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Screwed up!

Gym Leader Muliere had found hope in the recent batch of recruits. He was expecting them to grow and motivate a few more trainers to take this job seriously. He strongly believes that trainers now lack motivation. He and other gym leaders are in charge of allocating missions and keep the population of pokemon around city under control. 8 of 10 S-rank are to stay in city and protect it from any unexpected attack from pokemon horde. He was particularly interested in management too and fortunately or unfortunately he had a talent in this area. From then the mayor had made him take a few works on managing the city too. Among the 8 trainers he was the one who would mostly interact the citizens.

This batch of recruits have the potential to be A-ranks. One boy who caught his interest was Austin, he thinks he can be a S-rank for sure. He went out his way and even spied on the kid. Among their group the first one to apply for promotion is Phillip. According to his profile, the kid used to be very silent and easy to bully type while he was not a trainer. But, when he became a trainer he suddenly was very talkative and is showing good analytical talent. He did not make lot of friends, only friend out of his group was a kid named Sam. He was giving tips to Sam on multiple occasions and was spotted by many trainers doing that. His daily activity would be training -> researching -> training. I want to know what motivates him. Can he a S-rank. Muliere was ready to ask questions when he starts his exam.


Phillip Pov

I went to the gym and asked for the D-rank promotion form from the receptionist. He gave me one and informed the Gym leader about my arrival. The form was to simply fill your details and agree to complete minimum missions on becoming a D-rank, well, this was not there in novel before. But, I guess they just skipped it. As I step into the gym, I see that it was more of an auditorium type. I see the Muliere standing in the centre with a smirk on his face.

Phillip: Morning, Muliere. How are thing going?

Muliere: Morning Kid, and yup, things are good. Are you nervous?

Phillip: Well I am curious, but I think I will do the test now. Even if I fail I can do it again right?

Muliere: yes, this test is to see if you did tame your pokemon or not. Let us start the test. Now, ask your pokemon to execute all attacks it knows.

Muliere brings out his pokemon, machoke just in case. For the past few days I was thinking on this round. Should I just give it my best or try to hide some attacks and not reveal too much. Then I thought, the more I impress this guy, the more benefits I reap.

Phillip: Come out, Aurora.

Red light takes shape of a Inkay and Aurora just revolves happily around me. I look at the expression of muliere, seems like he thinks this Inkay was a lucky catch. It is true but our bond is not luck it is my hard work.

Phillip: Okay Aurora, it is time to show who is the best. Execute teleport-9 with range to no gap.

Teleport 9, Aurora just teleports writing 9 round the opponent. With opponent being in the centre of the circle. Aurora first teleports at the tip of 9 and use confusion on the dummy. Then a little closer to the circle and use hypnosis. Entering the circle he starts using sludge, peck, tackle and payback; after each attack it teleports to different point on the circle and attacks. After finishing the move it quietly teleports near me and revolves around me making cute sounds and flashing different lights seeming to wait for my praise.

I look at the dummy, it seems to be not affected at first but it suddenly bursts into different sized blocks and crumbles on floor. Inkay has highest stats on physical attack. If you ask me a Inkay weakness is its speed but my Aurora knows teleport, with this speed doesn't matter. I rub the head of aurora and look at muliere. An expression of surprise flashed through his face, he is quiet an actor. He wisely controlled his facial muscles and supressed his expression.

Muliere: Good, now lets move on to the next phase, you just have to command your pokemon to collect different balls with varying colours and place them into this box.

Next part was easy for me and aurora. we practically love playing with round and bouncy things.

Muliere: that's good kid. I can say you are better than many trainers. I would instantly promote you to c – rank, tell me are you ok with it?

Phillip: well, this is unexpected but I would like a steady progress. And promoting directly to c -rank will cause me a lot of problems.

Muliere: oh! Do you think I am stupid? A person who cant judge? A person who cant protect you from these 'problems'? or do you think being a gym leader I am forcing you to go out and do missions? Do you think I want you dead?

Phillip: Calm down! Calmdown. Do not misunderst….

He leaps at me to punch me face. Oh shit! I was only prepared for part where he tries to punch me like he did in novels before. But well he made me go into panic mode and aurora senses it through our bond, bond which we did not train enough.

Aurora makes distressed sound and muliere's machoke jumps into action.

Hail_D_Hydra Hail_D_Hydra

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