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83.33% Magique / Chapter 35: Swept off our feet

Chapter 35: Swept off our feet

The girl, who had been quiet ever since shifted her phase, shivering from her bones. Lilith grasps her hands as the cold sweat, acting on its viable survival defense, pours down heavily on her melted face. They couldn't blame anyone about it for what Lilith had seen first, a Behemoth, akin to a komodo dragon, heading on their way.

A ruffling sound resonance across the landscape, trembling the fragile student's heart in distain. Each step brought terror to the students and none was brave enough to handle the intoxicating pressure. Professor Zync had long before vanished from sight after disseminating the official rules of the tournament, creating a havoc on the freshmen's mental sides.

Moments had passed and still powerless at the figure approaching. The enlarged reptile steadily shortens the distance between the petrified students, unknown what's instilled for everyone in the vicinity. The echoing steps from the Behemoth had finally stopped after reaching the circle, which the students had created by accident. Its oversized mouth forms a wide smirk, revealing the multiple keen canine and incisors to its delicious prey. The creature then puffs out its chest and growled with all its might, forecasting the overpowered natured that the humans cannot possibly reach, followed by a tsunami of wind down to its path. The wind blew everything, apart from the students who were strengthening themselves with magic. Spectacles of dust and clusters of miniature objects twirls in the whirlwind leaving nothing on the ground. Exhausted yet overwhelming with strength, the giant ceased its roar natheless prompting further to something it wishes to do. The students finally found a minute to breath and restlessly laid back heavily on the floor, disregarding their worry.

Five minutes had pass yet nothing worse had happen. The students who were well aware of the danger forfeited their lives and abandoned all of the remaining hope. Few students doubted their professor who weren't visible in the scene. Some of the students crawled, hugging their legs as a sign of resignation. While others who were brave enough to endure the pressure clenches their shivering fists, digesting their fears, to somehow instil the morale of their class; which was a futile attempt, they thought. Eventually, like the calming of a treacherous storm, the creature shoves of its ossified state, moving once again.

Had they knew sooner, they would've ran laboriously to the depths of the abyss, just to create their distance from the godly threatening creature.

"I seek those who take thee. I shalt grant thy weapon to thee who wins the bataille."

IT CAN SPEAK, was the words came out on their mind, yet rendered speechless to its abrupt message. The lizard spoke its archaic words, powerful like a king in command to its servants. The first who spoke against the mighty beast was Zero. Zero extended his arms, catching the attention of the great Lizard, using the last ounce of his bravery, he then carefully organise his thoughts.

"Who or What are you? Where is our professor?! How can we get out from this place?!" he shouted, glaring daggers on the figure which far beyond taller and bigger than him.

"HMM? A LOWLY BEING DARES TO SPEAK TO THE GREAT ME?" It growled once again, yet in a different feeling. Its cry was filled with angry and contempt.

"Silence, you fool. And to answer your question, Zero, I'm here" a familiar voice far ahead, upwards where the reptile's head is located replied. The figure, finishing his sentence, sprung downwards on to the location of the students, which were still bewildered from the events. Zync's grand entrance caught the eyes of many, the fear that once filled their hearts was now shifted to admiration and astonishment from the re-appearance of their professor; who was vanished just moments ago.

The floor began to rumble, as if the whole arena was responding to the creature's robust voice.

The foundation of the ground starts to rumble and who are, quite unfortunate, to be located on the middle swallowed up everything and everyone down to the lower part of the stadium.


Sequence of landing sounds and the loudest screeches resounds in the area, followed by few grumbling words uttered by the female students. Zero and Lilith too had landed quite deliberately, fortunately on their butt.

"Ow!.... H-hey, are you alright?"

Zero sees Lilith just a few inches away from him, scratching down her breech and offers her a hand.

"Unn…" Lilith awkwardly nodded, grasping his firm hand unto her own. They held their hands whilst gazing from each other. Lilith, suddenly remembers his hand latching on to his (or was it the other way around) reminded Zero about their situation.

"I think it's best to let go off my hand for now…" She utters while looking down on the two pairs of feet. Giddy from the thought, Zero emits a beat red colour, blushing to his realisation.

"O-of course" With an apologetic tone, he withdraws his hands and scratches the back part of his head, giving her an awkward laugh. Lilith shifted her gaze on the opposite side, pointing towards the direction of Zync just a few metres away from them.

"We should go"

"Y-yes" The two of them nodded, with their unsettling emotions hanging around their chest.

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