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Worlds Hero Worlds Hero original

Worlds Hero

Author: Bulthazar

© WebNovel

A new world

"And that's why you are here. Simple right?" The old man dressed in pure white robes said then taking a sip from his teacup while sitting at a small round table.

I nod my head and place my hand on my chin thinking for a moment.

"So, I died?" I asked sure of myself.

The man would be face palming right about now if he wasn't holding a cup of hot tea. He pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration he has explained what happened multiple times, but I just wasn't getting it.

"Yes, you are absolutely correct there is nothing wrong with your deduction." He said with slight annoyance in his voice.

With a stupid smile on my face I take a big swig from my cup of tea and drop it almost immediately, the hot water burnt my tongue almost as soon as it hit my taste buds. The old man was visibly getting more frustrated the longer our conversation went on. He had brought me there to become the hero of the new world he had created. I would be arriving once they were in the medieval era roughly.

Getting up from the table he walks towards a wall that is covered in different words. I followed him closely behind getting excited about what was going to happen next. Pulling a fancy wooden staff out from nowhere he uses it to point towards the words.

"These are the magics and skills you can choose from. Choose wisely because you can only have three." Though wise wasn't exactly words you could use for me.

I look at the wall and the first one to catch my attention is a tag labeled 'Creation magic' which sounded neat. I get a little closer and a screen of text appears before my eyes completely blocking my vision.

[Creation magic: An ancient magic that allows the user to create next to anything, including but not limited to, weapons, armor, magic, and creatures.]

Even though it didn't explain how to use it, I was still interested considering I would be able to make anything I wanted just with magic. The next one that caught my attention was 'Paladin' mainly because it was glowing bright yellow as if holy light was shining from it.

[Paladin: A combination of holy magic, sword, and shield skills allow for a paladin user to become the bane of the undead and all things evil.]

I choose both creation magic and paladin, before I can find another one the words on the wall disappear. The man steps forward and gestures for me to walk into the middle of a small circle that has been etched into the ground close by.

"Creation magic uses two and paladin uses one so into you have three, don't worry for an idiot you chose some decent skills."

"What was that last bit?" I ask since he mumbled it a little.

He waves his hands and shakes his head as if it was nothing to worry about, so I don't think to much into it and stand in the center of the circle where he was telling me to. He pulls out a small leather-bound book from his pocket and hands it to me. I accept it though a bit confused about what it's for. As if he could tell I was a little confused or he just assumed it he told me quickly what the book is.

"That book is a quick recapper for what you need to be doing down there once you arrive. Don't worry it will all make sense once you are there." He said with a smile and with a wave of his wrist a bright light engulfs me and before I knew it, I was standing in the middle of a dark heavily overgrown forest.

Almost as if the urge to read that book appeared out of nowhere as soon as my feet touched the ground, I open it and begin reading it.

"Hello Ciaran, this is Gelduri who has just sent you to this fantastic world known as Berath. You may have realized it, but I have forced you to be curious about this book, you may also find you understand things a lot easier now, you are welcome for that. I am going to give you a short explanation on why you are here and how you got here so pay attention this time because I'm tired of explaining it. I have summoned you here because my brother Azarathien has his eyes set to make Berath his new domain and infest it with unspeakable evils. Thankfully he is not allowed to interfere directly in the affairs of mortals so you will have as much time as it takes for him to assemble an army of demons and undead creatures. You may also have noticed the skills you have chosen, you being of simple mind back when you were choosing I couldn't risk letting you choose 'Music player' or something like that so I chose for you, in a manner of speaking." I rub my eyes and pause my reading.

Trying to read such a small book that has even smaller text is very straining on the eyes. Looking around a thought hits me. Where are all the sounds of animals running around breaking twigs or call out. Shrugging it off I continue ready the book.

"These skills are all very useful for someone trying to thwart the plans of a mad god in a sense they might even make you seem like a god to mortals but, no you are still very much mortal. Now on to the world itself, I have given you a small magic pouch which you can find on your hip. Inside the bag you will find a map, some books with all the information you may need and a scroll which will teach you how to communicate with all races instantly. Now there are three races in this world, Humans, who control a large portion of the territory on the continent, Elves, who control most of all large forests, and finally dwarves who are a rare sight, they control some large mountains. None of these races will be willing to help you on your quest for subjugation trust me, they are the most suborn creatures I have ever created. That is the end of all I have to say. I may come to visit you in visions from time to time so if you have any questions please feel free to ask me then." That ended the book.

Somethings were still unanswered but as he said he would visit me from time to time so I can just ask then. Closing the book and putting it in the pouch on my hip I start looking through the items in it and pull out the map he had mentioned. It looks as if a human town was only a few miles north of my current location which I could easily tell since there was arrow indicating where I was. Stuffing the map back into my bag I make my way to the town.

Bulthazar Bulthazar

English is my second language so if things sound weird at times please be patient i'm learning.

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