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13.79% Young master your a maiden / Chapter 4: Hopes and return

Chapter 4: Hopes and return

As Maria wakes she moves her hand to see if David was there she was surprised he wasn't so she immediately opened her eyes and started to shake Vincent until he woke up "what is it?" Vincent said tiredly "David is gone" Maria said worriedly "what?!" Vincent said even more worried then he immediately gets up and they both get ready and leaves about to head upstairs they stopped when they saw him on a chair crying so they both ran to him and hugged him while they too were tearing up "oh god my darling I thought something bad happened to you" "ya champ I thought something happened" Vincent and Maria said while crying "mommy and daddy are you not getting back together because of me is it because I'm broken" David said while crying "hey hey darling your not broken it's just us who are broken look darling I know that you want us to get back together but that can't happen" "but why?" David said "well champ it's see I'm already married" Vincent said then David started to frown "hey darling I know what your thinking and you are enough David we may not get back together but you will always have the both of us and I know it's unfair but sometimes you have to accept it that sometimes relationships don't get work out like mine and your dads relationship it didn't work out he didn't stay because of me he stayed because of you and hey darling look at the bright side is can you guess it" Maria said with a smile "what's the bright side mama" David said while thinking "the bright side is we not only get all the ice cream to ourselves I also get to have you to my self ahah" Maria said then she pinched David's cheeks right after Vincent went to her ear "you need better wording" "I know" Maria whispered then she heard a door slammed open and Vincent got up then Maria saw what Vincent got up for a beautiful girl a tad bit younger then Maria had jumped into Vincent's arms then as she look at Maria and David she first shook Maria's hand then she hugged David "hey there buddy your dad told me a whole lot about you how are you doing bud " "g-good" David stuttered "oh boy you've been crying haven't you I bet I know why your mad that your mom can't get back together aren't you" "y-yes" David said scared he would say the wrong thing "look honey I'm sorry about taking away your dad if I had the power to make your dad love your mom I would use it because no kid deserves to be fatherless so he also told me about your elf blood so which parent did you get more from" "Malory stop bothering the boy" Vincent said "I get more from my momma my mom says I get a lot more of her looks than my dads I only have slightly shorter elf ears but she says that I also sometimes act like my dad" David said feeling less scared then before "oh I can't honestly say she was right you like you your dad gets a lot but don't worry that means your strong and your mom was right about your looks besides the ear different there's actually one more difference that gives you away as half elf half human your eyes unlike elf's there not red purple or silver there normal blue but other than that you look like a normal elf cute tad bit tall from your elf blood pale skin because your a snow elf" Malory said while pinching David's face then David blushed Maria turned over as she heard the door open again then 2 twins the same she saw last time a boy and a girl then Michael came in with them "Jane and TJ what are you doing here" "sorry Maria I could not stop them" Michael said while breathing heavily "who are those two mama" David said as he clung to Maria's neck "those two I've have no idea can you fill us in Vincent" Maria said as she looked at Vincent "we'll theses two are your young siblings the boy is TJ well it's not his real name his real name is drake like the dragon he just likes TJ as a nickname the girl is Jane she doesn't really have a nickname to be exact" Vincent said then he snapped his finger then the two kids who were playing stopped and looked at David "TJ and Jane this is your older brother David" Vincent said then they both looked at him "he's a elf but daddy your not a elf" TJ said "well his mothers a elf and he has more of her looks then mines" Vincent said "dad I thought it was illegal for elf's to have kids with humans is he a mistake dad" TJ said then everyone looked surprised but both Vincent ,David and Maria frowned but Malory got angry "THAT WAS A LONG TIME AGO TIMES CHANGE" Maria said angrily then everyone looked surprised but not as surprised as David and Vincent because Maria doesn't really get angry even when people annoyed her she would just turn it into sorrow then Vincent grabbed Maria "Maria are you ok I never seen you angry" "yes it's just this situation reminded me that racism against elf's and some other races besides humans is still around" Maria said while frowning "you got to remember that segregation for other races ended just before you turned 2 so it wasn't to long again give it time" Vincent said then he hears something from Michael "look we got to get you both to the surgery room so the cells can heal your kid" "ok" Vincent said as Michael takes them to a room "mom why is dad and David going into surgery"Jane said worried "because David has a sickness that all of us can get they need your dads stem cells to heal him up so they could go home" "oh ok momma can we go to his home" Jane said while wondering what is stem cells "that's up to Maria"Malory said then Jane and TJ looked at Maria with a please can we go face "I guess you could stay for a few hours" Maria said then Jane and TJ smiled as the door slammed open Maria can hear a lot of cameras then a second door to there ward opened then what Maria saw surprised and scared her but in the good way then when David saw who it was he smiled and they both ran hugging and the figure was surprised "uncle Thomas your here" david said while smiling "brother where were you why were you gone for 2 years what happened" "it's a long story but now you guys can celebrate as now sister you can go back to your job as the people are getting to curios and might look into the fake buyers when actually you bought it with the company's money and now here I also give it back plus more look I know you don't care about gifts but I think it will help you and your son" Thomas said then Thomas hears the door open he looks back and sees its his best friend Daniel.Daniel runs up and hugs Thomas then as Maria let's go he hugs Maria and kisses her on her lips everyone was surprised but not as surprised as David,Thomas and Vincent "when was this..when were you two a thing" Vincent and Thomas said "well it starts with us not dating at first it was after Vincent left I got so depressed I was in fact so depressed I almost gave up the most important person In my life david I was about to sign the papers until Daniel came in and slapped the pen out of my hand after that I asked why he was here he said that my brother sent him to pick up something from the area and he had picked it up but realized I lived near by so he wanted to visit me and David my door had been unlocked so that's how he got in so quickly he talked me out of everything and few months later we...kissed then after we never spoke about it again but after Thomas left he helped me get through with balancing my life then he told me that he loves me he loved me ever since we were 4 of course we did know what love was at the time beside loving as a family so he just took it for that then after he hit puberty remember that one time Thomas he caught me naked when we were 13" Maria said then she remembered David and tried thinking of how to get passed the few other word so instead she told him to go play with the other kids and left "ya it was awkward for a few days after words" "ya he told me that he had felt a sensation that he never felt before towards others girls so one day..." Maria sis then everyone was trying except Daniel was trying to know why she stopped talking "you..he rubbed himself too me" Maria said then everyone looked and Daniel "look I was 13 okay" "don't explain anymore sister I already know after we played that juvenile human game were you were in the closet the bottle spinner on you and him he went up many levels and you basically had sex that just reminded me of something if we came in any minute later my sister would have been pregnant because there was a slight tear by the way this is for almost getting my sister pregnant all those years ago" Thomas said hitting Daniel on the head "what is David's reaction wait scratch that does he even know" Vincent said offensively "no we didn't want to hurt his feelings if we told him so we were going to stay at the dating level until he knew that you wouldn't come back and he just gave up" Maria said with a scared voice "thats a... actually that's not a bad idea" Vincent said "look I'll only approve of this relationship if you tell me the truth" "ok what's that" "do you really love my sister and are you ready to care for David" Thomas said with a Serious face "I love your sister but I will never be ready to raise David" Daniel said then Maria looked worried "why's that" "because David's a young child he won't be predictable everyday mood will be different but if it wasn't for the unpredictability then you'll be having a adult kids need that unpredictability" Daniel said then everyone smiled "I-I approve dam you I'm going to cry but anyway now you need David's approval" Thomas said while wiping his tears "I know and it won't be easy but who said life easy" Daniel said while kissing Maria "come on let's go tell him he probably wondering why we kissed" "ok love" Daniel said then he kissed her and he entered the room first as Maria had to talk about some stuff "so Michael when can Vincent go into the room for surgery" "we're searching for match just in case but if we can't find any matches besides him it will be tomorrow after he ate some food of course both of them" "thanks Michael again I know you probably had to do a lot of hard stuff to be able to work with me" "ya no shit if you hadn't donated some money then I would not be here you owe me few drinks " "ya" Maria said as she enters the room but then she noticed how much tension was in the room then she sits next to David hugging him "hey bud what's wrong why are you so tense even when your mad your not this tense but hey I know your mad because me and your dad didn't get together instead" Maria said with a worried face "that's not it today I overheard the doctors t try talking about what I have there's a 60.3 percent chance I'll live but the rest there's a chance I could die mama I don't want to die" david said while crying then both Maria and Daniel looked at each other then Daniel sat next to David hugging him "hey buddy can I tell you something look I know we just met but I like you your strong and cool and adorable" Daniel said smiling then David stopped crying "look what to hear a story" "sure" "a long time ago my dad had the same thing as you now he was a adult so he knew there was a chance he would die but he didn't care his dad donated cell just like your dad and guess what he survived he survived many year so when he turned to my age he had a son me that made him the most happiest in his life knowing that not only did he survive leukemia years later he had a son so in the future that would be you or maybe a bit better you'll grow and have kids so what I'm trying to say is nothing is unbeatable" Daniel said then David smiled then Daniel and Maria hugged him and they all smiled then the door opened and saw Thomas "hey the gifts I give you i never got to mention to you do you want to hear" "sure"Maria said while smiling "I not only give you 1B dollars I also give you a tiny bit bigger company plus it gets better when your sons older like when he's 10 or 9 I got him into a private school a nice elven private school it's like our homeland sister the forest of celestials" Vincent said while smiling "what's the forest of celestials I never heard of it" "well it makes sense your a city elf the forest is only accessible by elf's but you need to know where it is you see elf's like ya known as wild elf's have a special sense city elf's don't have it" Vincent said "oh wait so how is your family this rich" "oh because of our company back at the homeland" "oh" Daniel thought then he saw David yawn "your sleeping darling why don't you go to sleep" "ok mama" David said then he layed down on Maria's lap instantly sleeping "wait so does he have that sense"Daniel asked "yes"

Christianatal880 Christianatal880

It’s still realism but I’m going to cut magic well not cut but only very few have it also some scenes may be backgrounds or before the actual story so basically it’s like history in the story I don’t know how to explain it you will see In this chapter

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