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Chapter 8: Chapter 8 – Revelations

He didn't trust Luthor the least bit. To gain his position in the United Nations, he must have manipulated a lot of peoples.

Furthermore, he is a villain and one of the worst, to piss off the Justice League and be unscathed, even hailed as a role model, he has to be one hell of a bastard.

As for his work offer, it seems doubtful, he shouldn't be the only met-human in a desperate situation, he could have found others, who aren't already in the middle of a war with the army and the Justice League. Or found someone more powerful than him.

The problem was that Luthor spotted his problem and exploited it. Waller was his only lead left, except he has no more clue, he was in a dead end. Being used as a pawn is an infuriating idea, but he couldn't do otherwise.

"I have to find a way to reach Waller. Something unexpected, and I have to create a viable plan to take on the Justice League and the Titans based in New-York. Being in their home ground is problematic enough by himself.

Waller isn't stupid. She knows my powers, my values and with the last fight in Las Vegas she must have leant even more. I need to do something I would never do usually, out of my normal thinking."

Mercy Graves teleported him in a dark corner in Brooklyn and gave him Waller position. A luxurious hotel in Manhattan. Walking through New-York incognito brought back memories, his old high school, the clinic his parent built in the middle of the worst part of the city.

He was sure that in a near future, everyone who knew him would spit on him. What he was preparing to do would make of him what he hated in the eyes of everyone, a villain.

He made a detour toward the school grounds, and remarked several persons surely federal agents watching the school and invisibly made his way toward Jessica. Seeing her like that wasn't pleasing, she became thinner and her mood seem low. His old classmates were talking behind her back and their accusatory glances were hardly bearable to her. When he established his plan to find the murderer of his parents, he didn't took in consideration the impact it would have on her life.

(I'm so sorry Jessica. It's all my fault.)

Leaving the school with a downcast mood, he made his way toward Trent home. Using his detection field, he sensed Trent and his wife playing with their daughter. All around his home he detected several people, normal at first glance but all of them were armed.

(Your toys are useless against me. I'm pretty sure that if I show up, you'll point your guns toward them. Waller really deserve to die using these cowardly tactics against the persons she swore to protect.)

After a short walk, he saw the hotel. Finding a place to hide, he put all his focus on his detection field, everything was calm, except some security guards and suspicious cars at the corner of the street. In normal time, it would be normal but to prepare a fight against someone like him it was insufficient.

Scanning the building carefully, he found a hundred guards hidden armed with grenades launcher and gas cartridges. Devices he didn't recognized were displayed in the corridors; it should be sonic weapon like what Batman used against him as all of them were wearing headsets.

Waller was in a stronghold underground with the magician and the colonel who attacked him in Las Vegas. Deadshot and the Kitten didn't seem to be there, surely hidden in ambush, even if the kitty is pretty useless.

"Seems like she prepared for our chat but it shouldn't be a problem. The real problem will be the Justice League, Waller surely contacted them, if they don't help her, they would become hypocrites in everyone opinion. I have to prepare countermeasures, either to lure them elsewhere or neutralize them."

Now, he just had to fool someone stupid enough to send the Titans elsewhere. This part of the plan wasn't something he could take pride in, but it was necessary.

The plan he created to catch Waller was pretty smart and well thought, he wouldn't have to fight in, he will neutralize them all at once. Just have to catch her and get out. The Justice League was the problem, he didn't knew why the Joker death was falsified, if it was an helping hand of Batman or out of interest. But this time, he can't help anymore, to the eyes of everyone, he is the enemy.

Finding the worst places of New-York was easy for him, as a child he listened to Trent police story. To a child it was interesting the hero tracking the bad guys, it was a shame that after Trent resigned, he never recounted them anymore.

Breaking into the stronghold of an arms dealer Trent once talked about, he knocked out all the persons inside. Making his way toward the stockpile of arms, he rummages through everything and finally found what he was searching for: explosive and detonators.

Two hours later, he was ready. His plan to distract the Titans was in place, he created countermeasures for almost every member of the Justice League, even if some of them were doubtful and may not work. As for catching Waller, with what he prepared for her, it was almost perfect, the only variable which everything depend on would be the Enchantress reaction.

Two hundred meters away, in a dark alley, he sat on a smelly trash bin and focused on what he has to do. Putting all his thought toward the building were Waller was hiding. In less than one minute a strong telekinetic barrier was erected around the building and underground, you can enter, but nothing can exit.

"Woah, raising the barrier was difficult, but keep it standing is surprisingly easy."

Getting up, he made his way toward the building before someone notice something out of place. He made test before but not with a whole skyscraper.

"Now, phase 2." In a thought, he applied the second part of his plan, extract all the air inside the barrier.

Air was extracted at amazing speed, in less than a minute air became rarer, enough for them to notice it but not to affect them. Passing through the barrier, he made his way toward Waller stronghold located underground while invisible.

He knew it would work, Waller didn't knew about it, as for the Justice League it was fifty-fifty. This is why he didn't knocked them out directly, if Waller notice it, she may flee with the Enchantress and alarm the League.

Once in front of Waller stronghold, he sped up the extraction of air, so much that it became extremely difficult for those inside to breath and most of them started to fall from hypoxia, except him who create a bubble around him.

Using his telekinesis, he moved out the gigantic steel door similar to a bank safe out of its hinge and moved it out of the way.

His precognition was working on a one-minute scale, the maximum he can use it with certainty. What he saw was displeasing, a small fight with those inside followed by the Enchantress teleporting Waller and her men out of it and letting him alone like an idiot.

(Hope the Enchantress will act my way, or I'll have to fight the Justice League for nothing.)

"Hey Waller. Happy to see you!" Before he could end these words, Waller men's were firing toward him with strange weapons firing red laser at him, but he blocked them all raising a telekinetic barrier in front of him.

Moving his eyes toward the Enchantress he started to talk to her.

"Listen Enchantress, let me kill Waller, take your lover with you and live the way you want for the rest of your live. Once Waller dead, you just have to take retrieve, destroy or do whatever you want with what she uses on you to hold you on a tight leash."

Looking toward Rick flag he continued.

"I'm sure you know where Waller hide everything, destroy the data about you and take her see the world. All of us will benefit of it."

"You-" Waller wanted to say something but he restrained her using his telekinesis, she couldn't move, talk or anything else. She could only breathe and watch as a spectator, powerless.

Everyone else in the room was knocked out from hypoxia, it was the first thing he did entering the room, create a barrier around the soldiers and let them suffocate.

"I will never be-" The so heroic wanted to say something but the Enchantress put her hand on his torso and they disappeared.


"Waller, I told you, you would suffe-"

He didn't end his phrase because his precognition showed him that the same team of heroes who tracked him down at Coast City will arrive.

(Too bad I can't keep it that way all day, I'll have to switch back to a ten seconds frame.)

"We have to go." Raising her in the air, he made his way out of the building flying with her floating behind.

Trying to leave the city, a bolt of green energy was sent toward him, which he avoids but it forced him to land in an old neighborhood. Turning around he saw a large group of superheroes: Batman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter and the Titans, Nightwing, Troya, Starfire and Raven.

"Surrender Arthur, you are outnumbered and have nowhere to flee. This will be my last warning." Batman told him as the others encircled him.

"Not so sure of that." He said with a smirk while watching Batman. "You may have other problems in hand. Let's see…why not several explosive devices spread over all the train stations of New-York and that may explode in, woah you'll have to hurry you have barely five minutes left." Watching his watch, he told them with exaggeration.

"You're bluffing." Starfire told

Meanwhile, Martian Manhunter was trying to pry in his mind, but he was strong, his psyche became strong with his telekinesis.

"You may not be use to humans' facial expressions and body language, but I'm sure that Batman over there know I tell the truth."

"Really, you would go against your principles and put innocent in dangers?" Nightwing asked him weapon in hand.

"No, no one will be in danger. I know you; you are heroes, you will save them." Aiden told them with a tinge of sadness in his voice.

Batman was watching him carefully, using all his knowledge to read people and told to Nightwing. "The Titans go find these explosive. Hurry we don't have time to lose." Not letting Aiden of his sight as Raven teleported the Titans, he told him "You've changed, and not in a good way."

"I didn't have much of a choice." His mind freed from maintaining the building around Waller hideouts, he was back at full power. Creating barriers around the three he starts to pump the air out.

Manhunter immediately became intangible and passed through it before flying toward him, but Aiden sidestepped and sent him fly but the alien stabilized in midair visibly unscathed. Wonder Woman broke through the barrier using raw strength and attacked him with a punch at full speed, a tempest of punch, not as fast as Flash, but still impressive.

During this time Waller, who was freed from his telekinesis tried to distance herself from the fight, but even during the fight Aiden use the Amazonian blow to propel himself in her direction.

Aiden parried those he could see, and those who succeeded to touch ground painlessly on his telekinetic armor. Pushing her away with telekinesis, he turned toward Batman. During this short fight with Wonder Woman, Batman broke the barrier using one of his gadgets.

He sent several devices, small as a coin they stopped in midair and followed Aiden while emitting ultrasounds.

"I already created countermeasures against that. Try to be innovative, Batman." He took hold of them and sent them toward Martian Manhunter that was using his telekinesis trying to break trough his armor. The ultrasonic devices made him howl before he destroyed them one by one.

Taking advantage of the fences in the neighborhood, he raised them in the air and sent them toward his three opponents, bending the fences around them using it as ties to immobilize his enemies.

The results were deplorable, Wonder Woman and Manhunter broke them by force and Batman freed himself using acid to destroy the steel fence.

Freeing herself, Wonder Woman took her lasso hanged to her waist and called to her ally. "Manhunter, give me a hand." The green man nodded and raised his hand.

Aiden felt Manhunter pulling him as he wanted to avert Wonder Woman lasso, but the time Martian Manhunter hold him for gave her a golden opportunity.

Once tied by the lasso, Wonder Woman made several turns on herself at high speed and sent her fly high up and she followed as the lasso was still tied to his arm.

"Clever for a woman aging back to antiquity." He knew what she did, she led the fight in the air to lessen the possible use of his telekinesis.

"You already angered me last time throwing me in the mud, but I'll be nice and give you a piece of advice: Never talk about a woman age, even if she has been gifted longevity." Her smile was bright, but not her voice. Creepy combination

"Manhunter bring Waller to a zeta tube, we need her out of reach." Batman told his comrade before touching the button on his gauntlet to call drones.

Seeing the Martian bringing Waller away, Aiden anger flared up.

"NO!" He flew at top speed toward the fleeing two, but he was harshly brought back by Wonder Woman using her lasso.

"Stop protecting that bitch and play the hero! She is a monster! You're an Amazonian warrior, a fucking war machine born and bred." His anger reached a peak and the woman would soon face it.

"That's untrue, fighting is for us a form of art. Amazons choose arts as way to express themselves, I would be grateful if could keep your preconceived idea to yourself."

"Art? you want art? I'll show you!" Putting everything he could in his libs, he flew toward at his maximum speed and sent his blow. Even being herself, a blow this powerful could be pretty devastating.

Seeing his anger, she had a bad feeling about it and cross her gauntlet in front of her chest to protect herself. The impact created a deafening sound and sent the two of them flying in opposite direction.

He didn't even look how Wonder Woman was, he made his way toward Waller at top speed. He saw Waller and Martian Manhunter in front of an old and decrepit workshop, and a light was scanning Waller up and down.

"Amanda Waller B-2- "He saw the future; they would disappear in a flash.

"NO!" In an instant, the workshop was razed to the ground, Waller was unscathed as Martian Manhunter protected the two of them from the all the flying debris.

Wonder Woman came behind him and sent a blow that make him plummet toward the ground, before touching ground, he stabilized himself and looked toward Batman standing in front of him.

"You have two minutes left and the Titans will be back, you barely contain the three of us. Your change of winning is slim."

"I concur, you should surrender." The man talking was in the air looking toward them. Here he was, the favorite hero of America, Superman. The hero of Metropolis. The Man of Steel. Last son of Krypton. The beacon of hope. The Boyscout.

"I thought you were out of Earth for Business." Was the question of Wonder Woman as she raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, it was true, but when I came back, my cousin wanted some time alone to talk about everything without being interrupted by the business of the League. Furthermore, Superboy did a great job in Metropolis during our little trip in the countryside."

"Sorry to interrupt you, but I have some business to settle. You'll talk later." Aiden just learnt something incredible. The sensation he felt in front of Superman was exactly the same he felt in Smallville when he saw Clark Kent, the reporter. Clark Kent is Superman.

With that said, he sent Wonder Woman barreling into Superman before heading for Waller, when suddenly he felt something strange, giving him goosebumps, making his way in his mind, forcing his thoughts to open.

"Batman I've established a link. You can start." Turning his head, he saw Martian Manhunter, it was him, in his mind. Batman started to remember everything he discovered during his investigations.

"You have to learn the truth about all of this, about your parents, about yourself, the truth about your past."

"Wait something is strange, his mind is resisting unconsciously, like someone who underwent a mental conditioning. I'll try to keep the link steady. Go!" Martian Manhunter forced his mind to steel himself toward the unconscious onslaught he was facing.

"Waller has hidden a lot of facts about this case, but the main argument was true. Your father is the professor Rickmer and your mother a mercenary helping him in his researches. They did experiments on you; you power came from here.) He saw Batman memories about medical procedures, and the files of a plastic surgeon. (Their goal was to-).

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" He cried at the top of his lung holding his head, his power was surging under his anger and this foreign link in his head made him send is power directly into it.

"AAAHHHH!" Martian Manhunter howled in paid while holding his head under the splitting pain. His foe used raw power, without an ounce of mastery, all that anger was thrown directly at him. Finally, he fell unconscious, unable to bear it.

"Manhunter!" Crouching near him Batman checked him but saw nothing out of place. "Wonder Woman take him to the Titan Tower and come back. I use a distress signal to call Miss Martian for help."

Superman was watching Aiden as he got up. His expression was strange, his gaze was not demented, but we couldn't say it was the gaze of someone in a perfect mental health.

"You wanted to enter my mind! You're like Waller, you lie to achieve your goal! What do you wanted to do with me?" Raising Batman in the air, he tightened his grip until Batman bones started to emit sounds. But before he could go all the way, Superman sent a powerful punch that sent him at the end of the street before he could stop himself.

"What happened? He seems strange." Superman raised his friend, while giving him a hand to get up.

"Rickmer files mentioned mental conditioning to keep too powerful powers in leash. Maybe we touched something we shouldn't have. I hope it don't worsen any time soon, if we believe Rickmer notes, his powers non-limited by conditioning were extremely powerful. That's why he had to reprogram him and him forget he had it in the first place. Otherwise, they would have been found out."

Meanwhile Diana AKA Wonder Woman was bringing Martian Manhunter toward the Titans Tower.

"Let me here, Diana…. I feel his mind in turmoil, I'll take a moment to rest and go back to you all… You'll need me to neutralize him." He was whispering, barely able to talk.

"You're not in condition to fight. Let us manage this, we got it." She answered him still flying.

"You don't understand. His mind this raw power, it felt like a dam ready to break at any moment. I fear that even the four of us won't be enough to hold him if that dam, the shackles break. I felt the tremendous power it was holding back. Let me here and join back the fight, we must neutralize him before it happens." Mustering all his strengths he told her on a weak but hurried tone.

On the other side, Aiden was entangled with Batman and Superman. Batman was more annoying than threatening, but Superman blow needed all his attention to muster strong enough barriers to block them.

During his confrontation with the blue boyscout, they almost destroyed all the neighborhood. Sending blow after blow, they were propelled toward the building and passed through the walls before exiting by another. In the meantime, Waller stole a car and made her way out.

Seeing her flee, Aiden finally decided to try his ace hiding in his sleeve. (Let's see if it works just as good in reality as in theory.)

He punched twice in Superman chest, each of these blows delivered a small impact to his heart, these two waves gave him a mini heart attack but it wasn't the main goal. Superman widened his eyes and hold his chest but it didn't last more than a second.

Now free of Superman attack during one second maybe more, he started the second phase. "Now that the Martian is down, nothing is protecting your mind." With a slight telekinetic pressure on the alien brain, he put him to sleep and with a pressure in another part of his brain gave hive nice nightmares. To tell the truth, it was a gambling, he is alien but humanlike, so he tried his theory while hoping to not mess up his mind.

Batman run to Superman and took his pulse. Meanwhile, Aiden caught up with Waller, ripped off the car door and caught her. Sensing Wonder Woman coming toward him, he raised a dome barrier around the two of them, just in time for the Amazon to crash into it.

"Now Waller, we'll have our chat and no one will interrupt us." He told her while watching her in the eyes.

Behind them, they heard impact sounds, Superman has woken up. He and Wonder Woman were trying to break it using brute force, but this time the barrier he created was extremely resisting.

"Did you kill my parents? Why did you save them in the first place?" Feeling the strain on his mind to keep the barrier standing despite these two heroes attacks, he knew he had to be fast. But he let nothing appear on his face, not willing to let her know, he had to appear in control of the situation to intimidate her.

He didn't knew who it was, but Luthor explication seem highly plausible.

Waller raised an eyebrow and said on a tone full of sarcasm: "You know nothing. Yes, I kill them, I killed your parents Rickmer and her bitch, these inhuman monster-"


Breaking his arm, he told her "Enough of your lies, I want the truth, or they will have nothing left of you at the end."

"I didn't lie. They knew too much. They undergone plastic surgery after escaping from my grasp like the rats they were, and opened their clinic as a cover to resume their experiments."

He was listening but it seems surreal, Batman told the same thing. Inside his head he was assembling these words with his parent's eccentricity and abnormal behavior he remarked before.

"When I heard about the Tormentor, I knew you survived, I wanted to took my time to face you, and you were in batman courtyard, he is pretty territorial." Still a smirk on her face she continued to talk, seemingly unshaken by Aiden gaze which became extremely disturbing.

Meanwhile outside the barrier, a blur red and yellow arrived beside the heroes of the Justice League.

"Finally, you're here. Fastest man alive, but always the last to arrive." Superman told seeing the Flash beside him.

"We don't have time to joke. Flash try to change your density and pass through this barrier." Batman exclaimed while looking inside the barrier where Aiden mental state seems to take a turn for the worse. His health seems to plummet too, under their onslaught, he gets nosebleed to keep the barrier standing.

"I'm on it." Putting his hand on the barrier, he started to vibrate his molecules. "It will be tricky; he is modifying the density non-stop to prevent me to go through. Give me some time and I'll do it."

"You're just a street rats they experimented on, like they did when they worked for me before. If you're still alive now, it's because they couldn't reproduce your powers after hundreds of experiments. Even your true parents probably died at the hands of the ones you consider as your family. Ahah." She started to laugh at this idea.

"How ironic. You tried to avenge the murder of your parent's murderer." Once that said she put back a formal expression on her face despite the suffering caused by her broken arm. "You are the criminal in everyone opinion, but I am a hero, I eliminated a threat to this country."

He didn't hear these last words, when he understood he wasn't their son, but instead the orphan son of their victims, something snapped in his head. An incredibly power flow spilled into his mind, but not only this, a thought.

(If you learn the truth kill yourself and everyone else around. Leave no witnesses alive.)

It was at this moment that completely lost it. His power was going out of control in a frightening way. His power, unblocked, his true powers weren't under his control anymore.

Watching from afar, Martian Manhunter said "Too late."

Superman, Flash, Wonder Woman and Batman were watching as Waller disappeared as if dust was blown by the wind. The barrier ceased, instead Aiden was in the middle of a storm, and everything around disappeared into smoke.

He sent a tremendous push toward Flash who avoid as he saw the air distortion aiming at him, running ten meters away. Turning his head, he saw the building behind his previous position disappear into smoke as well.

"What is happening to me? Why did I control nothing? AAHH! MY HEAD! IT HURT!" Holding his head, he involuntarily sent a multidirectional blast reducing everything into dust.

"What is happening? Why did he become so powerful at once?" Flash was flabbergasted by this unexpected power up. "His condition is strange." Watching the one who try to pulverize him he saw him acting strangely.

"He disassembles matter, all these buildings and Waller were atomized." Batman said after the four of them backed away. "Something snapped, brain has limits to protect itself like the human body. We don't use all our force or we could injure ourselves, this is the same thing but for brain. Rickmer experimentation was on gifting telekinesis but not only, he wanted to disable biological limits to use it at 100%, usually we use a tiny percentage of the process capacity of our brain. That's why he is so powerful." Batman explained his conclusions.

"I understand, but why does it seem as if somebody is controlling him and his making is powers go awry deliberately?" Wonder Woman asked beside them.

"Maybe a security put by Rickmer, several countermeasures put in place for several specific situations. Learning the truth about himself seems to be one of them. He attacked you and seeing as he is bleeding, we can hypothesize that he must kill himself as well, but to my mind his brain powered up with his power, it can't force him to kill himself, but he is going out of control. That's why he and us didn't gone into smoke. He is desperately holding himself back." Batman finished his explication.

Aiden was bleeding by the ears, eyes, nose and mouth. His sight was blurred seeing only patch of colors, and he could barely feel his body anymore, he was numb. He could feel this unbridled power but was unable to tame it.

"What do we do? Even I can't go near that atomizing tempest, who what will be the consequences if we don't stop him fast." Flash said visibly nervous.

"Best case, he dies. Worst case, New-York is atomized." Batman said bluntly.

"Batman, it's not a best case I can accept. Can't I go through, my durability may protect- "Superman raised an idea.

"No, we're not talking about your usual brawl but of the law of physics, you are composed of matter, and he is disassembling matter." Batman said sternly to his friend.

"You have an idea to propose?" Asked Wonder Woman.

Looking at her, he answered: "Maybe. You think the enchantment on your lasso can work on him?"

"Yes. It was created by the gods and can biologically reset someone to free them from external influences, mind control is one of them. But we still have a problem, we all saw how he seem to predict every of our moves even before we did it."

"Precognition. We'll have to find a way to pass through this storm of destruction and slow him down to give you some time. A chance that Flash finally came, he can act before our foe think to evade." Looking at the storm in front of him that was annihilating everything, sometimes blast was expelled outwards and were destroying the surrounding buildings.

"I can help. I'll enter in his mind and try to give you time. You'll have to act before he expels me from his mind." Walking weakly from behind them, Martian Manhunter told them while looking at Aiden.

"No, you can't! The last confrontation clearly affected you-

"We don't have any other choices!" Batman and the Martian howled together.

"Superman, go to the Batcave to retrieve the chunk of Nth metal in my safe. Flash you'll make all the peoples in two kilometers radius evacuate, once done take an end of Wonder Woman lasso, at the first occasion, tie it to Aiden. Wonder Woman be ready for flash signal."

"I understand the majority of the plan, but why Nth metal?" asked Flash.

"Just in case."

After that, Superman took off the ground speeding toward Gotham City as Martian Manhunter was steeling his mind before trying to enter Aiden mind.

Batman sent several signals via his gauntlet and hacked into the NYPD system to order the evacuation of the island of Manhattan.

During that time, Flash was transporting peoples one by one outside the security zone. Once they realized they were transported elsewhere instantaneously, peoples begun to panic.

"I'm ready." Manhunter announced.

"I just finished." Flash said while eating a chocolate bar.

Wonder Woman made a slight nod.

Martian Manhunter focused and send his thoughts toward Aiden mind. He was violently debating, his thoughts were incoherent, worse than a savage beast.

In Aiden mindscape, he was confronting him. He was in the defending end, but winning wasn't the goal.

Outside, Flash saw lags appeared in the tempest, before he couldn't go through but J'oon plan seems to work. Taking an end of Diana lasso of truth, he ran through the holes formed in the tempest that for him was unmoving and tied it to Aiden left arm before making his way back.

"NOW!" Once out he informed his friend.

"J'oon get out!" Batman told his friend whose eyes soon focused once again, but he fell on his butt under the strain of his mental fight.

"I'm back with your stone" Superman landed beside them.

Diana, on her side after hearing Barry signal sent her power into her lasso to biologically reset her foe, and the effects weren't late, after a heart wrenching cry, Aiden collapsed.

Making his way toward him, Batman checked his pulse.

"He has no physical damages, but it would be preferable to have him brain scanned. All this blood came out from an overuse of his abilities."

In a black flash of light, the Titans appeared, and seeing the scenery around them, they were astounded. There wasn't much traces of destruction except the big holes in the floor resulting of some blasts that were sent toward the ground, but everything around just disappeared. There were in the middle of one-kilometer area free of construction in the middle of Manhattan.

"The fight wasn't so easy?!" Nightwing told after scanning the surrounding and the stone in Superman hand.

"It's an understatement." Said Flash while sitting on the ground.

"Raven, please bring M'gann here. We have to remove all the mental conditioning in his brain, and J'oon isn't in shape to do this. Send him rest at the same time."

Raven nodded and took the martian by the shoulder before teleporting. Two minutes later she reappeared with a martian girl. Miss Martian soon started her task.

"Why did you make her check? Don't believe in the power of an artifact created by the gods?" asked Diana raising her eyebrows.

"Better be safe than sorry. The bombs? How did it go? "asked Batman to his ex- protégé.

"It was a lure. He put a failsafe on it, even if the timer would have reached zero, they wouldn't have exploded. He got us good, the bombs were real, but the threat was non-existing. A good way to fool someone reading criminals expression to find the truth."

"Yes, but I don't think the judge would be as admirative." Replied Batman.

During this time, M'gaan was in Aiden mindscape focusing on her task but she found no traces of mind control left, however she found a shivering consciousness from where destruction and withering propagated from.

His mind was divided, between what he thought to be true and the reality of facts he just learnt.

(If I leave him in this state, he will suffer of severe mental illness in the future.)

Coming beside him, she bypassed the destructive energy that was powerless except if she deemed it as real and started to talk to him.

"Everything will be fine. You have to chose how to live from now on, this isn't the end. Help me help you." Taking him by the hand, she started to rebuild what he destroyed with his help.

Ten minutes later, she opened her eyes and informed her fellow heroes that she finished her task.

Soon, special transport from ARGUS created for transport of meta-human prisoners arrived on the scene and took Aiden into custody. He was transported to Belle Reve penitentiary when a boy with a cat appeared from a portal on the middle of the road, and after him came a man well known from A.R.G.U.S intel, Deathstroke. A mercenary wearing a black and orange mask and a suit of the same colors. He was equipped with guns and blade, unsheathing one of them he walked toward the convoy as the boy, Klarion used magic to strop it in his track.

"I let the guards conscious for you to play." Said the witch boy to his partner while caressing his cat.

The mercenary didn't answer as he started to commit a massacre, killing them one by one before exiting of the transport with an unconscious young man on his shoulder.

"Let's go." Said Klarion as he snapped his finger to open a red portal.

Passing through it, they disappeared in the silence of the night.

Aiden woke up several hours later with the worst headache of his life. He could barely move and didn't remembered after his conversation with Waller.

"What happened? I'm not in Belle Reve?!" He murmured while trying to raise his torso before falling back on the cold metal table he was laying on.

Turning his head slowly left and right, on the left he saw strange capsules the of the size of a human man, rocks he never saw on a desk and notes with mathematical equations written on it. On the right, he saw glassware for what could have been a chemical lab and several pictures of villains and super heroes he knew of.

Looking toward his wrist, he saw shackles, but it wasn't what was stopping him to raise himself. His body was weak, like never before, even when he was shot, he didn't felt so bad.

"You woke up, that's good. I wanted you to be awake as I made of you a slave of the light. Also, I wanted to say congrats for eliminating Waller, you had your vengeance and you disposed of a thorn in our side."

At these words, he had a flash in his mind, he saw Waller disappear into smoke.

"I killed her." He murmured.

"I just told you so. Wait, you don't remember?! What a shame, it was one of the best things I've seen ever." Said the boy, gloating. "Look at that, custom made for you. It took some time, a simple chip put in the brain like those used by Waller would have been useless as you could have destroyed it. So, here it is, a combination of technology and magic." He told him while creating some sort of red portal and taking out of it a red and black collar emitting a dangerous vibe.

Klarion walker over to Aiden and bended to put the collar to his neck, but opened his eyes wide as he was sent flying at the other end of the room.

A glowing yellow Egyptian ankh created of energy appeared on his chest and sent Klarion flying before encasing itself in Aiden torso. He felt a surge of warm current through his body, and his body and mind recovered all their strength.

"Nabu gave you a charm to protect you against magic?! That old geezer is always meddling with my business!" said the magician with hatred.

A voice he knew echoed and the room and said addressing to Klarion: "Leave the boy alone Klarion, or I'll step in and show you the might of a Lord of Order."

"Always so arrogant Nabu! Note my word, a day will come where I'll make you disappear from existence!" he said disappearing in a portal.

The voice of Doctor Fate didn't continue to talk, and Aiden now found himself alone in a building of a seemingly hostile organization, to top it all he didn't knew his location.

The only positive thing was that his energy was back and he felt stronger than ever before, if before he was tired after using his power to become invisible during one minute. Now, he could do it all day without breaking a sweat.

"Let's find a way out of here." He murmured raising up from the metallic table.

Scanning the building with his detection range, he discovered himself to be located underground. Walking through the corridor, alarm and red lights were triggered shortly after his escape from the laboratory.

Guards rushed toward him weapons in hand and shot at him, which were easily blocked with a telekinetic shied, or barrier. Launching a counter offensive, he pushed them with his telekinesis. That's what he wanted, but the effect was devastating, they were sent flying with tremendous force, most of them had broken bones but several of them had their burst upon impact with the wall.

"Me feeling stronger wasn't just a misconception. I'll have to be more careful from now on." Looking at the carnage he whispered to himself.

After two minutes flying and smashing of several armored security door, he finally saw the sky. Sun was rising in the sky.

"Dawn, and my last memories age from the afternoon. I was unconscious for a long time."

Rising in the sky, he asked himself this question. He had his vengeance, even if he doesn't know to feel about it. Everything he know about himself is a lie and he probably become one of the most wanted criminals of the planet.

"Fuh, what do I do now?"

End of arc 1

Faylan Faylan

Finally the end of arc 1

Thanks for reading thus far.

I have around three more arcs in head, so i shouldn't stop except if my motivation flew out of the window.

Merry christmas to you all.

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