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33.33% Getting a harem? Hell no! I just want to have a peaceful life. / Chapter 2: My daily life changes a bit

Chapter 2: My daily life changes a bit


Since the middle ages it's customary for prominent mage families to set up their children with a fiancee of some sort. It's mostly for bloodline purity or political reasons. But in some rare cases, e.g. my own, its out of friendship. Seeing that my dad and Louise's mom are close childhood friends. But I digress.

Let us get back to my current predicament.

Louise is staying with my family now it seems. It was her mother's idea to leave her here in Japan. She's also going to start studying at my school next week. I hated that prospect, especially with that lolicon Tsuchimikado around. I also hate that I'm sleeping in a futon instead of my soft and comfy bed. Why is that, you might ask. Well my parents had this crazy idea of making me and Louise sleep on the same room. Its to build our love they said. Bullshit.

Most people think that having a cute fiancee like Louise is a great thing. Wrong! Its a horrible experience! Especially with a Tsundere like her. As soon as we entered my room, she bitched for two hours straight before finally going to sleep. What did I do to deserve this? Was this karma for all the horrible shit that I have done to Touma? Maybe...

"Such misfortune..." I muttered Touma's famous catchphrase. I just wanted to enjoy my life and practice some of my magic. But now I'll have this added stress of having a tsundere living with me. I needed to my head and seeing that there's no school tomorrow. I told myself why not practice some magic and martial arts for a while.

And with that in mind I made my way towards my family's training facility.


Training facility...

As I entered the training facility I saw my father practicing some martial arts. He's really is impressive. He didn't use any Ki or magical enhancements to his body and I was still having a hard time following his movements and patterns.

"Yo dad what's up." I decided to make my presence known. He stopped with his training and turned towards me.

"Reiji its almost midnight, why are you here?" He asked.

"Can't sleep so I wanted to do some training." I stated. My father smiled.

"How about going a round or two with your old man then." He offered. My eyes widened then after surprise wore off my blood began to pump rapidly.

"Sure!" I told him excitedly. I rarely get to spar with my father, this is a rare chance to test my skills.

As we got ready for our fight my suddenly asked me a question.

"Reiji, how about instead of a regular martial arts match, how about we instead have a magic duel?" My father asked. "I want to see how good you are with magic right now."

"Awesome, I mean um... sure!" I struggled to answer him due to my excitement.

"Very well then." He. stated. He raised his hand then...


With the snap of his fingers, my father transformed the training facility into a large battle arena.

"Damn..." Was all I can say. This was the first time I saw him use this spell.

"The spell is called 'Gods Law'. It's a 'Spacial spell' that overwrites the reality of the world. In here you can go all out without having any repercussions." My father stated.

"How about you? Aren't you also going to go all out?" I asked. In response my father smirked.

"You'd be dead if I did that." He stated. "You go first, lets see how much you've improved since the last time we sparred."

"Very well." I stated. He's underestimating me? Okay then, he asked for this, so I'm going tp give it to him.

I cocked back my fist then began to gather cosmic energy. My father instantly identified what spell I was using.

"Ho...? The 'Asterism' spell, I don't remember teaching you that. Did you read my spell books without my permission then?" He asked. He seemed a little mad.

"Yeah, but the lock spell you placed on it was really hard to remove." I stated. I began gathering more cosmic energy that normal.

"But you were able remove It, I'm impressed." My father stated.

"If your that easily impressive! You'll surely lose your pants with this one!" I punched and released the cosmic energy store in my fist. "Overload: Asterism!"

'Overload: Asterism' is a spell that I improvised. It's basically a much more stronger version of the 'Asterism' spell. If a normal 'Asterism' can destroy a small building, the 'Overload: Asterism' destroy a small town. But it has some drawbacks. I takes a lot of time to charge up and needs a lot of concentration.

As the cosmic energy mase its way towards my father.

"I am impressed, but sadly Reiji, it's not enough." My father stated. He extended his hand forward then. "Zero Infinity." Something happened in the space between us.

My magical attack never reached him. It just fizzled out losing its energy.

"How?!" I asked. The range of my attack is about a hundred feet how can it just fizzle out!

"You might've not notice it, but the distance between the two of us is now 'infinite'." He stated. "That is the power of the 'Zero Infinity' spell."

"As expected, you know a lot of broken spells." I told him. A spell that can change the distance into infinity totally unfair.

"That's not all, it can also change the distance to 'zero', hence the name 'Zero Infinity'." He explained the abilities of the spell some more.

"It can change the distance to zero." I muttered. My eyes widen in surprise. I wasn't able to react to his attack.

"Overtu-!" I tried to activate my 'Overture' spell but it was all too late.

"Never space out while your a in battle." My dad lectured me.


I felt some of my ribs crack.

"Gah!" I screamed in pain. He delivered a punch to my body without him leaving spot he was standing on. I was sent flying like a rag doll due to the sheer power of his punch.

"Can you still go Reiji?" My father asked.

I was struggling to stand up. But I managed.

"Yep, I can still go." I stated. The 'Zero Infinity' must have some sort of weakness. Think... think.... Maybe that could work.

"Very well." He stated. "I'll let you try to attack me again."

"How generous of you." I stated while cocking back my fist. Magical energy began to gather into it.

"Asterism!" I unleashed blast of cosmic energy towards my father.

"Your 'Overload: Asterism' didn't work on me what makes you think that a regular one will Reiji, 'Zero Infinity'." He stated. The space between us change.

"Now it's my turn." He stated.

After my spell dissipated I felt the space change again. My father went for a punch, but on the exact same time I also delivered a punch to counter him.

"Overture!" I also used my time magic to increase my speed.



"Guh!" "Gah!" Both of our attacks land. My father and I both stumbled backwards.

"Ho... Not bad Reiji, you were able to figure out the weakness of the 'Zero Infinity' spell." My father stated.

When the user of the spell makes the distance either infinite or zero, the effect also applies to user.

Meaning that when he attacks that's the right time for . a counter attack.

"Yeah, it's pretty obvious." I told him.

"Very well, I'll give you two rewards for landing a hit on me.." My father stated. "The first reward is the spell book for the 'Zero Infinity' spell.

"Sweet." I mused. That spell would be awesome in my arsenal.

"And the second reward, is a spell that I created myself. Be sure to watch it carefully because I'm to use it on you." He stated. He teleported far awat from me. My eyes widened.

"Wait, wait, wait! Time out! Time out!" I started the T-sign with my hands.

"Think of this as a punishment for looking at my books without my permission." He stated.

"Damn it, you still mad about that!" I panicked. I tried to use my Overture spell but-

"I suggest that you prepare yourself Reiji." My father cocked his fist back and cosmic energy began to gather. "Zero: Asterism!"

His attack was way too fast.


I was sent flying into the walls of the arena.

"Guaah!" It felt like a truck hit me.

After the dust settled, My father dispelled the 'Gods Law' spell turning the arena back into the training facility.

"Like your 'Overload: Asterism', this is also a improvised version the 'Asterism' spell. But this time instead of going for the power route, I instead went with the speed route with mine." He explained.

"As... Expected... Your far too much... For me." I struggled to give my reply, due to the damage I sustained.

"Hold still." My father poured some 'Phoenix Tears' onto me. It started to heal my injuries.

'Pheonix Tears' are potions that could heal any type of wound, even severed limbs. They are made by the 'Phenex Clan'. Their a clan of devils that are famous for their regeneration and fire magic.

After few seconds my body was completely healed.

"Damn, you nearly killed me there dad." I stated.

"If I wanted you dead, I would have used a different spell instead of 'Asterism Zero'." He mused. "And I hope it never comes to that.

"The way you said those words were very ominous." I stated.

"Is that so?" He mused. "But lets forget about that for now."


He snap his fingers then after that a book appeared onto his hands. "Here is the book for the 'Zero Infinity' spell."

"Nice!" I stated. I tried to open the book but. "It has a seal on it."

"Your pretty smart Reiji, you can figure it out." He mused.

"You just love to see me suffer don't you dad? I stated. My father just laughed in response.


The next day...

"So you want me to show Louise around city?" I reiterated what my mother told me.

"Yes." Was her response. I let out a huge sigh.

"Haaah... Fine I'll do it." I stated. I guess I'll inform her then. Wheb I teleported up to my room I was expecting her to be somewhat awake but she was still soundly asleep. Man much of a lazy person can she be. She was still asleep, even though I stayed up way later than her. But as I looked at her, I couldn't help but admire how beautiful she is. Why couldn't she be like this when she's awake. Because when she's awake, all she does is bitch and moan. Welp time to wake-up sleeping beauty then.

"Hey Louise wake-up." I started to move her body around.

"Five more minutes." She murmured. It's like that huh? Very well.

"WAKE-UP!" I shouted right at her ear. That was a stupid decision on my part due to what was about to happen next.

"Eep!" She screamed and jumped up out of the bed. After she regained her composure, she instantly glared daggers at me.

"Good, now that you-" I wasn't able to finish my sentence because...



"Gah!" I was blown out of my room.


Hours later...

I has been a couple of hours since that 'Explosion' incident. My room was totally destroy when that happened. Luckily for me and Louise my mother has time magic and was able to rewind the time to restore my room back to its original state. But my mother was extremely tired after she did that.

Louise feeling horrible after what she did, apologized to my mother profusely. My mother being the woman that she was just waved it off. But lets forget about that.

I was currently showing Louise around the city.

"Hey dog, why are we doing this again?" Louise suddenly asked. This bitch. I wanted to insult her back, but I decided not to. Tsundere's are hard to calm down.

"Mom wanted to familiarize you with the city. I was chosen as the guide." I stated. I was currently taking her to a famous restaurant around these parts. It was reopening because its chef returned from his studies.

"Restaurant Yukihira?" Louise asked.

"Yep, Restaurant Yukihira the best restaurant in the city." I explained to her. "Well shall we?"

As we entered the restaurant, I was able to see a familiar face. "Yo Souma sempai, it's been a while."

"Reiji? How have you been man?!" We fist bumped each other.

"All good, I'm just showing Louise here around the city." I stated. Louise for her part nodded to Souma.

"Who's she? I she your girlfriend?" He asked whilst he was smirking.

"Well sorta, Louise here is my fiancee." I explained.

"A fiancee?" He muttered while rubbing his chin. "Cool... What can I get you two lovebirds."

"Two Yukihira Specials please." I stated. I've been waiting for this.

"Two specials coming right up." Soma then went to go work on our food.

Without warning Louise suddenly pinched my sides. "What the hell."

"Why are casually announcing our status?" She asked while glaring daggers at me.

"Why keep it a secret? People are going to find out eventually anyways." I explained to her.

"It hate that your logical." She stated.

Awkward silence descended upon us both.


After for a ten minutes of akward silence the wait was finally over.

"Here's your order. Enjoy the food you two." Souma stated while giving us the two beef bowls.

As began to eat my food, I looked over to Louise to see if she was enjoying the food. She wasn't, she was just staring at the beef bowl in confusion..

"Your not hungry? I asked my fiancee.

"Mutt, what exactly is this?" She asked. Oh yeah.... I forgot that she was a spoiled rich girl. She probably only ate high-end cuisines back at her home. Something like a 'beef bowl' is foreign to her.

"It's a beef bowl. It's very delicious." I stated whilst stuffing my mouth with some food.

"A beef bowl?" She asked.

"Yes, now eat it before it gets cold." I told her.

Louise after a minute of pondering finally relented and took a bite out of the beef bowl. Her eyes widen when then beef made contact with her tongue. And like any person who eats Soma's cooking, they have a foodgasm.

"Ah~!" Her face looks extremely lewd right now.

What about me? Why am I not affected by the food? Well, during the years, I've gained somewhat of a tolerance to thie phenomenon called the foodgasm. It was due to me constantly eating at this place.

"Ah~!" She wasn't finished it seems.

After a couple of minute of foodgasming Louise finally finished her food.

"How was it?" I asked Louise.

"Thse beef bowl was very delicious." My fiancee stated in a reserved manner. But I could tell that she was embarrassed and wastrying to hide her blush.

"It's good that your happy." I told her. It's also good that she's not bitching. "I can order some more if you want."

I ordered two more servings after that.


After saying our goodbyes to Soma we went to the city zoo. Louise seemed excited about this prospect. As a sheltered rich girl she seems to be very ignorant to the world.

"I've never seen that type of animal, Mutt what's that animal!" She asked while pointing at the weird looking creature.

"That's the 'Flying Fish' their native to Fiore. Their infamous for their horrible tasting meat." I explained.

"What about that one?" She pointed at the gigantic bird, it was easily as tall as a large house.

"That one is a 'World Tree Bird'. They nest atop of the world tree and primarily eat large sea creatures like orcas and sharks." I explained.

"Have they attack people in the past?" Louise asked.

"As far as I know, never." I stated.

"What about that weird looking snake?" She asked.

"Be carefull around that thing. That's a Hellbell, a snake species native to the 'Dark Continent'." I explained.

"The 'Dark Continent'? You mean that massive landmass east of Australia and at the south of the 'Elemental Nations'?" She asked.

"Yep the very same." Was my reply.

The 'Dark Continent' is originally from the the Hunter x Hunter universe. Its a dangerous place where very few people venture on. You need certain qualifications to enter that place. First your strength must be recognized by United Nations. Second you must at least have one other person with you that is also recognized by United Nations. Lastly you must bring specialized equipment if you want to venture there. But none of that matters right now.

Me and Louise continued to explore the zoo for another 20 minutes before finally resting on a bench. I also bought Louise a crepe so that she wouldn't bitch at me.

"What do you think of the city so far?" I asked my fiancee.

"It's very different to my home back 'Tristain' that's for sure." Was her reply. "But the places that you have shown thus far are pretty great."

"I'm glad that you're enjoying the tour then." I stated.

"Where to next?" She asked whilst finishing up her crepe.

"The mall of course." I told my fiancee.

"Oh! I've never been to a mall before." She smiled while saying that. "I can't wait."

"You should smile like that some more." I stated. She began to blush when I said that.


"Ho... Your getting embarrassed, aren't you?" I decided to tease her a little bit.

"Shut up and bring me to the mall you mutt." Louise stated.

As we were about to leave, a classmate of mine appeared.

"Ho... I didn't know you had a girlfriend Inugami." Kakine Teitoku — Dark Matter — stated.

"I could say the same to you Teitoku, what are you doing here at the zoo?" I asked him.

"Kaibi here begged me to take her here." He pointed at the girl right next to him.

"Good afternoon, Inugami." She stated. I nodded.

Gokusai Kaibi AKA the 'Girl in the Dress'. She's one the espers from Academy City that 'Dark Matter' brought with him.

"So who's the girl?" Teitoku asked.

"Her name is Louise, she's my fiancee." I stated. Teitoku's eyes widened for a mere second before returning to normal.

"Ho... I didn't know you were a lolicon. I though that was Tsuchimikado's shtick." Teitoku mused. Louise being the volatile tsundere that she is didn't take kindly to his words.

"Are implying that I'm a child?! I'll have you kn-" I covered her mouth so that she wouldn't say a word that she would regret.

"I'm sorry about Louise here. She has a short temper." I told my classmate.

"Your always running away from conflicts, aren't you Inugami." Dark Matter stated.

"I only fight when its a spar or a battle that I could win." I told him.

"Hahaha... Is that so?" He stated. "Well I'll leave you two alone then, excuse me."

"See ya at school Inugami." Gokusai told me.

As the couple left I forgot about the person whose mouth that I was covering. And she was getting angrier and angrier by the second.


"Ouch! What the fuck!" I screamed.

"Why did you that for?!" She asked me. Louise is glaring daggers at me again.

"That guy's Kakine Teitoku AKA the Dark Matter." I explained.

"Who?" She asked. Jeez how sheltered are you.

"He's the fourth strongest esper on the planet right behind Tatsumaki the Tornado, Accelerator, and The Unlimited Hyoubu Kyosuke." I stated. Her widened when she understood who she was dealing with.

"I-I s-still could h-have handled i-it" She stuttered.

"Your not fooling anyone when you stuttering like that." I stated. "Come on let's go to the mall, daylight is burning."

The tour of the mall was generally uneventful. I just showed her the different stores and bought her some food.

And After all of that, we went home.


Later that night, Inugami residence...

"How was the trip Louise?" My mother asked. "Did you have fun?"

"Yes, it was enjoyable." She stated. "But it would have been so much better if I have gone alone."

"Yeah... Keep telling that to yourself." I sneaked in a snide remark. Louise in retaliation stomped on my foot.


"Ouch! You bitch!" I told my fiancee.

"My, my, you two are so cute together." My mother stated. Are you blind mom?

"Whatever, If anybody needs me I'll be in mine and Louise's room." I stated.

"What are going to do Reiji?" My mother asked.

"Dad gave me a spell book that contains a powerful spell." I stated. "I'm trying to remove the seal from it."

"A spell?" Louise asked.

"Yep, see you at dinner." I stated.

I wasn't able to remove the seal that night. Next time I guess.

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The chapter is mostly to establish the relationship between the protagonist and Louise. They won't instantly become lovey-dovey with each other, I want it to be a slow burn.

This chapter also established the father's power in the story. This wont be relevant until later on.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. Happy holidays.

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