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100% The Cursed Wolf / Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Misunderstanding

Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Misunderstanding

Rose sighed in relief then she looked up at the sky to see that the sun had set and spoke, "We should get back. Your parents said to be back by dinner time." Jin snapped out of it as he realized it was late and followed Rose.

They had just made it in time for dinner. They sat down at the table and Rose saw a little girl that like almost identical to Jin's mother. Shinju spoke, "Rose this is are daughter Rin. Rin this is Rose she will be staying with us for awhile."

"It's nice to finally meet you Rin." Rose said.

" Wow you're really pretty!" Rin said in awe.

Rose chuckled and said, "Thank you. You're actually just as beautiful as your mother Rin."

"Really?" Rin asked excitedly. Rose nodded and Rin giggled happily. Everyone smiled at her reaction. As dinner went by they talked and laughed together as the family was finally whole.

Rose woke up and looked outside the window to see that it was still dark outside. She then looked at the clock and it read 6:00 am. She groaned as she knew she wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. So she decided to go for a run and workout til everyone else was awake. She got out of bed and dressed in a black crop top with black workout shorts and didn't wear any shoes since it was natural for her to run barefoot. She quickly and quietly went outside to the backyard. Once her feet touched the grass she breathed in the fresh air and started stretching. When she was done she spoke, " Oh Jin you're awake. Sorry if I woke you up." She turned to see Jin standing by the door way leading to the backyard wearing a white tank top with black pajama pants and his hair messy as he just got out of bed.

" Where are you going?" He asked.

" I'm going for a run. I'll be back by breakfast. Is there a reason I can't?" She asked. Jin was about to say something but quickly changed his mind, shook his head no as he looked to the side to not look at her. Rose smiled as she realized what he was going to say and said , " You know its been a long time since we ran together.." Jin looked at Rose, "... and since you are up do you wanna run with me?"

Jin smiled and spoke quickly, " YES! I'll go changed. So stay right there I'll be quick!" As he ran into the house.

Rose just smiled as she watched him go and spoke so softly, " I'll always be here Jin." Jin quickly change into a black tank top with black basketball shorts and went back to Rose as they stood next to each other.

" Ready!" Jin said Rose nodded and they headed towards the woods.

--- Yuri's POV ---

It was late in the afternoon at the mall Yuri, Sakura, Hinata, Nobutoshi, and Mizuki were sitting at a table in the food court.

" Has Jin told you anything yet?" Sakura asked.

Yuri shook her head, "No. He didn't even text or called me." She sadly said as she checked her phone.

"Well Jin did say that he will let us know. He could just be busy and once he's done he'll contact you." Hinata said trying to comfort Yuri.

"Yea Hinata is right. Besides Jin promised you and he's not one to break a promise. " Mizuki said.

Yuri smiled and said, "You're right. I just need to be patient. Thank you guys. " But even though she was comforted by their words she couldn't help but feel worried.

"Oh speak of the devil." Nobutoshi said as he looked across the food court. Everyone at the table looked to see Jin wearing a white t-shirt and dark blue jeans with black shoes and he was not alone as he was standing by Rose. She was wearing a dark blue t-shirt with black jeans and black boots.

Yuri felt a pain in her heart as she saw them together as she couldn't help but think that they looked like they were perfect for each other. She wonder why Jin was here with Rose and he didn't tell her about it.

" Why don't we call them over?" Just as Sakura suggested they see Jin and Rose walking away. "Where are they going?" she asked.

" We should follow them." Mizuki said. Everyone looked at him. " What y'all are wondering why they are here so this may be our chance to get some answers. We just got to make sure we keep are distance." Yuri was about to tell them we shouldn't go but Mizuki spoke up, " Ah we better hurry they're getting away. Let's go!" Mizuki grabbed Hinata's hand and everyone else followed him. Around the corner they see Jin and Rose walking into a cellphone shop. As they watch Jin talking to an employee, pointing at the new model phone and giving them his card to pay for it.

"Why is he buying another phone? Did his break?" Mizuki ask. The other's just shrugged waiting to see what happens. They see once the cellphone was all ready to go Jin handed the new phone to Rose.

"WHAT?!" Yuri yelled but was quickly quieted by Sakura covering her mouth with her hands. They quickly hid then carefully looked to make sure Jin and Rose didn't hear and sighed in relief that they didn't.

Once Sakura released her Yuri whispered yelled, "Why would Jin buy her a new phone and it's the same one that Jin has!" Right when Sakura was about to speak Nobutoshi spoke, " They're leaving. " Yuri was the first to go after them and the rest followed.

It had been 2 hours since they followed them. After they went to get the cellphone they went to buy clothes, then went to a book store, got ice cream once they finished then went to fabric shop and now what looks like to be their last stop they were at a store called Home is Where You Make it which basically is where you get furniture, beds, couches, etc. Once they were inside they see Jin sitting on the couch and Rose standing next to him and they appeared to be talking. Yuri and the others stood behind a bookcase that was close to them so they could hear what they were talking without Jin and Rose catching.

"You didn't have to buy everything. " Rose said.

Jin answered, "If I didn't mom and dad would be mad. Besides this is nothing if we don't spend the money they would drag you with them and make you spend it."

Rose just shaked her head in defeat, "By the way why are we getting two king size beds? Did you need a new bed?" she asked.

"You expect me to sleep on the ground?" Jin asked. Rose just gave him a confused look. He continued, "Where else am I suppose to sleep unless you want to share the bed together like we use too." Rose widened her eyes and then started laughing.

Yuri couldn't believe what she just heard. Even the other's were shocked. She wanted to deny it and try to convince herself that it was a misunderstanding until she heard Rose speak.

"Oh who said you can move in with me?" She said mischievously.

"I did..." Jin said confidently, "and before you say anything else I already got mom and dad's permission." Jin hesitated and quietly spoke, "I want to spend as much time with you as I can."

Rose smiled, "Now how can I say no to that."

Yuri felt as if her heart was being ripped out of her chest and the tears that she held back fell down her face. Hinata and Sakura tried to comfort her but nothing worked. Yuri just wanted to leave but before she got a chance she heard his voice, "Yuri?"

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