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72.2% Reincarnated as a dragon egg in DxD with a Fate System! / Chapter 213: Council of Gods (2)

Chapter 213: Council of Gods (2)

Drako wasn't afraid of the gods, not a bit. And there was a reason for that.

Of all the gods here, only Zeus and Poseidon were problematic for him. The rest… most of them didn't have the dmg to harm Drako.

And there was a reason for that: the system.

Drako's abilities were broken, literally. He had two abilities that make him one of the strongest powerhouses on DxD right now.

The first one: Aigis.

The divine scales protect his skin of every attack that is weaker than his defence. In other words, if they didn't have the power to surpass Drako defence numeric value, then they couldn't harm him in any way.

The second one: Branch Destruction and Touki.

This two were like only one skill, since they did the same; they boost Drako stats a lot. What was more fearsome of Drako was his Noble Phantasm, but at the same level was these skills combined.

Aigis plus the two stats booster turns Drako into an almost impenetrable defence for most of the beings in the world.

There was another thing that makes Drako incredibly strong. Before, Drako was worried because he could only use his Noble Phantasm in his human form. But now, he has a Noble Phantasm that he could also use in his most powerful and real form, the Dragon.

With a numerical value of 9120 in Endurance once he uses all of his boosters, Drako could only harmed by six gods here. They were: Zeus, Poseidon, Aphrodite, Ares, Apollo and Artemis.

Hephaestus, Hermes, Demeter, Hera, Dionysus and Athena didn't have enough stats to harm Drako. Maybe if they use some special weapon, they could do something to him, but it doesn't seem that they have it with them right now.

Even if the other six gods could actually harm Drako, more than 80% of their damage is going to be neglected. Ares attacks are barely going to cause 1% of what they should do. The most troublesome are Zeus with his Lightning Bolt and Poseidon with his Trident. Those two god tier weapons, maybe even at the top 5 or top 10 weapons in the world, were going to do high damage to Drako.

But still, Drako had the huge amount of 570000 of HP points, with a HP regen of 8550 per second. Alone, Drako could have a good fight with those six gods without the use of his Noble Phantasms.

Yes, without the use of the Noble Phantasms.

If Drako uses his sword, Laevatein, the gods can do little against him. That is because the sword is a god slayer. The higher the divinity of Drako's target, more damage the sword is going to deal. And who has a higher divinity than the Olympians?

In other words, these guys in front of him were huge experience points for Drako. Maybe killing them he can evolve one or two times.

"What are you trying to say?" Zeus asked calmly, although Drako could see his eyebrow twitching.

"Do you have comprehension problems?" Drako replied with a rhetoric question. "I'm saying that I'm not going to let you kill them."

"And who are you to decide for us?" Are growled.

"The one who can kill you before you can feel it."

The whole place turned silence.

"I killed Ladon alone, the Evil Dragon. Now I'm much stronger than before, and my weapon"—Drako summoned Laevatein on its small form—" is your nemesis."

The gods took a step back when they felt that aura. Anti-divine, Anti-life… that sword reminded the oldest ones of Kronos sword, but this one was much deadlier.

"Drako, please, calm yourself," Artemis intercede. "We are not your enemies."

"Not for now, I hope." Drako nodded. "But that can be changed based in your decisions. You surely don't want to be my enemy. Not right now."

"Indeed," Poseidon nodded. "We don't want to be your enemies, as well as I don't want to see my son dead. There is no more discussion. Who wants to kill my son, you can go and fight the new Great Dragon King."

"I haven't seen such an intimidating aura from a Great Dragon King since the last time Tiamat created a havoc in my territory," Zeus said. "For once, I agree with Poseidon."

Ares scowled. His hatred towards Percy was so big that he wanted to kill him personally. However, now he also wanted to kill Drako as bad as he wants to kill the half-blood.

But he couldn't kill either of the two. Or he was going to be the one dead.

"If killing those potential dangers is going to come with an even greater danger, it's obvious to say that it's not worth," Athena said. "Nor when Kronos is coming back to life."

Drako nodded, seeing that the only two gods that wanted to end Thalia and Percy's lives where now retreating. It was a pity, since he thought that the gods were going to be more temperamental. He was a little disappointed in that regard.

But… to think that now Drako could go against Olympus alone… he has grown a lot since the idiot that came to this world alone more than two years ago.

Still, Drako couldn't go against the Greek pantheon alone. There were more gods, stronger than the ones here there. And he knew it. The strongest god of this pantheon, Hades, wasn't here.

Hades is a god that could scared Zeus, how strong is he?

One of the ten strongest beings in the world…

How many experience points is he going to give?

"Well," Zeus grumbled. Maybe he was little bit annoyed right now. "But the beast must be destroyed. We have agreement on that?"

Now there were a lot of nodding heads?

They where obviously talking about Bessie.

"Bessie? You want to destroy Bessie?" Percy shouted.

"Moooooo!" Bessie protested.

Poseidon frowned. "You have named the Ophiotaurus Bessie?"

"Dad," Percy said, "he's just a sea creature. A really nice sea creature. You can't destroy him."

Poseidon shifted uncomfortably. "Percy, the monster's power is considerable. If the titans were to steal it, or—"

"You can't," Percy insisted. Percy looked at Zeus. "Controlling the prophecies never works. Isn't that true? Besides, Bess—the Ophiotaurus is innocent. Killing something like that is wrong. It's just as wrong as… as Kronos eating his children, just because of something they might do. It's wrong!"

Zeus seemed to consider this. His eyes drifted to his daughter Thalia. "And what of the risk? Kronos know full well, if one of you were to sacrifice the beast's entrails, you would have the power to destroy us. Do you think we can let that possibility remain?"

"You have to trust them," Annabeth spoke up. "Sir, you have to trust them."

Zeus scowled. "Trust a hero?"

"Annabeth is right," Artemis said. "Which is why I must first make a reward. My faithful companion, Zoe Nightshade, is no longer a Hunter. I must have new lieutenant. And I intend to choose two."

"I shall have two new lieutenants," she announced. "If they will accept it."

"Thalia, Bianca," Artemis said. "Will you lead the Hunt?"

Silence filled the room. Thalia looked calm, while Bianca was shocked.

"I will," Thalia said firmly.

"I-I will," Bianca said awkwardly.

"Now," Artemis said. "I can't withstand one of my Hunters to don't be recognised by her godly parent. Bianca deserves who is her dad."

"Hmm," Zeus mumbled. "About that… okay. All of the gods allowed have their attention here at the moment, even my eldest brother and her wife. So… who is the father of this child"

It wasn't a question, Drako could feel it. It was an order from the king of gods.

One moment of silence, and something started to gloat on Bianca's head.


The gods looked surprised. Zeus even had a terrible dark face right now.

Up from Bianca's head was a helm giving off a dark aura.

"The Helm of Darkness," Poseidon muttered.

"Hades…" Zeus growled.

Bianca was surprised… no, all of them where surprised. Even Drako was.

"So not even Hades kept his promise," Athena muttered.

"No," Thalia said. "This girl born before the prophecy."

Zeus seemed to recall something. "What is your surname, girl?"

"D-Di A-Angelo, sir."

"So, you are the kid back then, huh," Zeus muttered. "What I mistake I made…"

He looked at the sky, and then looked back towards Bianca. "I can assume that your little brother is also alive, right?"

Bianca nodded.

All of the gods face turned grim.

If there was one demigod that could turn down Olympus, that would be a son of Hades.

"Nico is still too young," Artemis said. "He is only 10 or 11, there are still five or six years before he reached sixteen."

"Six years for Kronos to deceive him," Athena said. "Much can change in six years, my dear sister."

"We should be better keeping an eye on Perseus," Artemis replied. "There is only two years until he reaches sixteen."

"I know that, I was only pointing potential risks,"

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