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77.04% Yu-Gi-Oh! ZD: Rise of the Dragons (A Yu-Gi-Oh! Fanfiction) / Chapter 44: Chapter 44: Galaxy Light.

Chapter 44: Chapter 44: Galaxy Light.

As Drake proceeded to face the challenges of the Squires Courtyard, over in Jurassic world the Number Hunter Kite was making his own moves.

"I activate <Photon Veil>! By shuffling three light monsters from my hand to my deck I can add three copies of my <Cipher Wing> to my hand. Next I summon one of my Cipher Wing's to the field, and so long as I control a Cipher monster, I can special summon the other two Cipher Wing's to join it."

[3x Cipher Wing – Lv4 ATK:1400/DEF:1200]

Three monsters appeared on Kites side of the field, a trio of small lime green cubes surrounded by incomplete hexagonal rings, behind each of them projected out six blade like wings of energy. Opposite them hovered a great grey sphere, its surface rhythmically pulsating and wriggling as though hundreds of worms were just beneath its surface.

[Worm Zero – Lv10 ATK:3300/DEF:300]

Beside it was a facedown monster and one other facedown. Kites opponent was the Duel Bot: Worm Queen, a grey/white spider like alien with a humanoid torso sticking out from its top, which stood guard over a strange meteorite in a crater behind it. This was a hidden location for the Jurassic World Zone, Impact Point. It was where Kite had immediately headed too once he had arrived in the Jurassic World Zone, because he knew that the meteor the duel bot was guarding held a special secret.

But to reach it one must first defeat its guardian. Thanks to the Jurassic Kingdom Zone rule all Dinosaurs monsters received a 500 ATK/DEF point boost, while all reptile monsters, like the Worm Zero Kite was facing, also received a 300 point boost.

Next Kite sacrificed one of his Cipher wings to activate its special ability, increasing the level of his other two Cipher Wings by four, giving him two level eight monsters. With these two monsters as a base Kite called forth the Overlay Network, the spiralling black vortex from which all Xyz monsters were born.

"With power beyond that of ten supernova's I Xyz summon <Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon>!"

[Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon – Rank 8 ATK:3000/DEF:2500 OU:2]

Kites signature Galaxy-Eyes emerged to takes its place on the field. Its rainbow Cipher energy wings bathed the pale Duel bot and its spherical monster in a riot of colour.

"Now I activate <Galaxy Trance>, by paying 2000 Life points I can special summon the <Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon> in my graveyard and the <Galaxy-Eyes Afterglow Dragon> in my deck to the field in defence mode. Their attack becomes 2000 and their effects are negated."

[Kite LP > 300]

[Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon – Lv8 ATK:3000 > 2000/DEF:2500, Galaxy-Eyes Afterglow Dragon – Lv8 ATK:3000 > 2000/DEF:2500]

"With these two monsters I Xyz summon a second Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon!"

A second Cipher Dragon appeared on Kite's field for double the trouble.

"I activate Galaxy-Eyes effect! By using one Overlay unit my Cipher Dragon can target a face up monster my opponent controls and take control of it. Cipher Subjection!"

[Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon – OU: 2 > 1]

Absorbing the energy of an Overlay Unit one of Kites Dragons projected the rainbow light of its wings across the form of his opponents Worm Zero, cocooning the grey sphere in a blanket of light that pulled the monster over to Kites side of the field as its form began to morph into a copy of Kites Dragons.

Thanks to Cipher Subjection not only did Kite take control of Worm Zero but it even changed to become a copy of Kites Cipher Dragon while negating its original effects, however this did nothing to change Worm Zero's attack, its attack was already 3000 and it still kept its reptile type allowing it to benefit from the Zone Rule power boost.

[Worm Zero > Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon* - Lv10 ATK:3300/DEF:300]

"I attack your face down with Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon*, Cipher Stream of Destruction!"

Since his stolen Worm Zero could not attack directly it was obvious that Kite would use it to deal with the Duel Bots facedown monster. As Kites monster attacked with a blast of cosmic energy the facedown monster flipped to reveal a purple mas with green eyes curled up into a ball.

[Worm Rakuyeh – Lv4 ATK:2100 > 2400/DEF:1200 > 1500]

[GECD ATK:3000 > WR DEF:1500]


The monster was blasted away into galactic dust by its former comrade, following which the Worm Queen's high pitched voice rang out.

"Location Rule activate - Impact Point! When a non-token Dinosaur, Reptile or Psychic type monster is destroyed, special summon a Light Lv1 ATK:0/DEF:0 token of the same type to the field." On the Duel Bots field a simple gecko like monster appeared in defence mode.

[Reptile Token – Lv1 ATK:0 > 300/DEF:0 > 300]

"Skill activate – Worm Blessing. When a Reptile is summoned to my field I gain 400 Life points." The Duel bot continued. Motes of emerald light rose up from the token monster to be absorbed by the Worm Queen.

[Worm Queen LP > 5700]

This was what made the Duel bot such a troublesome foe, the combination of the Impact Point Location rule that could spawn tokens and its own programmed skill, Worm Blessing, allowed the Worm Queen to continually replenish its life points at a rate most duellists would find frightening.

But not Kite.

"Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon, attack that token with Cipher Stream of Destruction!" Kite commanded his dragon.

[GECD ATK:3000 > Token DEF:300]


In front of the might of Kites Galaxy-Eyes such a token was like dust and it was crushed under absolute power.

"Trap activate, <Alien Brain>. When a Reptile monster I control is destroyed by battle, this trap takes control of the monster that destroyed it and transforms it into a reptile type monster."

A bulbous alien head in a jar appeared as the Worm Queen activated its trap card. Strange mental waves flowed from it and poured into Kites Galaxy-Eyes. Under this mental assault the dragon screamed and roared. It would fight until it inevitably fell under the Worm Queens power and obediently move to her side of the field, its swirling light eyes slowly transforming into to a solid red.

It was a good play, it would have been a waste for the duel bot to use it on its own Worm Zero as that monster would return to it on its own at the end of turn, this way it could steal one of Kites own monsters and with the bonus it would gain from the Zone rule once it became a reptile monster it would be strong enough to block Kites final Cipher Dragon.

The struggles of Kites dragon lessened as it fell under the power of the Alien Brain, but Kite would not abandon his dragon to such an ignoble fate. He still had one card that he could play.

"I activate the quick play spell <Rank-Up-Magic Cipher Pursuit>! So long the difference between our life points is 2000 or more, I can rank up one of my Cipher Dragons into an even more powerful form. Go, Rank-Up Xyz Evolution! Now bare witness, as the same fantastic powers that forge the universe forge this most mighty creature! <Neo Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon>!"

Wings of rainbow light appeared and wrapped themselves around the struggling Cipher dragon, sheltering it from the encroaching mental influence as it pulled the dragon into a rainbow vortex above. The cosmic energy shining from it became blinding as the ultimate form of Cipher Dragon descended to the field in its galactic three headed glory.

[Neo Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon – Rank 9 ATK:4500/DEF:3000 OU:2]

It was all over, the Worm Queen had no more cards on its field, nor in its hand. A prideful grin was on Kites face as he readied himself to finish this hollow foe. First he ordered his remaining Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon to attack with its mighty strength.

"Cipher Stream of Destruction!"


[GECD ATK:3000 – Worm Queen LP > 2700]

The Worm Queen seemed to twitch on and off, flickering like a glitchy program. Its holographic form begining to fail as it suffered under the power of Kites dragon, but the worse was yet to come.

"Neo Galaxy-Eyes! Finish this with your Cipher Stream of Devastation!" Kite commanded.


With a mighty roar the invincible dragon blasted out its attack and consumed the Duel Bot with its light, erasing the projection.

[NGECD ATK:4500 – Worm Queen LP > 0]

<<KITE WINS – Duel Bot Award +5 reputation points, x1 Duel Skill: Xyz Twin>>

With the duel over Kite indifferently walked over and jumped the crater rim to approach the replica meteor, there was no use in feeling satisfied in defeating a soulless machine. Approaching the feature Kite saw what he expected, a rocky surface covered with orange crystals which gave it a spiky look. The crystals would glow and flash in an irregular pattern, or what seemed like an irregular pattern at first glance.

This was nepotism at its finest. Kite knew all the inside details of the second round, the location of every secret, of each code fragment. The secret paths, location rules, the hidden vendors, everything one would need to come out on top. Like this. Kite twisted some crystals on the meteor, pulled others and pushed some more. Each action changing the order and frequency of the crystals glow. Until at last they formed a uniformed pattern.


The meteor beeped and click as it began to open up to reveal a blue metal like worm with a white belly, the hidden vendor: Galaxy Worm. Opening the shop interface Kite moved straight on to his purchases. The Genesis key for 3000 duel points and the consumable skill 'Star of Hope' for 2000. Naturally Kite had started the second round with a Purple Heart just like Drake, giving him a starting duel point total of 7000, after spending 5000 points that left him with only 2000 but it was worth it.

The Genesis key was a special item that would allow Kite instant access to the key location of Jurassic Kingdom, 'The Cradle of Life', without needing the required reputation or clear conditions. There Kite could obtain not only a Jurassic Kingdom code fragment but also a Jurassic King access code which would allow him free entry and exit from the Jurassic World Zone. As for the skill, it was one of several rare consumable skills needed to access a secret location in the Dragon Ravine Zone.

So long as he defeated a few opponents along the way to replenish his duel points, Kite felt that it would be easy to reach the finals. But what he really wanted was a chance at New Order, at Shark and the one called Wyvern. For Dextra…

But Kite did not know just were they were right now, nor would his father or those under him tell him even if he asked. He had already been previously grounded and his link to his Orbital 7 Satellite had been terminated because his father disapproved of his alliance with Drake to hunt down New Order. Kite really didn't know just what was going though his fathers head, could he not see the danger New Order posed? Even after what had happened that night that the moon had been swallowed by darkness, when New Order had finally shown what they were truly capable of. Still his father stubbornly insisted on remaining focus on the Number cards.

And Faker had made it very clear that if his son encountered Drake, he was to treat him as an enemy, or else. Kites musing was interrupted by a loud child like voice.

"Wow mister! You are so goooood!" came a little girls squeal.

Kite was surprised, this place was not easy to find and was a hidden challenge location, it wouldn't even show up on a map fragment until one had completed an entire Zone map. What was a kid doing here?

She looked like a little pink Lolita with curly black hair. She couldn't have been more that seven or eight years old, dressed in girly pink and white with rosy checks and freckles. Her duel disk was almost the size of her arm, looking like an oversized toy.

Kite was instantly put on his guard. There was no way an ordinary person could just appear here, and certainly not an ordinary child. Besides which this was the second round of the WDC, she could only be here if she had the ability to earn it. But she was so cute Kite just couldn't bring himself to take action.

"Oooohh why so glum mister?" she sweetly asked as she hop, skipped and jumped.

"Humph." Kite had no time to play baby sitter, or play games. Ignoring the adorably cute child he decided to head to the 'Cradle of Life' directly and walked off. Why should he bother about some dumb kid.

"Hey mister, what you doing?", "Mister play with me!", "Hey mister where you going?" she continued to pester Kite.

"Look kid just beat it, ok?" Kite finally cracked.

"Oh, but I rather beat you instead mister." She said, her sweet tone suddenly carrying a more sinister hint.

"A pipsqueak like you? just go home kid, I think I hear your mommy calling you." Kite taunted unafraid. It would take a lot more than that to shake him up.

"Meany! I'm no pipsqueak, I'm Alice! Duel me now!" she said before sticking her tongue out at Kite in a temper tantrum.

This was such a waste of his time, Kite thought as he readied his duel disk. But a challenge had to be accepted, so he would just make this quick.

"Fine, then lets duel."

<<Duel Zone Rules Activate: Jurassic Kingdom rule – Law of Dinosaurs (Dinosaurs gain 500ATK/DEF, Reptiles gain 300 ATK/DEF)>>

"Me first, me first!" cried Alice as she drew here opening hand.

"Skill! Wisdom of Wizards go!" she cried as a pink phantom of the Dark Magician girl appeared beside her, giving the little girl a quick kiss on the head and an extra card to her hand.

<<Duel Skill activated: Wisdom of Wizards I>>

Using this consumable skill allowed a duellist to begin the duel with an extra card in their hand at the cost of 500 life points.

[Turn 1 – Alice LP:3500 Hand:6, Kite LP:4000 Hand 5]

"I draw! Tee hee look what I drew. I summon <Fluffal Leo> to the field, yay!"

[Fluffal Leo – Lv4 ATK:1600/DEF:1200]

A fluffy soft toy lion bounced onto the field, its legs wrapped in bandages as a pair of tiny wings on its back fluttered away.

"Let... me… see… oh this one! I set a trap face down and your turn mister."---

Some distance away a trio of figures were watching Alice and Kite on a monitor screen that had hacked into the islands security feed. The most prominent among them was the clocked figure of New Orders White General, the alchemist Tempest.

"Sir are you sure about this?" asked one of his underlings while he adjusted the feed.

"This is not Gold's technical department, I expect those under me to listen, not question. Understand?" Tempest's cold voice sent shiver of fears down the spine of the New Order Agent who had so foolishly spoke.

Proetus may have little use for manners or discipline in his ranks, but such disrespect would not be tolerated by the other Generals. If this person could not remember this then it would not be long before something nasty happened to him.

Tempest was calm as he followed the duel on screen, after learning that Fakers son had begun the round in the same zone as himself, he had gathered what subordinates he could to deal with the Number Hunter as soon as possible and he had great confidence in his force as he watched the duel.

Alice Song, to the public she was the Child Genius, the duelling prodigy, a cute and adorable girl few could say no too. But to Tempest she was also the right hand of the Silver General of New Order and their most deadly child assassin. To underestimate her was to doom oneself.

It was time for him to see just how good these kids really were.

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