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100% He came with a Tampon / Chapter 2: Knight in shining Business suit

Chapter 2: Knight in shining Business suit

"Miss, rain water is bad for you."

The man finally said, eager to make her stop from running. His umbrella is not that much of a quality, sooner or later the wind will crumple it with its strength, and 'sides, his research told him women with periods shouldn't run or else... who knows how many liters of blood would flow there? Carson felt his skin crawl. "And stop running if you don't want blood spurting from your--"

"Creep!" The woman spun around, her bag went flying towards his direction, which he caught in last minute before it could even collide with his youthful face.

"What would you do with your leak, then?"

Good thing nobody is here to witness the show she's brandishing right now.

"How the hell do you know that?! Who are you?!" Her earlier sentiment's gone, his image is now destroyed from her eyes. "Sex Ed yadda yadda yadda and your message." Carson couldn't help but smile in satisfaction as the woman froze on her spot.

"M-message?" She whispered in horror. It can't be, could it? She's 100 percent sure she dialed Eira's new number unless...

Realization kicked in, and all she could only wish for is for the ground to open below her and swallow her whole.

"Yep, I'm your knight in shining business suit." Carson confirmed, "You just happened to send your message to a wrong contact, but since I'm feeling good today, I decided to help you."

"And you came all the way from Toronto to Hamilton?!" She snarled.


"You could have just told me I texted the wrong person and saved both of our time!" She snapped angrily.

"Just came to realise that after I stepped foot in Hamilton." Carson replied calmly.

"You'll pay for this. You don't know how much I have humilated myself back there, idiot!"

"Do you think I wanted this to happen?! It's not like you're the only one who suffered embarassment. I just bought tons of pads back there!" Carson snapped back, showing her the paper bag at his hand.


"Couldn't you at least thank me for my efforts?!" Carson complained.

"Well then, thank you Mr..."

"Heh." Carson smirked, "Dying to know my name, aren't we? Smooth."

The woman blushed, unsure of what to say. Oh, he's so enjoying this mini entertainment she's giving him.

"Carson O' Sullivan."

"Mr. O' Sullivan!" The woman pointed a finger towards his direction, not willing to be the inferior one. "You may leave now."

The woman stared at him for a moment. Carson watched in awe as her eyes slowly grow in realization. A smile threatened to grow on his lips. "Wait, you mean the "O' Sullivan" O' Sullivan from Russo?" She asked, horrified.

"Go change, you stink." Carson suggested lamely, handing her the paper bag.

The woman bursted into flames. "Hey, answer my question." She demanded as she took the goods off his hand.

"Is that how you should talk to the future successor of the O' Sullivans?"

"Hey, that doesn't make you superior." She cannot believe how he is so full of himself, it's mildy infuriating. "You're a human, and I am too. Besides, I heard that your father won't give you his position as the CEO."

A sudden change in the atmosphere swooned around them, and his eyes became dark. She thought that she might have been imagining things, for his mood came back so fast as soon as it appeared. Ryleigh looked on her feet, debating if she should apologize for it.

"Stalker." He accused bluntly.

Ryleigh felt bad. She knew that she might have had touched a sore spot. "T-thanks. How much is it?" She replied sheepishly, trying to clear the mood.

"128 dollars."

"You spent that much for my pads?" She replied, bewildered.

"Come on, I don't know whatcha need, so I bought all kinds. And don't mind the bill by the way, it's my treat." Carson walked towards her, grabbing the crown of her head like some kind of volleyball and pulling it against his body. "C'mon, I'll take you to the rest room."

Ryleigh wriggled violently, trying to lash out from his grip. "Like I said, rain water is bad for you so stop wriggling around and stay under my shade." Carson commanded, pulling her harder and firmer against him.

She could smell the expensive aftershave scent from his body. It was teasing her nose, making her blush like a silly college girl driven with teenage hormones. The way his toned arm engulfed her head against his chest is not helping either. It was bad. Too bad. It will be unhealthy for her reputation if someone would see her getting cozy with the son of their company's enemy. Ryleigh tried to snatch her head back, but failed.

"I can't go back there, you know why."

"Who says we're going back to the building? There's a rest room at the convenience store."

"That money-grubbing man would only allow you to use it when you buy something from him." Ryleigh grumbled, "-And people will see my mess."

Carson sighed in mild annoyance. "Hold this." He handed the umbrella to her and shrugged his coat off. He laced his coat around her waist, and began tying it in a firm knot. The action made the girl stumble towards him slightly, and their eyes locked, like the glorious sunset orbs against the gray thunderstorms. Ryleigh breathed heavily and sighed.

"Do you still have any problems that I don't know of?"

It took her a few seconds before she snapped back to her senses. She managed to cough before she shook her head violently. "Let's go."

Carson took the umbrella and her head again, making it sure that she's well-sheltered away from the rain, his umbrella on his other hand.


"Buy something that costs 20 dollars before you can use the comfort room."

"But I just spent 128 dollars from you before!" Carson argued.

"But she's the one who will be using, unless you two are related with each other. Right, Ryleigh-darling?" The old man smiled toothlessly, and Ryleigh felt the hair on her neck stand to its end.

Unfortunately, the owner knew her family all too well, and by the look he's giving in Carson's way she could only presume that he could tell he's not living by the city.

"Of course they are! The young man told me before that he's here to buy napkins for his girlfriend." The sales clerk from before sighed dreamily. "If I could turn back the time, I would find a guy like you who will buy a pad for me despite the embarassment." The woman resumed her task as if she hasn't said anything.

Both adults flushed bright red even though Ryleigh has already suffered severe blood loss.

"Oh, is that so? Your old man never told me anything about it when I met him yesterday." The man muttered dubiously, scratching his bald head in thought.

"If that's the case then." The owner handed her the keys. Ryleigh quickly vanished in embarassment.

"Hey, make sure you're serious about dating my little Brookfield else..." The man left it hanging there, letting his imagination decide what fate awaits him. Carson still find it disturbing of how he calls the girl. Carson nodded in reply.

Carson sat down heavily on one of the chairs and lounged his head on his folded arms lying on the table.

"This is bad." Carson moaned out, pulling his head back up he began raking his hair. "What have I done."

After a few minutes, Ryleigh banged the door of the rest room open in a rather rude and unladylike manner. "Sorry." She muttered sheepishly. She began searching for the Carson who owes her a lot of answers. 'He is so dead.' Ryleigh thought.

"Hey." Carson gestured her to come. "Ya'lright?" He asked after she sat herself on the opposite side of his seat. "Kind of... just suffering a mild pain I guess." Ryleigh mumbled, diverting her eyes away from the man.

"Have you checked everything inside the bag?" Without waiting for her answer, Carson snatched the paper bag out of her grasp.

Rummaging inside, Carson brought out some painkillers and a bottle of water. "Take them." He mumbled, still rummaging inside the bag.

"Thanks." Ryleigh fumbled the bottle awakwardly in her hands, unsure whether to take his grave generosity.

"Here, I don't know if you're really cravin' for something so I decided to buy some if ever your hormones started dancin'." Carson handed her a pack of oreos, a tub of maltesers, and some other sweets.

"I'm not sure if I would eat them since I'm craving for salty but... thanks anyway." Ryleigh grabbed one of the sugary treats.

Carson watched her toy with her food with a snort. "What a pain..." Ranma stood up and reached for a bag of plain-salted chips sitting on the stand and proceeded at the counter.

"Keep the change." Ranma tossed a coin on the counter which was caught by the owner in shallow happiness.

Ryleigh watched him approach their table. From her seat she could see a full view of his face. He has freckles on his prominent cheeks. She could tell that he's an Irish. She has read some articles about the O' Sullivans. His father married the late Mrs. Carla Russo, who was the owner of the hotel. Mrs. Russo died because of pancreatic cancer after she have birth to their only Son. Ryleigh couldn't still believe that the only son of the O' Sullivans just brought her some freaking pads.

His thin pink lips glows. She envied how his lips does not have any cracks, and how his smile lines look good everytime he smirks. He looks so wholesome and youthful. He combed his hair before he took his place in front of her.

"I don't know why you're being nice or anything, but you're starting to creep me out." Ryleigh muttered after gulping down a handful of chips.

"Nah, I just got promoted today, then you messaged me. You just happened to caught me in a good mood." Carson explained.

"..." Ryleigh looked down on her food. "Congrats." She whispered.

Carson stared at her, before smiling finally. "Thank you." He unscrewed the cap of his own drink and took a long swig. "Congrats on your successful opening by the way. But if I would suggest anything, I'd say that you should hire more employees and open your outdoor lighting even if it's daytime. And who's in the right mind would think that having a mascott at the grand opening would attract guests?" Carson bursted in uncontrollable laughter.

He peaked through his eye to see her crossing her eyes in anger, tick forming on her forehead and her lips set on a thin line. Carson knew at that moment that he messed up.

"It's funny." Carson continued, a little bit reluctant.

"Not." Ryleigh replied.

Carson slowly lifted a condensing eyebrow. "And why is that?"

"I proposed that mascott idea." She snapped back. Her grip around her soda can was so tight her knuckles turned white.

"What?" Carson mused out loud. He stared at her for a good moment, searching for confirmation of what he has just heard.

Ryleigh remained straight, not diverting her gaze away from the man.

Carson let out a series of laughter again, but she maintained her straight face. Showing him that she felt silly about her own idea would only give him the satisfaction.

"They should replace you." He finally said.

"How dare you." Ryleigh replied, unot believing of what she's hearing. "The mascott attracted a lot of children. You can't deny the fact that many of your guests chose our place last thanksgiving for staycation instead of yours."

Carson feigned an offended expression, before letting all of his guard down. "That I can't deny. But if you know who we are, you'll know that our hotel is specialized for business meetings and gatherings. It's not your typical family hotel." Carson stood up and gathered his things. "As much as I wanted to stay and continue this little chat we are having, I'm afraid that my lunch break is about to end and I have to get back to Toronto." Carson dusted his clothes and proceeded to the entrance.

"Wait!" Ryleigh called, "I'll wash your jacket and return it to you by tomorrow since tomorrow's weekend and it's your break, I presume?" She asked.

"Nah, as the new general manager it's my duty to work everyday and maintain peace in order in our humble hotel." Carson grinned, "Don't fret about it. It's now yours starting this very day." With that, he vanished.

Ryleigh returned to her table and sat firmly on her seat, stunned by the sudden encounter. Slowly she reached for her phone and searched for their chat history. Selecting their messages, Ryleigh slowly brought a finger towards 'Delete', only to be stopped by an idea. Pressing the back button instead, Ryleigh opened her contact list and typed down his number and added his name.

"Saved." Ryleigh smiled hiddenly behind her phone.

Misantrophic Misantrophic

Another long chapter for you! Don't worry, it will be continued. If you have problems about it and corrections to make, feel free to tell it to me. Bye!

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