pointer finger on her ear, "I've never met a Young Master quite like you… you fascinate me Fang Moon… and as you wished, I too, wish to meet the real you someday…" she gasped softly, her breath catching at his words. 'Does he know?!' Stepping forward, his warm lips touches her forehead sending waves of warmth through her being; crashing against every wall she'd ever built up, somehow, she felt safe. Without warning her knees gave way and his arms circled her waist as he steadied her.

"... steady now Moon…" He says softly staring down at her and she's almost overwhelmed by the emotion she sees there. '... who is this man…?'

"... who are you…?" Smiling, he pecks her cheek, his lips moving to her ear, his warm breath tickling her lobe and she shivers, stifling back her moan.

"Who do you think I am?"

"Are you… do you like men…?"

"I wonder? I don't discriminate. Now, tell me Young Master Moon, who are you?" Chuckling, he nips her lobe, his tongue licking the sore section and she moans; melting into his touch.

"... I… Moon…"

"Mhmm. And do you like men, Moon?"

"... uh-huh… I like you…" He chuckles again, kissing her neck and it's then that realization strikes like a punch to the gut. 'You idiot!' Shrieking she jumps away, her hand touching the place he'd just kissed, her face the epitome of embarrassment. The wicked grin that spread across his face made her even more flushed and she looked at everything in the room but him.

"... Zitao… I mean… Master Wei… I don't… I…" Chuckling he moves to sit again. Leaning back, one leg bent beneath him the other angled upright, his arm slung across his knee, eyes trained on her.

"You are always so cute when flustered Young Master Moon." The way he says Young Master makes her flinch and she swallows nervously.

"... I… don't tease me…"

"How could I not tease you when this is the result?" He says smirking, a look of satisfaction playing along his face. Rolling her eyes she straightens up, fixing her robe and looking him dead in the eye. 'I am not losing to you.'

"Is this why you're nice to me? For sport?"

"If it was merely a sport you would know. However, the fact that you like… men… is a rather satisfying win on my part. Wouldn't you say so, Young Master Fang?" Huffing she stares at him in annoyance before turning to leave the library.

"Goodnight Master Wei!"

"No shouting, Moon-er, this is a library." He chuckles teasingly and she stomps out of the library her face even more flushed, the heat radiating throughout her entire body.

'Stupid Wei Zitao!'

Fu_Otaku Fu_Otaku

Have a good day everyone!!


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