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53.14% The Immortal Kobold / Chapter 72: Exploring Cheth Rrihinn

Chapter 72: Exploring Cheth Rrihinn

Walking back through the compound Xing Lei took his time returning to the guest structure, he was curious about the structure of the House and naturally the city in which it sat. Looking around he noted drow tended to make use of large stalagmites and stalactites to house their living areas and structures, there were some worked stone exterior architecture but mostly these were bridges and path ways, select few were separate structures. The wall that surrounded their area looked to be metal, made of the same material they used for their weapons and armor, and to think Pellanistra balked at a mere half tonne of the metal.

Walking around he wasn't too surprised that none of the guards stopped him, he did his best to not block paths or challenge the arrogant dark elves and other than some flippant insults he was left alone, for all their battle readiness, drow seemed to only recognize other races when they needed someone to kick around. Truly of the races he'd come across drow seemed much like cultivators. While many challenged the heavens on a road to greater strength, there was all sorts of cultivators who religiously oppressed the weak and feared the strong.

The Luen House looked like it was made up of two large stalagmites, a smaller stalactite served as the royal domicile behind the two main domains, the metal wall encompassed a large area but unlike Pellanistra's threat, leaving the House would not mean a trek through the city, while it wasn't far off by any means, the Luens were very much a House on the outskirts with their backs facing a cavern wall and what looked like a surrounding forest of large mushrooms. It was to the rear of the compound that Xing Lei jumped the fence, while patrols instantly converged on the area none of these foot soldiers could catch sight of the dashing kobold. He even passed Nadal at one point, sweat matted the drowsy shirt to his chest and his once pristine looks were now haggard.

Setting off through the forest, Xing Lei noted how large the fungus grew, rather than use trees for lumber it would seem drow used these immense fungi for constructs of such natures, though like in most cases the lumber camp he came across was mainly staffed by slaves, drow overseers with whips in hand patrolled the workers beating whomever they pleased whenever the groups got tired. Watching for a bit he noted that the overseers seemed to have varied insignias, the lumber camp he was at must be shared between a few houses.

Running on, the kobold slipped amongst the tallest mushrooms, avoiding the camps and the occasional escaping slave, at one point he trailed one of these escapees until the overseers tracked the goblin down, the drow seemed to take perverse pleasure in skinning the ugly little humanoid alive and hanging the bleeding and dying creature from one of the mushrooms by its ankles. Looking around he noted several other corpses sprinkled around, it seemed this unfortunate slave was hardly the first, nor would be the last to think this route ideal to escape his masters. From the sheer number it looked like these overseers had turned it into a game, letting the slave get far enough away to get some hope then torturing them to death.

Shaking his head Xing Lei ran on, eventually emerging from the fungal forest to take in Cheth Rrihinn in the distance, other compounds like House Luen could be seen in the distance, if he could hazard a guess the drow houses ringed the city which looked like a rats nest of fungal and stone structures. Flickering faerie light illuminated everything in a soft rainbow glow, yet there was nothing beautiful about this one. Even on the outskirts he could see the city was basically little more than a mass of slums with the nobility ringing in this den of poverty. Little wonder Aunrae spoke of a possible food shortage, unless there were farms on another side he saw none in the area he stood.

Slipping into the city proper Xing Lei was convinced more than ever this was a city on its last legs. Little wonder Luen was expanding towards the surface, trading for food was far easier than surviving the slum lands here. The entire city he walked through reeked of sweat, feces and death. Corpses were literally piled in some of the smaller plazas with monstrous races and orphan drow picking through what scraps remained. Twice he was attacked, thugs defending their turf he guessed, so felt no pity ending them, yet no sooner had he started to leave was when the scavengers fell on the corpses picking them clean, hells even one of the thugs thick legs had been taken by the humanoid vultures...

Shaking his head he took different alleys, a nicer section seemed to be ahead but when he smelled the pipe weed laced air he could understand why. Opiate dens, dozens of them choked this area. The air was thick with scented intoxicants that would draw the poor in for a free taste then cost them everything to get more. This area he sped through with held breath, avoiding the sickly, stick thin beggars whining pitifully on each street. He had almost broken free of the expanse of drugged up beggars and courtesans when one of the dens exploded! Fire swept out into the street, some of the more lucid customers screamed and ran others laid oblivious as the fire washed over them.

Two gangs of drow were fighting, the thing was, Xing Lei recognized one of the drow. The youngest male at the noble meeting was here. The youth was quick to pull his mask up over his face but Xing Lei would not mistake him. Glancing to the foes they were similarly attired save for differing gang colors. The two groups brawled openly, killing where they could, robbing whatever they could get their hands on. The kobold watched and smirked, a young master slumming it up? Too much like cultivators these drow.

Looking around the kobold leaped up a wall, bounding between buildings as he sought the rooftops, others were up here too but most simply were watching the fighting below. When casters got involved the crowd thinned, spell hurlers tended to go for mass damage so spectators were fair game. Jumping from roof to roof, the kobold slowly looked for the tallest structure, which, oddly enough, was a very well maintained church in the heart of the slum city. A statue of a woman with demonic and spider like aspects stood above the open double doors, the entry way was framed by four other statues, but looking at them made his head hurt, like the very stone that bore these beings imagery was tainted and cursed.

Climbing the outer walls gave Xing Lei a wide view of the city. Standing in one of the bell towers he sat on a ledge watching the slum town writhe around him, fights, killings, slavery, drugs. This city drowned itself in distractions ignoring the masses of hungry beggars and waifs that choked the streets. Sighing he prepared to head back when a smooth voice called out from within, "Oh, I have a visitor. Don't rush off, it's been so long since last something has thought to give old Vorn a visit..."

Turning Xing Lei looked to whom had spoken, previously the bell tower had been empty, even the bell had long since been removed. Yet somehow now an ancient looking elf in a rich crimson and silver robe sat nursing a wine glass filled with a strange green brew. Lifting his glass the old drow grinned, "Come in, come in, no need to fear old Vorn, many a day has it been since these old hands held blade or spell..."

Xing Lei walked closer curiously, the drow looked ancient, wrinkled and stooped, his once thick mane of white hair was now purest silver and ringed a shiny bald top. The drow's eyes were a rich purple, staring at the kobold with mutual interest. Sipping his drink he sighed, "Now what is a kobold doing up here, down here?"

Xing Lei helped himself to the opposite chair though denied the bottle when the old drow offered him a taste, "I was taken here by House Luen for a job, I wished to understand the city better."

The old drow called Vorn snorted, "Dying it is, once it was a beauty of a city but wars, infighting and exterior problems have all laid my old home to waste. A pity you did not see it several centuries ago, thriving it was, a jewel in the consorts eyes it was, how disappointed she'll be to see it tearing itself apart."

Xing Lei glanced over the cityscape and shrugged, "Any saving it?"

Vorn laughed slapping a covered knee, "Trust an outsider to suggest such. Thing about the consorts children is they're like a phoenix, sometimes it's just time for it to die in a blaze of cleansing flame so it can be reborn. Nah, no saving Cheth Rrihinn little child of the Dragon God, it's due its course, we should just drink to our health and enjoy the flames of rebirth."

"Now if you ARE dead set on helping, get that blessed one of the consort out of here before the fire burns her too." The old drow sipped his drink swirling the green fluid in his glass, "Yes, saving the blessed one would make Her happy and be less inclined to nag about we who should have watched over her children..."

Xing Lei mulled over the words before looking aside at the drinking drow ancient, "Who are you? Really?"

The old drow laughed, "Vorn, Vorn GoDeep o' House GoDeep. Before my kin fell we were way finders, dark rangers who navigated the settlers to their future homes. With the rise of cities we weren't as useful anymore and those that came after decided they didn't like to share power with a useless dark seeker family. Now old Vorn is all that's left, I tend her church and drink my wine waiting for the city to rebirth and my consorts return."

Xing Lei nodded and rose from his seat, it had been the better part of the day since he'd left House Luen, he needed to get back and check on Alustriea and Osilliaice, he turned to say good bye but the old drow, his table and the chairs were gone, thick dust told the tale of Xing Lei passing back and forth, but no other tracks marred the thick gray dust. Frowning he looked around then quickly left the church, as he dashed off back towards House Luen, an old drow stood in the bell tower, watching the kobold with a growing smile.

Several hours later, Xing Lei walked back into the guest room. Nadal was camped out outside the door, his silky tunic was stained in sweat, his hair was disheveled. A look of deep remorse was on the young drow masters face. Xing Lei simply pushed the drow out of the way and stepped inside, paying Nadal no mind where he laid sleeping. Inside Alustriea and Osilliaice were sat on the bed chatting, both waved to Xing Lei before Alustriea piped up, "Did you see that lecherous little toad outside? Please tell me you drove him away?"

Xing Lei laughed and shook his head, "Nadal is one of my students."

Alustriea pouted, "The perverted bastard has been trying to woo me through the door all afternoon."

Osilliaice chuckled, "He originally tried to grab her butt but it seems our tempering is working, even with his dexterity she gave his jewels a sound rearrangement."

Xing Lei chuckled, his eyes glowing as he swept across the pair to see how they were doing...


Name: Fleet Spear (Osilliaice)

Gender: Female

Race: Blackscale Lizardfolk

Level: 8

Job: Hunter (Experienced) Rank: Nine

Title: Progeny, Mate of Xing Lie, ex-Elven Special Soldier, ex-Elven Commander of Ten

Strength: 12 (+5) Dexterity: 14 (+5)

Constitution: 16 (+5) Intelligence: 10

Wisdom: 9 Charisma: 11 (+5)

[Sealed] [Sealed]

Condition: Healthy

Innate Abilities: Draconic Tongue (Taught) Rank: Seven, Poison Resistance (Aware) Rank: Nine, Improved Swimming (Aware) Rank: Three, Poison Breath (Mundane) Rank: Six, Elven Tongue (Taught) Rank: Four, common Tongue (Aware) Rank: Four

Skills: Draconic Spearmanship (Experienced) Rank: Six, Skinning (Experienced) Rank: Eight, Butchery (Taught) Rank: Six, Stealth (Taught) Rank: Five, First Aid (Aware) Rank: Nine, Alcohol Resistance (Mundane) Rank: Five, Elven Leadership (Experienced) Rank: Three, Elven Rank & File (Taught) Rank: Five, Elven Archery (Taught) Rank: Three, Elven Swordsmanship (Experienced) Rank: Four, Elven Spearmanship (Taught) Rank: Four, Crimson Mountain Sects Body Tempering (Aware) Rank: Five

Unspent Attribute Points: 0



Name: Alustriea Illtalian

Gender: Female

Race: High Elf

Level: 6

Job: Mage (Root) Rank: Silverleaf

Title: Daughter of the Archmage, Lover of Xing Lei

Strength: 9 (+4) Dexterity: 10 (+4)

Constitution: 8 (+4) Intelligence: 16

Wisdom: 15 Charisma: 14 (+4)

[Sealed] [Sealed]

Condition: Healthy, Symbiote

Innate Abilities: Elven Tongue (Trunk) Rank: Lifeleaf, Mage Talent (Ent) Rank: Willow, Draconic Tongue (Sapling) Rank: Spruce, Common Tongue (Sapling) Rank: Willow

Skills: Elven Swordsmanship (Twig) Rank: Fir, Elven Ettiquette (Tree) Rank: Willow, Elven Spellcraft (Root) Rank: Goldleaf, Alchemy (Twig) Rank: Willow, Elven Lore (Great Oak) Rank: Pine, Human Lore (Sapling) Rank: Spruce, Crimson Mountain Sects Body Tempering (Root) Rank: Pine

Unspent Attribute Points: 0

Symbiote - Currently host to a symbiotic organism


Nodding his head he gave both a tight hug to congratulate them for working hard, Osilliaice had raised two ranks while Alustriea had only the one but still they were training. Sniffing he pulled back and looked at them, for the first time noticing the flaking crimson residue on their bodies. Looking to the bathing chamber the door was tightly shut and the chest-trunk was hauled against the bottom to block the gap.

Alustriea blushed, "You weren't here to destroy the sludge..."

Darth_Xiane Darth_Xiane

Surprisingly got a contract invite for this book, shocked the hell out of me, but not going premium. TIK is more a fun outlet than something I want to turn into another job, plus it has its issues. Maybe my next book, this one I just want to share.

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