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17.3% God of Love / Chapter 8: Radical change of thought

Chapter 8: Radical change of thought

"Relax, let me see."

While Rose was still holding the tablet, Caritas turned and began to click a little on the tablet's surface. Pointing to the lower right corner of the home screen, she said.

"See this button here "send"? Click on it, I can't click for you. "

Rose clicked, and the screen changed, showing a question.


Are you sure you want to submit your recent achievements for assessment? It is possible to make more achievements and earn more points. The first assessment will have points multiplied depending on the achievements made.

Yes / No


Without much thought, Rose clicked yes, and the screen changed again.

"Don't worry about the previous question, you already made a lot of achievements for your first time, you wouldn't earn a lot more points if you waited to submit."

Carita explained to Rose without waiting for her to ask, and watched what appeared on the screen, this time a lot of words.


Assessment completed.

Congratulations on becoming the Wife of the God of Love Candidate. For completing the marriage contract at record speed and being the First Wife, you get a bonus. Reward + bonus: 3000 + 4000 (2000+ 2000) points.

Every month, you will earn points for completing the marriage contract depending on your level as Wife. The first score is three times higher than normal. First Wife gets 50% more points every month.

Points for the hug: 100x2.

Points for kisses: 300x2.

Points for first kiss: 1000.

Sex avaliation:

Points for hugs: 100x3.

Points for caresses: 100x6.

Points for kisses: 300x5.

Vaginal penetration : 500x3.

Husband cum: 300x3.

Wife's cum: 300x8.

Simultaneous cum: 1000.

Husband's first time: All points x5.

Wife's first time: All points x3.

Cum inside: All points x2.

Sex avaliation final score: 237,000 points.

Physical pleasure level achieved by Husband: 360.

Reward: 360 points.

Physical pleasure level achieved by Wife: 385.

Reward: 385 points.

Emotional pleasure level achieved by Husband: 1350.

Reward: 1350 points.

Emotional pleasure level achieved by Wife: 1380.

Reward: 1380 points.

Congratulations on making your husband, for the first time, feel physical pleasure above 100 points. Reward: 200 points.

Congratulations on making your husband, for the first time, feel physical pleasure above 200 points. Reward: 400 points.

Congratulations on making your husband, for the first time, feel physical pleasure above 300 points. Reward: 600 points.

Congratulations on making your husband, for the first time, feel emotional pleasure above 100 points. Reward: 400 points.

Congratulations on making your husband, for the first time, feel emotional pleasure above 200 points. Reward: 800 points.

Congratulations on making your husband, for the first time, feel emotional pleasure above 300 points. Reward: 1200 points.


Congratulations on making your husband, for the first time, feel emotional pleasure above 1300 points. Reward: 5200 points.

Congratulations on becoming closer to your husband as you tell of your painful past. Reward: 3000 points. A good wife shares everything about her with her husband, the good things, and the bad things.

In telling your painful past, the Wife fulfilled one of the missing requirements to become the Chief Wife.

All points multiplied by three thanks to the first assessment.

Final score: 869,625.

Experience gained:

1 > 2. (1000 xp )

2 > 3. (1000 xp )

3 > 4. (1000 xp )

4 > 5. (1000 xp )

5 > 6. (1000 xp )

6 > 7. (1000 xp)

7 > 8. (1000 xp)

8 > 9. (1000 xp)

9 > 10. (696/1000 xp)

Congratulations on reaching level 9. Please distribute the points earned according to your preferences.


Underneath there was more to do, but Caritas kept her from doing anything.

"Calm down, this is important, don't distribute the points yet, I need to explain some things before you do something like that. Leaving that aside, you scored very high, and your level went up a notch, which is not easy. Anyway, use the points you got later to buy some serums. Although not exactly cheap, you are now very rich."

"How many do you think I need?"

"It will depend on yourself. Each serum gives you the ability to visit that day once. You may end up overcoming it once, or twenty times, depending on your willpower, which is quite strong. To be the Wife of the God of Love requires a lot of willpower, not anyone who can have that privilege."

Rose nodded, and for the moment decided to buy three. Remembering what the page looked like before, she clicked on the store and saw a small button at the bottom that said options. By clicking there, there was a history option, which she clicked and managed to go straight to the serum page from before.

Spending six hundred points, she bought three serums. A message popped up saying that items were sent to her inventory, and an option to open inventory appeared.

Clicking on the option, there was an image of a small bottle with a colorless liquid on the tablet , with a number "3" on it.

"This is the inventory, it has not appeared before as it is necessary to buy an item in the store before. From now on you will have the option to open it from the home screen. Basically, it's a small dimension dedicated to storing items. Its size depends on your level in the system. At level eight, it's already a decent size, I think about four cubic meters. "

Nodding slowly, Rose looked at the bottle and tried to click it. A small window appeared with some options, one of which was to get the item. She clicked on the option, indicated that she wanted only one, and the vial materialized on the bed.

Watching the small vial in front of her, Rose was a little scared. That item would allow her to relive that day, and not only that, but after that, for a while, the memories of that day will be fresh in her mind, down to the smallest detail.

"How do I put it back in inventory?"

"Just touch the item and think about putting it in inventory."

Rose put the item back in inventory, and taking a deep breath, finally calmed down. She still had a lot to process, but she was satisfied with things. About the vial, she had plans to take its contents later, when alone.

"Now that we have a deal, before I leave you two alone, we have to talk a little."

Hearing Caritas's words , Lucas got a little more serious and said.

"It's about the future, right?"

"Yes, this is important, we need to chart our way forward. Master, before you had the freedom to do whatever you want. But you know, right? Now you don't have that much freedom anymore. "

Lucas nodded slowly. He now had to focus on understanding the quintessence of love and becoming a true God of Love.

"But what exactly must he do to become the God of Love? From what I hear, you have to understand the quintessence of love, but how to do that? Just get a lot of women? "

"No, no. It's not that simple, Rose. I'm here for this, to guide Lucas. Becoming the Primordial God of Love is the ultimate goal. Before that, we have to accomplish several small goals, so let's not hurry. "

"Well, let's start at the beginning."

"To understand the quintessence of love, he needs to understand love completely, but there is not only romantic love. There are different types of love."

"Agape, Eros, Philos , Storge."

"These are the main types, and the most important. Apart from them, there is also obsession, narcissism, Platonic, possessiveness , among many others. "

"Agape is unconditional and irrational love. It's called that, because the first Primordial God of Love was called that. I was born at the end of the days of the Agape God, so it can be said that I live for a long time, but my memories have been erased, and so I have no memory of him, just recorded information. But according to them, Agape was extremely irrational, on a level of loving even his enemies. But remember, Agape loved his enemies, but the Gods of Love are known to be Gods of War too, so just because he loved his enemies doesn't mean he didn't fight. No, he was really a God of War, and he fought and killed his enemies mercilessly. "

"According to Agape, it is precisely because you love them that you have to kill them, as they will never learn the lesson unless they suffer a little. Irrational, right? This is Agape, and hence came the idea of ​​Agape Love, an irrational, unconditional, unlimited love for all that exists. "

"All the Primordial Gods of Love have things they prefer. Some of them prefer Eros, which is sexual love, others prefer Philos, which is friendship love, others prefer Storge, which is family love... But all of them, without exception, know that Agape is the most important, since if you cannot love everything with your whole being unreasonably, you cannot understand the quintessence of love, and therefore you cannot become Love."

"Therefore, Lucas, you need to understand this concept of unconditional and irrational love, otherwise you will never become the Primordial God of Love."

"In love theory, if you cannot love irrationally, it is not love. To be clear, I am not saying that there is no rational love, or that it is wrong, or false. I am saying that every Primordial God of Love needs to love irrationally, that is important. Well, this is all for the future. You, Lucas, are going to learn this all on your own, I don't expect you to understand, or put into practice everything I'm talking about, just have an idea of what's going on."

"Back to the subject, Eros is what you two did just now. In fact, I recorded everything. If you want, I'll give you the video later, Rose."

"You recorded?!"

"Yes, it's important to record, there are several reasons for that."

Rose was silent and blushed a little, but was happy inside, since it was an important moment in her life, it is important to record important moments.

"Eros is important too, of course, all kinds of love are. There are those that are not so important, at least not now, but that have their meaning, I mentioned them earlier, such as possessiveness and narcissism. You can ignore them for a while, as they will only be important in the future. "

"In fact, you can ignore them all for now, and focus only on Eros and Philia, they are the simplest."

"I was also thinking of focusing on both of them. I had already read all this in much more detail in those books. "

"Yes, you needed to read those books just for that, but I'm telling Rose that."

"Philos is the love of friendship, and it is not only practiced among real friends, but with anyone, even relatives or lovers. Philos is very important for affective deepening among lovers, as Philos enhances Eros. Sex will be much better if it's between people who know each other, and have a deep relationship."

"Rose and I have known each other for years, so it can be said that we have a very deep friendship. So does it mean the sex was so good because of it? "

"Not only that, but Storge was in the mix as well, since you two see each other a bit like family. Storge also enhances Eros. Too bad this familiar feeling between you two is still very weak, and although you are very close friends and know each other well, it is possible to deepen that much more. "

"I'm sure if you develop well, in the future it will be much better."

"Anyway, before we start talking about what we'll do from now on, Rose, you have a mission. Click on the tablet, and go on missions. "

Rose picked up the tablet again , and by clicking on missions, an empty list appeared, with only one option at the top.

1. Wife Introduction. *NEW*

Clicking on the option, a smaller window appeared, with mission information.


Wife Introduction

You are already resigned that married the future God of Love, so you must show that you are serious about it.

Introduce a suitable wife to your husband and prove that you are serious about being his wife. The woman must meet certain requirements before she can be introduced.

Appearance: High level.

Intelligence: At least mid level.

Personality: Suited to your husband's preferences.

Special Features: Any special features that please or be beneficial to your husband, such as supernatural beauty, strong combat ability, some special talent, and so on.

After finding the perfect woman for your husband, however, it's important that she is prepared beforehand, and it is to your discretion. The success or failure of the mission depends mainly on how you prepare her, as it will be your way of interfering with its success or failure .

Tip: It may not be a good idea to start by talking about your husband's true identity, or mentioning that he has or will have other women, including talking about your relationship with him. Your goal is for her to relate to your husband, and the two develop a relationship, so anything that will hinder this development is seen as a bad move, which will either lead to mission failure or loss of points.

Mission Failure: Chief Wife's Punishment. (Punishment will only be decided when the Chief Wife is decided. If you become the Chief Wife by then, the Husband will have to decide the punishment. )

Mission Success: Reward to be judged depending on various factors, such as the quality of the woman presented, or the end result.

This is a mission that will only end when it is decided by both parties, your husband and the woman introduced, what will be the final destination of their relationship. Expect an extraordinary reward if they can fulfill a marriage contract.

Time to choose the woman: one month.

Total mission time: one year. (To be extended upon changes in situation)


When she finished reading, Rose didn't know what to think, so she simply looked at Caritas , who smiled innocently.

"I didn't give you the mission, if that's what you think happened. All wives receive this mission after marriage contract. It is important that they prove that they are committed to it. A tip: don't think about cheating on the mission, it's important. "

"This mission says a lot about the personality of the wives. If you are a mean woman, you will choose someone randomly, and if or when the mission fails, you will be punished. If you are generous, you will get a good reward. "

"But don't think it's about punishment or reward, it's about your disposition. You are now the Wife of the future God of Love. As I said before, it is not anyone who can fulfill the marriage contract. Every woman Lucas meets in the future will have a contract with very high requirements. If they meet the requirements, they will be given the option to sign the contract, and this is a life and death contract. There is no divorce clause. Even if you die, you'll still be Lucas's wife. "

"And I've said it before, but just because you signed it means you're not anyone, so I know you won't be stingy."

"There have been cases like this in the past, but that's for lack of guidance. Such a mindset: Although I'm fine with him having other women, I'm not going to introduce one to him, I'm just going to introduce anyone, if it works, okay, if not, do what. In the end, they were punished by the Chief Wife. It's rare, but it happens, sometimes they don't take it seriously, which is why since then I always warn them not to take it lightly."

"And don't even think about cheating, as for example becoming friend of the Chief Wife, or become yourself the Chief Wife and hope that Lucas does not punish you severely. There will be punishment options. Even if the Chief Wife or Lucas wants to punish lightly, they can't. "

"And, as I said, I advise you to do this seriously, as it concerns your future. The sooner you accept it all, the better, not only for you, but also for Lucas, who will be in the middle if you fight with other woman for him. "

"And think about that side too: you can choose a woman for him, which means you can decide which woman to introduce to him. If he's going to have other women anyway, isn't it good to have control over which women he comes in contact with? "

Hearing all the reasoning, Rose began to think quietly.

'In fact, if I think about reward and punishment, it is obvious that I should do it in a decent way. I will also be proving that I am fine with this whole situation. This will be good for my relationship with Lucas, as well as with other women. If I'm too stingy, I can end up making mistakes. Lucas will suffer, I will suffer, and the women involved will also suffer. '

'Not to mention... that Caritas seems strangely insistent on this... There's something that caught my attention too, she talked a lot about the Chief Wife...'

"Caritas , tell me about the Chief Wife."

"Do you want to know what requirements are missing for you? Sorry, but I can't talk. "

"No, just tell me about her."

"If so, that's fine. You are smart, Rose. Knowing about the Chief Wife can give you insight into the requirements. Not bad. Are you looking to become the Chief Wife?"

"Of course. She's the top in the hierarchy between the Wives, right?"

"Yes… But it's not a definite title, it can change, you know? You can be the Chief Wife one day, and not be in other day."


"Well, I'll give you an example, to get better."

"I learned that Eros, the Third Primordial God of Love, had ten wives who kept taking on the role of Chief Wife."

"Yes, Lucas, that is true. Because the role of Chief Wife is basically the Leader of Wives, it is a very important role. They are responsible for protecting the harem, and so they are amazing women. All extremely strong, physically and psychologically. They are Goddesses of War, with extremely high combat power."

"All extremely intelligent, strong and capable."

"Chief Wife is a position and a title. Eros had ten extremely capable wives, something very rare. Because they were so capable, they constantly disputed the position of Chief Wife, and so often changed . "

"Most of the Primordial Gods of Love had between two and three wives who frequently changed this position, Eros was simply an extraordinary case."

"The Chief Wives are strong women. All of them must have high combat power, enough to protect the weaker women in the harem. They also have to have a strong psychological, invulnerable to psychological attacks, and a strong emotional, as they will be constantly dealing with other wives, managing them so that nothing goes wrong, since the God of Love cannot be taking care of them. all the time. "

"Basically, they protect the harem from internal and external dangers."

"And so it is an important position."

"But don't even think about becoming the Chief Wife anytime soon. You have already met some requirements, but there are several others, some extremely difficult. It usually takes centuries before a Chief Wife appears. "

Rose looked suspiciously at Caritas, and remembering her words from before, she thought.

'Is this mission of finding a woman one of the prerequisites for becoming the Chief Wife? Caritas seemed pretty insistent on wanting me to push myself. On second thought, if the Chief Wife protects the harem from internal and external problems, it means she has transcended petty thoughts of wanting her husband for herself, and is therefore proactive in introducing women to her husband. And seeing the mission criteria, they need to be decent women . '

' Well, Caritas said it's not anyone who can fulfill the marriage contract, so in fact they have to be capable women... It can't be anyone.'

'I will think it through and try my best on this mission. Maybe I can meet one more requirement to become the Chief Wife if I push myself and get Lucas a good woman... All I need to overcome is the psychological barrier, but I believe I can. Got a month to choose from? Hmmm... I can only think of two women I know. But I will investigate famous, beautiful and capable women later. Ah, I remembered one more.'

Rose was scheming things in her head, and meanwhile, Caritas was more worried about Lucas's silence. He has been quiet for a while now, watching everything and saying little. He seemed to want to watch, rather than participate in the unfolding of things, and that displeased Caritas, who knows he must be proactive.

"A coin for your thoughts?"

Taken by surprise, Lucas looked at Caritas, who was smiling widely. Flying in the air, she landed on Lucas's head, and began to tread hard, causing him pain. Although it was small, the feet of Caritas hurt enough.

"What's it?! Stop it!"

"You fool, I told you inside that you must be more proactive. Why aren't you talking to Rose? Although I have explained the situation on my own, it is important that you say this as it concerns you and your future. "

"I wanted to say that at the end of the whole discussion, I didn't want to ruin the conversation ."

"Speak now. We still have things to talk about, so talk now. "


Lucas then got up on the bed and sat facing Rose, who looked at him confused. Seeing his serious face, she straightened up too.

"Rose, Caritas has already explained it, but it's important that I speak it in my own words and feelings."

"First, something we should have said before, but we skip so many things today that even we forget it. I love you Rose. Very much. From the other side of that door, I learned one very important thing: Love all the people you love with all your heart. So Rose, I love you with all my heart. Even if in the future I have other women, I will still give my everything to you, and I will do the same for all of them."

"I won't apologize for things being like this now, partly because it's your fault for bringing me here. And honestly, I don't know how you'll feel when you hear me say that, but I'm not only happy with how things turned out, I'm extremely pleased. "

"If you think about it, in the future, I will meet many women, and I will love them very much. All these women will be the most important things to me. Isn't it wonderful the growth of things important to me? And we will all make one big family. You are part of this future family."

"The only thing I want you to believe, however, is that I will love you forever, with all my heart. I promise you that. Even if it takes time for you to accept all this, I will still love you, and I only hope that one day we will reach a point where we will all be completely happy and satisfied without any negative feelings. I look forward to this day as I want to be happy in making all the people I love happy."

"I want to be happy in making all the people I love happy...."

Rose repeated those words with tears streaming down her face. In her mind she imagined the future. A big house with several women around, children running everywhere, all with smiles on their faces.

'It's a big family... '

This scene looked so beautiful that Rose began to cry with happiness at some point.

Born into a family of serial killers, without receiving an inch of family love all her life, she was welcomed by Lucas's mother, and although she felt safe, having food, clothing, knowledge and skills, she never felt family love from Katia. The closest to family love she felt was toward Lucas, whom she always saw as a younger brother until two years ago, when those feelings changed a little, since then receiving tremendous transformations.

Thinking of a family after so long seemed unrealistic, but at the same time real, since that was probably going to happen. Lucas was going to have a lot of women, and after a long time, all of them would probably start getting along, it was just a matter of time.

The problem is, how long would it take for this? It would depend on the people themselves.

Realizing that this also depends on her, and thinking about that happy house, a determination began to appear in Rose's heart: I'll make it work.

Rose was a little uncomfortable with this whole polygamy situation, but Lucas just mentioned family, and a huge transformation happened. Before, she didn't see these other women as family. When she gave the thought, however, it seemed too perfect, especially for the children: in the future, they would all have children with Lucas, and that would only bring them closer.

Now, forget to be against, she seemed even more in favor. A whole new determination to find women for Lucas appeared.

'Forget choosing one, I will think of several candidates. I will not stop at the mission candidate alone. The best part is, I'll have time to investigate and get to know them before introducing them to Lucas... First, though, let's take care of this mission. Then I will slowly find suitable women. Just wait, Lucas, I'll get many women for you.'

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