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25.88% Scarblade Goddess / Chapter 22: CHAPTER 21

Chapter 22: CHAPTER 21

Meanwhile, Otorine, Ira, and Yumine were still treading along the hallways. Though, as they pass through the area, the Gods, Goddesses, heroes, and heroines were still having bad rumors about them. Somehow, they weren't gossiping about Otorine, instead it was Ira this time around.

"Isn't that Goddess Ira? The one who was put in the court recently? Since, she was accused of letting DISTORTION to infect herself and her world?",

the teenage-looking Goddess whispered, as she and her friend passed-by.

"Yeah that's her alright but, the coucil said it wasn't true and she's not a true DISTORTED GODDESS somehow. Since, there were no OTHERWORLDLY ANOMALIES found in her world yet.",

her friend replied.

"I still feel she's a dangerous woman to be with, same as Otorine.",

she said back to her friend. As her friend heard the case of Otorine, her friend recalled of what happened before,

"The previous incident huh? To be really honest, I feel so scared. Since, what if my world was infiltrated by a GODSLAYER FALLEN, while my hero is still in training.".

Even though, Ira didn't like their bad rumors about her, she just ignored their hearsays. Sadly, Otorine wasn't able to cope-up in the same way as Ira, so she felt a bit depressed, as she heard the rumors about her,


That sudden moment, Yumine patted Otorine's shoulder. Then, Yumine masked a a bright shining smile of the morning sun that would break anyone's cold and negative sentiments,

"Don't let it get to you Ori!".

Otorine had stopped feeling down, as she heard and saw her best friend's supportive words. Sooner or later, the three of them had arrived at the destined place that had been shown on the map before. The three Goddesses tried to enter through the door, although it was locked, so they were only able to sneak a peek. Thereon, they saw that there was a serious meeting going on, as they were all seated like they were in a classroom of sorts. They've noticed that the li'l and innocent-looking Nassus was with the other heroes of various forms and appearances for some unusual reason. They looked-like they were legendary and magnificent looking characters that you'd see from a massive multiplayer online role playing game, mmorpg for short. In front of them was a strict-looking Goddess who was very disciplined with a black stick on her left hand. She discussed to them such as she was teacher of high status,

"We called all of you here, since the GODSLAYER FALLENS had been let loose. You do realize that you'll need to do your duties, as you are all heroes who were chosen by your specific Gods and Goddesses.".

Strange thing is, the heroes didn't like to be a part of this matter, even though it was serious. Since, they weren't involved in the said incident that happened in Fallens Heavenly prison recently. Their looks weren't filled with interest in any way.

"Oh c'mon...why should WE help them?",

one of them said. Then another hero expressed with added humor in his irritated look,

"Yeah! What he said! I'll only do this if my GODDESS IS IN F*CKIN' DANGER and she's always in danger since she's a KLUTZ! URGH!".

The other heroes and heroines had also disagreed on their stand of capturing the said Fallens. As for Nassus, he was just glancing around such as he was an innocent kid who doesn't know what's really going on. The Goddess in front of them heard their sentiments so she was convinced,

"I see, so all of you disagree on cooperating with them to capture the said Fallens. Nevertheless, if ever one of the GODSLAYER FALLENS shows up on your specific worlds, you still have to do what you must, to keep Celestia Heavens safe.".

Afterwards, she asked them,

"Any questions regarding this matter? If you do, please raise your hand.".

Young Nassus rasied his hand. The Goddess told him to stand up. She asked him what was his question. Nassus asked her like he was a sweet and shy little kid who knows nothing,

"Ummm...what are heroes?".

The wind wooshed for a second, as Nassus let out a basic question out of the blue. Even Otorine, Yumine, and Ira couldn't believe from what they had heard. The next moment, all of the heroes were widely shocked,


Thereupon, the Goddess lost her serious nature and told him like she was a caring teacher to a kindergarten student,

"Uhhmmmm Nassus, heroes are well...those who would do everything to save their world and their Goddesses.".

For some reason, the other heroes had strange rumors within themselves, as they were shocked that Nassus had lost all of his memories totally. Since, they had just suspected that he had just lost a small amount before. Soon, a hero told his companion who had a horn, while he was pointing at little Nassus,

"Hey, isn't that the guy who killed you on one of your previous lives, took that certain Goddess away from you, and turned her into one of his GODDESS SLAVES before?".

The classy looking-guy with one horn replied back with utter composure,

"As a matter a fact yes but now, I've moved on and chose to live in my current world devoting myself to my better Goddess wife.".

His friend laughed,

"Ha-ha! Well she has the traits of an ideal wife I'd say!".

Though, the classy guy was filled with some kind of doubts for someone,

"I wonder how Goddess Amora is doing though.".

His friend responded to his doubts,

"I heard she's still single.".

Then, the classy looking hero took a long stare at Nassus who was full of innocence. He felt some kind of pity as he kept on looking at the state of his previous enemy before,

"To be honest, I feel quite sorry for him now, since he was just fulfilling his ambitions of saving that Goddess Ira he said. I even pity him now, since he had turned into a child and he had forgotten he held dear, especially the love of Goddess Otorine for him.".

Soon, Nassus asked another question,

"Okay and ummm are all the Goddesses really beautiful like you and Ori onee-sama?".

The Goddess blushed and lost all of her composure,

"Ahhhh well yes...ehehehe...".

A certain hero grinned as he heard that unfamiliar term,

"Onee-sama huh...I wonder who taught him that MAN OF CULTURE word.".

Lots of the heroes irked, as they heard that degenarate term when they heard that from the young Nassus who looked too innocent. Though, there was a hot yet, weird-looking heroine who got turned on when little Nassus told that cringey term,

"He said ELDER SISTER! Okay...that's kinda cute!".

Then, another heroine told her such as she was a disgusted and shocked teenage friend,

"Are you interested in a criminal now? Geez!".

The three Goddesses were also flabbergasted as well, since they had seen and heard everything going on inside the meeting room. Soon, Yumine had stopped peeking and praised little Nassus, since he used that strange term,

"I must say, he's learning a lot from me eh-he-he-he-he...".

Ira just sighed and had stopped peeking as well. For some reason, Otorine was still locked into staring at the whole scene that was happening inside the room. Though, her expression was chilling to the bone that would strike fear to anyone,

"Yumi? Do you still have that dog leash?".

Yumine gulped, as she felt kinda worried for a second, since she can clearly see Otorine's cold and malicious aura leaking out. Yumine tried to be cautious upon responding back,

"Ummmm yeah...what are you gonna use for it though.".

Otorine replied back straight, while she was still staring at the meeting room,

"I'm gonna put Nassus in his place...".

Ira was terrified of Otorine's nightmarish air. Even Yumine was nervous of her friend becoming desperate and terrifying. Though, she tried to break the scary air by telling,

"I guess someone's jealous when li'l Nassus called that other Goddess beautiful.".

Otorine turned to look at them and shouted back,


Ira turned white, as Otorine's anger was directed at them instead. Though, Yumine knows her friend. Thereon, she walked near Otorine. Then, she said with an added tease,

"Really Ori, you're so predictable sometimes but atleast...he called you BEAUTIFUL TOO...".

She patted her friend's shoulder afterwards. As Yumine used the magic words correctly, Otorine's deadly aura had ceased, and her cheeks turned red as a beet instead,

"Hmmm I guess you're right...".

Ira felt relieved as well. Though, deep in Yumine's thoughts,

"Really Ori, you're so predictable...".

After a while, the discussion had ended. The door wasn't locked anymore. Then, the heroes and heroines went away with their own business. Little Nassus left as well. As he was out of the room, he noticed his beautiful Goddess Otorine was waiting for him. He rushed his way towards her such as he was happy little kid who saw his own mother after his class,

"Ori onee-chan!".


she expressed with an angelic smile. The two of them embraced each other, since they had missed each other for a very long time. They may be lovers, though they just looked-like a pair of a mother and son to the others eyes. Otorine and young Nassus took their sweet time of feeling each others warmth. They didn't care for the eyes of the many, as the two of them were in their own world with their interlocking passionate stares. They were waltzing above the clouds with breezing red and pink petals all around. Even though, Otorine was embracing the young Nassus, she could feel that he was still the real Nassus in his entirety. Their eyes were sparkling like gemstones as they waltz along the brazen field. Soon, they had stopped hugging and being inside their trance. Nassus expressed like a shy little boy to Otorine,

"Ummm...Ori onee-chan?".

Otorine replied with a gorgeous smile,

"Hm? What is it Nassus?".

Nassus responded back with cute determination in his eyes,

"I wanna become a hero and protect you!".

Otorine's heart skipped a beat, as she heard those fiery and magical words from her beloved Nassus. Thereon, she replied back with a soothing voice of an angelic maiden,

"Oh I see. Then, thank you Nassus.".

She hugged him again. Otorine was absorbed in her thoughts,

"Nassus...really you're a hero to me already. No matter what they say about you.".

As for Ira and Yumine they've noticed that the card stuck to Otorine's silver sash was vibrating. The two Goddesses looked at each other and they felt worried for a second. Yumine was signalling Ira that they should tell something to Otorine, although Ira was against it since, it'd break Otorine's sweet time with her li'l Nassus. The card was vibrating wildly now. Then, suddenly, the card exploded, creating a loud bang and tearing away Otorine's sash. Otorine and Nassus's synchronized trance had stopped, as they heard the small explosion,


The two had stopped embracing each other, as Otorine felt that her clothes were suddenly loose. Nassus looked very shocked, as he had seen something he shouldn't have. His face was red, turning Otorine to ask him,

"What's wrong Nassus?".

The next moment, he had a spurting nosebleed, as he had seen a piece of heaven from his Goddess. Thankfully, Ira and Yumine blocked Nassus's vision immediately. Then, her friends told her to look down through gestures. She did as she was told. There after, she noticed that her flawless skin covered by white silky panties and her bountiful breasts that were wrapped in a black-laced bra were all visible for everyone to see. Since, her silver sash was torn apart due to the huge explosion before. She was truly embarrassed, and tried to cover herself fast,


Thereupon, Otorine had created an unusual embarrassing scene once again. She was sitting down on the ground, since her clothes might sway along the winds and reveal her divine parts again. As for her friends, they were still blocking Nassus's sight since, his eyes shouldn't see something that were forbidden to the young ones. While for the heroes and Gods, they were taking scandalous pictures of Otorine,

"Now this is hot stuff!".

Otorine tried to tell them to get away but it was too late. Instead, she just cried out like an adorable teenager, despite her calm and collected nature of a water Goddess,

"Huwah! Please stop taking pictures of me!".

Over the distance, Lilieth noticed the not so wholesome scandal. Instead of helping them, she took lots of pictures, while her eyes were like stars filled with eagerness,

"Ooooh! An embarrassing scene! Time to add this to my visual novel role playing game I'm making! Hm-hm! This is great material for my references!".

She kept on capturing lots of Otorine's sexy pictures from the distance. Sooner or later, Lilieth got a pat on her shoulder. She turned around and saw Aron. Aron looked dumbfounded,

"What are you doing Blade Goddess Lilieth?".

Lilieth replied, while she was fidgeting,

"Oh err...just observing things. I gotta go now bye!".

Afterwards, Lilieth left in a hurry, while she was mumbling,

"They said that they'll...Mudodo Mudwo world or something...".

Aron was still dumbstruck, since Lilieth didn't say anything about her doing something strange. Though, he just ignored her weird behavior. He witnessed that there was a sudden crowd taking pictures of someone by the distance. His very senses couldn't believe upon what he had seen. Since, he had laid eyes upon the scandalous scene of Otorine, the woman he had utterly desired. In turn, he was filled with overflowing joy and excitement, of a thirsty coyote,


Then, he took lots of stolen pictures of the pitiful Otorine, instead of saving her from an impending crisis. Somehow, he was also surprised, as he had seen the young Nassus who wanted to touch the melons of Goddess Otorine, while her friends were trying to pull him away. Thereon, Aron said,

"I thought it was only rumors but, Nassus did really turn into a little kid and had forgotten all of his memories huh.".

He masked an evil grin of a demonic menace afterwards,

"This'll be interesting. Now I have a huge advantage over Ori. Since, she'll be annoyed of him soon enough.".

Suddenly, Senku dashed in front of Otorine in a cool and flashy manner. He brought out and offered her another silver sash just like the sash she had before. Otorine felt a glimpse of hope, as Senku came to her rescue. She was utterly grateful for his offer,

"Thank you, Senku.".

Senku didn't utter any word and just want Otorine to take the sash. Otorine accepted his offer and tied it around her waist. She looked good as new and her clothes weren't slipping anymore. Thereon, he had saved the princess-like Otorine, when she was in a sudden crisis. The Gods and heroes were all awestruck, as they saw how heroic and chivalrous Senku was. Though, Senku just ignored their awestruck looks for him. He saw that Aron was over the distance, so Senku went near him and left the scene silently. As the scandal was over, the crowd of heroes and Gods had dispersed afterwards. Yumine and Ira were both relieved, as Otorine was saved from embarrassment, so they freed Nassus from their grasp. Little Nassus wasn't that much pleased anymore but, he took notice of the deep blue gemstone that was attached to Otorine's broken sash. He plucked it out and tried to give it to Goddess Otorine, with a smile on his cute face,

"Here, Ori onee-chan!".

Otorine was deep in her thoughts,

"Oh! I almost forgot about this...".

She accepted little Nassus's concern and offer for her,

"Thanks Nassus!".

Then, she gave him a smile of a beautiful maiden. Nassus blushed for a second and he had a minor nosebleed again, turning Otorine, Yumine, and Ira to be woried for him again. As for Senku he asked Aron, regarding something,

"Tell me brother, why didn't you help the woman that you truly desire?".

Aron was lost for words and he was feeling sweaty all of a sudden,

"Ahhhh errrrr aaaahhhh...Let's just say—.".

Senku didn't want to hear his excuses anymore, so Senku just patted Aron's shoulder and looked at him in the eye,

"Next time, if you want Ori to like you, do yourself a favor...".

Afterwards, Senku walked away. As for Aron, he kicked the poor vending machine. Since, he wasn't pleased of his non-blood related brother telling him on how to get the woman he wants,

"Tch! Who does he think he is! Bahhhh! I'll just have FUN with my girls. They LOVE WHIPPINGS somehow. YEAH! Time to WHIP 'EM UP GOOD!".

Though, he was still boggled over Lilieth's strange reaction,

"She was able to get away from my grasp before. Though, I wonder what's Blade Goddess Lilieth up to. She said something about mud wools?".

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