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Chapter 6: Vs. Thor


Inugami Residence...

"Try to not to die boys, 'Weiss Schwarz'!" My mother exclaimed whilst shooting out some magical attacks from her magical pistols.

"Damn it!" I tried to dodge them but...

The magical bullets of light and dark crisscrossed in the air before finally hitting me square on my chest.


"Gaah!" I exclaimed as I was blown back into a wall by mother's magical attack. It felt like a bomb hit me when those bullets made contact with me. I was also incapacitated because out because of that. My mana ran out because of my mother's constant barrage of magical bullets.

"Motaharu-kun, can you be dear and move my son's body?" My mother told the esper/magician hybrid. Tsuchimikado nodded then...

"No problem Reika-san. Alright let's get you outta here Inu-yan." Tsuchimikado mused as he dragged my unmoving body away from the combat. He was enjoying suffering right now. I could feel it.

"Okay! Touma-kun your next!" My mother then turned her attention towards Touma. "With you, I'll used rubber bullets instead of my magic attacks!" She stated with delight.

"Such misfortune..." Touma was questioning his life choices right now. But... "I'm lucky that my mother isn't like this." Touma a found a positive in his life. A meaningless one, but still.


Few hours later...

After me and my friends finished our training with my mother, Touma and Tsuchimikado went home while I moved on to my 'Ultimate Arts' training with my father. This was our third match of the night.

"Oveture!" I activated my time acceleration spell and tried to deliver a spinning hook kick to the face of my father.


He easily blocked it with his forearm due to his vastly more superior martial prowess. It was scary really.

"Haaah!" My father let out a roar, as he in retaliation delivered a straight left hook towards my abdomen.


I was able to redirect it thanks to my time magic and 'Ultimate Arts' fighting style.

"Nod bad Reiji." My father stated as he unleashed a flurry of attacks afterwards. Spinning heel kick, uppercut, jabs, spinning elbows, and more.

"Heh! I learned from the best." I stated whilst redirecting all of his attacks. "But now it's my turn!"


As my father tried to deliver a roundhouse kick. I was able to catch his kick, albeit he was holding back. (Which was still painful by the way. I felt the bones of my fingers crack) And then I brought him down hard into the ground with my wrestling.


"Haah!" I tried to deliver an elbow to his face but...


He headbutted me right in my face. "Kch!" I winced in pain as I felt some blood drip from my nose.

"Focus Reiji." My father stated as he delivered an elbow strike to my face.


His sharp elbow was able to cut my face.

Our back and forth continued for another couple of more hours before I finally went to bed.


The day of the fight...

The arena was practically empty this day. Only me, Touma, Tsuchimikado, our homeroom teacher Shino sensei, principal Odin, and a couple of healers were here. The other students weren't allowed to watch to watch our fight because Thor hated noise. Also speaking of Thor, he wasn't here at the moment, which was annoying.

"Yo principal, where's your son Thor?" I asked the king of the Norse gods. "We've been here for ten minutes now." I complained.

But just when Odin was about to answer my question...


Lightning struck the center of oh the field as the sound of thunder echoed throughout the arena.

Thor, the strongest Norse god has arrived. In his prime, Odin would have been as equally as strong his son but he's old now, while Thor is at the peak of his power.

"There's your answer Inugami." Odin told me whilst stroking his long beard. But after telling me that, he then turned his attention towards his son. "It's always the flashy entrances with you."

"..." Thor didn't reply to Odin, instead he turned his attention towards me instead. "Your Shoji's son..."

All I can do was nod at him. The pressure he was giving off is way above someone Dark Matter's. If the Teitoku was a ten, then Thor was a hundred. A monster among monsters. I'm starting to question myself if I can beat this guy.

"And you two... The 'Imagine Breaker' and the esper/magi hybrid." Thor was judging us and measuring our power. "Don't disappoint me." He stated in a very serious tone.

"..." Touma and Tsuchimikado couldn't reply to the god of thunder as they also frozen due to the pressure that the god was giving off. It seems that I wasn't the only one.

"Father start the match." Thor stated whilst he was making his way towards the other side of the field.

"Very well." Odin responded to his son whilst smiling. He was so happy that his son was a battle freak. He's pretty easy to control.



"Come now son." Odin stated whilst stroking his beard.

"Ask somebody else..." Thor told the allfather Odin through a magic mirror. "I'm not interested in fighting your students."

"Come now Thor. Can't you do this for your old man." Odin tried to bribe his son to do his bidding. It didn't work.

"I'm hanging up if that's all you've got to say." Thor stated in a annoyed tone. "I have other businesses to take care off."

"The kid is the son of Shoji Inugami. The one who killed your bother, Loki." Odin told his son whilst he was smirking. Thor's eyes widened in surprised because of what the king of the Norse gods stated. "Interested now?" Odin asked.

"The child of the 'Highest Magi'? How strong is he then?" Thor questioned his father.

"I'd say he's about as strong as your son, Ryuichi. He also has a magic attack that can destroy a mountain." Odin answered his son's question.

"So above he's average for someone of his age." Thor summarized. "Who are the others then?" The Norse god of thunder asked.

"The one and only esper/magi hybrid and this generation's current holder of the 'Imagine Breaker'." The king of the Norse gods explained. Thor was again surprised by his father's answer. But this time, he was able to quickly regain composure as his surprised face was now replaced by an excited smirk.

"Very well, I'll go with your ploy." The Norse god of thunder stated while trying to hide his excitement.

"Ploy? I don't know what your talking about son." Odin told Thor whilst he was also sporting his own smirk.


Back to the present...

As me and my friends made our way to the other side of the arena, Thor the Norse god of lightning suddenly called out to us.

"You three." Thor stated whilst his arms were crossed. "I'll let you have the first attack."

Thor was so confident in his skills that he was willing to let me and the guys have the first attack. And I don't blame his for that. If I remember correctly, Thor ranks in the top ten in the strongest beings on planet earth.

"Very well you asked for it!" I exclaimed while I began to charge cosmic energy in my left arm. " Tsuchimikado let's do a combo attack!"

"You got it Inu-yan! Streamfield!" Tsuchimikado exclaimed when suddenly 666 knives appeared from out of nowhere.

"A sacred gear?" Thor muttered. He was surprised about this, Odin didn't mention anything about about a sacred gear.

"HAAAAAAHHHHH!" My skin began to tear as I was barely able to contain the cosmic energy that I was gathering. "Tsuchimikado!"

Tsuchimikado nodded and began to combine his 666 knives into one gigantic one. It was easily as tall as a three-storey building.

"OVERLIMIT: ASTERISM!" "NERO APOCALYPSE!" Me and Tsuchimikado synchronized our attacks. The beam of cosmic energy and the rocket-like magical knife race towards the god of thunder.


It was a direct hit. And it also caused a huge explosion. Luckily for us, this arena was reinforced with magic, otherwise this whole building would have collapsed by now. But that doesn't matter right now.

"Da Capo." I used my time magic to heal my arm. And then, I waited for the dust to settle.

"Disappointing." The god of thunder stated. My mouth suddenly went agape at the sight before me. There was Thor, completely unharmed from mine and Tsuchimikado's combo attack.

"Shit..." I muttered.

"I'll have to agree with you there Inu-yan. This is shit..." Tsuchimikado told me.

"Such misfortune..." Touma added.

"My turn then... Mjolnir." A Thor stated that, a gigantic hammer suddenly manifested in his right arm. I was twice his size if not more so. "Haah["


Lightning that once killed the 'world serpent' raced toward us, courtesy of the god of thunder himself.

"Not so fast!" Touma exclaimed as he destroyed the magical lighting with his 'Imagine Breaker'.

"The 'Imagine Breaker'. A truly troublesome weapon..." Thor muttered as he watched his lighting attack dissipate. "Very well, how about this then."

He suddenly disappeared from our view.

"Shit! He disappeared!" I exclaimed as I tried to find where is.

"Behind you..." The Norse god stated as he instantly appeared behind us with his hammer raised above his head. "Thor's Hammer."

"Zero Infinity!" I created an infinite space between us and the Norse god Thor. This caused the gods attack to miss.


The hammer of Thor created a small crater in the spot we were just in a few seconds.

Thor's eyes widened when he realized that his attack missed. Then he formed a small smirk, albeit momentarily.

"Nice save there Reiji." Touma said to me in a relieved tone. While Touma could negate magical attacks with his 'Imagine Breaker', he can still be harmed by a massive peace of metal like Thor's Mjolnir.

"Interesting... 'Infinity Zero' the spell that can change the distance into infinity or zero." Thor mused. It seems that he was pleased with my use of the spell. "To use a spell of this caliber... It's impressive for someone of your age. But... It's not good enough to beat me."

"W-" Before I can form a word, magical energy began to gather from Thor.

"Thor's Hammer: Breaker!" Thor shouted as he seemingly attacked nothing but air. Then suddenly...


Me eyes widened! Shit!

"Touma! Tsuchimikado! Ru-!" I tried to warn them of what is happening, but it was all too late.


Like a man bending an arm of a infant. Thor easily destroyed the infinite space like it was nothing. And also...

"Gaaah!" "Aggh!" "Ahhh!" Me and my friends were blown back by the shockwave of his attack. It didn't even hit us, that shows how much power it has.


All three of us hit the walls of the arena.

"F-Fuck..." I muttered. This totally unfair. How could Odin expect us to defeat a monster like Thor. Does he hate us? If so why?

"The 'Zero Infinity' spell, while powerful, can be easily destroyed by an attack of a higher level." Thor explained. I didn't know about that. "Case and point, my 'Thor's Hammer: Breaker'."

Damn, I guess my strongest defense is useless against him.

"Da Capo!" I activated my spell. I rewound the time of me and Tsuchimikado. Both of us were suddenly devoid of injuries. Touma on the other hand wasn't. His 'Imagine Breaker' prevented me from healing him.

"Damn, how do we take down this guy?" Tsuchimikado says, while he was adjusting his sunglasses. "Do you have any plans Inu-yan?" Tsuchimikado turns towards me for some answers.

"Tsuchimikado can you district him?" I answered the hybrids question with my own. "I've got a plan." I formed a devilish smirk when I told him that.

"I'm not sure if I can." Tsuchimikado answered in a uncertain tone.

"I-I'll help you then." Touma suddenly stated whilst he struggled to get up. "We can both distract him Tsuchimikado."

I turned my attention towards Tsuchimikado, to see if he agreed to the suggestion. He didn't want to do it ar first but...

"Fine, I'll do it." Tsuchimikado relented. "Your the boss Inu-yan."

"Good." I told the hybrid. Then after that, I turned my voice up and stared at the waiting Thor. "Sorry to keep you waiting, Overture!"

I accelerated towards Thor, while Tsuchimikado. "Streamfield!" Summoned his sacred gear.

Tsuchimikado blocked Thor's vision of me with his 666 knives. But..

"..." Thor was calm. He didn't say a word, he was just standing there clutching his gigantic hammer.

"Haaaah!" Touma charged at the god of thunder with his 'Imagine Breaker' raised up. And then he delivered a punch towards god... Or at least tried to deliver a punch.


Thor caught Touma's fist albeit he winced a bit. The 'Imagine Breaker' was able to deal some minor damage to the god.

"Kamijou Touma, right?" Thor stated. "Train in some martial arts, the 'Imagine Breaker' alone is not enough to make you a top tier fighter in this world."

"I don't care about fighting. All I want is to finish school and find a stable job after I graduate." The holder of the 'Imagine Breaker' told the Norse god.

"A pity then." The Norse god then lifted Touma up with his one hand, this caused the holder of the 'Imagine Breaker' to yelp in surprise. Then suddenly Thor slammed Touma onto the ground.





"Gah!" Touma winced in pain as he was constantly slammed to groud by the god of thunder. He lost consciousness after the fifth slam.


"NERO APOCALYPSE!" Tsuchimikado tried to deal some damage to the Norse god.


It was a direct hit, but again...

"Useless..." Thor stated as he appeared to be unharmed from the attack.

"Heh!" Tsuchimikado smirk. Then suddenly, while that was happening.

"Displacement!" I appeared from behind Thor and teleported his hammer — Mjolnir — away from him. This caused Thor's eye to widen momentarily. But that was only a distraction, my real target was.

"Haaah!" I released a battle cry, as I used my newly learn fighting style to deliver a swift heel kick to god's groin.


"...!" Thor momentarily felt some pain. This caused he let go of the battered and unconscious Touma. A man's true weakness was their balls after all.

Odin, Shino sensei, and the healers were all surprised from what they saw. Tsuchimikado on the other hand was smirking.

Then I followed it up with an elbow strike to his face.


"Fuck!" I winced. It wasn't effective as the groin strike. His face was like concrete.How buff is this mother fucker?!

"Damn it, fine! Another one to the balls then!" I shouted as I tried to deliver another heel kick to the god's groin. But then suddenly, Thor's eyes became focused. He saw my attack coming.


"Gah!" I winced in pain as I was hit by Thor's fist. The punch sent me flying towards Tsuchimikado. Luckily for him, he was able to dodge. While I on the other hand, was not so lucky. It wasn't a serious punch, but I felt my organs turn into mush when his fist hit my stomach. Thor truly is a monster.

"L-Like father, like son." Thor stated as he slowly recovered from heel kick I delivered. "You know, your father did the same thing when we fought the first time." Thor explained.

"I-Is t-that so?" I struggle to form that sentence whilst I was coughing up some blood. "D-Da Capo..." I activated my time rewind spell to heal my injuries. It worked, but my mana was running low.

"Inu-yan, we should give up." Tsuchimikado told me. "Thor is too much."

While that does sound tempting. I didn't want to change schools, I like it here. "Screw that! I'm not giving up!" I'm one of those guys that hate change. That may sound stupid to some of you but... I want to enjoy my life here. Seeing my determination, Thor tried to deliver another attack on me but...

"Your really serious about this huh?" Tsuchimikado told me with smirk. "Fuck it! Balance Breaker! Aion Chronometer!

My eyes widened as Tsuchimikado's blonde hair and silver knives changed their color to the color blue. Tsuchimikado has a Balance Breaker? This is a surprise.

Balance Breaker, also known as the Forbidden Move, is the evolved form of Sacred Gear in which their full powers can be released.

"...!" Thor was surprised. When Tsuchimikado's activated his 'Balance Breaker' Thor's body stopped moving entirely. Was this...

"Time magic..." I muttered in shock.

"Inu-yan! Finish him off! I can only do this for a couple of seconds!" Tsuchimikado exclaimed whilst his body started to form some bruises. He was also coughing up massive amounts of blood. It seems that usong his 'Balance Breaker' caused his esper half to start conflicting with his magic half.

I nodded and aimed my magic attack towards Thor. Comic energy began to gather into my arms then... "Asterism!"

A magic attack that could destroy a small house was heading towards the Norse god's balls. (Yes, I targeted them again. It was the only way that I could damage him.)


It was a direct hit, but not at Thor. Because as the dust settled. I saw it. There it was, Thor's hammer, Mjolnir. It was able to block my attack, but how?

"I'm sorry Inu-yan..." Tsuchimikado muttered as slowly lost his consciousness whilst his body slowly fell to ground. "That's my limit..."

"Tsuchimikado!" I exclaimed. Damn it! Tsuchimikado and Touma were incapacitated. I'm the only one that's left.

"You almost got me there. But did you already forget. I can call upon my hammer — Mjolnir — whenever I want to." Thor explained. That's right! Damn it! How can I be so stupid. At the start of the fight, Thor didn't have his hammer with him. He's able summon the weapon at will. Teleporting it away was useless.

"Son of the 'Highest Magi'. You've lost accept your fate." Thor stated as he swung hid giant hammer towards me.


"GAAAGH!" I screamed in pain as I was sent flying towards the arena walls.


The wall was

"The bout was adequate." Thor told me as he was about to leave the arena. But I wasn't going to give up that easily.

"Don't... fuck with... me." I struggled to tell the Norse god. This caused him to stop in his tracks.

"Your still conscious? I'm impressed with your resilience. You deserve my praise." Thor stated whilst sporting a smirk on his face. "Tell me child of 'Highest Magi', what is your name?"

"Reiji Inugami... remember it... asshole..." I answered his question.

"Very well Reiji Inugami. Seeing that your not going to give up that easily. I'll attack you seriously right now." He smirked while raising up his hammer. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Thor released a primal roar as lightning dance around the arena.

"You fool dont us-!" Odin tried to stop his son from using his attack.

"HAMMER OF THE NINE WORLDS!" Thor exclaimed in glee. A lighting attack the uses the mana of the nine realms (Azgard, Alfheim, Jotunheim, Midgard, Muspelheim, Nidavellir, Niflheim, Svartalfheim, and Vanaheim.) was unleashed.

But just before it could reach me, the world froze then an image of gigantic wolf suddenly appeared before me. My mind was suddenly flooded with information for a magical spell that I didn't know about. It was like I was downloading the magic into my brain. But I digress.

Before Thor's attack could reach me, I cocked back my fist then...

"FENRIS WOLF!" I exclaimed as released the magical energy.

Two beams of magical energy clashed.


Thor's 'Hammer of the nine worlds' and my 'Fenris Wolf' spell caused a huge explosion when they collided. "Gungnir!" Luckilyly for the spectators Odin was able to weaken the clashing spells with his magic spear.

Thor was gobsmacked from what happened. While 'Hammer of the nine worlds' was not his strongest attack, its was also not his weakest, far from it actually.

"Heh..." I smirked because my attack was able to cancel out his. But my small victory was short lived because...


I lost consciousness because I used up all of my mana.

The healers suddenly rushed to me and my friends after we were all knocked out.


"That spell." Thor muttered in surprise. "That was Loki's, No... It's something different." The Norse god of thunder mused.

Odin was also surprised of what just happened. "Hehehehe, that bastard Shoji! Interesting! I'll play along for now!" The king of the Norse gods then turn his attention towards Shino Aburame who was also surprised from what he saw. "Aburame-sensei, I've changed my mind, I'm not going to expel your students. Tell them that when they wake up." Odin then left the arena with his son Thor in tow.

"U-Um yes! Understood principal Odin!" Shino Aburame nodded to his superior.

"Good, I'll just have a talk with the other teachers." Odin stated.

It took me about a whole day to fully recover from my injuries. (Even with magic.) I've also learned that I was banned from from any upcoming 'Class tourneys' in the future, just like 'Dark Matter'. Odin must really hate my class.

Yoel_Romeros_Face Yoel_Romeros_Face

The Delta Force gets destroyed in this chapter.

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