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50% Star Wars: Chronicles / Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Initiation

Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Initiation

"There is no emotion, There is peace,

There is no ignorance, There is knowledge,

There is no passion, There is serenity,

There is no chaos, There is harmony,

There is no death, There is the force"

"The core values of the Jedi order, these are" stated Yoda, looking amongst the younglings he had been lecturing. Some showed signs of disinterest but a number them watched enthralled as yoda imparted his wisdom to them. "Follow these ideals you must" yoda continued, "but allow for interpretation they do".

At the front of the class, a youngling human boy excitedly raised his hand. "Excuse me master Yoda, but we've always been told that the code must be followed at all times?". The boy's expression changed to one of slight fear, "master Plo Koon said that to ignore the code is to risk falling to the dark side!"

A gentle smirk glanced across Yoda's wizened face, "Invite darkness, ignoring the code does" Yoda assured the youngling. "But different, interpretation and ignorance is". Yoda approached a nearby holodesk, pressed a couple of buttons and a solar system fizzled in to view. One planet stood out amongst the rest, it's surface bright pink with patches of red forest. "Xyrilia this planet is, ruled by trandoshan slavers the planet is." yoda zoomed in view to a city on the planet.

The city had trandoshans walking amongst caged and collared humans, many of the humans looking haggard and sickly. "Comfortable, the slaves are in their living conditions, do what will you for the people?" Yoda gazed around at the class, awaiting a response from one of the younglings. 

"I would do nothing master" piped up a young red-skinned twi-lek girl. "The code dictates that we uphold the peace and harmony established". Confident in her answer, the girl eagerly stared for Yoda's approval.

"Correct you are young Ahtani, in your assumption". However yoda's brow then furrowed, "but only if to the code, you stick." The younglings, Ahtani included seemed surprised at his response. "You see, Comfortable in their imprisonment they are but slavery it is and thus stop them we must". Yoda drew them all in closer, as he was speaking jedi figures were fighting throughout the holographic city. "Protect those who cannot protect themselves we must, as long as lose our way we do not". Just the smallest signs of understanding flickered across the children's faces before the room's door opened and a robed human man stepped inside.

The figure radiated a warmth and kindness uncommon even amongst the Jedi as he approached them all, his eyes darting around at them. "A pleasure to see you master Yoda, I daresay it's been a while". As he spoke the figure bowed respectfully and smiled at Yoda, also greeting the children.

"A pleasure, always it is master Kenobi" Yoda announced as many of the younglings gasped in excitement. "Ask may I, why here you are?"

"Of course master" Obi-wan responded, turning to look at the children as he continued. "I've been sent by Master Cyn Dralig to collect some of our prospective Jedi to attend their final combat training before the padawan trials". Obi-wan turned and glanced at particular younglings as he spoke. "Specifically, i've  come to escort Arrgaus" obi-wan looked at the young boy who previously asked his question. "And I've also come to collect Ahtani and Jacinta" Obi-wan declared as his gaze settled on Jacinta, a dathomirian boy of pale complexion who seemed to be waiting excitedly for his name. 

The three children looked ecstatic at his news as they hurried to grab their robes ready to leave. "Of course, take them you may Obi-wan. And to you, good luck young ones". Yoda smiled at the children as they walked to follow Obi-wan. 

"Thank you master!" they all replied as they all began to leave, all of them making sure to make one final bow before exiting the room. As they left the room they were greeted with the familiar grand sight of the high ceilings and pillars of the Jedi temples main chamber, making their way towards the training rooms for their final tests to determine if they were ready to be padawans and take their next steps, training under their own Jedi masters.

"It's finally happening!" squealed Ahtani, jumping about as they walked and smiling ear to ear at Jacinta and Arrgaus. The three had been as thick as thieves since they had been brought to the Jedi temple for training. Their bond was such that many of their teachers noted their ability to improve each other in areas they were weak to an unprecedented degree. It was seen as a sign by some of their inherent attachment to the force that they could use some abilities that many couldn't learn in years. Arrgaus had been shown to be able to make use of the early stages of battle meditation and Jacinta was a naturally attuned force healer. Ahtani was already famed for her diplomatic prowess in dealing with her peers with unnerving efficiency.

Arggaus looked straight back at Ahtani "I know I'm so excited!" he eagerly shouted, clenching his fists and still reeling from the news. Jacinta had a noticeably more nervous demeanor as he seemed deep in thought about the situation. "Can you believe it Jacinta!"

"I u-um", Jacinta was prone to bursts of anxiety but amongst the Jedi especially he always received a lot of patience. "I hope I don't mess it up, but I'm sure it'll be okay". All Jacinta had to do was look at his friends and his posture and mood shifted to feel a bit more assured, he was ready to face the task ahead.

Obi-wan glanced back at the younglings, "You have all done very well, and I hope you know how far you've come since you arrived" said Obi-wan, his warm smile and energy reinforcing the younglings moods and helping them calm their nerves considerably. "I would be eager to train one of you myself but i'm afraid i have already taken young skywalker under my wing, but I'm interested to see who accepts you"  

"Thank you Master Kenobi, I do hope we live up to your opinion" said Arrgaus. "I haven't seen Anakin in a while but he seemed quite excited to train under you and we've all heard of his natural abilities!" Arrgaus walked slightly ahead and looked back to watch Obi-wan's face as he replied.

For but a second, Obi-wan's expression soured before it renewed itself. "I must admit I worry that he is too old to truly learn the discipline he needs to progress but I trust that he will try his hardest to improve as he is natural force adept". Obi-wan rounded the corner with the children in tow as he entered the combat chamber.

"Ah so you found them Kenobi, we are ready to start if you will explain to them". Again the children gasped in awe of where they found themselves, standing opposite the famous Master Mace Windu and a number of other acclaimed Jedi masters, all smiling happily towards them. The children couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed by the presence of such figures in the large combat chamber, empty except for a small windowed room on the far side. A viewing chamber for prospective masters.

Obi-wan gestured for the children to enter the chamber and guided them each to a spot in the room, standing approximately ten feet apart facing the masters as they watched on. "Of course Master Windu, I will explain it to them now". As Obi-wan continued to prepare the children he raised his voice so they could all still hear him. "Today younglings, you will be tested on three seperate trials to see if you are ready for advancement and assignment to a master. Shortly Master Cyn Dralig will arrive and begin the combat trial, the masters and I will await his verdict as we watch from the viewing room.

As he was speaking, Cyn Dralig entered the room, his long and well-trimmed beard flowing down to his waist where his lightsaber was hung, scarred and scratched from its long history in the order. Cyn Dralig had been training Jedi for years and was one of the only Jedi Weaponmasters to have existed in Jedi history, many dark beings feared his presence more so than any other Jedi. Obi-wan turned to the children one last time and smiled, "Good luck children, and may the force be with you"

In perfect unison, the children bowed and replied, "and with you, master Kenobi". All turning to face Cyn Dralig as he dropped his travelling robe to the floor leaving him in his Jedi combat robe, He grabbed his lightsaber from his belt and ignited it, The thrum piercing the silence of the room like a screech from an animal readying its pounce. The green blade simultaneously reassured and unnerved the younglings. 

As Dralig stepped forward he gestured with his free hand and three swords emerged from the floor beside each youngling respectively.  "These are vibroblades", Dralig's voice was calm and yet commanding, adding to his clear sense of authority. "They are different to the practice swords you've been using as they can block a lightsaber without being destroyed", this surprised the children as they seemed to be a little nervous upon hearing that but still cautious. "As such your first task is to disarm me, do so and you will pass the first test", The younglings gasped lightly before Dralig continued, "however fail, and you will be sent to assist with our agriculture planets and your training will cease. 

This time the fear was almost palpable, the younglings had not expected this but the bigger surprise for them was the faces of the other masters, who were also clearly caught off guard. "I will face the three of you at once, if I should decide that one of you is lacking, you will all fail". Again the children were taken aback, Jacinta breaking the silence.

"B-b-but master Dralig that's not f-". But before he could finish Arrgaus's voice overshadowed his own.

"Yes master Dralig, I am ready." Arrgaus looked slowly to Jacinta and then Atahni, "I trust my allies with my life". He grasped the blade and assumed his combat stance. "And through victory or defeat, I shall stand with them". His words had a profound effect on the atmosphere as both ahtani and Jacinta shed their anxiety and readied their own forms.

Again in unison as if all linked the children stated, "May the force be with you master". They all waited, poised for the first move.

Dralig grinned, "and with you, young ones"

And then he charged.

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