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50% Run Away Girl / Chapter 1: A Photoshoot with a Demon
Run Away Girl Run Away Girl original

Run Away Girl

Author: Lilith0709

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: A Photoshoot with a Demon

"Castinova Oliva Thorn!" a voice said, screaming through the long, never ending hallways. That voice...a voice I knew all too was Father's, and he didn't seem happy, not at all. " Yes Father?" I replied, I knew he could hear me, even if I wasn't yelling. " We have to get to the park now! The photographer called and he's almost ready to start!" He yelled, obviously angered. "Ok father, I am ready, let's go now." I needed to remember that if I lost my cool Father would get upset and slap me again, then yell at me more for crying about the sting his hand would leave on my cheek. We walked out of the house; it was a sunny day, one of many, but instead of me working on my painting, karate, violin, piano, cooking or singing for me and Father's skill reputation like I always do on Saturdays and Sundays Father had scheduled a photography session for the papers so that would most likely take up most of today's schedule. We walked to the car, it was a sleek black car, but that didn't matter all to much. I was glad our servants and maids had today and tomorrow off so they weren't there when Father was yelling, that would've ruined us, considering the maids and servants gossiped a lot about us outside of their work. My mind went all over the place while the driver drove us to the park we needed to be at. " You know the drill," my Father's voice said, shaking me out of my thoughts. "Smile, act lively don't embarrass me or you're going to be grounded." He said, his voice hard and stern. 'Grounded' to most people here that meant getting a reputation dock request from the head or house, or a possession taken away, or even community service. But for me, 'grounded' meant I was locked in the dark, cold, and damp room Father hid from the staff; if I screamed nobody heard me from the outside, if I banged on the walls I'd just get bloody knuckles. When I got grounded I wouldn't be allowed to eat or go out until Father thought I had learned my lesson or I was close to starvation. I HATED the grounding room, it was almost my least favorite thing ever....almost, Father took the cup for worst thing in my life. I couldn't go in the dark room...not now, after a whole month of not going in there. " Yes Father, I won't embarrass or disappoint you." I said, my words hollow. " Good." he said gruffly. About a minute later we parked and got out of the car. The dress I had chosen to wear for the photoshoot glimmered now, it was rose gold with white flower patterns. I walked behind Father, smiling like I hadn't just been threatened by my own Father, a horrible man behind a mask of false love and empty words. " My, my," a slightly high-pitched voice said. " You both look wonderful!" I turned my head and there he was, the photographer that was going to be taking pictures. He was short, his hair was golden and long with a pinky- purple bow tying it in the back. " Come over here sir, madam, and we can get started with the photo taking" I did what I was told and it was all going rather well.


During the lunch break I ate nothing, Father told me yesterday not to eat while we were out so I couldn't embarrass him in front of a high-reputation photographer that had lots of money and a high photography rating skill. So I just sat there, waiting for the next session of photos while Father chatted with the photographer, who's name I learned is Dave Noland. I could run, I though, right here, right now... No..I can't Father is to well known, and if I suddenly went missing thousands of people would be looking for me. I had to wait, the bide my time. If I was to run, I had to go somewhere nobody knew about, a place people couldn't go to to look for me. Millions of places ran through my head, Sorian? No, it was a large city, people could easily find me there. Latorio? No, small towns would be checked too....hmm. Suddenly Mr. Noland got up, knocking me out of my train of thought and said cheerfully " Ok, ok, you got me Mr. Thorn, I don't like those Corma Berry all the kids like now! But we need to continue this debate later, we should finish the photoshoot!" My Father smiled his 'famous' smile "Ah yes, the photo shoot!" Father gave me a hard glare....I glared back, hoping Mr. Noland wouldn't see us glaring at each other. Father gave me an upset look then walked over to the camera setup, I followed, smiling like before.


On the way back to the car I could feel Father's hard gaze on the back of my head...I was scared...I shouldn't have glared at him..I'm in trouble, I thought. The moment we were in the car and the driver's block was up he started yelling, the driver couldn't hear us after all. "How...Dare.. You!" he yelled. " You INSULANT, EVIL, UNGRATEFUL, child! I give you a home, food, and you dare GLARE at me? Am I a joke to you?" I sat there, keeping my tears in, if I cried while he was this mad, he wouldn't just yell at me. " You know what, two days in the dark room, the SECOND we get home." no no no! I didn't want to go there! NO! I wanted to yell, to scream, to cry. But I kept it in. "Y-y-y-yes Father." He looked at me, sneering. The rest of the ride home was hard..the silence was volumes louder than my screams would have been but that was ok. The silence was better than the screaming or hitting my Father would've, and probably wanted to do.

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