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Chapter 66: Stay Over

I come back to my seat immediately after finish my match. But even the match is over, the audience still looks at me with a curious gaze. I feel treated like a rare animal in the zoo.

"Dang, you really do something incredible, Vin!! Isn't I told you to go easy with a newbie?"

"He misunderstanding my strategy, insult me, plus he tried to manipulate other contestants to gang me. He is lucky that I don't break his body."

"Yeah, your strategy is good, but you are stand out too much, since you stay on near the borderline alone."

"The first phase is about survival, so I don't want to have a meaningless battle."

"I don't want you to make an enemy in the Capital, Vin. So please act carefully in the future."

"Sure, Lady Sophia."

"How does it feel in your first match?"

"Nothing special but I managed to observe their technique. I also mark a few people because they are strong."

"You need to be careful about that red-haired boy. He is a son of Duke Wallenstein."


Ahh, I thought he was a prince...

"Yes, His name is Rein Wallenstein. His family is well-known because of their unique gift. Their gift is always inherited from their ancestors and become stronger each time they are passed on to the next generation."

"Thanks for your information, Sam."

"No problem, since I can see you talk with him several times."

"Do you anything about him?"

"Yes, he is a child of prodigy. He is very smart and talented. He already mastering swordsmanship even his age is the same as you."

"Yeah, I can see it on the match before."

He is on my list of potential opponents and candidates for my training partner.

"So do you want to go home now?"

"No, I want to observe the first phase completely. I want to find the other contestants' weakness so I will able to advance to the third phase easily."

The contestants of this event are 320 and each round has 40 children to participate. So will be 8 matches in the first phase. In the end, I spent around 2 hours to watch the first phase until the end.

I just take a note of a strong child on each round. On the 4th match, there is a girl stand out by using a whip. Her whip looks like snakes and she managed to knock out around 14 people by swinging that whip.

On the 5th match, there is a boy who using the long spear and using a technique like Wushu. He eliminated 15 contestants alone.

On the 6th match, there is a boy using dual sword. He is very aggressive and strong. He knocks out 21 people.

On the 7th match, nothing special happens here. The contestants are composed of the newbie.

On the 8th match, there are Twins (boys) using daggers as a weapon. Their movement is synchronized with each other. They are fast too so they can eliminate 20 contestants.

And the MVP of this match is Rein Wallenstein with eliminates 25 contestants.

Little I know, most of the talented kid is from Noble family. They get a private tutor to teach them about martial arts. Most of the tutor is former adventurers because they have a lot of experience on the battle.

The family will decide the future of the child. If you are from a rich family, you will get better treatments like a private tutor, facilities, better weapon than a commoner.

In this contest, the commoners try to show off their talents and hope to be recruited as guards to improve their life. Commoner never becomes a high-ranked noble except for special occasions.

Their best bet is getting promoted from a guard and become a Commander. When you become a Commander, your position is the same as Count. But to become a commander is very hard.

The commoner this world earn money by :

-Become a farmer and selling the harvest. (But they need to have the land)

-Selling stuff like foods, clothes, weapons. (They need money to begin this business)

-Become an adventurer and earn money by completing the quest. (They need to be strong to get the better payment)

-Do various job like becoming miner, construction laborers, hunter, cashier, etc.(This is the most possible job for the commoner, except cashier, because you need to be able Arithmetic)

-Make businesses like open a restaurant and the inns. (You need a lot of money to make this business)

"Vin, Lady Sophia's parents want to meet with you tonight. They want to hear the report from you directly."

Isn't they can just ask Sam or Sophia for that?

But I want to maintain my relationship with Avalon. I got a lot of benefit from them so I will go to meet Sophia's parents.


"I think my parents will be pleased to meet with you, Vin."

I just smile wryly because I don't know how much did Sophia tell her parents about me. I just hope she doesn't tell them by exaggerating the fact. I don't want to disappoint them.

Her estate is located in the middle of the city near the main store. Sam leads me to enter the estate and I see several maids ready to welcome us. They bring trays with towels and water jugs.

"Here your towel Lady Sophia."

"Thank you."

Sam takes the towel from the tray and wipes the sweats on Sophia's face. After that, Sam escorts me to the guest room.

"You need to clean your body before meeting with my master. You will join the dinner with Lady Sophia's family so please watch your manner. The maid in front of your room will guide you to the dining hall. I will prepare Lady Sophia first."

"I will be waiting at the dining hall, Vin."

"Thank you, Lady Sophia."

After they left me alone, I immediately wash myself in the shower room. I want to use a bathtub but it will take a lot of time. I can't let them waiting for me since I am their guest.

What will they talk about huh?

I hope they won't ask my background though. Since it will become a problem for me.

When I finish take a shower, I found a set of an outfit on the bed. It looks the same as the one I used when I come to David's mansion. I change immediately and leave my room. When I leave the room, I found a young maid stand in front of my room.

"I will escort you to the dining hall. Please follow me."

"Thank you."

I don't talk with the maid after that. I sensed something fishy about her. She always glancing at me from head to toe. She doing that secretly by fixing her bang and take a quick peek at me, but I pretend not to notice her gaze.

Should I assume that I was being assessed by this maid?

I arrived at the dining hall and there is one middle-aged man with neatly combed hair. His hair is the same as Lady Sophia, so I know that he is her father.

"Good evening sir."

"Good evening, please take a seat while waiting for my wife and Sophia."

"Excuse me."

I take a seat in front of him but once again I feel being assessed by him. Lady Sophia, please come here quickly...


I heard a familiar scream and I immediately go to find her. I forgetting about Sophia's papa and rush to Sophia's room. I open the door and found Sophia crouching on the floor while Sam comforting her.

"What's happen, Lady Sophia?"

"There's a stranger come into Lady Sophia's room."

"Where is he?"

"He managed to escape."

"I see."

I inspect the room and sense something fishy here. The room looks normal without any damage on the furniture. Sam and Sophia are not harmed by the intruder too. I inspect the window frame, but I don't find anything suspicious like scratch. I inspect the carpet floor and but it looks very clean. Even I can't see any dust flying from the carpet when I walking.

Outside the window is the garden and IF there was a stranger come into her room, at least I will find dirt on the carpet when he stepping inside. Also If he leaves in rush from the window, there's a high chance that he will leave dirt or scratches on the window frame.

Could it be the intruder isn't come from the window but from another way?

Or could it be this is just a test for me?

I will follow the flow and see how they will handle this problem...

"What's happening Sophia??" , Her father comes and asks Sophia.

"There's a stranger come into my room Papa!!"

Her mother also comes and hugging Lady Sophia and pats her head to comfort her.

"Don't worry Sophia, you are safe now. We are here with you."

"Thank you, Mama."

"Let's forget this and continue our Dinner Sophia."

"Okay, Papa.."

"I am sorry for my rudeness and leaving you Sir Damian."

I bowing my head while apologizing to Sophia's Papa.

"No problem, In fact, I was very happy that you were quick to help my daughter.Thank you very much."

"I just do my job, Sir. You don't need to thank me."

"Yeah, let's continue our dinner shall we?"

After that, we have dinner normally. Finally time for the discussion and currently we are in the private room.No other people except for Sophia's family members and me inside this room.

"First I want to thank you for helping my daughter when she on Andalas. My name is Damian and she is my wife is Hilda."

"My name is Vin, Sir. That's just a coincidence that Lady Sophia meets me."

"I heard you also help her to destroy David Wardenia."

"That's because Lady Sophia already figures out David's plan so our plan able to work smoothly."

"But you are contributing the most on the plan isn't it?"

"I was hired by Lady Sophia as a guard and I need to ensure her safety."

"I see. May I ask you a few questions, Vin?

Ughh, I hope he won't ask much.

"May I know your origin, Vin?"


How should I answer this question?

"Papa, his parents are missing when he still 6 years old. He is on the journey to find his parents until now by relying on his memories. But his memories are vague because he still to young when his parents left him and he can't remember many things except his parents face."

"Sophia, I was asking him, not you."

"I am sorry Papa."

Thank you, Lady Sophia, for assisting me.

"Is that true Vin?"

"Yes Sir Damian, when my parents disappeared, I was raised by a hunter. He is my parent's friend. His name is Allen. He takes me from my hometown and we live inside the forest in the small house. I learn how to use a weapon from him and somehow he will bring me to the city when he sells our hunting loots."

"You don't remember the name of the city?"

"The city name is Liston."

I use the city when I escort Olivia since Liston is very far from Capital, so he won't able to investigate my origin in a short time.

"Where is the hunter?"

"He died when he fights against the monster on the forest."

"I am sorry to hear that. So you are alone now?"

"Yes, I feel grateful because I learn survival methods from Uncle Allen, so I managed to survive until now."

"I am sorry for asking something like that to you Vin."

"No problem Sir Damian."

At least he won't figure my real origin for now because I give him a vague answer. Even IF he wants to investigate my origin, he won't get anything since that's was a lie. From now I will use this lie as my background because I don't need to hide my eyes anymore.

"I heard you also have a High-ranked noble to help you destroy David Wardenia. Is it true?"

"I can't call her friend, but she owes me once. She helps me to return my favor in the past."

"May I know who is she?"

It seems Sophia doesn't tell him about my relationship with Olivia.

"Papa, we can't mess around with High-Ranked noble. Vin already told us that she just owe him a favor."

"But If we can make a connection with her, our business will have a strong ally from Noble. We won't be targeted by Noble faction anymore."

"Papa, you can't demand something impossible to Vin like this. He is saving me and our Company from David Wardenia. He comes here as a guest and he doesn't deserve to be treated like this Papa!!"

"Olivia...I am sorry for my rudeness, Vin."

"No problem Sir Damian, I also want to Thank Lady Sophia for considering my situation."

Lady Sophia always supports me whenever I'm on the tough spot. She really cares about me, isn't it?

"Okay, because the time is already late, please stay over in our estate today Vin."

"Can I stay here?"

"Yes, you will sleep in Sophia's room."


"Pardon me?"

"You will sleep in Sophia's room."

I doubt my ear but I still hear the same line from him. But before I retort his word, Lady Sophia speaks first.

"Papa why you do that?!!"

"Because there's an intruder come to your room before, so I need to prevent that happen again. Vin is strong and capable to protect you isn't it?"

"But...but...he can sleep in the room next to my room!!"

Lady Sophia shakes her head while hiding her face. Her voice is shaking and her face is blushing.

"IF he sleeps in the next room, he won't able to helps you as soon as possible when something happens.'


"So Vin, please sleep on Sophia's room tonight. But PLEASE don't do something weird okay..."

"Yes, Sir."

After we finish the discussion, I and Lady Sophia go to her room. She lets me enter first and she locks the door. Finally, she breathed a relieved sigh.

"I am sorry for this trouble Vin."

"No problem Lady Sophia. I already figure your parents' intentions from the beginning."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"When you said there was an intruder in your room, I don't see any damaged stuff and you are safe. Then the intruder probably wants to scare you."

"He hides on the wardrobe and tried to steal my un...un...un...underwear!!"

"Even so, I don't see a speck of dirt on the carpet. That means he doesn't come from the windows since outside the window is the garden. Maybe someone from your servants helps him to enter your room. But your estate is very big and there are a lot of servants and he still able to enter your room. Pretty suspicious isn't it?

"Ahh, you are right...."

"And your parents easily to let me sleep in the same room with you. Normally they won't do that isn't it?"

"Then they plan to...make you marry"

She is trembling and her face is red like a tomato. She fidgeting her finger and avoid eye contact with me.

"No, they probably want to test me."


"When I enter this mansion, I feel they are assessing me. They want to see what kind of boy is me since I will become your guard from now Lady Sophia. I promise to you that I won't let you hurt."

" are unfair Vin...Only me affected by this situation...but why are you so calm?"

"I don't want to assume everything in rush Lady Sophia. I will calculate everything and make sure I won't make the wrong decision."

"I see...But what will we do now? I only have one bed in my room."

There's a bed with a canopy in her room, a dressing table, a wardrobe, and a bathroom.

"I will sleep on the carpet floor. Luckily the floor is very clean and no dust on the carpet. The carpet isn't cold like marble so I will be okay. Lady Sophia can sleep on the bed. Rest assured that I won't do anything to you, Lady Sophia"

"But you're my guest and my benefactors. I can let you sleep on the floor!!"

"Don't worry Lady Sophia, I used to sleep in various places. I won't feel uncomfortable IF I sleep on this soft carpet."


"Lady Sophia, remember this as a trial from your parents to test me. IF I sleep on the same bed with you, I will fail their trial."

"Uuuhh, but at least use my blanket, Vin!"

"I don't need your blanket, Lady Sophia. You can cover yourself with that."


"Please trust me and trust your parents Lady Sophia."

"Okay Vin, here use my pillow."


"Since you refuse to use my blanket, you must use my pillow. Even the carpet is soft, but your head will stiff IF you sleep on the carpet for a whole night."

"But Lady Sophia...."

"I don't want to hear any reason from you, Vin. Please accept my pillow or I will become guilty for the rest of my life."

I take her pillow to make her happier.

"Thank you, Lady Sophia..."

After that Lady Sophia lay down on the bed while I sleeping on the carpet floor. But I can't sleep faster because her pillow is full of her scent.

Shark_King Shark_King

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