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89.41% Scarblade Goddess / Chapter 76: CHAPTER 75

Chapter 76: CHAPTER 75

Though, Otorine poured out a tear of sorrow as well. The atmosphere went still as Otorine accused the Goddess Queen Weissia herself. Even little Nassus was startled of Otorine's sudden reaction. Thereupon, the kid trembled in fear, as Otorine was about to smite the Goddess Queen. While for Weissia, she just looked away from the dire situation she was in,

"Is this how you pay respects to someone who just saved you in mere constraints?".

Otorine didn't respond. Then, Weissia told more,

"Also yes, you are correct on your assumptions. As I am the one who orchestrated everything, indirectly.".

When Otorine heard the harsh truth and confession of her highness, Otorine grit her teeth full of raging flames,

"THEN WHY! If you truly care for Celestia Heavens and us deities, why would cause something dire, especially to us, Nassus, and Senku?!".

Weissia witnessed that Otorine's anger was being replaced with immense tears of sadness and confusion. Sadly, Weissia steeled herself and just responded with a very cold tone,

"For now, I can't tell you my reasons upon doing this...Yet, I truly regret of what I've done.".

Then, Weissia stared at Otorine again and told her words of wisdom,

"Rather, you shall know soon enough. When the CALL OF OMEGA starts to unfold...".

While for Otorine she was baffled in her thoughts,

"Again...what is this CALL OF OMEGA?! And why is our Goddess Queen so insistent on, this?!".

Weissia sighed and put her index finger on the sharp fanblade,

"Now, shall I ask of you...are you an ally or an enemy?".

This time, Otorine was the one who felt a cold shoulder, as Weissia asked her straight. It seemed the tides have changed. Otorine gulped and looked at little Nassus beside her. The young fellow pleaded with his merciful eyes, as he wanted his Goddess Otorine to stop. Thereon, Otorine just closed her eyes and stopped threatening Weissia. Weissia felt relieved,

"Thank you. Also, we don't have much time. Let us return to Celestia Heavens immediately.".

Otorine just looked away and placed her respective weapons back to her sash and hair ornament. Sooner or later, they hopped on to the motorcycle. As usual, Otorine and the little Nassus were at the sidecar. Strangely enough, Ira was still in a deep sleep, while she was drooling with a silly look in her face. Maybe she's having a nice dream? There after, they went on and their vehicle moved away. As they were sprinting on the dusty ground, Weissia's smartphone was ringing. Soon, she picked up the call but, she used a wireless earphone instead. Thereon, Otorine and little Nassus were hearing Weissia's conversation from the other side,

"I see...Uh huh...Mhm..right...And I guess Goddess Ira won't have to worry anymore...".

After that, Weissia ended her call. Both Otorine and the child were just dumbfounded. The next moment, the ground trembled. Otorine and little Nassus looked behind. There, they witnessed that there was a powerful beam of distorted lights, coming from Senku's villa afar. More so, it was emanating a surge of malevolent miasma of darkness as well. Not much soon, the villa was being ruptured, as it had ascended above the sky of doom. Red thunderclouds were at large as well. A while later, Weissia looked convinced. She accelerated her motorcycle and she revealed her platinum card. The next moment, they all vanished alongside her vehicle.

Then, they had already arrived at the broad greenbelt of Celestia Heavenly mall that was basked in the starry night. While Otorine was still at the sidecar, she noticed that Miro, Amora, Lilieth, Shunya, Ru, Mai, and a few Blade Goddesses were waiting for their arrival. More so, the healed Yumine was waving her hand for Otorine to see. Soon enough, Weissia put on the brakes and stopped her motorcycle. As Otorine and little Nassus got out from the sidecar, Yumine rushed at them,


Then, she hugged her dear friend tight,

"Are you okay?".

Otorine replied with a nice smile,

"Yes, I'm fine. More importantly, why are you all here?".

Mai crossed her arms and said firm,

"We're here because YOUR little kid begged and pleaded to us in order to find you...".

Weissia got off from her motorcycle,

"Thankfully, we were all at Ru's bar at that perfect moment...Okay, maybe because there was a nice ice-cream eating contest going on."

Otorine looked at the youthful Nassus once again. The adorable kid nodded energetically, as he agreed of what the other Goddesses had said. In turn, Otorine gave off a thankful smile for him,

"I see...thank you my little hero Nassus...".

Then, she embraced him around her benevolent Goddess arms of divine caress. The adorable kid did the same, even though his arms were short. When the other Goddesses saw a sweet yet unusual scene, they were all heartfelt. Even though, it looked kinda weird, since her lover and savior was a little kid. Suddenly, everyone felt that the ground was shaking and trembling.

"Woah! What's going on?",

Yumine said. Weissia looked above and uttered out her mysterious words,

"This only means that the Call of Omega has begun.".

Afterwards, she told everyone that it is safer inside the walls of Celestia Heavenly mall, so everyone followed her and went inside. Though, as they entered, the walls and a huge enchanted barrier was put into place. Otorine noticed that everyone was filled with worry. While for the other strong deities, heroes, and heroines, angels, they are all ready for battle stations. When, Yumine turned around. She saw that a wolf-like creature made from malicious monochromatic miasma tried to pounce on them. Thankfully, the barrier was in place and the monster wasn't able to enter. Yumine gulped as there were more frenzied wolf packs that were unearthed from the abyss,

"K-kay...what the hells is going on?".

Lilieth tugged her back and told her to go with them. Not much soon, a high ranking angel approached the Goddess Queen and bowed nobly,

"Your highness, the Quad council desires for your presence, as well as for Goddess Otorine as well.".

Weissia replied composedly,

"I understand, let us go Goddess Otorine.".

Otorine looked dumbstruck at first but, she just nodded and agreed with the Goddess Queen. As Yumine and Otorine were about to part ways again, Yumine told Otorine,

"Ori, we'll be just waiting for you at Ru's bar or Mai's inn, as it's safer there to plan things out. Lilieth said that she has something to tell us as too.".

Otorine replied,


Soon, Otorine and Weissia continued to move forward. The two of them entered a certain hall that was designed in the aesthetics of greek and modern architecture. They arrived at a huge door that had pink, blue, white, and black gemstones embedded in the mystical runic door. Weissia opened the towering door with her two hands and entered in an extravagant manner. There, Otorine witnessed that there were various deities, heroes, heroines and angels arguing with each other in business attires. In which the place was bustling and would make anyone tense. It appeared this place was similar to a huge congress but, there were four sections and there were equal number of chairs on their party. More so, the four sections chair were divided in the colors of blue, pink, black, and white. Weissia told Otorine to sit anywhere she like. Otorine did as she was told and she sat at the blue chair. Later, Weissia went to the highest stage with 4 colored ribbons attached that were similar to the color of the parties. As Weissia was at the highest stage, she tried to speak through the mike. Although, she was interrupted when the wide flatscreen tv behind her turned on suddenly. There, everyone saw Senku's face live. In turn, everyone fell silent, even Weissia was utterly shocked. Soon, Senku greeted them dynamically, as he was a real host,


Then, Senku took a seat on his sofa and said profusely,

"Yes yes, I know everyone's afraid but...I'm just after the amazing Goddesses and for the better of Celestia Heavens. Until then, have fun with my distorted pets and Goddesses."

Senku made a grin,

"Oh and Ori...please do come, I'm quite desperate to see you again...our date isn't finished yet...".

The tv went off afterwards. Afterwards, the atmosphere was ridden in despair, worry, as all of the politicians in the parties were filled with frustrations and loss of hope. Weissia was witnessing that all of them were losing morale, so she tried to relieve them with her firm yet, calm voice,

"Everyone, please do calm yourselves.".

Sadly, they weren't able to hear their Goddess Queen's message, as some of them just argued with each other more. Soon, a politician from the black block took a stand and shouted at the Goddess Queen,

"Calm down?! How the f*ck can we calm down! There are distorted monsters everywhere at every freakin' side!",


Thereupon, ramblings and arguments were at large yet, the place was starting to heat up, as each side looked-like they can't agree with each other. In turn, lots of suggestions and ideas were clashing on all four sides,

"We should be sending a major force to fend off those monsters at west gate!",

"Hah! West gates are full of small fries! We need a powerful party at south gate! As those things are giants!".

Then, another one from white block stood up and lost his nerves,


Then, he banged his table and said desperately,


While for Weissia, she was just silent on her seat. Though, Otorine noticed that the Goddess Queen seemed to be deciding in her thoughts. Since Weissia's index finger was touching her own succulent lips. In turn, Otorine just fell silent. A while later, another strong-looking charismatic hero with five wings of each element grumbled in his blue chair,

"This is why I'm against this Blade Goddess program and Hero God program.".

As he took notice of the gorgeous Otorine beside him, he tried to flirt with her and held her lower chin with a gentle touch,

"Hey there cutie, want to have a nice time with me? Oh and why don't I show you the ropes around here since you're new...".

Although, Otorine just gave the charismatic fellow a chilling stare, while her arms were crossed,

"Am I the one that you irk the most, as I am a Blade Goddess?".

It appeared Otorine wasn't pleased of the hero's frustrated statements about her kind. In turn, the hero just fell silent. Then, he excused his embarrassed self and went away. Who knew that Otorine could be that savage huh? Later, another female government official from the pink block took her stand,

"Err, Milady...what about east gate? Those distorted monsters might be small but...THOSE CREEPY THINGS ARE SO MANY! DARN IT SENKU! STOP USING THOSE ROACHES THAT I FEAR THE MOST!".

When the others heard her statement, they were filled with disgust and shock as they couldn't even imagine a swarm of dirty insects crawling along the walls. Otorine sighed and she was convinced in her thoughts,

"So...Celestia Heavens is pinned down in all directions. Senku really planned this through and did I just hear c-c-cockroaches? Why would you use cockroaches Senku! You know I hate cockroaches too!".

Even the brave and calm Goddess Otorine is afraid of those small, putrid and atrocious insects as well huh? It seemed lots of Goddesses are afraid of cockroaches for some reason. Soon, another fierce hero from the white block, stated his opinions forcefully,


Weissia nodded. Afterwards, a crazy-looking official from the black side, smacked his table and pointed at Goddess Weissia on the stage,


As for Weissia she told herself, while she was on her seat,

"So every path has a problem...".

Not much soon, she stood up and made a determined look,


Then, everyone had stopped nearly beating each other up, as they heard the dynamic voice of their Goddess Queen. Okay, some of them were already beating each other up but, atleast they've stopped. Weissia nodded and made strong gestures,

"As I've heard all of your sides. I've come to a decision that we should split each of our forces accordingly to the four sides of north, south, east, and west gates.".

Everyone listened but, they were still not satisfied, so Weissia continued to tell more, as she was an ideal leader,

"Our strongest forces of great heroes and REMAINING BLADE GODDESSES will defend the cold northern gates, where they shall clash with those TRAITORS. While at the west gate, we shall have heroic vanguards, angels, valkyries, protecting the walls from those giants in total defense.".

Somehow, the others were starting to be in favor of Weissia's elaborate idea. Though, that wasn't the end of it, as Weissia told more expressively,

"The eastern and southern gates with broad greenbelts are quite near to each other. So those areas will have a combined agile force moving along on both sides simultaneously. As they raze along those DISGUSTING miniscule enemies with their area effect magic and speed. Ugh! Even I hate those...".

Even the Goddess Queen herself hates the existence of those diabolical insects too. Weissia sighed and calmed herself, as she was almost finished with her statements,

"And the central dome will act as an alternative infirmary as well.".

It appeared everyone was pleased of her suggestion and confusion was no longer lingering in the air. Their heated arguments had ceased and each individual looked confident and delighted. As their Goddess Queen listened to their situation at hand,

"Yeah! Now that's our Goddess Queen! Even though, her mind is full of ice cream most of the time. She listens to everyone's sides and thinks a better solution!".

In turn, everyone's morale was boosted. Then, she asked them once more but, she looked flattered somehow,

"A-a-a-any suggestions or clarifications?".

A smart-looking hero with glasses stood up from his white seat. He asked her back, with his intelligent answer and raised his glasses as gesture,

"But defending will only prolong the battle at hand. We can't win by just defending ourselves correct?".

The others agreed,

"Yeah...what four-eyes said!".

Weissia grinned and pointed forward,

"That is why, we shall send an expeditionary force to penetrate the enemies walls within!".

She pointed above,

"Through the northern skies!".

Then, she presented Otorine through a gesture,

"With Blade Goddess Otorine, as the leader of this force. Comprised of Goddesses Lilieth, Yumine, and me ofcourse.".

Although, everyone was struck with shock, as they couldn't believe the ridiculous and reckless idea that came from the Goddess Queen's mouth,


Lots of them were filled with worry as well. The memebers of the four parties were having rumors about the Goddess Queen's strange suggestion. Though, soon enough, they all reached to a conclusion and agreed with the Goddess Queen somehow. In turn, each head representative from the four parties stood up and told their statements,

"Alright, the WHITE WINGS party will agree with the Goddess Queen's idea. Besides, that wretched Senku who stole my Liliath's heart will be very much surprised.",

"Hah! Now you're telling. And Yeah yeah! We the reckless but, righteous BLACK DRAGONS will respect the Goddess Queen's CRAZY decision.",

"Okay! As we, the PINK NATURE will be in favor of the Goddess's superb and analyzed decision too.",

"Same as for the BLUE SERPENTS...We believe in our Goddess Queen who is a non-partisan and stays neutral on all sides, even though some still despise her partially.".

Honestly though, they still have the gall to add politics into the mix, even though there was a crisis at hand. Weissia stared at Otorine and asked for her opinion,

"So what do you think Goddess Otorine? Will you cooperate on this expedition for the existence of Celestia Heavens?".

Otorine felt tense as everyone's eyes were upon her.

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