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100% Skyrim System In The Real World / Chapter 3: A Friend In Need..

Chapter 3: A Friend In Need..

After a good hour of skateboarding, I'd finally managed to ruin the skateboard after making it downtown, and the sight before me was horrific to say the least. Droves of draugr everywhere as far as the eye can see and hundreds of mutilated corpses of the citizens of Cedar Rapids. Hanging my head in sorrow and respect towards the dead, without a moment's hesitation I sheathed my sword and shouted, "Sun Fire!", before casting a ball of holy fire into the midst of the thousands of draugr. Ignoring the rapid fire dings, I made it to the center of the horde, only to find my friend Valon casting fireballs! His brother Zachary was next to him with a crossbow shooting bolts into draugrs heads without fail. Rushing up to the both of them, I yelled, "Valon, Zachary, you're both alright! Thank God!" Seeing me standing there clad in plate armor, both of my friends broke into tears and started bawling. Clearly they were relieved to see me alive.

After calming the two of them down and explaining my circumstances to them, excitement lit up in their eyes as we began a mass slaughter of the undead. An hour later, drenched in sweat we finally killed the last of the bastards in the area. We quickly headed inside of the Hilton and found many survivors holed up inside. When they saw us enter, everyone began cheering loudly and thanking us for killing the draugr. Some collapsed in relief, while others sobbed nonstop. There were also those who simply gorged on the food readily available. Speaking of which, I've noticed that I don't seem to feel hungry even after all of that fighting. I'm not thirsty either, how odd. Looks like my stats are beginning to show themselves, that or it's the shocking eternal life that I seem to have. Probably it's that, I bet my body is just like a video game character now, no need for rest or food.

After finishing reflecting, I noticed that someone had turned on the news. Zachary, Valon and I all made it over to the TVs along with the rest of the crowd. Listening carefully, the news anchor began to speak.

"This is Sarah King from News Channel 9, now bringing you live coverage of what's been called the Nirn Invasion. From what we've learned from many experts, it would seem a realm thought to be fictional has in fact existed and invaded our world. The world from the Elder Scrolls games is very real and very deadly folks! Stay home if possible and arm yourselves. The army of each nation is working on counter measures at present. There is also a rumor going around from fans of the Elder Scrolls series, that a hero known as the Dragonborn could arise to defend us. May we all pray that this be so! This is Sarah King now signing off! God bless America!"

Seeing the people around me visibly relax, Valon and Zachary drug me off into a corner and began whispering. "Devin. You told us you're The Dragonborn, and we know what this means, and so we're definitely traveling with you to defeat dragons and monsters. Don't even try to stop us." This was said by Valon, with Zachary nodding in agreement. I sighed slightly before grinning and saying, "I wouldn't have it any other way. You're my brothers. Let's go slay us a dragon!"

Lord_Vancheltz Lord_Vancheltz

Here we are. Please enjoy!

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