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Chapter 5: Impossible Battle


Azgard Academy Courtyard, Lunch Time.

It has been a week since the 'class bout', and I came to the horrible realization that I was still a hughschool student here at Azgard Academy. And due to that me and my friends — The Delta Force — were having a meeting about our current predicament.

"So... The German exams..." I muttered to them whilst in the thinking position. "It's tomorrow."

"Yeah... I didn't get to study at all because this stupid dog ate my books." Touma muttered one the most cliche excuses. But I still believed him due to his horrible luck. "Such Misfortune..."

"..." Tsuchimikado didn't say anything while still sporting his arrogant smirk as always.

"Why are you smirking? Your just as bad as me and Touma in German." I told the esper/magi hybrid in a angry tone.

"Calm down Inu-yan. I've just stopped caring. I'm in this zen like state right now. If I fail I fail, and if I pass I pass." Tsuchimikado stated in a calm-like manner whilst shrugging his shoulders. "And besides, we have the bonus grades from the 'class tourney' remember.

"Ha! Even with the bonus grades it still wouldn't be enough for you to pass. Now think of about this Tsuchimikado... What would your sister — Maika — think if her brother was held back a year." I stated while doing the thinking pose. "She would be devastated because her onii-chan was so stupid afterall."

Tsuchimikado suddenly grabbed a hold of my uniform and stared at me with his eyes that were filled with hatred.

"You fucking bastard! Don't bring Maika into this!" Tsuchimikado screamed to my face.

I was tempted to punch the face of Tsuchimikado but...

"Alright enough you two! I know that tempers are high! But no more arguments! We need to calm down and think of a plan!" Touma exclaimed trying to breakup our fight.

"Fine." Both me and Tsuchimikado murmured.

"Good! Touma stated whilst nodding. "Reiji can you ask Louise to help us cheat in the exams."

"No." I told him instantly. That tsundere was hard to deal with.

"You haven't even tried yet!" Touma exclaimed whilst panicking.

"I've already tried yesterday." I told the holder of the 'Imagine Breaker'. "But it went like this."


Flashback from Yesterday...

Me and Louise were currently outside of Azgard Academy's gates. Me and my fiancee were currently heading home from school.

"Louise please let me stay by your side!" I suddenly told my fiancee with as much passion that I could muster.

My voice caused a ruckus and many of the female students started to gather around the two of us due to that.

"Oh my god. Is he confessing to her? Here in front of school?" One of the students whispered in a excited tone.

"Kyaaa! This is so romantic." Another one stated. "I want someone to confess at me like this."

"Y-You want t-to s-stay b-by my s-side." The pink haired mage blushed once she heard me say that.

"Yes let me stay by your side so I can copy from your German exams!" I exclaimed.

The air around us suddenly changed and it felt a lot colder.

"...." My pink haired fiancee. silent. But her body was trembling from anger.

"Hey Louise, are you okay?" I asked my pink haired fiancee.

Louise's formerly blushing face was now replaced by a face full of anger. And the crowd that gathered around us gave me a deadpan look.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked.

"Don't say such misleading things you stupid mutt!" Louise exclaimed. "EXPLOSION!"


"Gaah!" I screamed as my body was engulfed by her signature explosion spell.

I went home late that night.


Return to the Present...

"Yeah... I wasn't thinking clearly when I said those words to her." I muttered whilst remembering what happened yesterday. That fucking stupid of me.

"Your an idiot, you know that?" Touma said while giving me deadpan look.

"Agreed." Tsuchimikado added whilst smirking at me.

Seeing that I was getting the attention I decided to change the subject and put the attention towards Touma instead.

"What about Othinus sempai then? You can ask her for help Touma." I stated. But Touma frowned at that idea.

"I can't do that, sempai already has her own exam to worry about." Touma didn't want to bother Othinus sempai.

Tsuchimikado's face suddenly lit up and...

"Why don't use your 'spacial magic' to cheat Inu-yan? We could use your 'Displacement' spel-" Tsuchimikado wasn't able to finish his sentence because I decided to interrupt him.

"My body glows blue when I use my magic remember?" I explained to the hybrid. "So magic is a big no Tsuchimikado."

"What do we do about the exams then?" Touma asked in a panicking manner. "Were going to fail at this rate!"

"How about cheat sheet?" A feminine voice suggested. Me, Touma, and Tsuchimikado eyes widened when we heard that.

"A cheat sheet! Why didn't I think of that?!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah! Great idea..." Tsuchimikado suddenly stopped mid-sentence.

"Wait... Who suggested that?" Touma asked looking around.

"Me." The feminine voice to my left stated.

Me and the other members of the delta force turned our heads to location of the voice. She was a girl that I was familiar with. Himegami Aisa, the gemstone esper without any presence whatsoever. I thought the anime and the LN exaggerated that, but experiencing it here, live in person was a real eye opener. She really has no presence whatsoever.

"How long have you been here?" I asked the gemstone. She tilted her head then.

"Since the beginning the beginning of your conversation." Himegami stated. My eyes widened when I heard that. "It seemed interesting."

"Seriously?" I heard Touma mutter. He also couldn't believe what she said.

But before Himegami could reply to Touma, she was interrupted by the esper/magi hybrid Tsuchimikado.

"Your Himegami Aisa, the gemstone esper from class 1 - F right?" Tsuchimikado stated whilst adjusting his sunglasses.

"1 - F? So your classmates with Lucy then? Lucy Heartfilia?" Touma asked the gemstone esper.

"Yes, I'm actually friends with her. So I've heard a lot about you from her. She's absolutely smitten about you. You know that" Himegami suddenly revealed Lucy's crush for Touma. My eyes widened at her bluntness.

"Hahaha, that's a good joke Himegami-san. But someone as beautiful as Lucy-san could never fall for some like me." Touma stated. But Touma being the dense idiot that he is, didn't believe Himegami.

Me and Tsuchimikado facepalmed when we heard him say that. His ignorance can be annoying at times.

"Let's ignore Touma for a bit." I told the gemstone esper.

"Hey!" The holder of the 'Imagine Breaker' complained but we ignored him.

"I there a reason why you gave us that suggestion" I questioned Himegami. Did she have an ulterior motive, I wondered.

"I was bored." Was her blunt response.

"...Okay..." Was my reply. With prior knowledge to Himegami's character, I really shouldn't have been surprised by that answer. But as I was about to reply to the gemstone esper...

"Lunchbreak is almost over." Himegami suddenly stated whilst standing up. "I'm going back to my class. But... It was nice talking to you guys. I'd like to do that again."

"Yeah no problem." Touma stated whilst waving her a goodbye.

Himegami bowed before she left the area. And as the gemstone esper left and was finally out of our vision I turned my attention towards my fellow delta force members and...

"So... Cheat sheets." I told them while doing some hand gestures to emphasize my point.

"I've got a printer back home, so just leave this one to me." Tsuchimikado stated.

"Maybe my luck was finally changing." Touma mused.

"Don't jinx it you idiot!" I told the holder of the 'Imagine Breaker."

He jinxed it...


The next day...

"What's this?" Touma asked whilst holding a very small piece of paper.

"That's the cheat sheet." Tsuchimikado told him in a proud manner.

"I can see that, but did you really have to make it so small." Touma asked the hybrid. The cheat sheet smaller than my phone.

"It's perfect." I told them whilst looking at it. "It's small enough for us to hide it, but it's not too small that we couldn't read from it.

"See there Kami-yan, Inu-yan here gets it." Tsuchimikado told the holder of the 'Imagine Breaker'. "Your just not using your mind correctly."

"Uh-huh, so where are you going to put your cheat sheets then?" Touma asked the hybrid. But Tsuchimikado just smiled at The question.

"I'm glad you asked Kami-yan." Tsuchimikado then showed Touma his pencil case with his cheat sheets taped onto it. "Not bad right?"

"What about you Reiji?" Touma turned to me and asked. "How do you plan to hide yours."

"Heh..." I smiled whilst showing Touma a fan with the cheat sheets taped onto it. "Pretty good right?"

"Then what about you Kami-yan?" Tsuchimikado asked the holder of the 'Imagine Breaker'. Touma pondered for a bit, then...

"I don't know if this will work but." Touma stated whilst revealing his towel. "I'll hide in this."

I nodded at Touma's choice. The basics were sometimes the best. Tsuchimikado seems to also agree with my sentiment.

"Good! Lets head into battle my bothers!" I exclaimed while raising my fist.

"Yeah!" Touma and Tsuchimikado also both exclaimed whilst also raising their fist.


Unbeknownst to the three members of the delta force, a couple of girls from class 1 - J were watching their idiocy unfold.

"That stupid mutt, if he would have only put this much effort into studying instead of cheating." Louise stated whilst rubbing her temple. Her stress levels were rising because of this.

"Just leave your fiancee be Louise." Koneko Toujou told the pink haired mage.

"Yeah, he'll most likely get punished for this. It's almost impossible to cheat here at this school." Ravel Phenex added whilst doing some last minute studying.

"But that's what I'm worried about." Louise whispered to herself.

"What was that?" Ravel asked the pink haired mage.

"It's nothing." Louise murmured.


Later at the German Exams...

"Alright, exam will have a one hour time limit. If you get caught cheating you'll fail the exam." Shino sensei told the class.

Me and the other delta force members were all smiling like the whole world belonged to us.

"This will be easy." The esper/magi hybrid, Tsuchimikado, mused whilst opening his pencil case that has the cheat sheet inside it.

"And before we start, remove all pencil cases from your desk." The former ninja stated.

Those words caused the hybrid to pause. His once arrogant smirk was now suddenly replaced with a look of dread.

"Please help me out here Kami-yan, Inu-yan!" Tsuchimikado told us via his body language. It was like doing charades. Me and Touma decided to ignore the idiot.

"Fool" I thought whilst fanning myself. "What idiot would use his pencil case for a container for his cheat sheet."

I increased the frequency of my fanning because I wanted boast at Tsuchimikado.

"Inugami-kun, if your going to cheat with a fan, at the very least don't wave it around too fast. Your essentially giving yourself away with actions." Sensei told me in a annoyed tone. I Instantly froze when I heard him say that. "I won't instantly fail you. But I'm taking your cheat sheets away."

I'm basically screwed woithout my cheat sheet. And so, with nothing left to lose I turned Tsuchimikado and we both nodded at one another. It wouldn't be fair if Touma was the only one that passed right?

"Sensei, Touma has a cheat sheet hidden in his towel." Both me and Tsuchimikado ratted out the holder of the 'Imagine Breaker'.

"You bastards!" Touma angrily shouted at me and Tsuchimikado.

"Oh shut up! You would have done the same if your were in my position!" I told the holder of the 'Imagine Breaker'.

"You the saying Kami-yan, bird of a feather flock together" Tsuchimikado mused. "And besides, it would be too suspicious if you suddenly passed. Were just saving you the trouble."

"I don't care anymore. I'm just going to kick both of your asses!" Touma exclaimed. He then jumped from his seat and attacked me and Tsuchimikado.

It devolved into another fistfight between the three of us. This was the second third this week, a new record.

"Why is it always you three?" Aburame Shino stated whilst rubbing his temples due to his increasing stress.

Louise and the other students can only watch and stare as the idiocy of the delta force.


Azgard Academy, Principal's Office...

Me, Touma, and Tsuchimikado were currently in front of the Norse god of war Odin. This wasn't our first time here. The first time was when were caught peeping at the swim teams practice. Why did I do that? I'm basically male Japanese anime character now, that's why.

"So it's you three idiots again." Odin the king of the Norse gods/principal of Azgard Academy stated. "What did they do this time Aburame sensei?"

"Well it goes like this." Shino sensei explained to the Principle about the chaos that ensued during German exams.

"So basically, this three idiots here were caught having cheat sheets, huh?" The king of the Norse gods stated. "And they caused a fight afterwards."

"Yes, principal." Shino sensei nodded.

"Very well. Normally I would just expel you brats from causing such a ruckus during the exams. But I'm feeling a bit generous today." Odin stated whilst showing his smirk. "By the end of the week, you three will have fight for your right to stay in this school."

"Fight for our right to stay?" The holder of the 'Imagine Breaker' asked. "Who's going to fight us?

"You might have heard of his name." Odin stated. I suddenly got a chill down my spine. "The one your going to fight against is a son of mine, Thor the Norse god of thunder and lightning."


After the members of the delta force left the principal's office. Their homeroom teacher, Shino Aburame tried to reason with Norse god of war.

"Principal Odin, this is utter madness! Those three are just children! Thor! Your sending Thor against them!" Shino exclaimed. "They might seriously get injured against someone like him, or worse they could die!"

Odin for his part was just smirking at Shino's display of care for his students.

"Don't get your panties in a twist Aburame sensei." Odin told him nonchalantly. "I'll have some priests in standby just incase."

"But still-" Shino tried to dissuade the Norse god of war but he was...

"Your the one that reported them remember." Odin stated.

"I know and I regret it now." Shino stated with unwavering conviction. "Let me fight, for them instead. I know, that I'm no match against a god, but still."

"Your an excellent teacher Aburame sensei, I wasn't wrong in hiring you. But I've already made my decision and it's final." Odin stated, but this time in a more serious tone.

Shino realizing that he can't change the mind of Odin left the principal's office. And with the former ninja gone.

"Now then, that bastard 'Imagine Breaker' will get what he deserves for stealing my cute granddaughter from me." Odin muttered while looking at the photo of a young Othinus.


Inugami Residence...

After classes ended, me and my friends decided to have a meeting about our current predicament.

"So... Thor..." I muttered whilst in the thinking position. "Were going to get expelled aren't we?"

"This is bad, my parents are going to kill me for this!" Touma exclaimed. "Such Misfortune!"

"..." Tsuchimikado didn't say anything.

"Why aren't you saying anything? Your gonna end up expelled just like me and Touma." I told the esper/magi hybrid in a angry tone.

"Just... Shut up... Inu-yan." Tsuchimikado stated.

All three of us simultaneously released a huge sigh. Louise who was watching their whole conversation unfold finally had enough of their negativity.

"You three are a sad lot, you know that?" Louise told he members of the delta force. "Are you three already giving up this fast?"

"But its Thor!" I told to my fiancee. "A fucking god!"

"So? Your defeated a god in the right?" Louise explained.

That's right, my father killed the trickster god Loki in the past. Maybe that's why I got a scholarship in Azgard Academy? But that's besides the point. My father defeated a god! Who's to stay that I couldn't do the same.

"Louise is right you guys! We can fucking do do this you guys! With my magic, Tsuchimikado's sacred gear, and Touma's Imagine Breaker. Nothing can stop us" I tried to hype up my friends. Louise smiled at my renewed energy.

"You know what! Reiji is right!" The holder of the 'Imagine Breaker' exclaimed.

"Yeah lets beat that god!" Tsuchimikado added.

"What's this about beating a god~?" My mother suddenly appeared and asked.

Shit, I internally told myself.


"So let me get this straight~." My mother said in a angry tone. "You boys are going to fight Thor, the Norse god of thunder, due to the fact that you tried to cheat on your exams? And if you don't win your all going to get expelled?

"...Yes" I reluctantly answered.

"I see..." My mother stated. The room temperature went down. "Overture."

And in an instant, I suddenly thrown into the wall, destroying it in the process.


"Gah!" I screamed in pain. My left shoulder was dislocated.

"You fucking brat! I didn't raise you to be a fucking cheater!" My mother's normally calm demeanor was now replaced with the face of a rampaging orge. "Damn it! You made me destroy the wall! Da Capo!"

The formerly destroyed wall was restored by her time rewind magic.

"..." Louise couldn't say anything because this was her first time seeing my mother this angry. "W-What?"

"Surprised? I don't blame you." Touma told the pink haired mage whilst he watching me getting beat up. "I was too in the past."

"Yeah Inu-yans mother is actually pretty scary." Tsuchimikado added in a quiet tone. The hybrid was sweating a bit. He was still not used to my mom like Touma.

"You stupid brat!" My mother told me whilst summoning her magical guns to delivering a magic attack on me. "Weiss Swartz!"

The light and dark magic crisscrossed in air before finally hitting me in my chest.


"Gah!" It hurts like hell.

I was knocked out for solid ten minutes.


Ten minutes later...

After my mother finally calmed down. She healed my wounds and decided to talk to me and my friends about our upcoming battle against Thor.

"I'm sorry that you saw that side of me, Louise~." My mother told my fiancee. "Your view of me must have soured quite a bit~."

"No, no, it's my view of you hasn't changed Reika-san. Hehehe..." Louise lied horribly but my mother was easily fooled.

"Oh! I'm so happy that your view on me hasn't soured~!" My mother stated before turning to me and my friends. "Now my stupid son and his stupid friends, I'm going to start training you idiots~."

Touma's eyes widened when he heard that.

"You're going to train us Reika-san?" Touma asked in a surprised tone.

"Yes Touma, I'm going to train you stupid boys." My mother reiterated what she said. "It will be difficult, so you should prepare yourselves."

"The 'Monochrome Witch' is going to train us huh?" Tsuchimikado mused while adjusting his glasses. "Interesting..."

"The 'Monochrome Witch'... I haven't heard that name in a long time." My mother muttered as she turned to the hybrid. "You did some research on me haven't you?"

"It comes with my line of work." Tsuchimikado stated whilst shrugging his shoulders. He was double agent after all.

"Well anyways mom, when do we start training? Kch!" I asked then winced in pain. I still haven't fully recovered from the beating I took.

"Tomorrow after your school." My mother stated whilst she used he time magic to heal me.

When my mother finished her explanation, she fed me, Louise, and my friends with some dinner.


Sometime later...

It was now 7:21 PM at night. Touma and Tsuchimikado went home already. Louise was with my mother cleaning the dishes. Why was she cleaning the dishes? I don't know, but I've been getting this feeling that she was afraid of mom for some reason. And what about me? Well Me and my dad were currently talking about my upcoming battle this Friday.

"I see... Old man Odin is pitting you and your friends against Thor." My father told me whilst rubbing his chin. And after a few seconds a weirdly sadistic smile formed from his face. I was like he was exited at the thought of me fighting Thor. "Very well Reijli, I'll teach you my fighting style."

"Your style?" I asked him. I didn't know he had a style.

"Yes, I call it 'Ultimate Arts'." My father stated. 'Ultimate Arts'? That sounds cheesy as fuck. "It has combines eight fighting disciplines."

"Eight? Can I really master your fighting style in such short timespan?" I asked my father. But he just smiled at my question.

"It's good that your humble Reiji. But your a genius when it comes to fighting and magic, I wish that was also true in your studies, but still. Your are genius, you can easily master my fighting style." My father simultaneously told me that I was smart and stupid in the same time.

"Studying sucks, so I never really put much effort into it." I muttered. I always hated studying, even in my past life.

"Well, I .don't disagree with you in that." My stated. "So how about it? Let's start your training now."

"Sure." I told my father whilst we were getting up.

We went to the training facility after that.


8:32 PM...

'Ultimate Arts' a fighting style that combines eight distinct styles of combat sports. Wushu, CQC(Close-quarters combat), Boxing, Karate, Muay Thai, BJJ(Brazilian jiu-jitsu), Taekwondo, and Greco-Roman wrestling.

I've already master five of them, Wushu, CQC(Close-quarters combat), Boxing, Karate, and Muay thai. I just have a knack on picking up things that relate to combat and magic.

Now I'm currently working on my Brazilian jiu-jitsu. And I was getting my ass handed to me by my father.

I thought for a moment that we were on equal footing, until when he suddenly had me in an armbar. I was quick. His entire body is like a snake or something.

"I give, I give!" I exclaimed whilst tapping. It felt like my arm was going to break.

We continued to do this until it was almost eleven at night.

"Alright, we'll work on your Taekwondo and Greco-roman tomorrow. But you did good, you've managed to master six martial arts in just a few hours." My father said to me in a proud tone. And then suddenly with a snap of his fingers.


My father summoned a can of beer thay he keeps in his pocket dimension.

"Can I have one of those?" I asked my father, I was thirsty right now.

My father pondered for few seconds before he finally relented.


Another can of beer appeared in hands.

"Here." My father stated as tossed the can of beer at me. "Don't tell your mother."

"Nice." I mused whilst opening the can. I felt a tiny buzz when I drank it. But it was not enough to get me drunk.

"How's your relationship with Louise?" My father asked whilst taking a sip of his beer.

"Its good actually. While she still bitches at me from time to time, it's not as bad when she first came here." I explained to my father.

"That's good. I'm happy that you two are slowly but surely getting along." My father stated while finishing up his beer. "Well anyways, I'm going to bed. You can still practice if you want to Reij. But be sure to not over exert yourself, you still have school tomorrow."

"Yeah, yeah." I nonchalantly answered my father whilst finishing up my beer.

I over exerted myself and ended up sleeping in training facility that night.

Yoel_Romeros_Face Yoel_Romeros_Face

Daily life stuff plus an upcoming battle with Thor. Odin is the DxD verse Odin, while Thor is going to be the Record of Ragnarok Thor.

Also Taal Volcano erupted here in the Philippines. Yay...

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