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22.22% The Rough Diamond King / Chapter 6: Unstoppable(2)

Chapter 6: Unstoppable(2)

"Kill it."

It had been said as a whisper. Not even audible to most around because of the chaos going on, but Sir Anyang had said.

The doctors were horrified. All along, they had seen their leader as a smart man, maybe not in their league, but he was smart enough to recognize the importance of such an expedition. However, he had sided on the side of blunt force, this seemed out of character.

They didn't see him weep for his beautiful base being destroyed. It wasn't the beauty that concerned him, but the amount of money he'd have to spend to repair his base. Right now, he was extremely angry at the research team for unleashing this monster, and the decision was impulsive, undecided even. However, that was all the colonel needed.

"TAKE IT DOWN WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE!" The order relayed was like a breath of fresh air. Fighting such a creature with their hands tied behind their backs was not something that many wanted to do. Now, they could give it their all, show it whose boss.

Instantly, lethal rounds were employed, and the Golden Translucent Barrier was bombarded with rounds of all caliber. It was a spectacular sight as the rhythmic sound of mechanical fire drowned everything else. Tracer rounds illuminated the world as they darted towards their target.

Seeing that the Golden Barrier was impervious to regular guns, it was time to up the ante.

The soldiers were pulled back. If at first, you don't succeed, call an airstrike. In this case, the laser guns. One of their best qualities was the ability to penetrate causing internal structural damage to any hard target. Increasing Max level 10, the laser guns were fired at the walking barrier.

The resulting impact caused a massive shockwave that destroyed anything nearby. However, something spectacular happened. The laser power hovered around the barrier. It seemed to be merging with the barrier, and then it disappeared within the barrier as if it had been absorbed.

The barrier glowered brighter for a few seconds as if it was thanking them for a sumptuous meal. Just to confirm, the laser guns were fired again and again, but to the utter shock, nothing happened. If anything, it was as though they were charging the Golden barrier, making it stronger.

How can such a thing be stopped? Horrified, many of the soldiers and even civilians watching even forgot to breathe. They couldn't understand how some of their strongest weapons were unable to weaken the barrier at all. The barrier had turned their advantage against them. They couldn't use laser guns against it anymore.

"Sir, I think there is an option we can use." Major Kenji said to his boss.

"Well, speak up son." The colonel's happy mood had turned sour when he realized his target was not so easy to take down. He could feel the incompetence label he had endured earlier from Dr. Mark weighing down on him. Now presented with an option, he grabbed at it.

"Every time the Golden Barrier is struck by a laser, it moves in the direction the laser came from. Using this to guide it, we could make it move in the direction we want it to go." Everyone listening in took the time to observe. Colonel ordered the laser guns to the right of the Golden Barrier to fire.

When struck, the barrier, and Chege within, began moving in that direction, like it was responding to it. Even Dr. Mark was impressed by the soldier's ability to pick this up, maybe they weren't all bad.

"Then what?" Sir Anyang asked the obvious. Sure, they can move it, but to what end?

"Sir, we have Plasma Cannons mounted on the wall. I don't think it can survive this." Major Kenji's reply was full of confidence, somehow reassuring those who had panicked.

By now, there was quite a crowd gathered, and many had come as close as possible to the administration to listen in on any plans. Hearing this, they finally had hope. However, the more knowledgeable ones saw the little pickle with this plan.

Plasma Cannons were extremely destructive. Major Kenji's confidence in them was not misplaced at all. With their power, they could easily punch a massive hole in the base. Therefore, they were mounted on every gate, and in the spaceships.

During base construction after landfall, the first thing to be build was always the walls. Using specialized equipment and other raw materials, they could easily synthesize the rocks found and be transformed into concrete walls in a matter of hours.

The design of the base was Octagon shaped. That meant there were 8 edges and on each edge a gate. Above each gate, the plasma cannons were mounted. This was meant for the protection of those making their way in and out to avoid any ambush. Even then, the plasma cannons were so destructive that they were only to be used at the last minute.

Another condition was that they were mounted on a platform that could only rotate 180 degrees horizontally. This meant that they could not bt targeted inside the base, the target had to be outside. They could also rotate 240 degrees vertically, shooting down any target on the ground and air, as long as it was not within the base. The enemies they were facing were extremely dangerous, the precautions were necessary.

When the idea of Plasma cannons came into the equation, everyone knew that the giant was doomed. No way it could survive the hit. Some lamented, others relaxed, many remained anxious. Noting the problem, Major Kenji went ahead and told his plan.

"Sir, If I wear a Mech suit, I could easily guide it using handheld laser guns out of the base. Once I am clear, you unleash hate on it."

"Solid plan, Get to work son!" The colonel wasn't giving anyone a chance to intervene in his operation, and as a military man, he knew hesitation means death.

Precious minutes passed. Right now, all the soldiers were doing was keeping the giant distracted. Having learned how to move it, they kept it busy and out of any trouble. It was becoming even fun to watch.

Unknown to them, several onlookers were watching the battle. The moment the fight had erupted, it had caused quite the ruckus. Naturally, the enemies were also curious. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

The Plasma cannons and other weaponry placed on the main gates were quite a pickle to deal with, and the creatures were well aware of this. They had lost many in their ranks trying to breach the wall. They quickly realized that just because they had wings they didn't have easy access to this fortification.

5 miles out, three green flying creatures, similar to the ones that had attacked Chege earlier, were flying and watching. This was within the acceptable range, and they knew that the plasma cannons wouldn't target them from this far out.

It wasn't that they couldn't reach them when aimed, but the automatic defense systems of the base wouldn't kick in until they were within 1 mile. This was a very treacherous trick since once they were that close, there was no escape.

Their eyesight was amazing to be able to see what was happening from that far out. There were 2 males and a female. The female was elderly, looking more like a grandma to the others. One of the males was extra large and magnificent, while the other was smaller and seemingly younger.

The elder was the one most shocked. The larger male was fidgety, showing signs that he didn't want to be there. He was just a follower, the muscle to keep the others safe.

"He's so brave!"

"So handsome!"

"He's wearing a helmet, how do you know?"

"Can't you tell just by looking at him?"

'What a fraud!' Doctor Hanni thought as he listened to the intern he'd always had a crush on discussing some guy.

The single men listening in on the women's discussion were burning with envy as they watched Major Kenji's Mech suit approach the Golden globe. By now, the barrier had grown in size and intensity. One could feel faint heat being emitted. Yet the Major marched in, how brave.

The men thought it wasn't brave at all. He was in a mech suit, and as an elite office, his suit was bound to be on the high end. Shy of battling hand to hand, he was in no danger at all. This so-called bravery was not bravery at all, he was simply showing off. Well, every dog has its day.

Major Kenji's Mech suit was equipped with detachable hand-held laser guns. His helmet had a HUD that had automatic targetting systems, so he didn't even need to aim. All he needed to do was stand in front of the target, get its attention and move towards the gate. Easy as you'd like.

Blast after blast he fired, and when he had aggroed the Golden Globe, he simply walked out of the Western Gate, the one closest to him. This was right in the direction of the watching creatures. Due west of the base was the mountain ranges, and home to all manner of creatures.

It was a magnificent sight watching a Golden Globe follow a mech suit out of the base. It was followed by cheers as many breathed a sigh of relief. Even Sir Anyang breathed a sigh of relief.

Not many in the Research Department were pleased. There was even a look of sorrow among some. Doctor Mark walked away in a hump, annoyed that his price was going to be destroyed, and unwilling to see it happen. This began a trickle effect that saw all the doctors walking away, including Doctor Keshi and her people too.

Some remained and were among the cheering crowd. Doctor Hanni was torn, he could choose to also walk away, but his crush was there cheering the antics of her hero! His loyalty won out in the end, and he ran after Keshi's group.

While this exit was noticed, it did little to sully the mood. Many who didn't know the giant thought they were in terrible danger, and to see it so easily handled was awe-inspiring. Many soldiers and miners and other workers had encountered these creatures in the wild before, and they knew just how destructive these creatures could be given chance.

The fact that the one that was in their base was indestructible had made them more tensed. However, the braves had done it. The heroes, or hero, had won in the end.

The huge male creature that was watching had an ominous feeling watching the gates open and the 2, a mech suit and the giant globe, exit. It was made even worse when the mech suit had powered up and flown back to base.

Scared, it had flown farther from the base, memories of raids gone wrong fresh in its mind. Its companions remained rooted to the spot, as though they were in a nature park watching, oblivious of the danger.

Seeing this, he urged them to move back, but all that went to deaf ears. The moment the cannons moved, the creature didn't even hesitate. In one fell swoop, he had both in his arms and accelerating to the ground. Trees, branches, what were those in the face of its powerful wings. But in the face of the Plasma Cannon, it knew to run!

The mechanical sound of the plasma cannon moving could be heard even from the gatehouse control room. Major Kenji had cleared out, now was the time.

"Target acquired, Charging Plasma."

Plasma charged. Configuration level 10. Waiting for the green light."

"Greenlight given, fire when ready."

"Firing, Fired!"

The sound was majestically loud. The sight, even more dazzling. It wasn't that often that configuration Level 10 was used, especially on a planet. It was meant to destroy battleships, the ace in the hole.

The explosion was spectacular, even the research team that had walked away stopped in their step. Keshi closed her eyes and shed a tear for the innocent giant.

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