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Chapter 5: Serious Injury(2)

Rain Lynch nodded again and again, Sweet Cutie said clearly, and he understood immediately.

He remembered that he was chased by the earth awakener before he was injured. Because his second elder brother Fierce Lynch was also earth awakener. He knew that it was the so-called super evolver, but he didn't know what super evolution meant.

He asked again, "What is the meaning of a super evolver?"

Sweet Cutie folded her hands on her chest with an adoring look on her face, and her wings flapped even more vigorously. She said, "Super evolver are the hopes of our human beings. They own the power that ordinary evolvers cannot imagine. They have their own world. Super evolvers can use their own energy proficiently ..."

Rain Lynch asked curiously, "What energy? Can a super evolver generate energy on his own?"

Sweet Cutie shook her blonde hair, blinked her big eyes, and continued, "Everyone can produce energy. The energy produced by the evolver is much higher than that of ordinary people, and the super evolver ... is equivalent to an energy generator. The energy of the evolver has a name, called cluster energy. "

Cluster energy, Rain Lynch had heard of it, but he did not know the meaning of cluster energy.

After injection of an evolutionary agent, most people would be trained in special school or studied in tInterstellar Alliance database.

Rain Lynch had not been injected with an evolutionary agent, so he was unclear of many things. He said, "Sweet Cutie, please explain to me what cluster energy is."

Sweet Cutie looked like she was going to faint, and then said, "Cluster energy is the energy generated in the body of the evolver. It was discovered by a famous scientist a hundred years ago and was named cluster energy."

"Let's just say, ordinary person has evolved to level 1, and the clusters that can be produced in his body are between 300 and 400, while the super evolver, even the primary awakener, can produce clusters between 3000 and more than 9000 generally."

Rain Lynch exclaimed, "Wow, so many, it's great." He said enviously, "Oh, I wish I could be a super evolver."

Sweet Cutie fluttered back and forth in the air, saying: "Super evolvers are very scarce, and the proportion of them is only about 1 in 10,000. There are even more powerful super evolvers, called "darling of heaven". They have the power and wisdom, which even the super evolvers are admired for."

Rain Lynch shook his head again and again, he did not expect that the evolvers have so many differences. He said, "Okay, Sweet Cutie, take me to the database to learn. I don't understand anything, you need to be patient."

Maybe Sweet Cutie was too human, Rain Lynch was kind to her unconsciously.

Since Rachel Chou entered the laboratory, all meals was delivered by Pard Lynch. If it was not for Pard Lynch, Rachel Chou would never think of eating.

The final test identified that the sampled liquid was not evolutionary liquid, but another very strange substance, whose molecular structure was very similar to the evolutionary liquid.

The results of the analysis made her greatly disappointed. If such liquid was analyzed in accordance with normal procedures, the synthesized liquid would contain very strong toxicity.

But this liquid is not useless. After all, Rachel Chou is one of the best scientists in Interstellar Alliance. Her first-class academician title is not a nominal. After three days of endless thinking and simulation calculations, she discovered the huge potential of this liquid.

This liquid contained a very strong recovery and bursting ability, as long as she found a way to neutralize the toxins in it, she could get a new type of auxiliary evolutionary agents.

Rachel Chou's laboratory had a rich material library, and she collected more materials than many well-known material depot, so she could easily do various experiments.

A whole month passed, Rachel Chou finally formulated advanced evolutionary agents based on the blood samples of Rain Lynch and Lathan Taylor.

She prepared two servings in total, one of which was specially prepared for Lathan Taylor.

Lathan Taylor had been degraded due to serious injuries, and Rachel Chou used various methods to help him recover but never succeeded. Although the advanced evolutionary agents prepared this time did not do animal testing, she had reached a feasible conclusion in simulation calculations. At the moment, she had neither the time nor the conditions to test the efficacy of the auxiliary evolutionary agents with animals.

If the advanced evolutionary agent could help Lathan Taylor evolve again, it meant that Rain might be able to recover his body and at least continued his life.

Rain Lynch's body had started to shrink recently, and internal organs had also become exhausted. Rachel Chou had no more time. He must try it anyway, it was better than doing nothing.

Because this matter was very important, Rachel Chou specially held a conference for this purpose, and she did not dare to make her own claim to inject evolution into Rain Lynch.

Lathan Taylor first stated his willingness to inject the newly developed evolutionary agent.

Since his serious injury and deterioration, his mental and physical strength had fallen sharply, and he was unable to do many things. Now that he had such an chance, he must try it, not to mention that he was always convinced of Rachel Chou's ability.

After discussing for a long time, Pard Lynch finally made a decision that injected Lathan Taylor first. After two days of observation, then injected Rain Lynch.

Rain Lynch couldn't wait any longer. His physical condition was getting worse every day. Now he was totally alive with the help of machines. Except for the brain and heart, almost all other organs were exhausted.

Pard Lynch's meaning was very clear, they had to make every possible effort. He believed that Rain, if he had outside help, would definitely survive this time.

Rachel Chou didn't even have time to cry. She took Lathan Taylor to the laboratory, and after preparing the evolution agent, her hands shook very much.

Lathan Taylor said: "I'll inject it myself, Rachel. Don't worry, no matter what happens, I will not complain. You know that I don't care about my life and death."

Rachel Chou cried, "Thank you, Lathan ... This is an evolutionary agent that has not been tested on animals. I ... I ..."

Lathan Taylor said indifferently: "Please don't be sad, this is for Rain. Besides, I am a blind admirer of you, and the evolutionary agents formulated by you are all top products in Interstellar Alliance, and you can't buy them with money."

While comforting Rachel Chou, he picked up the syringe.

The syringe was tightly attached to the skin, Lathan Taylor pressed the switch, and the evolution agent was sprayed into the body, leaving only a red spot on the skin.

Lathan Taylor said, "Rachel, give me a test."

Rachel Chou did not dare to delay and immediately connected various electronic devices to Lathan Taylor's body. The response at this time was the most important, and she could improve the configuration of the evolutionary agent based on the recorded data.

Less than an hour, Lathan Taylor suddenly trembled, the sweat on his face rolled down, his muscles undulating like waves.

Rachel Chou knew that the medicinal power of the evolutionary agent was fully developed.

A large amount of data appeared on the display, and Rachel Chou watched nervously.

After a while, Lathan's skin was red on the upper body, and the red quickly spread across the body. He was like drinking a lot of wine, his face was terribly red.

Pard Lynch was sitting beside him. At this time, he couldn't help but stand up and looked at his old friend anxiously.

Rachel Chou whispered: "This is just beginning to change, so far everything is fine."

The red on Lathan Taylor's skin gradually lightened up, and a faint brilliance appeared.

Pard Lynch was surprised: "What's going on? This ... this is ... the sign of the primary awakening ..." He shook his head in disbelief.

Primary awakening meant that Lathan Taylor had entered the ranks of super evolvers, which was almost impossible. The primary awakener usually showed up during the first evolution, and Lathan Taylor had passed this stage for a long time.

Rachel Chou's expression was very tense. The current situation exceeded her expectation. The smooth improvement might have been ruled out. According to the current development, there were only two possibilities.

One was a good situation. Lathan Taylor entered the ranks of super evolvers. In the future, his body would be much stronger than the general evolvers.

The other was the worst result. He would not only can not keep the original evolution, but also be in a dangerous situation.

Lathan Taylor had extraordinary perseverance and endurance. Most people were about to collapse in this kind of forced evolution. With incomparable courage and absolute trust in Rachel Chou, he stiffened for ten hours, and finally entered a plateau.

Once in the plateau, the most dangerous evolution came to an end.

After Rachel Chou gave him a shot of stabilizer, she was slightly relaxed. She had found the fault of the advanced evolutionary agent.

Seeing a smile on Rachel Chou's face, Pard Lynch relaxed, and he whispered, "How is it going?"

Rachel Chou said: "I have 60% confidence that I can save Rain now. Unfortunately, there is no way to try again, otherwise I have more opportunities to improve ... Pard, I am afraid ..."

Pard Lynch stepped forward and hugged her, comforting: "Don't be afraid, as long as we do our best, Rain won't blame his grandparents."

Rachel Chou immediately set about modifying the evolution agent.

All formulations were performed automatically by the compounding device. The key was the formula. Except for the most basic No.14 and No.17, each of the evolutionary agents had different formulas, and that was based on different corporeity.

Rachel Chou was an expert in this field and was also the most famous expert.

It took a total of more than six hours for compounding, and Rachel Chou repeatedly calculated over and over again. In order to allow the her grandson to evolve safely, she strived to find the best solution.

Pard Lynch reminded her from time to time because time was running out.

Finally, Rachel Chou prepared a set of evolution agents, which was the limit she could currently achieve.

She said, "Pard, put Rain in the nutrition trough ... I'll be right here."

Rachel Chou watched the ten newly-equipped evolution agents in various colors, and secretly prayed:"God bless Rain, let him live through the disaster safely."

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