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Chapter 4-Star City

On the other side, Batman was fighting that humongous mass of muscle. He was dominating the fight, dodging Mammoth blows, before sending a counter to the chin. He didn't knock out Mammoth, his head moved under the force of the blow, the only visible effect was that Mammoth seemed angry.

He charged blindly at Batman sending a devastating punch downward the Dark Knight, which dodged with a jump above Mammoth head, while by passing his enemy from above he sends two black device which glue to Mammoth back before exploding sending him flying forward.

In normal times, Aiden gaze would be glued to Batman fight as a fan of superhero, but now, he didn't let out Nocturna out of his sight even for a second. Batman warned him of her abilities, but there was something more, as if Aiden primal instinct was telling him that she was extremely dangerous and that he couldn't underestimate his foe.

A sly grin appeared on his face, he scanned this area and felt absolutely no one except them, he was ready to unleash his full power. He launched the strongest telekinetic push he produced ever at Nocturna sending her flying through the wall of the building, and then the wall of the neighboring warehouse, and another, and another, before finally stopping in the fourth warehouse, she was thrown on a pile of wet and stinky fishing net.

Getting up, she wiped off her face and glare at him with an expression full of fury "After what I'll do to you, you will beg Satan himself to take you in hell to shorten your sufferings."

"Nothing? Unharmed?" it stunned him, her invulnerability was tough "I like it more and more." His expression became almost sadistic, he flew at top speed through the holes she made in the buildings. Raising his fist, he directed it toward her abdomen, but Nocturna deviated it using her right hand to push his wrist aside, followed by a knee kick in the stomach.

This time, it was him who passed through the wall. His armor of telekinesis around him protected him from the blow, he felt absolutely nothing.

"Smartass, you found a way to protect yourself. Let's see how much time you can hold your defenses up."

Nocturna jumped toward him and sent a fury of blow. A fist toward his nose, he evaded it turning his head aside, she sent another knee kick, he blocked it with his knee, their entanglement continued like that for a moment.

Aiden was totally exalted, the intensity of the fight, the adrenaline flowing through his veins, the danger of death looming over his head like a Damocles sword. All these factors made him realize he may be a battle junkie, but he didn't knew before. Since he got his powers after the death of his parents, he never fought at full power, even against Batman and his sidekicks. All along he was keeping his power in check to avoid sending a powerful which could cripple them or even worse reduce them at the state of dead meat. This was the first time he could go full power against his enemies without fearing the consequences.

They were battling above the ground, Aiden suddenly let himself fall, Nocturna followed suit with her right leg raised to strike him to the head, but Aiden touched the floor first and boosted his legs with his telekinesis as an armor the most he can and sent a high kick in her stomach.

When his foot touched, he heard crushing bones sound, he became used to it, after all these nights in Gotham.

She was propelled through the roof and climbed high around twenty meters above the ground before starting to fall toward the ground. To anyone else it would have been deadly but to her it means nothing.

"I hope your regeneration is fast enough, I don't want to wait. I never had that much fun in my life" In a flash, he was floating in front of her. "Maybe we should test what is the maximal height free fall you can resist before turning into a puddle of blood."

"I've eaten not long ago. We can continue our little game all night, but it starts to annoy me. I'll put an end to this." Her ribs seem to have healed, she didn't seem hindered by it.

"No, I have a lot of tricks to try on you. Once I have tested them all, there we could pass the night just the two of us." Seeing her in top form so soon, he was overexcited. The fight could resume.

"Little shi.." He sent her flying toward the ground with a telekinetic push. Lifting her head up, she saw him taking out something out of his pocket. It was a wallet full of coins, ready to burst.

"This one, I didn't invent it, I've seen it on tv, but the idea is still good" All the coins floated up above him before flying toward her at incredible speed.

Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom

Around fifty coins landed on the ground at high speed, each had a destructive power comparable to an impact of mortar. The docks area now looked like a bombardment took place, and the impact created a big wave which send several boats against the wharf adding to the destruction. The grounds were full of holes.

"It was better on TV, they didn't produce a sonic boom. Should I try again with more speed?" Looking at it, he was saddened, it wasn't strong enough, it should barely have scratched her.

"Little shit do you know who I am? I am Nocturna, not a fucking guinea pig! Psycho!" It infuriated her, that bastard dared to use her as an experimental bet.

"Let's try again, I'm sure I can make them reach at least Mach 1. Out of ammo" Checking his wallet, it was empty, it didn't bother him he just emptied several parking meters on the way here. "Oh, I have an idea." Seeing his smile, Nocturna knew she wouldn't like what will follow.


The warehouse Nocturna passed through at the beginning of the fight started to move whole, not only that the ships, the wharfs, publics lightnings, all the area started to move slightly before floating up in the air.

The bricks of the warehouse separated one after another, rotate and under the pressure of telekinesis cut in a pointed shape, a total of several thousands of bricks. Metallic parts from the boats, lighting and all that was in the area were broken to in a sharp angle, several hundred metal shards of 3,93 inch were created.

"This time, I want a sonic boom!" He howled in the sky and put all his telekinetic power into the projectiles. He was like a child with his favorite toy. The only downside was that he had to keep a thin telekinetic film around the brick's spikes, else they would disintegrate before reaching Mach1.



He was pushed backward by a strong gust of wind, in fact it was the sonic boom which produced it. The ground trembled as if there was an earthquake, public lightings were flashing off and on as in a horror movie.

The ground was littered of holes, at some place the ground collapse and fall into the bay of Gotham all the building around collapsed. This scene could only be found in a war zone after several hours of bombardment.

Nocturna was here, she took several projectiles directly, it didn't kill her, but she suffered grievous injuries, she could heal but she needs to consume blood and with the amount of injuries she suffered during this fight, her snack she eaten previously wasn't enough.

"Hey, get up. I want to resume our fight. Hey, respond to me."

"She won't get up soon. You beat her up for some time, until her next meal." Batman appeared behind him. Hearing his voice, he sounds really upset.

Turning his head, Aiden saw the look in his eyes "What happened, where did I messed up?"

"Where? You have the guts to ask where! Look around you, you destroyed the docks it looks like a war zone and you beat up your foe more than necessary."

"I had no choice, with all her powers." Batman wasn't wrong, he went with the flow. This fight was so fulfilling for him, he didn't restrict his power and toyed with Nocturna like a cat play with a mouse.

"Lame excuse, you had the upper hand, obviously. You fight like a child with a toy and you destroyed for several million dollars only in infrastructure. It will require several months to rebuild the docks."

Crossing his arms, Batman started his preaching. It reminds Aiden of his parents, and it really angered him.

"Shut up, you're a normal human, if I wasn't here, she would have bitten your neck and take control of you and next of your sidekick and loved one. You should be grateful, not preaching me. Furthermore, I checked the area there were no one. "

With that said, he flew toward the warehouse were Batman tied up Cobra cults minions, took hold of them with is telekinesis and flew toward one of the worst places of Gotham.

Batman watch him leave from the docks with a sigh. "Dick is better than me to manage these situations."

Some time later, in the sewer of Gotham.

Aiden finally got a name of someone present on this photo, but it took time to make them spill the beans. Their devotion to the cult was impressive, usually he just had to break some bones to obtain what he wants, but this time he took him three hours and the methods used were bloodier.

Seeing that breaking bones didn't work, he starts to cut them until the goons were covered in their own blood from head to toe under the bleeding, one of them fell unconscious because of blood loss. This lack of result pushed him to the edge, after all he wasn't exactly a skill interrogator, so he used the technique he created, pressing the center of fear in the brain of the victims. Aiden didn't use it previously because this method is only theoretical, he never tested it and he didn't know what degree of force he needs to apply.

He started extremely low, but the results were still incredible or terrifying. The victim started to scream, panic, and finally pissed himself before falling unconscious.

"Even lower. Shit, it needs even more control than expected". Twenty minutes later he finally got what he wanted, and the answers he got surprised him.

"Count Vertigo. I know him he was part of a group that attacked a city with giant plants and he lost his diplomatic immunity trying to kill a child some years ago. He is also known for the eponymous drug he created." After thinking to it he looked once again at the crying goon "What was he doing in these camps?"

No response.

"Shit, I think he fell into a coma." He lifts all of them up and left them at the entrance of Gotham General Hospital.

Watching the nurses and doctors taking care of them from a roof, he knew that Batman will soon find him either to preach him or arrest him, and with the powers he showed tonight he may call some of his super friends.

Back home, he looked for Vertigo on the Internet.

"He was arrested most of the time in Star City, had some grudges with Green Arrow, and escaped from prison three years ago. Sigh, what do the guards do in prison, playing card all day?"

"My best lead is Star City, and I will avoid Batman for a few days, it will give him time cool of his head." He bought a train ticket for the next day in the morning, the travel would take a bit more than an hour.

Next morning, he boarded the train at 6:00 AM, he bought a magazine about the justice league, the history of superheroes and their greatest battle. If Batman really brought his friends to fight him, he should learn the latest news on them.

"I didn't knew that! Aqualad now hold the mantle of Aquaman, but it's understandable, the previous Aquaman had also the mantle of king of Atlantis, now he can finally give all his attention to his peoples.

Aiden knows almost everything that is made public about superheroes and their nemesis. Aquaman is one of the most interesting heroes, hero and king, but due to his dual ascendancy human and Atlantean, he was contested at the beginning of his reign. They were also rumors stating that he fought against several traditions dear to the Atlantean traditionalist. That change is surely for the best.

The train was very crowded, after two stops, he finally arrived in Star City, home of Green Arrow.

Aiden was in a hurry to find Vertigo, who know how much time he has left before Batman who is hailed as the greatest detective in the world find his identity. He left for Star City in a hurry, he'll have to answer the questions of this Sherlock girl when he will be back in Gotham.

Out of the train station, he looked at the skyscrapers, Star City a prosperous city, it looks like Gotham without the bleak and rotten side.

(I can't really ask someone where is the most dangerous place of Star City or where are the headquarters of the local mafia. If Star City is like every other city in the world, it shouldn't take much time to find an ill-reputed bar or something.)

In fact, while walking on the streets, he heard people complaining about the glades and soon found out the direction. Once in the Glades, he heard people complain about "Brick" whoever he was and learnt he own a nightclub.

From the other side of the street, he was observing the nightclub, it was pretty evident it was a base of criminals, thugs coming in and out, guns in hand. In the backstreet he saw peoples with what seemed like strange armors with a cannon on the torso and strange gloves in a ball shape.

After gearing up in a back alley, he walked in the middle of the street, bystanders were looking at him curiously, he heard children's asking their parents if he was a hero.

"Stop. Who are you? This is Brick territory here."

The two guards at the door wanted to stop him, but he sent them fly to the other side of the street with a thought. Entering the nightclub, he saw a dozen people, all armed and detected another dozen on the other side of the club.

"I'm searching for Brick. Where is Brick? "

They all took out their guns out of their holsters

(Not that shit again) A bit annoyed by their lack of originality, he knocked their guns out of their hands, and then hold all of them by the throat and lift them in the air. Listening to the choking sound, he wondered aloud.

"Why didn't id did it before? Everyone with a right mind and my power would choke peoples like Darth Vader. I'm too preoccupied with that shit. I should really take time to think."

While he was lost in thought, he didn't remark that they would soon lose consciousness "Tch, can't hold a second. Can't even enjoy it properly." He let them fall to the ground, and free of the strangling they howled their companions for help.

"Help!" "Guys, help us kill that fucker!"

A dozen men entered the hall, equipped with strange equipment, cannons on the chest, and round gloves, all shining red. Another man entered, he was strange, tall, huge, orange and wearing a suit.

"Clayface wearing a suit? Wait that's a brick face, I know you're Brick because of your face. Not really imaginative." The stranger was looking like a monster who wanted to be elegant.

His precognition kicked in and he knew that Brick would order his goons to shoot him and that these strange weapons would send red disk to restrict and electrocute him.

"Shoot that idiot, but don't kill him. I want to know who sent him here."

Even before the red discs could reach him, he sent them back to their owners, who howled in pained under the electric discharges.

"Precognition is so useful, I should stop underestimating my foes. One day, something bad will happen." Brick jumped at him, his left fist raised to hit him with a devastating blow straight in the face, but Aiden stepped left and avoided the blow "You seem tough, maybe I can test my hand to hand techniques against you."

Brick was slow, in combat, he relied on pure strength and his durability to win. Against someone like Aiden that could foresee the attacks of his opponent and can become a heavy hitter, Brick would be in a pinch in no time.

A ferocious grin was on his face as he ducked to under Brick punch, stepping forward, he hit Brick with a powerful uppercut that lifted him from the floor and sent him flying three meters away, crashing on the bar who caved in under the weight of Brick.

"You don't know the basics `fly like a butterfly sting like a bee." he said with a grin raising his arms in a defensive stance like a boxer.

Smashing the bar even further, Brick got up obviously pissed off "You got luck, I underestimated you kid. This time I send you straight to the grave."

Picking up the wreaked bar, he throws it to Aiden at full force but the results weren't formidable. "I see, you didn't get a PhD. I'll give you a free lesson." As he said that, the bar sped up toward Brick, who stood motionless at it collided with him.

"Now that we know each other, where is Vertigo? You know an asshole, drug dealer, and who tried to murder a girl some years ago." Pouncing at Brick he sends him two jabs in the stomach, followed by a knee kicks… in the balls.

Brick collapsed with bubbles to the lips, holding the remnants of his balls and soon started to cry like a baby.

"You know, I understand your suffering. I admit it was foul play, but it was the fastest way. Now can you tell me where is Vertigo? Or would I have to do it again?"

"Stop! Vertigo territory is all the northernmost part of the town, you'll only find his henchman's in the streets, I don't know where is their headquarters, but he like luxury, you should check to the wealthy hotels or the villas."

"Fuck! Why not even once someone can give me a straight answer? Am I cursed? I don't like treasure hunting. If God exist and I meet him someday, I'll tell him what I think of all these bullshits." He angered by Brick answer but he saw some bottles still intact on the floor "I'll take a beer to calm down, put it on my tab."

He sat at a table to the side and drank his beer as Brick finally got up with wobbling legs. "You know, maybe you should check it at the hospital. I was a bit forceful."

Brick gaze on him was terribly dark, if he was Superman, Aiden would have laser holes in his body.

"Want something?"

Swallowing his anger, he responded him "No. No problem."

"What kind of guy is Vertigo? Could I hope to talk to him without having to beating his ass first?" Emptying his beer, he got up and walked toward the door.

"An arrogant prick with a stick deep in the ass. I don't know him particularly well."

Opening the door, he left with a word of thanks: "A pleasure working with you".

Brick watch him leave while thanking the heavens that this devil finally got out of his sight.

Out of the nightclub, Aiden was pondering what to do from now on. Until a voice interrupted his thoughts.

"There are several ways to find someone you know? You don't have to torture them all." The voice of a man echoed behind him.

Two people jumped from the roof of the nightclub and landed behind him. He didn't react because he knew who they were. A man wearing green, with a bow and a quiver full of arrows on his back, a green hood, a blond goatee and mustache. The other person stood alongside him, was a blond woman wearing a black leather jacket over a blue shirt curving a plentiful bust, on her lower body was a leather miniskirt and fishnet stockings, her boots were black, solid, it looked like rangers boots used in the army.

"Green Arrow and Black Canary. I'm fan since your debuts." Green Arrow raised his brows seemingly surprised and amused.

"So, what did Batman little troublemaker is doing in Star City?" This time it was Black canary who talked.

"He talked about me? I was almost certain he was too busy training his deadpan expression and preaching peoples."

He saw Green Arrow smile as he said "Yeah, he is pretty stubborn, paranoid, an..." He couldn't continue because Black Canary gave him a little nudge. Faking a cough, he resumed, "but he wants to help you. We want to help you."

"I don't need help; I know how it will end. I know it since the very beginning and I'm ready for it. There is surely a cell with my name already on it at Belle Reve."

"You're not forced to do this. We could help you to obtain justice."

"I don't want justice. I want vengeance. Do you really think I would to that if I could obtain justice? Whoever they are, they are powerful and influential." His voice was filled with bitterness. Here he was, talking with his heroes, they asked him to become one, but he couldn't. He was on the other side, a villain. His lifelong dream was shattered, he would never become a hero.

"You don't have to do this. I killed too, as a last resort, but I did it. The world doesn't see me as a monster either, because of the way I act, I'm saving people. If you continue the way you are, you will really become a villain in the hearts of people, and we will have to stop you. Let us help you, change the way you act. Show to the world you can be a hero. Whoever they are, whatever their power is, the Justice League will help you obtain justice."

Green Arrow delivered him a speech that shook his resolve, but maybe it was out of resign or self-hatred for what he already did, he refused. Pushing himself toward what he always despised.

"No. I refuse. I have to do it alone. It's too late, I've taken this road, and I won't back down." Turning his back toward them, he took off the ground and flew without destination. He wanted to empty his mind to steel his resolve.

"You let him go?" Black Canary asked her other half.

"You didn't stop him either Dinah, and you saw his reaction. He hesitated and his voice shivered. He may come back to us. Give him some time."

"Maybe we should ask someone from the team to talk to him. He may be more open toward someone around his age. I'll talk about it to M'gann later. Now if I remember correctly, we were on our way to the restaurant. I hope we didn't change our schedule?" She said to her companion on a tone of blame.

"Which restaurant on this Earth would be good enough for you, milady?" Exaggerating his Gesture, he put a knee to the ground and took her hand in his before kissing it.

"Stop playing around and drive to a restaurant. I'm starving."

"Yes, my queen." With a sigh, he put on his motorcycle helmet.

Aiden was eating a burger from the 'Big Belly Burger' on the rooftop of the Skyscraper owned by Queen Industries. He was watching the waves hitting the coast from up there, endlessly it hit the rocks again and again.

He could see Star City as a whole, all these skyscrapers where the lights reflected on the glass. It was beautiful. Except for the sound of klaxons that were heard from the road below.

At some time, he changed his line of sight, he was watching the streets, he didn't want to think about it but it came back without stop "You can be a hero". Green Arrow words were still in his head, maybe because he dreamt of it since his childhood, and now he could be one but his ultimate goal is against it.

He was watching the streets, unconsciously searching an occasion to help someone. Only idiots would commit a crime in the streets in the middle of the day.

"I have to get this out of my head, I can't stop here. Whoever they are, there are linked either to the police or the government and even the League can't fight the government. But why would someone affiliated with the government kill my parents? These camps were an experiment like a devil in the box from the cold war? Too dark and inhumane to let the public learn? No, or the Boss of the bar wouldn't be alive anymore. Fuck, I think I'm becoming crazy like those guys imagining conspiracy theory."

He drank his soda while trying to calm his thought.

Sigh "I hope all this will take an end soon, I think I'll become crazy."

Throwing his trashed from the top of the skyscraper, it goes straight to public trash bin below, on the street. "Three pointers, I'll become the ace in the basketball team at Belle Reve."

"I don't want to do all that shit again, break some bones, go somewhere else, do it once again, go elsewhere, and do it once again. I hate that routine."

Heading to the northernmost part of the town, he found dealers in the street pretty easily. Aiden choose to follow them from the sky, and he tested another theoretical application of his telekinesis. Using his telekinesis, he used it to bend lights and sound around him. Theoretically speaking, it was perfect, but in reality, it was horribly taxing; He tried this ability for around 15 seconds and he was exhausted, had a horrible headache, and was covered in sweat.

"I shouldn't have tried it before fighting a super-villain. I must learn some self-restraint." Bending lights and sound was more complicated that anything he did before, it was immaterial and required an extreme concentration. It was the first time that his ability worned him out that much.

Nonetheless, he was happy, his theory was right, and if become used to it, he may improve his invisibility and lessen the burden on his mind while using it.

To save up his mental power and calm his headache, he trailed the drug dealer on foot after that. Two hours later, the dealer put his bag on his shoulder and headed toward his car. Fortunately, after resting two hours his headache had ceased, the problem was that he stinks because of his clothes covered in sweat. He followed him high in the sky to an abandoned factory from Queen Industries.

He landed in front of the entrance where the guards seemed to be waiting for him. Armed with M-16 they opened the door and led him in the old factory.

"This way, the Count is waiting for you in his office."

Inside, Guards stood on the platform upstairs and blocked all the entrance. In the center of the factory, several dozens of peoples were putting green and violet pills inside transparent bags after weighing them.

The guards led him upstairs, inside Vertigo office. What he saw surprised him, Brick told him that Vertigo loved luxury, but this office was shabby, no decorations, the ceiling was leaking, and the windows were dirty and covered in bird feces.

"Hello Count. I thought you loved luxury, seems like I can't believe in rumors."

"I never come here, I'm here today because I heard the "Gotham Tormentor" was looking for me. I don't want to fight if I can avoid it and your methods seem more brutal than those of the League. I heard what happened to Nocturna. So here I am, please make it fast. I don't want to stay in this trash bin any longer." The count tone was arrogant, at least this rumor was right. He was green, literally, green suit, green cape, green tie. His favorite color wasn't hard to guess.

(I guess I know why he has grudges with Green Arrow. He stole his color.)

"Finally, someone who can understand and whom I can discuss with. I want you to tell me everything you know about that." Taking the photos out of his pocket he put it on the old desk.

Nearing the desk, the Count an eyebrow seeing the photos and started to talk "These camps were situated in Bialya, it happened twenty years ago…."

"Yeah, I already know that, I want to know who are the peoples on these photos, and what are they doing here, and maybe if you know if prisoners of these camps succeeded to escape."

A scowl appeared on the visage of the Count, seems like he doesn't like to be interrupted. "I prefer to avoid fighting. It don't mean I can't fight. Twenty years ago, before Queen Bee rise to power, her predecessor was a marionette at the hands of several crime syndicates, who offered the Bialyan's citizens as a currency in exchange of money, military powers from foreign groups to invade the neighboring countries.

Several groups take the occasion, Cobra Cult, Church of Blood, some underground companies, and some people came individually and later became famous, such as Luthor." The count was telling him the story on a flat tone while watching the photos.

"What type of experiment where they doing?"

"I don't know everything; these camps were located all over Bialya. On my side, I was trying to create a drug that later became the vertigo. The church of blood attempted to summon demons or something like that, I don't care about magic. Some companies were trying to create super soldiers, others experimented on mind control, other were trying to develop or duplicate superpowers, now known as meta-gene. Almost everything you can think of.

To answer your question from earlier, no one escaped. Even when these camps were closed and the royal family restored their authority, no one escaped. No one wanted to leave the results of their research behind, they killed them all. They burned them to leave no trace. On my side, I didn't bother with this, drugs dissipate fast inside the body." A smirk on his face, seemingly proud of himself.

"I know that people escaped, these photos are the proof." Aiden's tone became heavier even if he wanted to be impassible, it hurt him, it was personal.

Raising a brow maybe of anger, or of interest of this change, Vertigo resumed. "Once. Something happened in the early years of these camps, the supervisor of the camp #7, a Bialyan general and a group of scientists from the Kobra Cult evade with five or six prisoners. I don't know why, maybe they felt pity toward them, maybe they wanted to keep their experiments to themselves or they may have been paid to steal the research. Around ten people succeed to evade, everyone thought they would soon be dead, Kobra Cult are not easy with traitors."

"What happened?"

"The US government, or someone who has access to their resources saved them. The group that the Kobra Cult sent to catch them was killed by a group of elite soldiers and we saw a group of military helicopters in the sky that day. I told you everything. Now, I hope I won't see you again, and that you don't meddle in my business." Once again scowling, he put an end to the conversation.

"You have my word. Thanks, by the way." Aiden turned around was led outside by the guards.

He changed clothes in an old and empty warehouse. Before stepping out as Aiden Sharp once more.

He made his way silently toward the train station as rain started to fall from the sky. The streets were crowded with peoples. The rain and the wind made him shiver. He didn't anticipate the rain, and he can't stop the rain from reaching in front of all these bystanders. Even if Meta-Genes become more common after the Reach sudden arrival, it still rare.

He was thinking, he didn't know when he arrived, raising his head he saw was already at the train station. Buying a ticket to Gotham, he was hesitating.

(My invisible foe is really powerful. He manipulates the NYPD and now the army. Who is that bastard and why did he kill my parents if he saved them before? Now, conspiracy theories don't seem stupid anymore. I should accept Green Arrow offer, I won't be able to find him alone, he is hidden too deep in the system.)

In a metallic squeal, the train stopped in front of him and the other passengers. He hurried before the others to take a seat; it was crowded, and he didn't want to stay standing during the trip.

After one hour of travel, someone called him by phone.

'Vvvv'. His phone was vibrating in his trouser pocket.

Taking out his phone, he saw the caller's name, Barbara.

(Can't she wait tomorrow to interrogate me. Even without knowing her, it's easy to guess she come from a family of cops.)

"Hi Barbara. How are you?"

"You ditched school." Her tone was reproachful, even angered.

"Yes, Mom." Responding in his usual playful tone, he tried to calm her down, but failed as her tone became solemn.

"We have to talk. Tomorrow at the coffee shop opposite the library." She was solemn, direct, and unusually cold.

"Okay. See you tomorrow." (It seems I really pissed her off. Why did I become friend with an honor student?)

Aiden didn't knew. Batman hailed as the greatest detective in the world discovered his identity only a bit more than a week after their encounter. With the information's Green Arrow gave him after listening discreetly to his conversation with the Count Vertigo, his researches about the Tormentor and what he found about the Dimitrov's. He pieced these together, and it became clear.

Aiden wasn't careful enough, believing that the only direct link to him was the false identity his parents bought to the Dimitrov's. This is the reason why he destroyed the computer and took the hard drive, but he should have guessed a criminal family like the Dimitrov have a backup somewhere. Batman did and after putting all the data in an algorithm, he found only one result. Two people bought identities from the Dimitrov and appeared in the obituary column at the dates the Tormentor was searching for.

The only strange thing was that there was no mention of murder, apparently it was a car crash that lead to their death, that's why he didn't found them while searching for a murder. After that he found their son, Arthur dead from suicide some time later, after a facial recognition of Arthur face with all of Gotham cameras, he found Aiden Sharp, Barbara's friend.

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