He FeiQuan received the urgent request of help from Mount Tai and he reminisced the time when they were joking around and the fruit demanding a request from him. It was more like an order than a request or like a threat.
They were in the Heavenly courtyard the day after the celebration of Yuan LeiFeng being elevated to a High God status and became the God of War. LiHua wore her veil so she did not attract any unwanted attention and due to her presence with him, he in return, did not get any attention from the female celestials. Standing by the pavilion, He FeiQuan could not help but sighed while fanning himself, as if he wanted to fan away from this pesky fruit, who looked like she wanted to put him in trouble again. She was batting her eyelashes and looking coquettishly as how she saw the fairies looked at Yuan LeiFeng.
"Don't look at me like that," He FeiQuan shivered with goosebumps when LiHua went further to blink at him a few times with her big golden eyes," By the way, don't think you have the looks now, all males will fall on your feet."
Squinting her eyes at him, finger brushed over her nose when LiHua saw a figure walking by the garden and nearing the pavilion where they were at. She brightened up a little and gave a wolfish smile and stood up from her table, "Well, let me prove you wrong".
The figure was a male casually strolling, admiring the celestial garden, LiHua threw down the pumpkin seeds that she was cracking on the table, removed her veil and stepped out of the pavilion in her full glory of the almost mature face. The male immortal paused at the petite young girl walking out of the pavilion, caught sight of her face and his eyes widened and jaws dropped. Before LiHua could pretend to shyly step back into the pavilion, the silly male tried to catch an extra look of her, moved hurriedly, tripped at his hanfu hem and fell.
LiHua coyly turned towards her previous seat and raised her brow at He FeiQuan. "Tsk, this face is really something. I feel powerful! Do you think if I go to battle, they will all fall on their feet without me making a move? Once I am fully mature, I will be like those said on the mortal stories, beauty overturning kingdoms."
Where did she get these awful notions, what had she been reading again? All those romance fluffs destroying this fruit brain. Well, so long she stick her funny ideas about overturning kingdoms to mortal's realm and not set her mind to wreck or overturn the heavenly realm...He FeiQuan looked at the embarrassed immortal disdainfully, who got up and walked away in the opposite direction. "I say that face of yours is troublesome, how can you know if a man likes you? For all you know, after they really got to know you, they will realize that you just a stinking peach!"
"Hehehe, my bird friend, you sound like you are jealous of my face. You don't need to have grudges just because you can't even get a love interest. Wait, what kind of females are you looking for? It's not that there are no females who don't like you. Like Feifei for instance, if you were to nod approval at her, she will fly to your wings."
"You little fruit. What do you know about romance? Just to inform you, there are many females who like me, not just FeiFei... but as for my type of female, she has to be... the complete opposite of you!" He FeiQuan embarrassed that he almost lost his gentlemanly composure, quickly straighten himself and smoothed his sleeves. Why was he having this discussion with this fruit who had not even matured yet?
"Hehehe, people who usually say that, usually say the opposite of their heart. And plus, I'm unique, one of a kind, as I heard from others, so all the others are the complete opposite of me, so why can't you settle for one of them?"
"Who said again? Your elders were overly kind and said out of pity, the males who said it are irrelevant, men say silly things like that to most females to soften them. Now, females, like your peers, who said it meant that they do not have kind words, it's slightly better to say you are different than you are weird."
"You do know I have an unmarried family member?" Glancing to gauge his interest, this bird was still trying to act cool with his phony gentleman image! Brains full of feathers! Hmpf! Then she threw the bomb, "YueMi is a twin and her twin is still single..." Sorry, Aunt MiYue to sell you out!
He FeiQuan who was fanning himself gracefully stumbled and his fan almost fell off, to which he quickly grabbed and looked at LiHua incredulously like a fool. He did not know there were more Gold Peach Fairies and single ones at that! And plus, embarrassingly, he was not able to eliminate the image of God of Water's wife, YueMi. This fruit, he totally had underestimated her, to think her deduction skills could be so high! Her brain apparently was not just filled with rainbows and sparkles.
"Hehehe, let me think of something and will ask you for help. If you do well, I will say nice things to my great uncle to consider you as a candidate"
"I brought you back so that should be considered to have good merit in your clan, no?" He FeiQuan asked when he only got a sympathetic shake of head.
"The clan elders are very particular about such things, grand uncle has very high expectations… you might have a chance if I recommended you." LiHua wagged her finger at him.
"TaoHua, I mean LiHua, we have been long term friends, what help do you need? Why can't we plan out together?" He FeiQuan was so unused calling her name since he always referred her as "fruit" or "you".
"Hehe, plan together? Last time we planned something and when things went south, you sold me out! So sit back, something will come up and I will let you know when it's due."
That was the last time he spoke to the fruit so when the urgent request came from LiHua, he became nervous thinking what this small ancestor had in mind.