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Children's Fight

It's been three weeks and few days since I died and found myself bound by the System. Not just I was bound by the System, I was also currently on my very first mission and acting as Ronald Weasley.

These days, I was just staying in the background. Early in the morning, I woke up from the bed and yawned. I wonder what would be the lessons for today?

[Human, you were quite carefree these days.]

The familiar monotone but condescending voice of the System has appeared in my mind. The System has been quiet for many days, why did he suddenly appeared all of a sudden?

{Good Morning, System.}

[Getting Comfortable? You should know your place.]

{ what? I've been doing my part these days fine. Shouldn't I have time to relax and be carefree for a while? }

[No you don't.]

{The heck? System you're acting like a jerk again!}

[ Disrespectful. Since you're so carefree I found things a bit boring. But don't worry, I wouldn't be bored for long. something interesting would happen later. ]

After saying those very ominous words, the System has disappeared again.

"Hey, Ronald are you alright?"

Justin asked as he entered the room carrying a breakfast. I didn't answer Justin and decided to walk to the bathroom. After closing the door, I look up to the sky and clenched my fist.

" Damn you, System!! "


The Previous week, the news of Harry Potter becoming the Seeker of the Slytherin has made their way through the Hogwarts Hall. The Quidditch players from the other houses wasn't pleased with the news. One time, we even saw Oliver Wood shouting in despair and now according to some gossipy hufflepuffs, he started training the Quidditch gryffindor's on an intense training regime.

Marcus Flint has held the news of Harry Potter being the youngest seeker in the century differently. In the movie, Oliver Wood has decided to keep it a secret. Guess that the Slytherin and Gryffindor are really different.

While we are walking through the Halls, Susan and Ernie are still talking about that topic.

" Do you think that it is an intimidation strategy?" Susan asked while practicing her wand waving in the air.

Ernie shrugged before continuing on reading a book from the Library. " I don't know.. They are Slytherins... They may have other reasons other than some obvious plan... They are always full of tricks."

Silence have followed after that. They didn't continue talking. It feel really awkward being between these two kids. Not just awkward, it was also dangerous. I don't think that it was alright to practice your wand waving even you aren't really saying the spell. On the other hand, Ernie reading a book while walking is risky. There are many magical stairs in Hogwarts, who knows what would happen while he isn't paying attention to his surroundings.

As we have continued to walk through the Halls, the thing that the System have reminded me earlier has worried me. I hope that it wasn't something in the lines of 'Basilisk roaming around the Hogwarts', 'Dementors on the Loose' or ' Fluffy exiting the secret passage of the Third Floor'. I sighed as we got out of the Halls. Justin and Hannah are currently near the lake waiting for us. Today they have planned for us to have a Picnic.

I smiled slightly at the thought of the Picnic. Sometimes, My Parents would also held a picnic for our bonding session when my siblings and I aren't busy at School.

Susan and Ernie stopped walking. I followed the direction of their gaze. There I never thought that I would really see something interesting just like what have the System have said earlier. If this is really what the system meant from earlier.

" Stupid Mudblood! Stop hitting me!!" Draco shrieked as he use his hands to block the incoming attack. He winced in pain as the object have collided with his hands.

" I swear that my Father would hear about this! Stop hitting me! "

"Apologize first!"


Hermione and Draco are currently fighting. Draco keep insulting Hermione some name callings while Hermione are getting physical. (She keep smacking Draco with her Book)

It was a strange sight. On the side Neville was in the verge of tears while looking down on the ground where fragments of glass lay there. I look around but didn't manage to find Crabbe and Goyle.

" Should we stop them? " Susan asked. Ernie, looking at the scene has his lips curled up.

" But it was such an entertaining sight to behold. I rarely see Draco being in such a situation. It was such a rare opportunity!"

" Ernie..." Susan glared and Ernie sighed in defeat.

" Fine, fine... We would stop them Miss Future Madam DMLE! " (A/N:, Department of Magical Law Enforcement)

Susan huffed before we started approaching the duo." So do you have any plan on how to stop them? " I decided to ask. Looking at Susan's frown, She was unsure on how to stop them." Do you have any ideas Ronald? "

The Duo and Neville as we got closer started to notice us. Looks like we don't need it after all.

" Ernie, what are you doing here? " Draco cautiously asked. Looking at Draco's 'I am not pleased you are here' expression, this two somewhat didn't have a good relationship to each other.

" Nothing, I am just getting closer to have a better view. "

Draco look affronted. Susan on Ernie's side chided him. " Ernie! "

" I think it was better that you two have stopped fighting. Sooner or Later, some Professors might here about these matter, don't you two want a detention on your record, don't we? "

" Keep your mouth to yourself, Weasel." Draco said imperiously. While I am talking, Hermione have are saying some comforting words to Neville. Hmm.. It was really different with Harry being in the Slytherin and Ronald Weasley in the Hufflepuff. At least these two people are close and friends to each other.

" Ferret, Good thinking that you managed have a comeback and an insult to call me." I said oh so 'sincerely'. Ernie have started laughing. I ignored Draco's enrage expression before approaching the two.

" what do you want? " Hermione glared. " are you gonna insult me just like him? "

" No. " I have no time for such things." Listen, Granger, Hermione. You shouldn't do that with Draco or you would found yourself in trouble. I know that he called you 'that' word but he was riding on his Father's name. "

" what did you say, Weasel?! " On the side, Draco was offended by the truth that I have said.

I look at Hermione, hoping that she get what I mean. I saw her nodding slightly." Previously on the flying lessons, he have tried to get Neville's Remembrall and now he have destroyed them. "

Hermione said while she have given Neville her handkerchief. So it was about that. Previously, it was said that Neville was injured together with two slytherins. I wonder what happened. I didn't get the full story.

" Don't worry about the Remembrall. " I said before taking out Ronald's hand me down wand. I waved the wand and said the magic words. " Reparo." Under their scrutiny, Neville's Remembrall started to repair itself.


Was it a coincidence that the Hand me Down Wand happened to be compatible with me? I have asked the System.

[ No, it is not. I have made the adjustments to make you compatible with any wand.]

I was surprise by such a cheat ability that the system have blessed me. But thinking about the Weasley family's poor state. It would take a while for me to have a new wand.

" That was not a First year Spell." Ernie have said. I didn't answered his statement. After helping on temporarily ( I am certain, that they would fight again in the Future) stopping the conflict between two children, we have continued our way near the lake where the picnic would be held. As we got closer, I frowned when we noticed that Justin and Hannah are talking with someone. That someone just happened to be a first year slytherin whose name was Harry Potter. He noticed us approaching and he smiled slightly.

megurashimono megurashimono

English isn't my first language. Expect that there would be wrong grammars and typos. This is my first time writing a Fanfiction and second time writing a story in web novel and suggestions are welcome.

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