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92.85% Hero's Rise / Chapter 13: Chapter 13 - No idea

Chapter 13: Chapter 13 - No idea

The super hero look at him with astonishment before talking.

"Nightwing said that we may meet you, but I didn't believe you would dare to come back."

"Need a hand?" asked Aiden after letting down the kryptonian.

"..... Thanks." He had a scowl on his face but ran toward where he came from.

"I thought you were all brawn and no brain. Happy to see that you know how to engage in a meaningless fight." Following behind him, Aiden started to talk while running toward the origin of the fighting sounds.

"I know what it is to be manufactured to be a weapon, and the feeling of powerlessness when you realize that someone can shut you down like a computer with only one word." The kryptonian mood was low while telling this.

"I suppose you tell only what you want the journalists. Sorry for what happened to you. Whatever it is."

Their conversation was short as they entered the big warehouse. Inside, a few heroes Aiden could recognize were confronting a villain he knew of.

A gray colossus with a grey skin tone, silver hairs wearing a few wretched clothes, chains around his wrists. He was huge, his hand was as big as an adult man head, add this to a super-strength and immortality, and you obtain an unstoppable war-machine.

"Solomon Grundy. I love his little song, didn't knew I would meet him in the flesh someday."

Three young superheroes were fighting against Grundy. Robin, Wonder Girl and Miss Martian.

Something was off about Grundy. He wasn't like other villains Aiden saw on TV; He was strangely stupid and was singing his biographic song that made him so peculiar among villains.

"He got here out of nowhere. Grundy is a brain dead idiot, but he is awfully powerful and tough. Last time, he put almost all the League to their knees, but he had a boost of intelligence. To answer your question, yes I would appreciate if you give us a hand." The kryptonian said this to Aiden before joining the fight.

With a punch, Wonder Girl was sent flying and passed through the wall while leaving only a blur to see. Robin was knocked out and lying on the floor unconscious, leaving only Miss Martian and Superboy.

"Fortunately, she is an amazon, otherwise she would be meat paste by now."

While Aiden was looking at the scene, Grundy slapped Miss Martian before grasping Superboy and tried to crush him.

"Married on Wednesday."

Sending a telekinetic blast at Grundy, Aiden sent the zombie flew through the wall, crashing in the parking ground.

" Sorry." Superboy suffered the same fate as Grundy didn't let go of his hold over the superhero.

The blond amazon finally came back, flying through the hole in the wall she made and started punching Grundy head like a fury.

"I'll remember to not piss off an amazon. I pity her boyfriend." Aiden as he watched her smashing Grundy.

"Thanks, but she is a sweet girl. If you don't punch her in the face and sent her flying through a wall." Robin said while standing with difficulty on his own two feet.

"Dude you're joking? How did you do?"

Robin just raised his eyebrows under his masked and took out his fighting stick.

"Took ill on Thursday," the undead monster continued to sing with his rough voice.

"And so, someone could tell me how a brain-dead zombie like Grundy is involved in meta- human trafficking?"

"He is not. We were taking down this place, when a boom tube opened behind us and a stunned and angry Grundy decided to kick our asses. Someone must have sent him here against his will." Was Superboy answer between rough breaths.

"Okay, I'll help you. Does it bother someone if I atomize him?" Despite them losing the fight, they all gave me a stare like if I was a retard. "Tch, let's do it the long way to please my spandex friends."

"I don't wear spandex!!!" Maybe he had a problem with suits because Superboy became angry.

Carefully taking telenetically hold of Grundy hand, Aiden broke his hold over the young Kryptonian and threw the zombie outside.

"I may not be trained as you, but I know that fighting a guy with super-strength inside a building is like asking him to make fall the roof on your heads."

Before Aiden could exit and follow the zombie to resume the fight, a yellow and red blur stopped beside him and said in a jovial and energetic tone.

"I found all the kids put them into safety with Blue Beetle and neutralized all the small fry. Why is that guy here?"

The newcomer was Kid Flash, known to his close friends as Bart Allen, speedster, hero and time traveler.

"Hello to you too, fucking speedster."

"You have something against Speedster?" Kid Flash said while coming near him in a sec and shook his before Aiden could react. In fact, he already saw he would do this, but let him as he wasn't hostile.

"Nothing in particular, except the fact that you could theoretically mind-fuck our perception of time and reality just because you can run fast."

Ever since the first Flash appearance, several research institutes have tried to crack the secret behind their speed and the possibility available to these individuals. The Speed Force was partially known to the public too, because of several leaks due to Luthor or others trying to turn the public opinion against the Justice League. With these informations, some theoreticians theorized that a speedster fast enough could time travel and change the timeline definitively.

"If you tell the truth, you'd better not come near the League. Almost everyone can do something crazy. For example, did you know that every Green Lantern can time travel but are held back only by their own imagination and willpower? This is crazy, imagine it's like if here on Earth, every cop was given a nuclear warhead." He started to laugh alone as other heroes were giving glares going from stunned to "will you shut up," like glares.

"Let's drink something after this buddy. I'm sure we will become best friend." Not letting Aiden answer, he headed outside.

"Not the best at keeping secrets, is he." With that Aiden goes outside and engaged the fight with Grundy once again.

Superboy helped Miss Martian rise while Wonder girl was checking her boyfriend condition.

Outside, Grundy was smashing the ground everywhere as Kid Flash was running around him while talking bullshitting without stopping which seem to piss off the dead man born on Monday and christened on Tuesday.

(Is it a special characteristic of speedsters to be annoying as hell and have a chatty mouth or are all of them a big family and have in their genes?) Seeing Kid Flash annoying Grundy, Aiden couldn't help but ask himself.

"Hey the guy who destroyed Manhattan, hold Grundy tight in the air, Miss Martian will calm down the dead man."

"Tch, okay I'll do it, but please stop your blabbering. You're giving me a headache." Once that said, Grundy was raised in the air and could barely move under the strong invisible force holding him.

Miss Martian raised through the air and came to a stop in front of Grundy as her eyes lit up with a vivid green color. Meanwhile, Wonder girl tied Grundy with her lasso and held it tightly. Kid Flash, Superboy and Robin were on the guard keeping themselves ready to act in case of problem.


Miss Martian started to groan seemingly in some kind of pain.

"His mind is primitive. It's difficult to get a hold on him."

She focused her mind once again to resume what she was doing in Grundy mind.

After dozens of seconds, Aiden and Superboy detected something coming toward their direction. The intruder was discreet but couldn't escape to the ear of a kryptonian and Aiden detection range. Superboy headed toward the intruder with Robin in toe.

Everyone else stayed in place keeping surveillance over Grundy. But the calm didn't last long as an individual landed near them with unbelievable agility.

When the dust of her landing was cleared, what was revealed was a feminine silhouette with the features of a fawn.

"Cheetah!" Wonder Girl knew her. It was the rival of her mentor, Wonder Woman.

"Hey Girl, let's see in how many parts I'll sent your dead body to Wonder Woman."

With a massive acceleration, Cheetah was already near Wonder Girl and punched her in the guts and followed with a powerful headbutt.

"Be it you or your mentor, you're no match against me without the tools given to you by the gods!"

"Those behind this surely sent someone to recuperate the kids, Blue Beetle may not be enough, I'll go there, sorry but you'll have to take care of this by yourselves."

With this said, Aiden throw the still in a daze Grundy toward the horizon with an extremely powerful telekinetic throw.

Aiden left the place toward the north, where he detected the kids and Blue Beetle, but not only, at the same time Cheetah made her appearance, he detected someone engages in combat with the Beetle hero.

Arriving on the scene, Aiden saw something strange, the fight was over; the newcomer was wearing an almost completely red suit with a red cape and a strange mask on his face. Blue Beetle in his armor showed a strange attitude. He howled while holding his head before rising his head with a decent smile and created a four-cylinder canon which is his right arm and pointed it toward the children who were kidnapped while the man in red was jubilating.

Before Blue Beetle could shoot, Aiden had already smashed him to the ground with a telekinetic push, making him unable to rise from the ground under the pressure.

Aiden knew it was that guy that was responsible for the Beetle change of mood, he even saw himself lose control with his precognition.

Not even letting him a chance, he sends a push at the atomic scale toward the man in red, making him disappear in a puff of smoke. Leaving behind only the mask.

Thus, Psycho-Pirate was dead once again.

He could have simply destroyed the mask and kept the man alive, but after all, he wasn't sure if it was the mask who gave his powers to that guy, it could also be keeping them in check. Better be safe than sorry.

Blue beetle was in a fog and breathing loudly, still lying on the floor. Aiden didn't concern himself with him and headed toward the frighten kids.

A dozen kids of all ages, shivering in fear. Except among them, a 3 years old girl with a beautiful smile run into his arms.

"How are you, Anna? Come with me, I'll take you to your father." The girl said nothing but cried loudly into his arms. In a short time, her home was attacked, she lost her mother, thought her father was dead and was then kidnapped.

"Is it true? I'll see daddy?" She finally whimpered these words after some time to calm down.

"Yes, don't worry. Let's go." Bypassing Blue Beetle that finally get a hold of his emotions, he said, "I'll let you take care of the kids."

Heading toward the building, He saw a bruised Wonder Girl getting bandaged by Miss Martian, Robin tying up a guy wearing a black and violet suit with a spider design while Superboy hold him down.

"Blue Beetle was in a pinch. I took care of the guy. Here, what is left of him." He said, making float the mask toward them while walking inside the building searching for Trent.

Trent was here, discussing with Kid Flash while he was taking off their collars.

"Daddy." Anna jumped from Aiden arms and ran toward her father, giving him a hug and bringing Trent to tears while holding tight his precious daughter.

Giving them some space, Aiden walked outside while talking with Kid Flash.

"You're sure you don't want to come with us to take care of this. If you are worried about the League reaction about you, most of them are favorable to you. Everyone know your past, some of our pasts is even more messed up than yours. And I can talk of you in good lights to the League. I'm sure you could join us." The speedster was talking fast and with enthusiasm.

"No, thanks. I have something else to take care of. I may help the League if some major shit should threaten the Earth, but that's it."

Outside, the mood was strange. Aiden couldn't say he was surprised, he saved the kids and stopped one of them to commit a major mistake, but he killed someone to do that, again.

Aiden mentality changed since all those months ago. Not only because of his new power but also because of what he went through since then.

Superboy gave him a long glance before sighing and said with a sigh. "Let's go, everything is settled here, and the police just took care of the childs in Blue Beetle care. As for your friend and his daughter, we'll take care of their safety, don't worry."

Aiden was grateful that the kryptonian didn't insist with an unneeded righteousness that may have led to a fight. He didn't want to fight against them.

"Thanks, I owe you one."

Soon, a red and black bio ship landed and all the heroes boarded it before departing in the air.

Seeing them leave, Aiden focused on his new goal. Find Jessica and discover what happened to her.

Faylan Faylan

Sorry, I was working on a new Star Wars fanfic.

I forgot to write this chapter until I saw your comments.

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